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£t)artt£t Ihxumxence
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Ht deab . Fbiesds , —No matter -who may assert to Jbe ^ ontjary , wehave " . " now arrived at a period when ^ b onr mart and ab * U , after a long period of oppression , , ^ a g p boldly to tta _ own righto and privileges . It is jeren years since I told you , that the auction day was gose at band , and that yon would be purchased at tile talne -irfcidiyoBbad stamped npon yoraselYes . 8 kwjespbci a * d sblf-estkbm were the two things to which I looted aa the means of enhancing your price in § 58 political market , and what unbounded joy it con-Teya to me , when I find that you have become passing rich in those two ewBtto-SK * -BSSP *« axd
selpssisbh . I think liwy « ay , without being accused of TOiity , Who Han , in any age or in any country , toTerar stood by his peUtial party as I haw stood by mine from the beginning eTen to the end , 1 have been a mark for enry , hatred , malice , and revenge I bin been pointed at by the finger of scorn , SKI ' -hare been selected by lewd authority as the one point against which aU the missiles of faction Bigh ^ be aimed , without danger to my assailants . I hsrVjUxxl all for jour sake , and hare gone far an matin * yon what in troth yeunow are-the dhead of ™ jsts and the e > ty a > d adhibation op sub .
Bocspnfo SAiioss . The question , then , is , shall we , sftei Bating reached the summit by the craggy ascent , fcurl ourselves headlong from the high place , and grace our enemies' triumph , by our fall and prostration 1 Year protestation " to die freenfen rather than live slaves , " has alarmed the plunderers , the slave drivers , and the heartless monsters who hare fattened npon your earnings . The cormorants , who bronght you to rain , and mocktd your misery , now profess to feel &T , gnUh for your Buffering , and express a desire to enfranchise you with the means of Belf-defence . Pitiful knaves , sycophantic tools . They would give you a
Charier bow in lieu of that to which for years you have attached all hope . Yes , Biggs , of Leicester , would , with the approbation of the dissenting wolves , give you freedom . Ah I my friends , if I had no other ease of objection to s political move than that it tmasated from a clerical junto , 1 would cast it from me . Bat why do they offer us theii poisoned bait ? and what do they offer ! and when do they effer it » They offer it because they find that we can do without them . They haTe offered too much all at once , after baring ,
While in power , refused us anything but stones When we asked for bread , and Coercion , Poor Law amendment , and a Rural Police , when we asked for Janice . What do they offer ? They offer to give the franchise to males of twenty-fire years of age—to give us Triennial Parliaments—and they would abolish Property Qualification . But see how Biggs , who dares to find fault withytur leaders , shows tha cloven foot in his reasons for acquiescing in the abolition of Property ( Jollification . Now what does this man say is his reason for not objecting ? Why he
says"Asa MATTER OF CHOICE , we would unquestionably rather that legislators should be men of &om £ fortune , as the first of these accidents would secure S . strong persona ! interest in the secu : ily of property . " Ah , Biggs ! you ally fellow , yen " let the cat out of tke bag * too soon . As a mailer OF CHOICE ! Aye , as a matter of choice—but now thatycu have no choice , irhat will you and your co-humbugs do ? Now , you foolish man , will not every working man , whose sweat you have corned into gold , witness in these few words the horror which you mutt experience in offering thus to sacrifice all choice and footing at the shrine of
expedience ; and will not labour say that if the possession of property is necessary to insure its protection , the landowner alone can insrae the protect" on of labour by being its representative himself ? In your poor wrath you hsve ^ ared to speak contemptuously of the leaders of the people . Fool , I am one cf them . You are oae of their blood-seekers—one of their oppressors . Measure cur value to their cause by cur respective amounts of prufis and loss , and then yon will find out which they are most likely to love and trust ; the man who lives npon
what is plundered from them , or the mm wio spends his evtry hoxar and every farthiagin trying to make you iisgorge some cf labour ' s rights . You simpleton ; h » w dire yo » assume to yourself the province of pnblic censor ? You say that we " have alarmed , abused , and vilified those whose assistance was indispensible to their success , and without whose concurrence they Lad not a shadow of a chance : we haTe alienated friends , strengthened enemies , obstructed practical measures of relief , and have aided to restore that party to Government from which we have not the smallest
ebance cf dislodging it ; and yet with all these merits icd performances
" Fun blown , and fresh as M ^ y , " affect now to wonder there can be no union between us , sod the middle classes , when we oursaives are the guilty authors of the separation . " I never read worieEng-£ ih or greater nonsense . Why , the silly man , what praetkie measure of relief did we obstruct ? Was it the CxreLan Bill ? the Poor Law Bill ? the Bnral Police Bill ? or what bill ? Bui we can do nothing vriihout them ; and tee have ALARMED them . Faith we have ! » d wUl again ! for that ' s the only way to their
Working men , Biggs and his bevy of dissenting numbers ( the Lord defend us ) would as soon join the Dayil as jcin you if they could help it . Bat why waste time spon the folly of this modern Lycurgus ? I TO ! annihilate the u well-bocted" money-monger at once . I \ ow , just look here . "What must be the value of tie " new move ? " Must it not insure the cooperation of the largest number of the
canstitasat body to command success , according to the opinions of those who tell us that through the constife * ea » body alone can we hope for success ? Well , do » 2 Sad this ingredient ( coTtcUiaiionJ in the plan ol BU | s » No : the beauty of cur plan is , tkst it disfranchises none who are aow enfranchised , -while Biggs ccmaeEces his conciliation by disfranchising everj man of 21 / 22 , 23 : 21 , and up to 25 , of the present eonstifcec-y , freemen an £ all >
> o-ar , there ' s a pretty law-maker for you ! there ' s an extesiliBf of rights for you 1 and thsn the mm goes on to say , that- matarity of judgment is ntcesssry for a legUlsior , and that he does not arrive at years of disestkra till he has attained his twenty-fifth year ; and &ai be make * tkk qnalification of a simple vcta equal to the qualification of a leghlator ! Xow , -what say you , good Chartists of Leicester and of the Midland Couatiei , to your modem Lycurgus ? If tie gratification for a voter and a legislator be equal , * ij delegate powtr at all ?
>¦ : >» , my friends , I teil yen the faci , —^ e have fixed fie old eaany . They cannot go without us , and they *< £ ' not go trift M T 0 B TTTyl T , ptHPOSES- There is bttt ots Epedes of Chartist—AN OUT AND OUTER . I Ma of tint genus ; and by the blessing cf God I will * £ *» , with life , bndge from it . I will alarm them acre and more ; but justice , aad full justice , they shall * o to your order . Biggs t » lks of the Charter having k « 2 before the pnblic for three years . It ha * bees * atre the pecple for forty and three years , and it has k 58 * before them , remodelled by me , for nearly seven J **^ in its present shape and form . We will hare * . ^ fcole sad entiie— do surrender . Twenty-one years tK tLree iours -wont do . This Biggs' mov » is a branch £ ' £ * old - new move . " Crcsh jt , as we did its parent
- ^ ul itmd alone , and we wiil conquer or die in the « Uinpt . Pitch them all to the Dsvil , and stand by *** owa order cf right , Libour , justice , and a&sfcry , Evet your labthf ul friend , Fbaegcs O'Coyxon . ^ 5 » -S-1 shall be * i Leicester on Monday next , the - *> £ , and Till be prepared to support the Charter of " ™ 1-iHBs against the Charter o / the wolves . Ovb . 5 tiIU . j 0 I MVKE . AXD KO SCRB . HSDBR , —SOI I JOT . F . OC .
