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Mr Bkujtbd-FbiewdSj—I am not drunk , but-Iam intoxicatedi > yaseriesof triumphsismee I last mote ; and now about that last writing . I wrote you a Jong letter from Nottingham , bnt , as once before , I addressed it Leaden instead of Leeds- I was dreadftBy disappointed at not seeingit in the Star , when the Editor assigned a most exoelteat reason , Bending me the back of mj letter which bore the Nottingham post-mark of the 22 nd , and which was posted and paid for at Nottingham by Mr . Russell To me it was all-important that yon should hare seen all about Birmingham , but , thank God , I can alwa ys live for a week upou character . I shall now , s well as I can recollect , begin where I left
On Wednesday , after ! wrote fromLoDghborough , I proceeded to address the Chartistsin a room , but behold it would sot hold one twentieth part of the Sock , and there being a large yard outside , I spoke by moonlig ht to congregated thousands . Cooper and Bairstow also addressed them , and all expressed ihemselves highly gratified with the evening ' s entertainment . I promised on behalf of Leaeh , iI Doua 21 , and myself , that when their association numbered 350 , we would spend a day with them , I left Loughborough at one in the morning to be at Knightsbridge that same night ; and I went and spoke at great length in my sleep , and I am told I did our cause great good . We had a crammed
meeting . On Friday , I went to Southwark , glorious Soutaw&rk ; and , as I was to meet Sidney Smith at Chelsea on the same night , I prevailed upon Dr . M'Douall , after a Bhort address , to supply my place atSouthwark . I proceeded to Chelsea with Bufiy Ridley and "Wheeler ; and , upon mounting the platform , a scene ensued which baffles all description . Smith was speaking , with a solicitor in the chair , surrounded by a large group of the League , Upon my appearance , the whole meeting in front
cheered and ckeered again , crying out" Ah ! Sidney , our chap has caught Qiee at last . " "There's Feargus , lad . " It was now evident that neither tie lecturer nor the League wished for anymore of it ; and , after creating a disturbance , by abusing the Chartists , the gentlemen blew out the lights , let down the drop scene , left us in complete darkness , and the proprietor cleared the stage . Some ruffians attacked Rufiy Ridley , who was outside the drop scene , when the Chartists charged , and a dreadful scuffle ensued , which terminated in the complete routing of the physical force Whigs .
Kow I decidedly object to the practice of allowing the world to learn , through the Whig press , that all the folly of Corn Law lecturers appears to go down with the people , ani I deny the right of sdj lecturers upon political subjects to refuse discusson . The practice , if not . stopped in lime , would hare made us appear as conYeits to all the glib philosophy of such men as Acland , Smith , and Cobdeu . The room at Chelsea is Tery large , and it was crowded to suffocation . It was the first routing of ihe League in that quarter , and they richly deserved woat they hare been long bringing upon themselves , by insolence and intolerance to the working classes .
I now come to Monday ; the day of days—the glory of Chartism . The League had put out a bill for an open air meeting in the Workhouse-yard , Marj-le-bone . We were not idle , Savage and Jl&cconaell were selected as go-betweens , and we were iuTited to meet the League Council ; but we refused to meet them except before the people , whose- servants we are .
I need not tell you , of course , of what the report will inform you . But I must tell you that Hume , "Wakley , M . P ., Sir Charles Napier , M . P ., and Sir Benjamin Hall , MJ * . were present , but were not in the least recognised by the multitude . We put Saakey ia the chair , haying waited for ten minutes after ih » hour appointed , and the meeting calling cot for a -fr »; rma . n and never was better pro sident . -
Savage opened the business with a most admirable speech , but marred it by proposing a shocking bid resolution . A . Mr . Hyde seconded it in a set speech full of Whig constitutional nothings . 3 , at onee , proposed the amendment—which you will see . That braTe fellow , Ruffy Ridley , aUy and powerfully seconded it , and told tie few ^ of the digue , who attempted to interrupt Mai , that he could roar as a lion for three hours , bat he would not be put down , nor was he . Parson MaeeonneH attempted to support ihe resolution , but was so prosey and absurd that the meeting would not hear him long . Spnrr then snpport&d the amendment in one of the
most telling speeches I ever heard delirered by a working man ; every sentence was a home-thrust at fiction , the League , and class legislation . He vraa loudly cheered from all parts . SaTage then replied , supporting the amendment against his own resolution . The amendment was then put and caned with about fifteen hands held up against it , add eheexs which lasted for several minutes . Lloyd fees then proposed another resolution . I never beard Mm speak before . He made one of the most hvetf , powerful , logical , and eloquent appeals I ever hard , and literally paralysed the League ; his was tbs speech of the day . Sir Benjamin Hall then csisa forward and spoke ; Wakley , Hume , and Sir Guiles went away .
The -whole i 3 reported , bnt , my friends , your bsarta would have jumped with joy to have seen the glorious army of Chartists . The largest meeting erei held in great Marylebone , —allowed to be so ij Sir Benjamin Hall , the M . P . for the borough , ladb yaHthe press . Our triumph was signal and complete , and filled the hearts of all with joy profound .
WeD , at night , I was to address the tailora at the Soda ] Invitation , as I did in a magnificent building wiih three ades galleried , aad a spacious platfonn . I arrived fifteen minutes before the time , and lie building was foil in every part , and crowds ontade . If ihe day ' s masting was a triumph , this was * victory . I never before in London , even at the Crown and Anchor , met the same class of audience . * appear ^ to be the worst dressed man in the
meetag J and although the Chartist principles were qnite foeign io them , jet never in my life did I wit-^ f cS 3 greater enihasiaszn , or make a deeper impression npon my audience . This , indeed , I look npon as the most important meeting i ever attended in my life . It was a splendid sssinbl age ; one , as I told them , no money could - ^¦ ve procured some months since . . I have seen ona ™ the committee thi 3 morning , and he informs me "J * a ? speech made a powerful impression . Why ^ odd i QQi be pr 0 Qd of ± lii 3 ? j amj wneneTer serre the cause .
at femr o ' clock to-morrow morning I start for f ^ oiBgham . We have got the Town Hall there . « ednesday , Thursday , and part of Friday , I devote ^ Birmin gham ; and on Friday evening , I address we men of Westminster . On Monday , Tuesday , aad Wednesday , Manchester ; Thursday , Stockport ; * ad Friday , Hyde . Caarilsts , let every man now be judged by hi 3 jorts . I will stand by the order of fustian to the d 2 wk , come what will . I am , Your faithful friend and servant ,
Feabgus CCo ^ -or .., Save I now deceived you as to the position ^ ieh the London Chartists have assumed ! No ¦• new Move or blarney will stand for a single mo-Sent . With fonr hours' notice we can carry aay-«™ fr The Whigs are utterly paralysed , and the iorks are anything bnt comfortable , as it is now f % believed that the shopkeepers and trades will 3 « a in cur movement ; their eyes being opened to ™ monopoly of steam lords ; and their minds being Goavmced of the cruelty , selfishness , and deceit of « ie steam-producing aristocracy . F . O'C .
