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^^ TXbe millions AKD 5 OBEETHING KOBE . - gtaTB two millions of signatures , and then ' wt aa&HJ to Kt —Thomas Athnod . ** rf « me f » mQlions ef signatures , and -who can ' ^^^ - -iwo ^ yy 0 THE FUSTIAN JACKETS . ^ jij » ad * t l * st , mj dear frienda , your own ** « done jcmr own work . 'J *^ i -write upon the question of Uniterml 1 ^ feel mo » or leas excited , and if I be now if ^ L juiaDy bo it may be surely considered
justita&fa &e rIBST rEiiiios of the -working * gij » country eter presented to the House of £ -fi , BjiB > jeet ,- ! rhaeitsmagnirade , and the brief *^ pe » te manner in which it was got up and V ^ j b , jts destination , command some obserrations *\ L the originator of the project ** reeeliect that I was charged with an act of \ ^ is biting mentioned some of the materials ^ f ^ jeh the country could hastily form a C * nten-* « i 3 e Mr . Hetherington and his friends did not * kto desgn * £ e the body as my " hired tools . " ^ jBSJds . let my £ rst ad of despotism now speak 7 ^ But I bate yet to learn why one man alone , 1 done much in a cause , is to be the only
( jchided from even recommending what to him * & prudent—for such is my case . ^ j , jot know that etery intention , eTery change , L ^ an , is at first suggested by one person . Ten ^ t it the ome moment , say , " 0 , we haTe just _ jy tf » plan . " 2 \ ° ; on « must suggest , and the ^ snsi decide . Well , Martin shewed the neces irf » CoaiTEntJon ; I said there ought to be a Con-^ , yoa said tbere shall be a Contention , and Okxi vjgjed { he Contention ; while , as regards my influacri > otio&maxy with , that body of thirteen mem-_ I newr set eyes upon more than Dr . M'Douall , ^ , Pitkethly , Smart , and Sketington , and I was *• & per * whose name was assailed . So much for
gss&nu ^{ T far om glorious triumph . We mast contrast j-fiSi the petition presented in 1839 , and rejoice in tgnace of our position , demonstrated by the comjgs . Rrsily . then , the former petition was aided ^ Reported by Attwood and party , by the moral g » tcgae and their party , by the London "Working ^ j Association and their party , and was so cautijY nrded as to be A mere declaration of general , gggoal , and manufacturing distress , which could . ¦ rl * removed by the Charter . The time allowed for asisf srnttsres was from October 1838 to June
0 ; s powerful Contention was elected for the ora purpose of adding to its numbers £ signifying its importance . A large porv of our funds went to pay missionaries , oseiole otg ' ect it was to propound the Charter , with nxr to the acquirement of signatures . The whole of I metropolis was agitated by the Contention , in peri , for six months of the most propitious season . tekBo&Ey was spent in getting up public meetings , KBMiring signatures . Indeed , in London , we paid a eai for our whistle , " as reference to the balance at at the IfilKTIXG and posting for contening
ssinn will show . It not unfreqaently happened e ibere was a large balance to be paid to tome b £ j printer , oter and afeots what the subscriptions itad at meetings ; but then we got the aignas TTehad the cenwtauuice of two ILP . ' flin our we undertaking , and , after all , we got about rsStn two iundred and thirty thousand signatures ; Iky , bear in mind , that was the whole nest of ¦ sat eggs laid for the whole season , from October , 2 , is Jnne , 1 S 39 , that no single petition was preet ; sad that time was given , from week to week , Btths tery last name , and that the tery last name
iad , and then a supplement , and then a codicil , vim & postscript , and all this before any disunion ipiee . Up to that period there were no Gotern-¦ sprosecations , but , on the contrary , the people were Sedby the Right Hon . and Noble Secretary for the ass Department , to meet , proclaim their grietances , ipcaSon for their redress . 5 mt , obserre the distinguishing features in oub Etka . It was got up in a hurry ; not more than a fall in ^ tbang allowed for its completi on . The whole wse did not amount to £ 100 . We had no assisti from any clap-top party or Association , but the
a&ble ladies and gentleman of the industrious order , ifcad no assistance irhiteter from the metropolitan iss-up of meetings and petitions . Our petition had ijig of Frost , Williams , and Jones restoration in fa the moral philosophers . I had numerous letters , feg that it would Ve much better ire the prisoners ' rpoR to omit that and the Charter , but I was rered Sat ia onr short cruize , we should all sail in the m boat Thousands of puling , smooth-faced hypoa gs ' ivmed , " Oh ! sign a petition for those traitors ktcs , I -will sign one for the liberation of all poli-£ traders , because I tfrinV they hate already