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BOtTOX , —The cuue continues to progress in this 3 ~ UtI : Be » members enrol themselves wetkly , and "paturo « re being obtained to the petition in such ^ bers as give * gmeaA satlbfaction to the friends of ^ wom in Bolton , taking into consiieration our Pecuniary matters . BAUSBTmT . —Th& tow * hat been divided into S ^ » "d tte » e « onncOmen appoint&l for each ]« «« , to di « Wb « e the printed petition sheets , and *^ ai asnatnra to the National Petition . Several ** aw > n shetts have been already fined by our country "Maes at Hmrdeott , WinterfcoKn , and Wiahford , near ^^ ry . Giect pniae is due to Mf . Shergold , of r ^ raordj i . e j ^ . ^^ get one ^ eet me& ^^ gj gnj . ?«* , wholly by kinueif , is that parish , and Newton . *<* Council b « g to obiervt , that the assislince of any « the jusmbeni win be thankfully received to aid in « a praiseworthy mnderWung .
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SHEFFIELD . ( From our own CorresjxmdentJ Public Meeting . —The usual weekly meeting of the Chartist body was keld in the National Charter Association Room , Fig Tree-lanu , on Monday evening last , Mr . George . Carrill , in the chair , when the rejection of the National Petition by the Scottish Convention was taken into conseder&tioa . Mr . Harney said , he had intended to have addressed himself that evening to his fair friends , many of whom he was glad to see present , upon the . propribty of forming themselves into an association to aid . and help their brothers intherighleons ^ use in defence of which they were battling , but the Star of Saturday having madt known the rejection of the National Petition by the Scottish Convention , it
was resolved by the Council that consideration of that untoward event should tike precedence of any ether business . ( Hear . ) It appeared that the National Peti . tion had been throws ont by the Scottish Delegates on the casting vote of their chairman , and this had been done upen grounds frivolous in the extreme ; what wtre the objections advanced . by the opponents of the Petition ? Why , that the petition itself contained extraneous matter ; and , secondly , that the people of Scotland had not been consulted before its fiaal adoption . What was the extraneous matter complained of ? The two brief paragraphs where the New Poor Law and the Legislative Union of England and Ireland are denounced as grievances . Now , he held that in such a memorial it was necessary to &s
fully * 3 possible set forth the grievances © f the people j it was necessary net only to shew what were the rights , bat also what were the wrongs of man—not only to demand that a just system of legislation should be established , but \ o shew what were the abominable effects of the present system , based on injustice and fraud . ( Hear , hear . ) He thought thefrauien of the petition had done wisely and well in including in the list of grievances that monster curse , the New Poor Law . If fee thought they batl erred at all , it was in not going a step further , and denouncing the Scottish system of Poor Laws , a system , in some respects , even more disgraceful than the English Byttera—a system nnder which the Scottish labourer , when he had fallen " into the seie and yellow leaf , " and was no longer
able to create wealth for idle drones to consume , deemed himself fortunate if ke could get the wretched pittance of half-a-crown or three shillings a ^ week to subsist upon ; and this wia by no means the lowest rate of relitf ;—included in the princely domains of bis plunder-ship the Bake of Sutherland , was one parish where the reaef of those receiving the highest amount was rather less than Gi per week , whilst those who received the lowest relief had rather less tti&a three-halfpence per wetrk ; but horribie as this was it was not the worst ; in the adjoining parish the highest amount of relief given to tfee recipients was three shillings a year , and the lavrejst one shilling a year , which , reduced to a weekly allowance , gives to the moie fortunate something less than three furthincs a week , -and to the
^ orst paid something less than one farthing per week . Now he thought , that instead cf finding fault with the introduction of the English Poor Law into the petition , the Scottish tleiegatea would have acted far more wisely tad they introduced th * ir own system of Poor Laws , a 3 a crying grievance—one of the ¥ pasfruits of elass-iegislation . With respect to the repeal of the UnioB , he considered its introduction into the National Petition to be one of the wises : acts of the framers of that valuable document Already its good tffects bad been sttn , in conciliating to a considerable este ' nt onr Irish brethren , heretofore prejudiced against -ns , because , led to believe by crafty knaves , that the English people were opposed to the liberty and h 3 ppiutsa of the people of Ireland ; feat
now that they saw we sympathised with them in their ruffrrings , and were , anxious to co opert-ta wilh th * ni ia their straggle . for a domestic legislature , they were fast coming over to onr ranks , and the day was not distan . wbtn Ireland wonld be united wi ; h us to a man . ( Cheers . ) As regarded the object on that the people of Scotland haa not been consulted in the adoption of the Petition , it was a paltry and contemptible objection . Thty were as much consuited as th « pet-pie of Eus ^ ond . The English Executive had drawn up the petitionsorns party must have drawn it up , and why not the English . Executive ?—men who repiesented a far greater number of the democratic party than any other constituted body in # reat B"k " ' n . When drawn np , the petition was published , and that was the time to
have raised objections , if any could have been fnrly raised . The petition was adopted without diantnt by the Chartists o . ' England , Walts , and Ireland . Yes , and he wonld add , by the great majority of the Chirtists of Scotiaud , yet had tha Scottish Convention thrown it ont , but did the majority who threw out the petition really represent tlw majority of the Scotch Chartisis ? No ; ttey were a faction elected , and therefore a faction ' s majority , a mctlcv band , Brewsterites , Corn Law Repealers , &c , agreeing with each other on two points oniy—love of Whiggery , and hatred of O Connor . ( Hear . ) But such are cot the men who ref resent the gallant sons of Auld Scotia , he knew the brave men cf that ' country , he had traversed th « ir land from end to end , he knew the feelings and sentiments
of the people of Scotland , and he knew that the great , the overwhelming majority were hewt and soul with the peop e of England ; sure he was that their Scotch brethren had but to be shown the evils of disunion , had but to be shown how necessary it was for themselves and they wonld snap the chains that b nd them to be united with the people of England , and they would forthwith rever * e the decision of their Convention . Mr . Harney concluded a lengthy addrt « s by proposing for adoption the following resolution : — " That this meeviBg considering the unkn with the people of Esgiand and Scotland to be . indbpeusible tor the political salvation of both countries , views with txtrcme regret the rejection ef the National Petition by the Scottish Convention . " Mr . Tiaei seconded the resolution , which was carried ananimously .