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GREAT & IMPORTANT PUBLIC MEETING AT MARYLEBONE . A public meeting was held in the Workhouse-yard , Marylebone , on Monday last , for the avowed purpose of forming a junction between the " liberals" or the Corn I * w Repe&lera and the ChartiBta . At twelve o ' clock , the gates were thrown open , and the yard rapidly began to fill ; by one o'clock , the time appointed for taking the chair , not leu than 8600 persons were present , and until two o ' clock the number was continually increasing ' . The arrival of Mr . O'Connor , about half-past twelve , was greeted with deafening applause , as was likewise that of Mr . Sankey . At one o ' clock , Mr . Scott moved and Mr . Nagle seconded , that Mr . Sankey take the chaii . This being put to the meeting was carried unanimously .
Mr- Sanxey briefly opened fche proceedings , by requesting for all a fair and impartial hearing , and advising them to stand by their rights and . to make no surrender . A messenger vai then dispatched to the Committee to inform them that the chair was taken , and the meeting waiting for the Committee . Mfessrs . Home , Wakley , Sir Benjamin Hall , Dr . Wade , Mr . Potter , and others , speedily made their appearance . - Mr-Savage came forward to move the first resolution . He said , I shall not dispute the authority exercised by this meeting in appointing their Chairman . I have only to inform you , that the Committee had arranged for Mr . Hume to take the chair . That gentleman was here to his time , bnt he is no way offended , -but desirous that you should proceed to business . I appeal to that faculty which distinguishes man from the brute . I call upon you to exercise your
reasoning powers to prevent every ebullition of ill feeling . This is too solemn an occasion for us to be split into party factions . For ten years have we been living under Ihe tree of Reform , tut have been denied its fruits . Let an experience of the past guide us for the future . Let us endeavour , when all are oppressed , to do away with all petty bickerings among ourselves . For years have the two great factions maintained their power by sewing discord between the middle and working classes . One party of the people are now looking to government for a repeal of the Coin Laws Another class contend that it is idle to expect any relief from the present representative body . The late division in the House has confirmed this opinion . The object of the promoters of this meeting is to effect a junction between these two classes . They have deputed me to propose the following resolution to you fer your discussion . You can alter , pare it down , or amend it as you think proper to suit the views of this mixed community . It is as follows : —
" That the distress , anguish , and suffering of miad , body , and estate of multitudes of onr fellow countrymen at this moment , are without nil precedent , and claim the deepest sympathy ; that such distress , anguish , * nd suffering are not occasioned by any dire dispensation of Providence , but result mainly from want of employment , arising out of our commerce being cramped and crippled by ruinous protecting legisla tive regulations , made and supported for the sordid and selfish interest of a particular class . " That amongst these ruinous protecting regulations , the Corn and Provision Laws are first and foremost—( no , no )—yet , this meeting looks upou these laws , both in their origin , continuation , and present proposed modifications , as but one of the Dimerous branches from a greater , deeper , and mere deadly root of political and . social evil , the mock and wretched representation of the people in the Commons House of Parliament—( hear , hear . )
" That the present House of Commons , anil the Government arising out of it , having in tb . 6 first act of their legislative existence , proved themselves utterly undeserving cf the confidence of the people , this meeting has no confidence in them ; and that it never can , and never will , have any confidence in any House of Commons that is not returned by the wfcale people accordingto their Chatter . " That with such a House of Commons as the present , or any other similarly elected , it is folly and madness to expect that by such House any measure of public good will be carried , except there be an irresistible pressure from without ; and that while this meeting will not lose sight of any of the branches from the deadly root of political and Bociai evil , it will now direct its main energies to this root itself , the mockery ; farce , andtragedy of representation .
" That" to tbis movement cf men of all political parties , we are now irresistAbly drivea by our base and repulsive representation ; and that having now nothing to look for from laws made by the present House of Commons , or any other returned by the present constituency , we fall back upon the first great law of nature , self-preservation , and are determined to carry the Charter of the people , by creating for it , as fir as we possibly can , a demand that no legislature can resist " The committee mean by thiB resolution the adoption of the whole of the principles contained in that document , which has received the sanction of thcusands , yea of milions of oar fellow subjects . I entirely agree with every portion of the Charter . S . me are for giving up on 9 or two of its points—v ' na , ")—but I recommend not to give up a single one ; if you yield to expediency you will go down like Peel and his sliding scale . Mr . Savage , here entered into an able exposition of each
separate point in the Charter . He appealed to them if it was just that Marylebone with a population of a quarter of a million , and thirteen thousaud electors , should return no more members of Parliament than Harwich , with only two hundred and sixty electors . Nothing gives me more pain than to see the expence which psrsons aTe obliged to undergo in order to procure their election , and it is just they should be paid for their services . "We are compelled to pay an eightpenny police rate , and I am sure we would gladly pay an halfpenny rate for the payment of men to make good Iaw 3 , which in this parish would produce £ 17 , 00 . Our principles have beeen greatly belied , injury has been added to insult by an hired press . We claim the right which God has given to every man . We will transmit it to out children , we shall then be able to protect ourselves from the calamity which a mad syBtem of government is daily bringing upon us .
Mr . Htde said I have great pleasure in seconding the resolution proposed by my old friend Savage . It puts me in mind of the good old times of Radicalism , when we made a despotic Government quail before us , and with meetings like the present we shall quickly obtain our rights . The poets have asserted that the golden age is past , but the present House of Commons palpably conrtadicts it . - Never did gold maintain such an omnipotent sway as at the present day . What tut gold has placed Peel upon the treasury bench ? what bnt gold swajetl the" decision of the electors ? and it is the influence of this gold -which h& 3 brought us here this day to give vent to our feelings and to assist in dinning our rights . When we appeal to our rulers for any beneficial measure ; they tell us that our glorious
Constitution is in * danger . It once was a glonons Constitution ; il flottrish ' . d like the evergreen laurel , tut it has been cut up by the evils of ignorance and bad legislation , and unless the corrupt branches are mowed off , hy the scythe of public opinion , it will shortly become a decayed and withered shrub . One speaker , in the late debate , said that they Bhould imitate the conduct of the Barons of Runnymede ; but this was not so . That struegle was between the baron 3 and crown , the present is " a strangle between the people and the aristocracy , ia -which the crown is not identified . Another speaker in that House told yon the distress was of Irkh into this
occasionfcd by the influx people country . When the Union with Ireland was effected , it was not for the benefit of the Irish people , but to furnish sinecure places to our surplus aristocracy . It we send them onr surplus aristocracy , can we blame th&m for aendiDg us their surplus democracy —( cheers ) —in exchange . The proceedings of this day will , I trust , give the tone to all the towns in the empire . Hanniial , of old , when he crossed the Alps , had an army composed o ! all tfco nations on earth ; let ua , like Hannibal , now . we are crossing the Alps of corruption , have an army composed of men of ail political opinions ; so sha . 1 we ensure success .