The two following reaolntiurs were also Hnanimousiy adopt * d : —iloved by Mr . Prior , seconded fey Mr . Clayton , - That this meeting , regarding the said r * jection of the petition as being the act of those representing an inconsiderable minority of the people of Great Britain , bereby respectfully bnt urgently cail upon their bretkren , the . C&artlrts of Scst . ' aad , to reverse the decision of theif delegates , and to give their support * o the National PetitioB . " Mo ^ ed by lir . Smith , seccaded by Mr . JMeHiih , " That the thanks of this meeting are given t j thosa delegates who supported tha National Petition , as also to the n . en cf Irvine , for their nobie resolution poblisbtd in ihaStar of Saturday last—a resolution which we trngt will be acted npon throughout broad Scotland . * Thanks having been voted to the Grairjojui , the meeting dissolved .
Female chartist ^ Ieetisg . —The Female Char lists aifctrwarUs held a mtbting , and unai-ifuottsly rtsul ved to join the National Charter Aesuciation .
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OP 2 NSHAW .-Oii Sunday evening last , Mr . J . Cartledge , of Manchester , celivereci a lecture on the productive powers of the soil , which gave the greatest saiirfaetioB . WEDlTESBUli'y . —On Tuesday , Mr . Mason dehvered a lecture on the rights of tfee working million ? , the utility , of the People ' s Charter , ' and the meaii 3 of proennsg it . TODMOEDBN .-Mr . Duffy lectured to a numerous audienee on Wednesday week , in Mr . Greenwood ' s Large Room , LumbullV . —Un Friday night , Mr . Candy , from Wo-verhanapton , d . Mvered an acdrtss upon manarchieal aii'l republican princ pies ; he contrasted one with the ctber m a very ek-queat style , and showed what a debasing , enslaving , » nd imm&faiisiog effect moaircby had upon society . " -
HULL . —Mr . Jones , the lecturer for the East and North Hieing , addrtsstd the inhabitants of Hull , on 3 Iondaj ' , in the Jar ^ e hail of the ifreenifc » oa ' s Lod ^ e , xi half-p * st seven . The cause is looking np in » his town and neighbourhood . At the conclusion of the meeting not ltrss than 150 signatures were attached to the great National , WATaBHTGTON . —On Monday eveaiBg last Mr . Bairetjw celiveied a lecture , m the Reform Hall , to an attentive meeting . He was cheered throughout most rapturoutly . Several newmeabers were tniollkd . ECCZiES . —Mr . Bairstow lectured here in the Association Room , to a crowded meeting of the industrious artisans , » cd did ample justice to the Bubjeet if the Peopled Charter .
HEBDSJT BRI . 1 JGE .-Mr . Knowles , from Keignley , lectured here on Monday last , loa crowded auaience , and at the conciuBion was nominated for a member of the Convention . On TueBi ' a . Y night , he lectured in Calding , about two miles from Hebden Bridge . At the close of the lecture ai Association was formed , and twelve persons enrolled their names . SINGLE ? . —At the usual weekly meeting of the Chartists , on Tuesday evening last , it was ananiraoa&Jy carried— " That this meeting is of opinion that the straightforward , upright , and patriotic manner in which the Executive have done their duty , issnch aat » emitle them to our esteem and entire confidence ; and that we do recommend all Associations in the United Kingdom , who approve of their ondHct . to express the same . "
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BIRMINGHAM —Aim-CoRN Law Delegate Meeting . —A large placard was posted on the walla of Birmingham , calling on the operatives of each factory , to send delegates to meet the Anti-Corn Law Committee on important business , and informing thrm that tickets of admission would be supplied to the delegates at the Journal office . The meeting was advertised to take place at the Public-office , at halfpast serea o ' clock on Teusday evening ; and at the time appointed , the large table , in front of the magistrates' bench , was surrounded by members of the Anti-Corn Law Committee and their friends , whilst the petit and grand jury boxes were tenanted by friends and members of the sarae body . The factory delegates were , of course , obliged either to stand in
frent of the prisoners' bar , or retire beyond hearing of the chairman . Mr . Giles was called to the chair , sn& after a vast deal of conversation pro and con , as to the business for which the meeting had been calied , ti * e Chairman stated that they merely wished to mow the numbers employed in each faotory , and how many of them were willing to join the Anti-Corn Law Association , also the amount of wages they then earned , compared with what they got formerly . He concluded by stating that no other business or discussion was anticipated . Several members of the committee then addressed the meeting on the misery that existed in the country , and said that the Corn Laws were the sole cause of it . They declared their determination not to submit to a sliding scale , but to have a total and unconditional repeal . After the members of the
committee had spouted . forth what they thought necessary , a long conversation took place as ^ to whether the operative delegates were to be allowed to deliver their sentiments , and those of their constituents on the subject of the existing Corn Laws . Several of the committee thought that the working-men ought merely to deliver iu statements of the number of person s in their various factories who were willing to join the Association , and supply them with the other information , mentioned by the Chairman , at their office on a future day . A working man in the Grand Jury box said , that he had derived more real information from the fe w speeches which had been previously made than from any ether business which had beeixtransacted during the evening , and hoped that every delegate present , would be aliowed to state his sentiments on that
sobject . Mr . Smith Lindon , delegate from a large feuder manufactory , then addressed the meeting . He said he had been deputed by his shopuiates to attend that meeting in order to lay their opinions before that meeting , and he thought he should not be doing bis duty if he neglected to state their views of the Mibject . They admitted that the Corn Laws were unjust , but they al-o knew that the imposts upon tea , coffee , and other articles of consumption were equally ucjast . They also regretted the amonnt of distress that existed in the country , and had good cause to do so , as the working classes were the main sufferers . They were of opinion that the democratic axe must be laid to tha root of th 9 tree
oi ' . monopoly before any good results could accrue to the sons of industry , for if the people had the power of voting they could soon get rid of the Corn Laws and all other bad laws . The fact of calling the working mea together was a proof that they admitted their competency t » judge in the matter . Why then did they not asssist them iu geitiBg their rights , and then there would be no further occasion to agitate for the repeal of a single law , as they would have the power of sending men to Parliament who would repeal all bad laws , and enact others in their place calculated to secure the happiness of the whole people . ( Hisse 3 from the committee . ) They might hiss him as tkey thought proper , perhap 3 they had an idea that because ha ware a fustian jacket that
he had no business so s-peak his mind , but he would do so in defiance of any man . Ho was determined to prove their sincerity on the present occasion . If they really wished the workiDg men to assist them they would help them to get the People ' s Charter . He denied thit the Corn Laws were the sole cause of the miseries that existed in the country ; it mainly arose from the cupidity and competition of the masters themselves . He then cited soveral instances of masters underselling each other , and . making the wages of the workmen suffer for their avarice . But did they imagine that foreigners would give up thdr manufactories to grow corn for the people of England ; for it was well known that they had avast amount of machinery in operation , which was
increasing yearly j he then shewed the ratio in which machinery nad increased in America of late years , and adverted to the reduction which had taken place in the wages of the operatives of Lancashire , within the last thirty year ? , although the consumption of raw cotton had increased twelve fold , thus showing that increase of trade was no guarantee to the working menol an increase of wages , but the contrary ; he next alluded to tha boast so often made by the Anti Corn Law repealers , of the high wages and cheap food of the artisans of America ; but , said he , they forgot to inform the working men of'England ti . at the working men of America had vote 3 , and that their whole government cost less than the amount required for the expences and salary of
the Lord Lieut , of Ireland . Mr . Lindon concluded a very able address by proposing— "That although the Corn Laws were an admitted grievance , yet the workiug classc s were not justified in agitating for anything short of th 8 People ' s Charter . " The Committee refused to accept the resolution to be proposed at the meeting , knowing well it would be carried . Mr . Richard ThomspD , delegate from a factory in Rea-street , handed in his credentials , and slated that his shopmates had instructed him to state that they considered that the Corn Laws were aot the sole cause of the nation ' s distress , but that the whole resulted from class legislation . They were therefore resolved to agitate for the People ' s Charter , and nothing le £ 9 ; and as hia friend Lindon had
entered so fully into the subject , he could not do better thau state his perfect concurrence in his views , and would coroially second his proposition . Several other delegates handed in their credentials , every one of whom avowed themsehes Chartists , and said they looked forward to the Charter as the only real remedy for the grievances of the people . Mr . Ashmore , button manufactuier , member of the anti-Corn Law Committee , eaid that he also was a Chartist , and had been a member of the Political Council when the National Petition was agreed to . He had not the same hopes of success in the anti-Corn Law movement as some of his brother committee-men , for he must confess he expected nothing from Sir Robert Peel ; at any rate , his refusal to accede to the wishes of the anti-Corn Law repealers
would strengthen the people ' s hands in their demands fcr an exteusien of ike franchise . Several other members of the Committee declared themselves friends of the Charter , after which the Chairman made some remarks on the speeches of the working men , and said if they did not wish to assist the Association to repeal the Corn Laws , they perhaps would have do objection to give them the necessary information required . Mr . George White then acdressed the meetiug in vindication of the policy of the Chartist body , and wished to meet the Corn Law repealers in lair discussion . Tfrs was declined , and , after a resolution , culling on the operatives to supply the necessary information as to the state of tht ir trade and wages , and a vote « f thanks to the Chairman , the meeting separated .
Freeman-street Meeting . —Sunday Evening—The usual meeting took piace at the Chartist Room , Freeman-street , on Sunday evening last , Mr . Fred . Corbett , in the chair . The Chairman introduised Mr . John Mason , Chartist Lecturer , ' to address the meetiug . The Lecturer proceeded in his usual clear and spirited manner , to point out the excellence of Chartist principles . He showed the ccitsinty of their ultimate success , and asserted that events would overthrow the present system of misgovernmeat . He wa 3 warmly applauded . . Monday Evening . —The weekly meeting of the ^ National Charter Association was hel d at their
Room , Freeman-Btreet , on Monday evening . Mr . J . A . Fussell was unanimouslj called to the chair , and called on Mr . George White to address the meeting . Mr . White proceeded to analyze the various parties that existed in the state , and was followed by several other members . The Secretary , Mr . Spiufcs , then read the minutes of the first meeting of the new Council , at which Mr . A&hton was appointed Treasurer , and Mr . Spinks , Secretary . Mr . Thorpe was also appointed assistant to the Secretary . The minutes were passed unanimously , and the meeting separated . All communications must , in futnre be directed to Mr . E . Spinkfl , iocksmith , Lancaster-street . White ' s Defkkcb Fund . —All persons having any communications for the Committee to the above fand , are requested to direct them to Mr . J A . Fussed , 7 & , Bordeslej-sireet , Birmingham .
Delegate Mekiing . —Notice is hereby given , that the next delegate meeting for the counties of Warwick and Leicester , will be held at the Ship Inn , Steelhonse-lane , on Sunday , Februray 6 th , at half-past two o ' olock in the afternoon , when a delegate wiil be expected from each town , and also from those places connected with the lecturer s fond . Bibmix « ham Petitioh Committes . —The members of this Committee hold their meetings every Wednesday eveniDg , at the Chartist Room , Freemanstreet . Every friend of the People ' s . Charter is requested to attend and co-operate .
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WEZiIiZNGBOROUGH . —Dr . M'Dottall has been lecturing here with good effect NORTHAMPTON . —Mr . M'Farlane has resigned hta office as councillor , because he iould not attend at the time fixed by the rest of the council , and Mr . Henry Male , shoemaker , was nominated in his stead . BRADFORD . —The General Baptists have resolved tojoin the Charter Association in a body . New Leeds . —Mr . Sniith lectured here en Snndav evening . . " ' ; . . - ¦ . ' . ' ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ¦ . ¦ - ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ --: Stanningley . —Mr . Brook lectorea here on Sunday evening ... - •; : . - . " /¦ .: -.. ;¦ . : ' ., . - ' - ; -J . ' : ' . ' - , '¦' ¦;' : ' : ' ¦ . ¦ ¦' . . > -. HYDE . —Mr . Wm . Griffin delivered a lecture in the Working Men ' s Institution , in Hyde , on Monday , the 17 th inst , to a very attentive audience . BURY . —Mr . Charles Connor , of Manchester , lectured here on Monday evening .
STALYSRIDGE . —Mr . J . Bairstow , of Leicester , delivered a lecture in the People ' s School , on Saturday evening , Jan . 15 th , to a numerous and respectable audience , when six persons enrolled their nanies aa memberv-: : : - . "" ' . . . "' . ; ; .- ; ' v . '¦ ¦' .. ¦ 'O- : ; . Mr . John Leach , of Hyde , delivered a lecture on Sunday evening , Jan . 16 tb , ijg | 3 » e Association Boom , when our persons enrolled theft names aa members . CONGLETON . —On Thursday week , by permission of the Mayor , a public meeting -was held in the Town Hall , on the distressed state of the country—its causes ' and remedy . Powerful speeches were made by Messrs : West and Djyla in support of the Charter as the only efficient remedy . A Socialist named Campbell moved an amendment , for which , when put to the vote , ten hands were holden up . .