Feaegus 0 "COK > oit , Btq , then rose and was received with tremendous cheering , which lasted for some length of time . He said , who are you ? Tbe dead Chartists ?— 'great cbeering . ) What a , bad undertaker that Whig Scotchman has been to allow you to rise , again ! iCheere . ) I stand before you to support Mr . Savage ' s speech and to oppose his resolution . If they wish our aid to effect a great purpose , they must agree to our terms . For more than ten years , yen have laboured unsuccessfully to produce a change . We must now get possession of political power ; we must take the imperishable evergreen and not be content with the pale annual . This 1 s not only a meeting of Marylebone , but a meeting which will express the sentiments of all will
England , Ireland , Scotland , and Wales . I expose te you the fault of this resolution , in this solemn declaration . In the first paragraph they tali much of the distress and -its claim for tyjnpathy ; this is the text : in the second they give yon the Com Laws . Now you ore all of you Cockers ; so multiyly the first by the second , and see if the quotient will net give you a little blarney—( laughter . ) If they acknowledge that the Corn Laws can only be effectually repealed by the Charter ,, let this be fol ^ y understo od as it is in our amendment We are no w placed in a position from which we must not shrink . We are the monntain ; let Mahomet come to us . If we are worth having , we will be sold for principle and nothing less . If a majority of 123 ha » done so much for us , what will a msjoriJy of 303 do
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for ns ? If they are honest let them withdraw their resolution and support this amendment : — " That this meeting declares its unqualified approval of the principle of free and unfettered trade ; while , at the same time , it denies either the competency or the tight or the representative body , as at present constituted , to make bo great a change as that Bought by the advocates of a repeal of the Com Laws , inasmuch as any advantage derived from that measure would not be for the benefit of the working classes ; and this meeting further protests against any change being particularly made to affect any separate c ass or interest , pledging itself , in common with the people of all other parts of the
United Kingdom , to look with a jealous eye to the application of the People ' s Charter , with a view to the settlement ; of those many and conflicting interests , dissensions about which now agitate the public mind . We are resolved that that measure in its workings shall legislate justly for all , instead of partially for a class ; and , under these circumstances , we pledge ourselves not to agitate for any other measure than the whole of those principles embodied in the document entitled the People's Charter , and to which we look as the only means of producing national greatness and prosperity and of producing peace , law , and order throughout the land . "
If we go to make a bargain , we must examine and know the party we are to deal witb . Are we to unite with the steam-made Baronet , Sir Robert Peel , with his sliding scale , or with Buckingham ' s Duke , with his akatingscale ; is it to be with Lord Russell ' s 8 a . duty , or Villiera ' s no duty at all ? But you say we are to join with the middle class . la it to be the Tory middle class or the Whig middle class ? No , ray they ; but join us for the Charter . I ask them for what Charter ? Is it to be Sturge ' s complete Charter , or Biggs ' s Midland Counties Charter , ox what Charter is it to be for ? There is our Charter ; adopt this unfettered and untrammelled , and it will give the amplest justice to alL For seven years we have been rating on principle , and they have not thought it worth while even to look
at us ; but now it is only to " whistle , and we'll be with you , inylade . " All change is the result of previous agitation ; the present agitation has been produced by the failure of the Reform Bill ; and yet the very men who stated that that measure was intended to give a preponderating influence to the landed interest ; now want you to throw yourselves into their arms to save them from the landed aristocracy . You know how they treated you while they were in office . Yon know that the camp followers of the Whigs were your deadliest enemies ; eight or ten of them pretending to be in opposition for the sake of popularity , yet , on auy change being contemplated likely to benefit the people , they evtr flew to their rescue , to the old tune of " keep the Tories out ; " yet these ar 3 the men
you are now wished to join . Machinery has been brought to such perfection , that ladies may almost pick their teeth by steam . Yet what have you gained by all these improvements ? Of what advantage has all the mechanical and chemical contrivances , which have so greatly contributed to raise our character as a nation been to the working classes ? You have been deprived of these advantages , because the House of Commons , which ought to have been the heart of the people , is corrupt ; its heart is ossified and decayed ; and you are rendered civilised slaves . The cottage is falling to ruin , while splendid mansions arc rising in our streets . The gorgeous monument is being raised to commemorate the deeds cf the warrior . The Palace ia being decorated and improved , while those who
suitain and support its fabric are wasting in penury . The middle classes are rising > rcm the cottage to the hcm 3 e , from the house to tbtrmansion , whilst the poor man ia forced from the cottage to the cellar , from the cellar to the cold bastile . We want the Charter to make the Palace and the mansion dependant upon the cottige . We want the vote to be in the man , and not in the cottage . The Reform Bill having failed , they want another Reform—Commercial Reform . Did you ever hear of aa Irishman who went to dig praties without having a spade ? The Whigs want to Repeal the Corn Laws , but they won't take the proper tools . They appealed to the people , and have got 123 majority agaiiiit them ; ana they are now disoovoring that they did not go to tha right people . They now come
to us ; and I tell them there can be no union with us unless based on the full measure of our rights . We have looked to quacks too long . There was Russell in 1 S 32 gave us a purge , consisting of two drachms of coercion , three drachms of bastile starvation , to be washed down by the draught of a Rural Police . Dr . Peel now admits that we are very bad , but < . \\ r disorder is not chronic , and before he can administer a remedy , he must , ho'd a consultation with the class above you ; and if not consonant with their feelings he can give no remedy at all . The Whigs are the same men as ever ; and any measure coming from such , old offenders , can you expect it to benefit you ? ( No , no . ) The last three weeks has taken the stink off Chartism ; it now smells as sweet as a bed of violtts . Remain