LONDON . —The Eastern Division of Boot and Shoemakersmet on Sunday evening last . Th' 8 body of Chartists meet in the large room of the Star Coffee House , Golden Lane . Two new members were enrolled . ; . ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦; '" ¦ ¦ ¦ , .. ¦ ¦' . ; . ' . .- " . ¦ " . ¦ -: ¦ . ' . '¦' ¦ ; ¦ ; " . ' - ' : " ; l .. . Shoreditch . —The meeting nights for this locality are Sunday and Monday , at St . Martin ' s Coffee House , 3 , Church-street ; time , ^ eight o ' clock . Mr . Knight lectured on Sunday to a full house . ; Westminster . —Charter Coffee House , Stret ton Gkound . —The members of this locality have prepared a large room for public meetings and other purposes connected with the Association . They hope cow to go about the business in right earnest
The O'Conneli . . " Hint" in tub Borough of SOUTHWARK .. —A correspondent says—•• It is a fact that net one farthing has been subscribed for Dan ' s Rint by the enrolled Repealers of Southwark , although a Mr . Chatter told the Repealers of this locality that Mr . O'Connell was . £ 30 , 000 in debt . " Tailors , Three Doveb , Berwickstreet , Soho . —After the usual business of the . Association , on Wednesday evening last , it was resolved , " That aa harmonic mating be held at the above rooras , to aid the Masons' Strike Fund . " Mr . Bibb , the Secretary to the Tailors' Trade Association , has kindly consented to take the chair on the opening night , which will be on Wednesday evening next , and continue every week during the strike , and a book will be kept for weekly payment . :
Three CROWNS , RiCHMOND-STREET .-rThe tailors of this locality held their usual meeting on Sunday last , when Mr . Ruffy Ridley delivered a lecture upon the appropriation of the soil , shewingr the evils arising from the present distribution of the land , its injurious effects , and the great benefit which would result if the land was distributed in small farms , as recommended by Mr . O'Connor . - ¦ '¦;¦ Mr . Ruffy Ridley delivered an argumentative lecture , on Tuesday evening , at the Black Bull Inn , Hammersmith-road , showing that all .. property originated in land and labour ; pointed out the proper appropriation of the soil ; and proved to dewiohstration , that the people never will possess anything unless they first achieved the Charter .
LIVERPOOL—Mr . Bairstow lectured here on Tuesday evening last , to a numerous and attentive audience . Special Meeting . —A special meeting was held on Sunday evening last , at Mr / Benbow ' a Temperance Hotel , Gerard-street When the Secretary had read the report , the following persons were nominated to the General Council : —Mr . Wm . Morton , Mr . Samuel Cowan , Mr . Charloa Q . WilllamB , Mr . Edmund Jones , Mr . James M'Kenna , Mr . Wmi Earle , Mr . John Cowan , sub-Treasurer , Mr . Evan Davies , sub-Secretary , The weekly public meetings are in future to be held every Wednesday evening ; to commence on the 9 th of February ntxt . ;¦ , ' . : ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ : . ¦
MANCHESTER . —The members of the Manchester Operatives' Mutual Improvehiant Society hold their weekly meetings in the National Charter Association Room , Rsdfearn-street , Miller-strcetj where all ques ^ tions of popular interest are subjetiwd to the test of disenssion . All parties are invited , and allowed to give expression to their opinions . The end of tho Society is the moral and intellectual improvement of the working class ; the means , a discussion class , and a constantly increasing library . The weekly contribution is one penny . ; "" ¦'" _ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ; Waterhead Mills . —Mr . Griffin , ' of Manchester , lectured here on Sunday atternoen , to a very attentive audience . ' ¦ ' - ' -, ¦ ::. '¦ :. ; : ¦
The Redfern-stheet room was crammed on Sunaay evening to hear a lecture by Mr . John Cro \ fder , from Lees . On the same evening , Mr . Thomas Clarke , of Stockport , lectured at Brovrn-BtTeet .. Lectures were likewise delivered in three other rooms .: The cause is doing welL A Fbiend in Manchester has signified his intention of presenting to the ' members , of the Executive five splendid tri-coloured silk scarfs , as a proof of the rega-d be has for that body for the straightforward manner they have advocated the cause of the people , the'scarfs will ' . be a sample of a number he intends having manufactured to be worn by the Chartists . MOSSIiEY . —Mr . Josh . Linney . of Manchester , lectured here on Sunday erening to an overflowing audience .
A 5 HBCRTON . —( Devon . )—A lecture was delivered at the Zioa Chapel , in this town , on Monday last , by Mr . E . P . Mead , of Birmingham , who kindly favoured the Asbburton Chartists with a lecture on his return from Cornwall . Ouseburn—The Chartists of this place met , as usual , in their reading room , near Byket Bar , on Sunday morniug last , Mr . Kidd , in the chair . A subscription was commenced to defray the delegates ' , expencts t « the forthcoming Conventiofi , when a good round sum was subscribed . It was then meved and carried , " That Chartist meetings ba , held at Ouseburn and Byker Hill , on the d » y that the Prince of Wales is christened—provided it be a general holiday . " The Secretary was empowered to correspond with Mr . GeoTge Binns , to attend the meetings as he is a great favourite here .
ABERDEEN , —On Friday evening week , at a public meeting , iield in the Ttmperance Hall , George-street , called for the purpose of receiving an account of the mission of Mr . Jsmes M'Pherspnj representative '" for the inhabitants of Aberdeen iu the Scottish Convention , the following resolutions were , after much discussion , carried by- great majorities : —After ; Mr . M'Pherson had given an account of the proceedings at Glasgow , Mr . Nicolson moved , " That this ineetibg highly approves of the conduct of Mr James M'Pherson as representative for the inhabitahts of Aberdeen in the Scottish Convention , held in Glaseow . " Seconded
by Mr . Pullar . Mr . M * Donald moved , " That this meeting views , with the strongest disapprobation , tho surreptitious means used by Mr . John Mitchell to obtain a seat in the Convention ; and further , that they express their utter detestation of his conduct in obstructing and misrepresenting the wishes and sentoeats of the inkabi'anta of Aberdeen in the aforesaid Convention . " Seeonded by Mr . Bremmur . A protest against his sitting and voting in the Convention was carried at a public meeting held on the 6 th of January , but not in time for the Convention . After a vote of thanks to the Chairman , the meeting broke op at twelve o ' clock . : ' ' '¦ : . ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ ; ' ¦'¦" .. ' " : ' ¦¦ ¦' ¦ : ¦ -. - . - : " ' ' -- - - ¦ :
On Mosday night , the -weekly meeting of the Charter Union was held , Mr . James M'Phewon in the chair Mr . M'Donald addressed them « n the doctrine of majoriUes . Dr . M'Dbuall ' s lettet was read amidst applause . It was agreed towritetoMr . Ross , Trea «« rer to the Central Committee , in order to ascertain Uie amount of money received by him from Aberdeen . - ^ - Several other important matters were transacted , and the meeting up . %
SACRISTON . —Mr . Mewbray , of Purham , visited this place on Monday last , and exponnded the princi . pies of the Charter to some ef the good men and trae . He showed in a clear and lucid manner the advantages which would accrue to the working claww by befag pnt In possession of political power , and orged » pon them the necessity of nnion for the attainment * t so great a measure of justice . The National Petition was adopted , and a committee of three ftppplntedi to obtain signatures In this district . :
YORK . —The York Demonstration Committee Intend to dispose of their splendid " Triumphal Car" by lottery , in shares of sixpence each . The lottery to fee drawn on the 1 st day of March , 1842 . Any friends wishing to take a chance for the same can do so by forwarding the amount , per post , to the Secretary , Mr . W , Cordeuxj at 26 , Micklegate , Yorir .