nrm to your principles ; and , as they cannot do without us , they ¦ will rush into our arms . You , men of Marylebone and St . Pancras ought to be proud , prouder than any meii in Louaoa . Here , nine years ago , I planted the sbrub which has now grown into this beauteous tree . During the agitation of the Reform Bill the Whigs jumped into the traces , pushed you ict : > the shafts , and run you into the puddle . Now they must fall into tho shafts , and you must take the lead in the traces . Mr . O'Connor then read their resolution , and showed the meeting bow Corn Law repeal was placed in a prominent position , while the Charter was thrown in the back ground . He then ably entered into the question of the Repeal , as it afiected the retailers and the consumers . There was no hope of a
beneficial repeal of the Corn or other bad laws until the Charter was gained . Let the middle men honestly unite with the Chartists , and in six weekB they could drive Peel from office . In 1832 we beat them , King , Lord 3 , and Commons . Now we have a Queen , who perhaps is not opposed to us ; but we don't want her assistance : she is only one , and she has no vote—( laughter . ) We must have a new Parliament before the Charter can be carried . We must have thirty good Chartist M . P . ' s to do duty in that House . These , with about twenty amateur Chartists , will be a sufficient force to break up any administration not founded on justice . If the people jointd the League without this guarantee good bye to the Chartist agitation : it will be broken up , and who shall rally it again ? For seven long year * , have we defended a principle which is a tower of strength to the good , and a terror to evil doers . I told
you , losg ago , that the day of action would come ; and now it has arrived . Two men ought to have been placed ut those gale 3 , crying step into the auction . Russell will bid for you , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 pound Household , then Universal Suffrage . Peel will say he nodded too ; and the auctioneer ¦ will not . know who to knock you down to ; but , by God , yon shall not be sold one fraction under price —( great cheering . ) Here I stand , before Whig and Tory , under the canopy of the broad blae sky , and declare that I never received one fraction of money from Wkie , Tory or Chartist I have done all at my own expence ; and , thank God , I am not yet exhausted . If the League join us it will save them some thf-usands . They have already spent all their baziar money ; but join us , and they may goto sleep . Provided they are honest , we will repeal tke Corn Laws for them . Mr . O'Connor then went into the
question of machinery , and showed there was no cordon sanilaire around LoDdon . Driven from the country by machinery the working men come up to London tnd compete with you ; they form a reserve for the masters to fall back upon . We arc not enemies to machinery ; we care not , as Butterworth said , if we eat , drink , go to bed , get up , and drtss by machinery , provided it does not take our bed and our bread from us . We want political power , that machinery may be made man's holiday and not his curse ; not that one thousand slaves to artificial labour shall be wretchedly poor , that one slave-holder may grow enormously rich . If all the money that has been made by machinery was diffased in it 3 proper channel no poverty would now be felt by the operatives . I am taunted by Cobdcn with
going about the country in a fustian instead of a black coat—idon't you think I should make a good parson ?—He did not say this in my presence ; if he had , I should not quarrel with him ; such evolutions are often met with in society . Mr . Cofeden haa jumped from the warehouse , from the clogs aud the fustian , into the black coat I can , when I please , go back to the black coat ; but he will never go back to the fustian while he can avoid it I call upon you , as Mr . Savage did , to make us of that faculty which dut ' . nguishes you from the rest of the animal creation . Be not led away by the glib philosophy of any who may address you ; look not to foreign trade to the injury of domestic comfort , but stand Sim for the whole Charter , and nothing less than the Charter . ( Great cheering . )
Ruff ? Ridley rose to second the amendment . He said , —I presume that you have met this day to perform a duty not only to yourselves , and to your country , but to show to the whole world that Englishmen will administer justice to themselves and to all mankind The seconder of the resolution Baid he was sorry to have to throw cold water over the proceedings . 1 am not offended with him for throwing it over me ; but it is impossible to throw cold water over the ardour ef the Chartists ; but to eeme at once to the point—I look upon you as men determined to eee justice done to all parties without distinction of class , sect , or colour I believe you will proclaim to the working classes of the United Kingdom that the men of Marylebone , that the men of London , are determined to stand by the same principles which have received the sanction of the working classes of this "kingdom . Why is it teat I , a working man , repudiate and find fault with this solemn declaration ? It is evident to you , the men of London ,
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for your eyes have been opened , that that this is all claptrip . If these men were sincere and honest , they would say at once that all our evils arose from class legislation ; that to remove tba Corn laws and otber bad laws , we must remove this bad legislation . Read it all the gentlemen saW . ItBhall bereaoV . We wish not to burke the freedom of discussion ; we wish to consult the feelings of all ; and we count on the . decision of this day to lay the foundation of an agitation that shall be carried on the wings Of the wind through the whole kingYoni . ( Mr . Ridley ' then read the declaration , and commented upon it in a strong and forcible manner . ) 'Let them pat the representation first and the Corn law Repeal afterward ; and they would then . be hitting the right nail on the head Will you be cajoled by the factory lords , by those who have amasaed their wealth from the blood and the marrow of the factory children ? Will you be knocked
down at snob a price ? ( No , no . ) Rstuain then , like men , firm and manly , side by side ; present one broad phalanx of union to your tyrants , and determine upon the Charter , and no surrender , if you do not do this , you will be sold , and sold cheaply ; bat you will ; I knojii act wisely and juBtly . Mr . Ridley then ably showed up the motives which actuated the League in their agitatio , and asked who were the men who had branded them aa destructives ? who had accused them of the worst of crimes ? who had banished and imprisoned their fellow , patriots ? -who but the base and brutal Whigs had entrapped Frost and his companions ? who got up the Calthqrpe-street affair ? and now who but the Whigs were preparing to entrap tb . 6 m again , to delude them to their rain ? He called-upon them , in the name of the men of England , Ireland , Scotland and Wales to perform their duty to their country—( great cheering . / ' . ;' .. . : - - ¦ . ' -. . '¦ ,.
Mr . MacConnei , ! , — -I have been requested to declare my sentiments upon this subject , which I shall do as briefly as possible I shall b ? as candid as those who have previously addressed you in its favour , and tell you , I am decidedly opposed to the amendment —( considerable interruption );—give me a fair and candid hearing , snd judge for yourselves . I have read the declaration of the men of Marylebone in print ; I have read the amendment of Mr . O'Connor in writing ; and on my Kfe and woid , by aU that is good that is near and dear to me , I cannot distinguish any substantial difference —( laughter , and Why are yon opposed to it ?) The amendment admits in its first onset
the principle of free trade ; so does the resolution . The only difference in the two is , they have the same meaning , but are differently expressed . AVe say that the Corn Laws are but a branch ; we do not say they are the root . I am sorry any suspicion of dishonesty should exist —( laughter)—that you should suppose it is a trap . ( What trap ?) We are for the CSafter ; you are no more . And' I think no man in this assembly will think it worth whik > to take lesE—( hear ; . I do not believe there is any attempt to coax or deceive you . I know of none . I waa in hopes that the enemes of the people would no longer triumph hy our dissentions , but would have been laid prostrate by our union . f
Mr . Spur—Asa workfngman I feel deeply interested in this subject , more so perhaps than any speaker that has ^ preceded me . I can readily enter into the feelingB which actuate Mr . M'Connell and the other gentlemen , though I have but faint hopes that they can understand mine . 1 will Bay , as Mr . Ridley , that I want not their sympathy ; but if they give us justice we shall be placed in such a position as not to need their sympathy . I do not deny the honesty of the party professing to give me a cheap loaf , but I deny their ability . Mr . Macconnell has said , that he could not Bee the difference between the resolution and the amendment There is none so blind ¦ as . those who will not see . Is there no differenee between drawing the cart up the hill and drawing it over the hill ?
The resolution puts the cart before tho horse ; the amendment puts the horse in its proper position . Those men have turned me out of my erhploy for my principles , and yet they talk of sympathy to the working men . Mr . Maeconnell tells you ; that they do not consider the Corn Laws ns a root , but only as a branch . I tell him as I tqjd Mr . Acland j better known I y tho same of " Slippery Jemmy , " that the best way to cut off the branch is to cut down the tree . The branches ore tou high to reach . " it is impossible to have a Repeal with tho present house , but they want you to unite in order that they may say to the aristocracy , " ( Jivo us the repeal of the Coru Laws , or we will thrust the Charter down your throat "—( Great cheering . )
Mr- Savage then again addressed the meeting . He cared not which they passed , the resolution or the amendment , he was only tHe organ of the Committee to bring it before them . ' He hoped now in their hour of triumph they would have sympathy fdr the middle clasf . They have not had the advantage of political training which you have ; they have not their weekly meeting , and cannot so well understand the subject I ask for your sympathy , not that you Bhould give up your rights . I care not individually which you carry , so that you get the Charter . . - " he amendment was then put and the waving multitude of hands showed that the hour of triumph had arrived—that the auction was over and the lot knocked down at the Charter price . For the resolution out of the vast multitude , ( the Coutt-yard estimated to hold 12 , 000 , being crowded , ) only eight hands were held up . This victory was celebrated with long and loud cheers , waving of hats , &c
Mr . Loyd Jones , in an addre 33 which we griatly regret we have not space to insert , moved the following resolution : — ! " That while this meeting condemns tho Corn and Provision Laws as unjust in principle and pernicious in practice ; and approves of all legal agitation for tho repeal of these laws ; this meeting is nevertheless of opinion that such repeal would be totally inadequate to effect a general or permanent relief of the deep distress under which the labouring population of thin country is at present suffering : and this \ meeting farther expresses its opinion that a well devised and comprehensive system of Home Colonizition , " or the employment of the people upon the land of this country , in the joint pursuits of agriculture and manufactures , can alone permanently place them above the reach of poverty . " The resolution was seconded by Mr . O Connor and carried unanimously .
Sir Benjamin Hall . —I attended hero this day not for tbe purpose of addressing you , but from a desiro to be present at this manifestation of public feeling and sentiment , that I might , if necessary , declare the tone and the manner in which it has been conducted . It would be an act of ingratitude if I did not at this the first large meeting after my election , declare to you my gratitude . I need not tell you thit I : wiw rip patty either to the resolution or to the amendment . I have seen that you agreed almost unanimous for thu amendment , and I am pleased to say that it is not only the largest but the most quiet , orderly meeting ut which I was ever present . 1 have seen the gentlemen who rather differed from you treatediwith the greatest kiad
ness and forbearance . I have seen in tho newspattars that the metropolitan meetings have generally been conducted in a disgraceful manner , I can now personally bear witness to the contrary . Witli regard to the resolution , I am opposed to the measures of Ministers , but shall never oft ' er them a factious opposition . I am for a toul repeal of the Corn Laws * and during the eleven years I have been in . Parliament , I have ever voted for every measure ef extension of the Suffrage , and shall not now shrink from my principles— - ( cheers . ) Mr . Benbgw in an addres 3 which showed that age had neither impaired his physical or moral ener-: gies , moved the adoption of the National Petition , during which he was loudly ) cheered . /
Dr . Wade in an excellent speech seconded its adoption . The petition was unanimously adopted . Mr . Ridley moved" That in the opinion of this meeting the transportation of Frost , Williams , and Jones , after the opinion of the Judges given in their favour , was cruel and unjust on the part of the Melbourne Whig Government , and this meeting pledges itself never to cease from agitation till they are returned to their native .. soil . " ' Mr . May nabd seconded the resolution , which waa carried unanimously , with great , cheering . Mr . Wall moved , and Mr , Goodfellow seconded , a resolution requesting the Guardians to publish the resolutions of the meeting in the Northern Star , Times , Advertiser , be . \ " "';; Mr . Peat moved , and Mr . Scott seconded , a vote of thanks to the Chairman .
Mr . Potter supported tke motion , and declard himself a consistent Chartist . A vote of thanks was given to the Guardians for tho use of the Workhouse yard . Mr . Sankey addressed the meeting ; thanking them far the honour they had done him . Cheers out of number were given for the Charter , O'Connor , the Stqr , the victims , &c , nfter which the metting dispersed .
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GREAT PUBLIC MEETING OP THE TAlLpHS , CONVENED AT THE SOCIAL HALL , JOHN-STREET , ON MONDAY , FEB . : 27 TH , TO FUBTHE& THE OBJECTS OF THE NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . At half-past seven o'docfe , the place was crowded to a degree never before witnessed ; . and from that time until nine o ' clock ; thousauda must have gone away unable to obtain admittaiice . Mr . Parker moved , and Mr . Knight seconded , that Mr . Cuffay take the chair . At this period Mr . O'Connor entered ; and if the warm and enthusiastic applause of the assembled highly gratified audience could reward him for his almost ; superhuman exertions in the cause of liberty , on that evening he must have been highly rewarded—he must , indeed , have felt Mmself a proud and happy man .