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HALIFAX . —Qn Saturday eveuing last , Mr . Duffy lectured here here to an attentive audience , SCARBRO ' . —Mr . Jones lectured on Wedaesday and Tharsday evenings . A memorial for the Welsh victims was adopted . ; MERTHYR TYDVIt , —At a fuH meetingi Mr . Miles in the chair , after some good and sensible spe ^ ehes were delivered by Messrs . D ^ Reea and Henry Thomas , and others . Mr . John , Jan . was called on to read the able letter of Mr . M-Douall , which appeared in the Star
of last week . He afterwards moved the following resolution , which was seconded and well supported by Mr . pavitl Thomas , and passed unanimously : — " That we highly approve of Mr . M'Douairs letter , which appeared in the Star of Saturday last , and are of opinion that the conduct of the Scotch Delegates in regard to tie National Petition is highly injurious and inebnsistont , and this Association sincerely trusts the Scottish working people will Unanimoualy co-operate with their working brethren of . England , Wales , and Ireland , in signing the National Petition for 1842 , as it stands .
HONtY . r ^ MEETiNG of Delegates . —Names of the Delegates : HuddersSeid ^ -John Leech ; Honly—C / iarles Bobthrdyd ; / Holmflrth—WilliaHi Canningham ; Lepton— -Matthew Whittle ; Shelly- ^ -Hugh Green ; Stocksmoor—James Stephenson ; BowySrow—George Hargraves ; Paddock—Samuel Gaukroger . Names of Conncilmen : John Chapman , John Heaton , George Armitage , Edward Clayton , Reuben Megson , Josiah Thomas , Jaines Shaw , afid George Hirst—The first business which occupied the attention of the D ^ 6 gates was the reading of a letter from Mr ; Candy ¦ ,- proposing to come and lecture for one month , on cendition that he
shouid be allowed to coins on the same principles aa others had done before . 1 . It was agreed that a single man should have twenty-five shillings per week allowed —if married , thirty shillings per week . 2 . That a Delegate meeting ' -be held at Honly once a month ,. and ; that two Coancilaien attend with : them ; also that the books bo brought with them , that all moneys may be entered as received from the various Delegates attendipg . It was then moved and seconded , " That a vote of thanks be given to the Leeds Chartists for the noble part they displayed in carrying the Charter , at the Music Hall , in eppbsitibn to the Anti-Slavery party . " ,
BAX . SHAW MOOH . —This little village has already obtained about 3 , 000 signatures to the petition . To the last one they only got about as many hunQreds . So much , however , for the spread of Chartism in this quarter . SAX . PORX >—The youths of Salford held their first meeting on Wednesday evening last , "when the meeting was addressed by Messrs . Hargreaves , Nuttill , and others , members of the Youths' Chartist Association of Manchester . The speakers urged on the meeting the necessity of the youths of this country enrolling themselves members of the National Charter Association and called on them to render all the assistance they possibly could in the great work of political redemption . On Si / NDAY Evening , the Chartists of Salford held their weekly meeting , when Mr . Story , of Ashton , delivered an able lecture .
On Mondjly evening , an adjourned discussion took place on the principles of Socialism , as advocated by Mr . Owen , and the benefits likely to arise from the adoption of the People's Charter contrasted . The question was ably advocated on both sides . Anadjournuient took place until next Monday evening . SHEFFIELD . —On Monday night , a public meeting was held for the purpose of laying before the public that precious document called the Midland Counties Charter . It was read and ably commented oa by Mr . Otley , who showed the meeting the utter absurdity and injustice of the scheme , when the following
resolution was moved by Mr . M'Ksttrick , and seconded by Mr Buxton , and carried : ¦ . •' . That the \ rorkiug men of Sbemeld have heard with attention and cara the doeument called the Midland Counties Charter , published by a private individual for the adoption of the public , that we ; the aforesaid Working BBsn do not find in the document before mentioned a full recognition of the juat rights and privileges of the working classes , and therefore see no reason why we should abandon the assertion of oar just and unalienable rights , as demanded by the Peoples Charter . " Mr . William Gill and Mr . jlichard Otley were each nominated as fit and proper persons to be members of the forthcoming Convention .
TYLDSLEY . —The National Petition has been numerously' sigaed here . A number of the middle classes have signed it , but tha majority of them have insolently refused . Never was distress so general in this village as at present Hundreds of the working classes are sunk into the deepest misery , In a many instances to a complete state of destitution , yet , the most influential portion of the shopocrats have not only refused to sign the petition , but have actually used the meanest language to these persons yrho waited upon theni for their signatures . If the working classes will only adopt a system of exclusive dealing , the day is near when they will not only sign their petition , but like
Sir Robert Peel , with the Ten Hours' deputation , ask them for their advice . There is one thing worthy of notice , a great master—^ an extension of commerce man —warned his hands not to sign the National Petition iinder penalty of losing thoir employment , in other words , thijir bread ; but the anti-monopolist was a day too late , for about 580 of his hands , or those dependant on Lira , had signed ; and this man who is an advocate of free trade—this . man who is so anxious to better the condition of the working classes , not a fortnight ago , reduced frow Is . 6 d to is . 41 . work , that forty years ago the weaver received 163 . for . His dressers likewise are undergoing a heavy reduction , some of them at the rate of forty per cent , and this is one of the Plague .
KIRKHEATON . —At a meeting holden on Monday last , at the new School of Science , Shop-lane , Mr . J , Marshland in the chair , it was resolved : —1 st , * ' That it is the opinion of this wetting , thct all the distress and destitution of the labouring classes of this country , is to be attributed to class legislation , and that this meeting is perfectly convinced that the upper and : middle classes of society will continue to oppress the labouring classes of this country , so long as they have the exciusive power of law-making . " 2 nd— " That this meeting will neither join nor countenance any other agitation
than the political enfranchisement of thewhole ^ aleadult population , as laid down in the document entitled the People ' s Charter , beiiering as we do , that no measure is so calculated to secure to the whole people their just rights . " 3 rd- —" That in order to seeure a free and full representation of this country , we , the inhabitants of Kirkheaton . at present assembled , do resolve to join the Natiemal Charter Association of Great Britain , which has for its olgsct the attainnient of the People ' s Charter . The aembers meet every Men lay night at eight o'clock . :
STOCKTON-OW-TEES . —The Chartists met on Monday evening , at fieven o ' clock . Mr . Umpleby was called to the chair . He opened the business by saying they were called together for the purpose of better organizing the Chanist body , and ako to impress upon the members the necessity of U 3 \ ng ail the power they can in getting the whole of the Chartist inhabitants united into one body . ; He then informed the meeting . that the Committee appointed for the purpose of engaging tha lirge room belongi ' n <( to the Working Men ' s JVlutual Instruction
Society had engaged it for Wednesday evenings ; and in futui » the Chartists will hold their weekly meeting ;©» Wednesday evenings , at half-past seven o ' oloek , instead of Sunday , as before . After a good deal of distuBsion , Mr . Plumpton proposed , and Mr . Robinson « eiconded , "That this meeting view with feelings of sorrow and regret the divided state of the liberal portion of the inhabitants of this place , and at tke same time , with a view 10 the reconciliation of dirided parties , this meeting adopts the following address '' : — '
The Chartisti of ' Stockton and its Vicinity to the Inhabitants of Stdcktotu FaiBRW— -tor guch We will call you—we only wish you to take jour own cauae into your own hauts , that we at this time call on you once more to come forward with your wpnied vigour , and by being uaited in ono consolidated body , we can , with greater emt and more efiectually , agitate this part of tho eountry ; and , by our united tfforta , we Bpay , with greater facility , cauae the spread of Chartism . For , friends , we area long way off the mark at preseet ; and we would : have you take it into your serious consideration the great obligation that is laid eu yo « , seeing that sootety is iu this most deplorable condition , and , you etauding aloof ftow this great and glorious agitation . Bat now that we
have g « i a large room to meet in , we do hope that you will tee the propriety of eoming forward to assist bs i » getting the various good and true advocatet « f tar principles to some to Stockton—as you know , w « , the small number that are at prege » t joiatd i tannot get all the speakers that we would wish . \ Ve will eoaolude by xeguestiDg all that have a * y pretensions to Chattism to © ome to the next ( enerai meeting , which will be held on Wednesday aTening , the 26 th of January , at our room m Allii « n-8 tree * , when the present Committee will lay brfore the meetiug the plans that they have drawn up ; and at the same time there will be a fresh Committee chosen , euch an one as will suit all ¦ partiei . - - ; -.- - ¦ . V : / ..: ' ; v- ' ¦ ¦ " '• .. . ' . ' . "; " " : ¦ •" ' '•' .. ¦ ¦ ' . ; ; : '• . : . ¦; . ¦¦•; ¦' . '• ¦ ' ¦ . ;• • Signed , on behalf of the meeting , Joseph Uhplbbt , Cha ^ mau . Jan . 90 Ui . lW 2 .