Mr . Cuffay , having been unanimously elected to the chair , commenced by informing them that he should not make the usual apoligles of incoinpetency , &c . ; but as a working man , a tailor , and a Chartist , he would never shrink from the performance of any public duty which his fellow-trademen and brother-slaves elected him to perform—( cheers . ) He trusted th ^^ eujd | up : port him in the chair ; and he . would give to atT ^ Ko might wish to express their sentiments a fair and impartial hearing ; and he trusted they would never be deluded from standing by the rights of their order , either by the middle men , or by the aristocracy . As a trades unionist , he had exerted himself te the utmost in behalf . of . 'his order ; but he was how convinced that the cause of their distress was higher than the tyranny
of their employers—that they must put the axe to the reot of the tree ; and , sink or swim , he would stand like a man till the last , and if he died he would die like a maityr gloriously in the cause—( great cheering . ) Whigs and Tories bad too long united to oppress and humbug the people , and to screw them down to starvation or emigration . Mr . Cuffay then informed tfee meeting that they had enclosed a copy of their address to the trade in a note to Captain Reus , and had received a letter in reply ; which he would read to them . Mr . Cuffay then read the letter , which ascribed all their distress to over population , and that they must
emigrate . Tailors in work , the Captain said , could earn from 36 s . to 42 s . per week ; masons and other trades were in receipt of high wages ; and to look to political power to remedy the distress was quite futile . Mr . Cuffay commented with great sarcasm and energy upon this letter ; be believed the spite which the aristocracy showed to the masons was because they were the first trade to come out for the Charter—( great cheering . ) Mr . Cuffay , in beautiful and manly language , urged them not to desert their father land , but to stay in it , and make it worthy of them . If any must emigrate let it be the aristocracy . He concluded with the following BarcaBtic lines : —
" If bugs molest me , as in bed I lie , I'll not quit my bed for them , not I ; But rout the vermin—every bug destroy , New make my bed , and all its sweets enjoy . " ( Great cheering . ) . The Chairman read notes apologising for non-attendance from Messrs . Duucombe and Leader M . P . ' s , and from Dr . M'Douall . Mr . Parker . —Fellow tradesmen , this meeting has been called for the purpose of feeling the pulse of the trade , which has ever been a democratic one in favour of the principles of the People ' s Charter . Amongst others that have been invited to attend , is Feargus O'Connor , an individual highly respected for his energetic exertion la on behalf of the people ; I shall
therefore not occupy much of your time , but at once direct your attention to the distressed condition of our trade . We have taken every step likely to alleviate that distress , but invain ; and we huve therefore resolved to go at once to the root of theevil ; for this purpose we convened this meeting . I have before said that our trade is essentially democratic , and the crowded meeting which has . responded to our call proves that it is so . There is not a man in this assembly but will admit that tho most horrible destitution exists in our trade . It has been objected by a few of the aristocratic portion of it taut we have dene harm in exposing the prices in our address , but I ask them when thousands are starving , ia it a time to ait silently by ? is it not time that we should come boldly forward and join the demo * cratic trades who have preceded us La endeavouring to remove that load of taxation which' fetters our energies ? that we should throw off those shackles from our labour which protect capital at our expence .
There are many men who have been in the trade nineteen or twenty years compelled to work for three farthings an hour , or starve . Many may not believe this ; but let them gb as I have done to the purlieus of the East end of the town , and t ' uey would then more than credit it . Women are making waistcoats , aye , and well made too , for threepence each ; and when this is the case , who shall tell me we have no right to move for fear of the masters shouH at the aristocratic shops reduce the wages , I appeal to the females present , is it not shocking , is it not a disgrace to humanity that the daughters of tailors , I am almost ashamed to say it , should be compelled to prostiiute themselves to the foremen at the slop-shops , ore they can obtain employment —( true , true . V Mr . Parker then entered further into the prices paid by the Government contractors , &c ., and then called upon tann to come oat as they did at the time of the trades ' unions in eupporfc of the Charter —(! oud cheers . ) He proposed the following resolution : —
" That in the opinion of this meeting , the distress aud uLisery which exists Ui the trade of journeymen tailors , has been brought about through class legislation ; ami we here recommend a union of the trade , with a view to alleviate that suffering . " H « called upon all who held up their hands for the resolution to take out their card of membership . Mr . Latuche seeonded the resolution . They had bten accused of being led away by demagogues ; of being ignorant of the motives which governed their actions . If we ore ignorant of our motives , we at least are
acquainted -with the motives of the aristocracy . We are aware that our distress arises from class legislation . We see that in all ages those who have had the power of legislating , legislate for their own benefit ; , while they entirely neglect the masses . Where the aristocracy have assumed the power , they have only two means of governing : ¦—it ia either by fraud or force . When the first fails , then they resort to their armed police , or their military force . Mr . Latuche then appealed to ancient history in proof of his opinion , that freedopi prod need prosperity ; and concluded an eloquent address amidst loud cheering . :
A Mr . Hearne here caused considerable interruption , by asking trilling questions , as to by whom the meeting was called ? to which the Chairman satisfactorily replied , informing him that it was bytheChartibt tailors' meeting , at four of the West End Houses of Call . Mr , O'Connor was received wita tremendous cheers . He said it is not of so much importance who called the meeting , OB that the wseting is called . Is there any niiin here who will refuse to adopt what is Bound , and reject what is unsound , because he is not aware who called the meeting ? We ars for impartiality to all ; we live upon principle ; oui- principles are good—they will bear discussion ; those only shrink from discussion whose deeds are evil and will not bear the light . Can
there bo a more pleasing sight for a philantrophist than this crowded meeting ? Can anything more strongly bespeak the sentiments of an Englishman , than the manner in which Captain Kous haa been treated , unless he can prove to you that people should go naked . You at least are interested in having a large population . I much admire the sentiment expressed in the sarcastic lines of your chairman . Shall the drones be allowed to drive th < 3 bees from the hive ? No , rather let the . bees sting them from the hive ! I £ it is necessary that some must ltava / the country ; if God has sent more inhabitaut 3 * than the land will support , let the idle be the first to leave the land ; let us live in our fatherland and make it worthy of us . I rejoice to see you , the oldest body of the incorporated trades , cemirig out in this
cheering manner . I recollect when Sir Henry HardiDge Baidj pauding a strike of your body , that he would rather go naked than , the Blaster should submit to your dictation . This would be coming to the primitive state with a vengeance . I am astonished to hear Mr . Parker state that waistcoats are being made for 3 d . each . Perhaps the aristocratic portion of the trade may not work at them ; but I am surprised , that because men are comparatively well off , they should be content with iheir com parti ve corididion . I contend that the people ought never to be satisfied until they have full and eq-ial justice . If the masters have gained 153 . in a suit of clothes by the fail of cloth , they should divide the advantage with tho men . I have been to the head and to the foot , and I now come to the middle . I have been to the batten and to
the fchoemakers , and I have now come to the tailors What causes distress to fall so heavily upon your trade ? not that the land is over populated , bat because wa have a naked , starving population . Oar wise political economists tell you that machinery cannot injure yon , because machinery does not yet do the sewing work . But the dullheads forget that it injures your market ; that your customers are compelled to lay out , in provisions , that which otherwise they woald lay out in clothes . If your brethren , the tailors in the manufacturing districts , cannot obtain employment , they come up to London , thinking that where so much wealth and Juxary is found , there must be plenty of work , and these constitute the reserve for the masters to foil back upon . The men from the country may not obtain employment ; but , while they are in the market , your
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employers can Bay—if you dont like the work there are plenty others wflp win dp it . Your chairman has said , that yon have tried trades' nnloDS and they have failed . We do not seek to destroy tiadea' unioas ; we seek to prevent theia frem failing . All property ia prbtectedj save labour which creates property . I look in the country , and see the boards stuck np > -f' Whosoever tre « - passeti here shall be prosecuted according ; to law . " Bid yea ever seo a man with a brass plate on his breMt inscribed— " Whosoever trespasaes on thie man ' s labour Will be prosecuted" ? ( Great cheering . ) Those wlio twspasa upon the rights of labour , are the parties wtto have the power of making the laws . Look at the treat ment the Unions have received since the time of tfie Reforni BUI— -look at the assistance you gave them In carrying that measure ; and then ask yourselves , hare
the goyerriing powers treated yod Wrly ? Why do they object to the name of Chartisin ? a rose would smell as sweet by any other name . Chartism sounds as well as Whiggery or Toryism . Whiggery has rendered Toryism . triumphant . We look for political power , not to displace either Whigs or Tories but to give us equal power with them . Give ns the Chartet to-morrow , and the trades would be at f nU wort lo a month . W © want equal protection and equitable distribution . I have been Member of Parliamenti member of the People ' s Parliament , leading journalist , head agitator , and an extensive farmer . I have published a small work on practical farming . I do not even do as your Chairman said , lecomraend you to go to the waste lands . I say that is the cold meat in the larder , which may serve some centuries hence f > r those who come after us . Let ua
cultivate to the highest tha lands now in occupation , and , instead of importing wheat , we shall grow plenty for © urselves , and be enabled to import corn ourselves ; yet our sapient economists tell us that wa cannot grow sufficient corn to support us . WBy > these men Bcarce know 'whether wheat is dug up out of the ground , or grows on the top of the straw If you gave them 100 acres of groond , they would starve , unless , like Nebuchadnezzir , they could liTe upon grass * ; Wby should you go to fereign lands for food when your own country would prodaoe sufficient ? Is it better for you to sit at home all day working , to make goods which may or may not sell , while you must rely upon them , for that food , which yon want three times a-day ? If the manufaeturers could gain a
Repeal , they would speedily throw our land ouV of cultivation ; and , when we were at the mercy of foreigners , if a famine should come , they would pat a duty on the exportation of grain , remembering that when we were mistress of the world , we imposed a similar duty on its importation . Walk round London , and where will you see tbe poor man ' s comfortable cottage . Yon will see the mansion of the man who has grown rich en your energies upraised five stories in the air . If capital is rewarded with ten per cent , profit , let labour have it 8 seveaty-five per cent . ; . let not the : poor man . pine in want while the rich is dwelling in luxury . We have now arrived at a crisis when : something must be done . The political world is now on a pivot , and tho least thim ? would turn it on the one side or the ether .
It depends upon the mighty people which way the scale shall preponderate . If we now shrink from principle we shall perpetuate the reign of faction ; if firm , I defy either Whig or Tory to stand against tha mighty torrent of : pnblic opinion we can bring against them . You are-told by little Russell , the least man you ever saw for nothing , that all this distress is local , and ca . uBed by . the natural commercial revolutions of a great country . They cared nothing about the distress until they got on the bleak side of the Treasury ; they are like the lady , who , when going round the cold bleak common , pitied tbe condition of a poor cottager , and ordered her footman to take her a sack of coals , but no sooner had she got in her warm dnvwing-room and her foot on the fender , than she ordered John not
to take the coals because the weather had got warmer Youare now asked to join the Corn Law Bspealers , to restore to power one of the basest factions which ever trampled on the liberties of a nation . Talk of us aa destructives ; as physical force men . Why it makes my blood boil when I read their inflammatory speeches , their secret endeavours to excite the people to violence ; they excite you to = burn and shoot at an iniage of straw ; even they would excite you still further , and whUe they sat in the jury box and tried you , they would boast of their love of order and peace . As a party they were never mere disunited . We were never so united . I do not think that they could , takS one man that we trust from us ; if they did , we card not . If I were to desert you tomorrow I conld not
take a man away with me . There is my strength and pride . ¦ , If the shepherd break loose , the flock will not turn aside . The present agitation ia the result of the pent up feeling ' s of bygone years , and will finally destroy all opposition : which can be brought against it . As well might the presumptuous Dane attempt to force back the rolling waves of the mighty ocean , as for them to stop the rushing stream of public opinion . Knowledge cannot be pent up ; it is like a smothered fire , ifc will again burst iorth , and bum still brighter and clearer for th ' e »; obstruction . ( Hear , hear , . loud cheers . ) We ask , for all , the same liberty and power which we demand for ourselves . They say we are too ignorant and Vicious to be entrusted with the franchise . If , as Baptist Noel states , there are 500 , 000 living without God and without hope in the world in this Metropolis , I aflirm it is caused by bad
Government Men are born with certain propensities which cati bo nourished into virtues or vices . Their virtues are the result of their nature ; their vices of misrule : His vices are encouraged , because they tend to aggrandise the capitalist . - They say would you enfranchise the drunkard ? Give me a constituency of 10 , 000 drunkards , and one teetotaller , and such is the power of vlrtua , that they sball chooso the teetotaller to re--present tham . Rome In its origin was a combination of the greatest rogues in the world , yet they chose the wisest and the best men for their Generals . : A conimunity of rogues would choose an honest man for their representative ; We look to the Charter to promot © morality , and not . ; immorality . Mr . O'Connor continued for some length of time to address them on the question of tke land , trade , && , and concluded with a burst of eloquence we have never ytt heard surpassed , and retired amidst thunders of applause .