Untitled Article
DUIWAVS . —At a meefng of the Durham ChortiaUu dsf a fcheld at Mr . Craig ' s , on Sunday last , Mr . Mov » bray ^' ' ^ "* ** Sfc ^ moved the adoption of the National Petition , which : was seconded by Mr . Dreghorn , and carried unanimously , after which the meeting separated . DTJHHAM . —At a meefng of the Durham ChortiaUu £ /? A fcheld at Mr . Craig ' s , on Sunday last , Mr . Mowbngr ^' ' ^ "* ** Sfc ^
or . DHAM . —IVIr . Grinlh lectured here on Sunday evening . The room was crammed , and hundreds anxious to gain admittance had to go bask again , ooabte togetfa . - " - : ¦• . ¦ .. ¦ ¦¦ : ' .: :: ¦ . :. ' ¦; . . ¦ ' - . ; ' / v ; /¦ - ; ¦¦¦ .-. / . ^ : ' S -WBRBr . —Oa Friday week , Mr . James Duffi » y delivered a yeiy interesting address to the Chartists oJE this pl . ee . —On Sunday , Mr . Candy , from Wdlverhaopton , lectured in the afternoon . Tiie room was crowded nearly to suffocation . NOTPTXWiErHAia——DEtEGATS MEEtll « tt—4 * this meeting which stood adjoiarned from the 2 nd inst . till Sunday morningV the 16 th last , and was holden at the Demociratic Chapel . Mr . W . D . Taylor , was reappointed for three months , as lecturer for Nottinghamshire , from the lsiol February next . A resolution
having been carried at the previous meeting , " Thai an exchange take place for one month between the Sf ^ $ » tingham county lecturer , and the regularly employ ^ lecturer of any other district , if practicable , " this was again passed without a dissentient Mr . Plant thought that much good' wonld result from holding a county council mcetiniyr . monthly at Nottirighaia . Mr . Russell said he ^^ cordfially agreed wrtii the last spea ker in opinion , but considered that circumstances wonld prevent this being put in practice , immediately . '"' - A , motion was then made and carried uDanJmoasJy , thai the Nottingham Council call the fint month'y meetinjt as sooa as pratticable . The Convention "was the next businea brought under notice by Mr . Russell . Mr . Anthony and Mr . Wilson thought the best mode of
raisicg means for the support of the Convention , would be to make an estimate of tiie sum which each locality would fee capable of raising . Mr . Bostock said many would isuprort the Convention who did not reenlarly contribute to the association . Mr . Eveley thought that £ 25 was the sum required to . be raised in the disirict . Mr . Russell explained that £ 36 was ^ afterwards stipulated aa the Buwifor a district rettiTniiig two persons to the Convention , and according to this Btatemeiit , Nottingbam and Gainsborough , £ 15 ; Leicestershire ^ £ 13 s Derbyshire , £ 8 . After some further conversation , it was resolved that all monies for the support of the Convention fee paid into the hands of Mr . James Sweet , Goosegate , Nottingham , General Treasurer of the District , on or before the 12 th ot February . 1842 . And
further that the 8 ub-3 ecretaries of each locality imiuediatelyfotward to the district swb-Secretary , Mr . Wm . Russell , a fatthfu ! return of the members of their various localities duly qualified to vote . Sab-secretaries failing to do this will totally disqualify such locality frnm voting . The candidates'for Nottingham , Leicester , Datby r Lincoln and Rutland , are Messrs . T . R . * Suiuit . u . Harrison . J .: Skeyington , W . D . Taylor ; And J . B . Bairstow . Ont of these , twivare . to beretnrcedto sit in ths Convention , raettiog la London , In February next . Let each member of the National Charter Assodatioo * write the names ef two of the above upoa a slip of paper , being their choice ; place the same in the handy
of the local sub-Secretary ,, who shall carefully scruti nise the numbers by comparing them with his booksu After doing which , ; 1 j , e shall make his return to the district eub-Secretary , who . will send the number voting for each candidate to the General Secretary . Mr . Hankin proposed , and Mr . West seconded , the continuance of the Sunday local lecturer's plan , which was carried unanimously . A delegate then askedf what progress was being made in procuring signatures to the National Petition . The Secretary , said that 16 , 000 signatores were now obtained , and many more sheets out . ¦ A vote of thanks was given to the Chairman and the meeting awparated . ... ¦ ¦' . . '' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦;/ '¦ . : ¦ ; ., - . ' ' . "¦• : ' ; . ¦' ¦ ' .. •¦
ON Monday evenixo last , the Chartists held theS » weekly public meeting in the Democratic Chapeli ' Mr . Smart in the chair . The usual business was transacted , and arrangemsnts made for the public meeting next Monday evening , at seveni o ' clock , t # vota for tw » members , to sit in the forthcomius Convention , at London . ,: '¦ ' "¦ : " . "¦ ' . .. '"• . ¦ ; ¦ . / . ;¦; ; .: ' / ' /¦ / " ;¦ .- ^ ,, \ DijBLIW . -- 'rhQ ^ Iriab . Uniyersal siiFrage Association held their usual weekly meeting , on Sunday , tha 16 th inst , at their great room , 14 , North Ann-street ; Mr . H . Clark in the chair . Tae Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting ; he also read a letter from Mr . James . Hebblewaite , of Belfast , containing ths names of eighteen persons resident in that town , and , requesting that they be admitted members of the Irisk
Universal Suifrage Association . ( Cheers . ) Mr . O'Brien moved that Mr . W . Wood » of Chorley , be admitted s member . Mr . Dillon rose and said ; he ' felt gr « & pleasure in seconding the admission of Mr . Wood , who had for tho last two years contributed to the furtherence of the Chatter in Ireland by sending Stara tracts , and . ciher valuable information . Mr . Forbes rose , and moved the admission of Mr . Beatty , of wl » a » he had given notice at the previous meetiagi He faid he bad lately coma from England , and the Chartist there were all for extending the liberties of Irishmen , without reference to creed or party . Each man shonld act upon this principle , and the Chaster would sooa be the law of the land ; it was this , for every man to bring another . He had been here but a few weeks , and