The resolution was then put' and carried unani * moosly . . '¦ . ' ¦ . ¦' ¦ ' - ' ¦•¦¦¦ ¦ ' . ¦¦ ¦¦^¦ ¦ ¦¦ '"¦ . ¦ ¦¦¦ :: ¦ ¦¦¦ ' ¦ : . " . ' . ¦¦ Mr . Knight , in a brief manner , proposed the eeebnd resolution i- ^ ; . v V That this meeting is . of opinion that the only means for the trades and the working classes generally to benefit their condition is , by adopting the principles contained in the People's Charter . " ; Mr . Knight explained the several points of the Charter , and sat dewh mnch applauded . . Mr . M'Grath seconded the resolution in an address which occupied nearly an hour in the delivery , and which for argument and eloquence , we have seldoni heard Burpassed . In the course of his address , he paid some deservedly high compliments to Mr . O'Conor , and concluded by calling upon bis brother tradesmen to join ; the National : Association ; he was greatly applauded . The resolution was then put and carried
Mr . GooDijELLOw moved , ' and Mr . Shepherb seconded the adoption of the National Petition , which was also carried unanimously . Capt Acherly , for some length of time , amused the meeting , which concluded by a vote of thanks to the Chairman and the usual Chartist honours . Many signatures were received to the petition .
To The Imperial Chabtists
€!≫A*Ttei $Ttieui&Tnce.
€ !> a * ttei $ ttieUi&tnce .
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HiccLEsniiD . —Mr . J . West lectured on Sunday evening to a nnn-erous audience . Csestebfield akb Bbjoiptok . —At the weekly S « ag of the Chutists , cf the above place , in Silk kTj ?**> on Monday evenbg last , the Secretary « wwtdin 2 s . Id . from the Chartists of Holy Moor -v ? ' ¦^ for other business the following resolution pscarr ied : — "That vbe sum of 10 s . be sent to No 4-^ v 1 towards defra viEg the expenses of the dele-»«« for the ensuim ; Ccnvtntion . "
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Motikam . —Mr . Brophy , from Dublin , lectured here on Saturday and Sunday laati to respeGtible audienoesv ; ¦ " : , ¦ •' . / . ¦ - . ¦ . .. .,.. - . ;¦ ¦ : . •• ¦ : ¦' . ' . - / Chokley , —Cheering accounts reach us from this place ; the cause st ems to be going gloriously . Cbi £ FF . —On Wednesday the 23 rd ult ., a lar ^ e and respectable meeting of the inhabitants of this place was held ia the Weavers' Hallj when Mr . Abram Dunoan delivered a lecture .
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Sheffield .--Politicai . lNSTiTuiE .- ^ On Sunday evening last , Mr , William Gill lectured to a crowded audience at this place . Subject— - "The present pros * peots of Chartism . "
On Monday -Evening the large ro 6 m was again filled by a respectable audience , to hear a discussion *• On the reasonableness of the People ' s Charter becoming the law of the land , " Mr . - 'William Gill opened ihe discussion by explainihg how the People's Charter first originated , and concluded an able speech by explaining the sis points separately , which gave general satisfaction . Several questions were asked , and answered to the great satisfaction of the meeting . Afterwards several new members were enrolled . ¦¦ .. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦/ ¦ .: ;• •• . ; : ¦ ¦ . : ¦ ; - ¦¦ n- . ; . ; . ¦ - . . <¦¦¦¦ . ¦ . ' ¦/ ¦ .. . ¦• ¦;
SiocKiroBT . —The Chartists of this town procured the Town Hall last week , issued placards announcing a public meeting for Monday evening last , aud invited Mr . James Leach , of Manchester , to take part in the proceedings . Accordingly the Stockporfr Rads assembled very num » rously , and passed similar resolutions in favour of the Charter to those carried at the great twenty thousand demonstratiott held at Manchester last week , without the least opposition . ' ¦'' . : . ; . - : ; - - ¦ : '¦ . . ¦" ; " -. ¦' :- :.. ' ¦"¦ - ' :. ¦ . Manchestjer—A meeting of the manufacturera was held on Tuesday , near the Exchange , Mr .
Bright , of Rochdale , was elected chairman . Mr . Alderman Brooks , and several others , addressed the meeting . A resolution , condemnatory of the Corn Law , was carried , and a petition founded on the same ; but , neither the Suffrage nor the Ballot was mentioned , either in the speeches , resolution , or the petition . ([ This shows the sincerity of ' tie Leaguer $ t in their eudden conversion to Chartism . Let the people mark the fact ; and mark it well !—Ed . 1 LSes . —A lecfture was delivered in the Chartiai Room , Lees , on Tuesday night last , by Mr . Thomas Hannam . ¦ ' " - ¦ " - - : '¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ,. ¦ :. -:-. . ' -c-: , ' ¦ - ' ¦ : ' . ^ . -: . - ¦ ¦¦ '¦¦ - . ¦ . ¦ ' . ..
STAiEYBRipaE .---Mr . Henry Candy delivered an excellent lecture in the Chartist Room , oh the principles of the Charter , our present position , ana the necessity of firmness , to attain unioji . Ulverston . —; Mr . J . T . Lund lectured here on Thursday , the 24 ih instant , to an overflowing audience . : ' ;¦ ¦;' ¦; ¦ - ; : ; : ¦ : ¦; ";; - ; ; . '¦ ¦ . v-. " ¦" ¦ :. "; ^ York . — -At a meeting of the Council , on the 27 th instant , it wa 3 raolved , " That : the Association Room be open , for reading and diBcttsBitfVevery Sunday evening ; the , public to be admitted free . ' *
ToDiipaDEN . —The weekly meeting of theConnwi was held on Monday , when it was resolved , that any person wiBt ing . to visit Todmorden to leotnre , saall correspond and make arrangements with the snb-secretory , Robert Brook aud bring tcstiaioniala of membership from the society he belongs . ¦ . HAnwooi > .-Tbe Rev . William ViMera Jackson from Manchester ^ delivered an impressive l « eture in tne independent Chapel , to a congregation of about five _ or Bix hundred , on the prinoiples of the People s Charter , and the means to be employed for its attainment .
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- - . " ¦ ¦ - - — * * ¦ ¦ K ^ y ^ ^ ¦ ¦ - . — ^ - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' . ¦ ¦ : - \ : :-: - - i- - - v' ^ -: :: / - --: - ' ^ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ . ^ . ^ AND LEEDS eE ^ ER ^ LAip l ^
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VOL . T . ^ 0 . 225 . SATURDAY , MARCH 5 / 1843 . ; S ^ T ^ SmS ^ St ^ P ! '
Northern Star (1837-1852), March 5, 1842, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct880/page/1/