had the honour of introducing four members . He would now conclude by giving notice for the fifth . He then gave notice for the admission cf Me . W . Beatty , Mr . P . O Connor said he concurred in what had fallen from the last speaker . Tfley ought nafe to test satisfied with expounding their principles ia that room . Ho was aware that ia the Irish Universal Suffrage Association there were at least 300 registered Repealers , and were they to hear Mr . O'Connell charge them with taking illegal oaths , and not go as one mao to the Com Exchange and demand ti be heard in Xhwt own defence , and if they were not heard , what would the people ^ Ireland say of Mr . Q'CanneU ' s lore of fair play and eyen-handed justice ? Theyhadse « n that their Secretary , Mr . Brophy , had been treated as a common
ruffian . Their President , Mr . OHiggins , had beea called a midnight assassin , and within the last fortnight , he had been again arraigned by Mr . O'Conneli and accused of deluding them and administering illegal oath& Could any thing be more base or more unfounded than these assertions ? ' The feelings of the people of Ireland wore in favour of the principles of the Charter . He knew well by whom they were deterred from adopt * ing tho Charter . He" was a Roman Catholic and he ¦ would tell any , or all of the Catholic Priests in Ireland that they had no right to interfere in the political opinions of Uie people . They had a perfect right to discountenance all illegal sacifeties , but many of them had declared the Chartists to bcr illegal upon the ground that Mr . O'Connell had said so
In his ( Mr . O'Connor ' s opinion ) they ought '' to enquire whether Mr . O'Cucnell wits not interested in propagating such ridiculous falsehoods . Mr . O'Connor concluded by recommending that the whole of the registered repealers ; wht > are Chartists fihtald meet and go to the repeal iseeting and put forth their principlev and it they were not heard let them not pay nor countenance Mr . O'Cormell longer . Let them remember that it was by the pence and shillings which . the working ; people in this country subscribed that Mr . O'Connell was able to play such fantastic schemes as he did , they had only therefore if refused to be heard in tieir defence , and es members , to stop the supplies . Mr . O'Connor was much cheered thronghout his address , of which « e give but an outline . Mesara M'Mahon , Brown , Byrne .
Kelly , O'Brien , and a host of repealers all concurred in the opinions , of Mr . OCoanor . The following vote of thanka to the proprietors of the Freeman ' s Journal , Dra . Gray and Atkinson , was carried by acclamation . " Thftt tha thanks of this association are eminently due and are hereby especially given to Drs . Gray and Atkinson , proprietors of the Freeman ' s Journal , for their manljr intrepidity and promptitude in inserting oar reply to the groundless and offensive , assertions and insinuations regarding secret oaths contained in the report of a speech made lately at tho Corn Exchange by the Lord Mayor of DubJin , and that we consider t&a conduct of Drs . Gray and Atkinson enhanced by melancholy contrast with that of the Register , -which , with a > - liberality , we hope peculiar to itself ,: inseited : Mfc .
O ¦ Connell ' s observations in a still more objectionable shape , and yet refused us thei arraigned murderer ' s privilege—that of being hoArd in our own defence . " Tha Secretary , Mr . Brophy , rose and said , ifc was to him a matter of surprise that the subject of which Mr . O'Cottnor had spoken had not . long since been acted upon . It had been spoken of in that room before , but never witbi the sania spirit . It waa by adopting 6 Uch a principle that the Chartists in Great Britain were able to upset ail the huHibug meetings that had been got np , whether t » congratuiate tha Queen or to * eep in the WiJ ^ st but he would advise , them to act in a ' manner different from that which' they had seen acted fa that room when K ^ ynolds , Ainger , and the notorious Luke Kelly , the hatt « r , and others , forced their way
kit . * that room , and with clenched fists threatened « on » of the members , and in the passage broke the window Those who intended to go to the Com Exchange , ha was fcure would not act in any way but that in whieh even Mr . O'Conheli , aa Chief MagisUate of the city , would give tnem credit for , although he was sura Mr . O'Conufell would hear them very reluctantlf ; but they inust be determined to Vindicate their rights as citizen ^ and as members of the Rvpeal Association . Mr Bropby concluded by exhorting the meeting to remain no longer inactive and supine : toe circumstances of the timea culled for their exertions . The reckless Indifferent *
of Mr . O Connell , and all those by whom he was sax * rounded , towards the interests and happiness of ib » working classes of Ireland—the Ignorance and indifference of many of th « ir own class , through which they had permitted themselves to be made passive tools in the hands of those who sought neither theirs our their country ' s good—the cheering fact , that tha struggle between darkness and tyranny on the on * hand , aad light and liberty on the other , is seriously commenced , and calls npon as with a voice , which camtot be misunderstood , and which for otur own and o » r children ' s sake , we ought not to neglect- ^ :- ¦ ¦/ . .- . ¦ ¦ ¦ >' . - ¦[ : :. '• ¦)• ¦¦ ¦/•;' . ¦ ; , ''
Let tis prove to the world we were bom not fo » ¦' ,. . •; slaves , •;; -: . .: ; . ¦¦ ¦ . .. ¦ . ¦ .:. -: ¦ '¦ ¦ : : ;\ ¦• . . - " v . ;; - , . ; ¦ - . -- .. If tyraiiny conquers it will be o ' er onf glares . The meeting was further addressed by Messrs . Dsfit Lynch , M'Kenna , and Wood ¦ ward , Mr . K O'Connell was called to the chair , and the thanks of the meeting given to Mr . Clark for . his impartial cpnduet therein . Mr . Clark returned thanks in a neat speech , when th » meeting separated , . ' .- ' - ' v .:..- " ^ ' 4 - ' : - ^ ,. :.- *¦ - ¦ ¦*¦
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Untitled Article
VOL . T . FO . 319 . SATURDAY , JANUARY m , 1843 / P " ^ ^^" , ^^^ ° r
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' /^* ^ j ^^ z- ^ - ^ - ; ¦ : ^ j "" " ^^ ^ ^ g ^ r ^ Wv- -. < i ~ ~
To The Imperial Chartists
£T)Artt£T Ihxumxence
£ t ) artt £ t Ihxumxence
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 22, 1842, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct738/page/1/