sufsaaiough . " WeTereaU at sea about the last moment for ssndrfoiTanl petitions , and ireeks were lost by not being b to communicate at shorter intertals with the sis ; while , in 1 S 39 , we had the columns of the ^ 7 pres 3 at cur hired service . ^* bad a party reviling the Contention and calling & ¦ ej "hired tools , " and etery attempt made to ** Ke their object and impede their progress . We * peidonsEeiit back , and petitions not sent . We ^ Sawssadi upon thousands of signatures to different = £ presented from the Petition Committee , and sent I&P . * * from different localities , making in all , in the F spice of less than six weeks , abote 2 , 100 , GOO
5 = ks m is-il . To these drawbacks add tha threats Krenansat , the law oEccrs , asd the press , against «^ re C-jnteauaa -srhich shrald dare to asierable ; P ^ 5 EcstjDIls for attendance upon public meetings ; £ S ! ^ sai frora emplojuient , in times a * unpiisiu Cttr&ss , of every m 2 n -who dared to attach his aiss to a ped : ion , cr to tike a ^ y op e ^ part in J 5 ss agitation . I say , add all these ihinp tcse'¦• izi say whether or no : the country has a right to - -Wi cf hit £ rst and last act of despotism . 5 ? 3 « tha : the present crisis had come n ^ on us = * - nth a Tm-if ^ -f-. T-T-yn of public f&elin » , and f ' - ^ tti : Hon . Gintlemea had been allowed once - J ^ sn to their c-onstituencies -with the pieaiing ^ -K of is 0 , yon sse tre hite pat the
torch-and-= ¦»• — = 5 tiown ; yuu hear nothing of the Chartists " Win :, I ask , must have been the effect of such ¦^ P ^ ision , especially in Ireland , where the infant ^ 7 increasing in strength and Iotelines 3 ? llust it UT paralyzed the energy of our friends , and hate "* rd the confidence and ottrbearing cf our ene-1 : Sd smch for the impedimsrits against which we '>' nraggle in procuring signatures for the Eonour-: « use . " * . for -what is much , tery much , more important ; ¦^^ -Scr in which the pstition was carried TO JRE EOUSE . ? a this subject need I do more than remind you
GHIEE } " MEN" U PUSTIIX ^ the soul of their own body , and deposited SE BAR OF THE HOUSE . *^ I remind you that the real petition of the real ^ men contained , in 1841 , nearly one million iar es . from £ rst to last , oter the petitisn of ^ ° not coming etents cast their shadows before ? ^^ it tot ominous that such a body should bt the 95 of such x message to the tery bar of the Houst ? ^ ° * > the dumb , but eloquent advocate , in language « a to be misunderstood , say to the intruders , " I ^ Git e tou 50 HCE to qcit . " Tes , that abote --Ks , ij the important feature in our " new mote " ^ . and to say another word upon itwould but
, e come to the debate . That occupies a much time of their honourable consideration than a ¦ ° a _ nade upon a petition for the release from gaol ^ gle individual , ( Mr . Thomas Thorougoodj and father comparatitely insignificant matters , las ^ c'f Parliament I piss oter the laughtex and ^ : Zai wiusho rtly be paid eff upon the hustirgs , * ^ " Krinnegop - come to grin throush the collar * " sweet toices . " 5 s ^ i come to the division , and here is the most j ^ -ft poiat of all The House ditides 60 and 60 , included , and , as is usual in such cases , the 49 gites Ma casting t .-te for negativing the
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proposition upon whkh the House ia balanced . This , which appears as "an act of tyranny against us , was intended as some kind of protection against Ministerial eorrupUon . It is a custom for the speaker , in such eases , to negatite the proposition , althangh the Leeds Times says it does'nt enty his feelings . The Speaker had no other course . But then the question wises—ia there upon record any precedent for following saeh a course as to hold the parties in custody after snch a dltision ? And , while upon the subject , gite me lea-re to offer one word in opposition to what has been so frequently urged by the sleek and oily Baronet , gainst interference" wiuh the prerog&tite of the Crown , Mid the trash about want of precedent I can furnish them with a precedent
In 1834 , I moted an address to the Crown for the liberation of Grant and Bell , proprietors of the True Sim , then confined hi the Queen ' s Bench for libel , and who do you suppose Beconded that unconstitutional appeal ? Why , Sir Henry Hardinge , Sir Rober t ' s right-hana man , and a member of his Cabinet , in 1835 . Now , what think you of the precedent and " unconstitu tional interference ?" I now come to the ditMon ; the most immediately important part to us poor detils , pent up this roasting weather in Whig otens . Now , then , I declare to you a fact , and in corroboration of -which I gite you the names of the parties , and this one instance will prote my present state : —
For more than ten days I hate been confined to my bed and cell with a tiolent rheumatism in my back , not able to SSi . I hate had the Doctor twice a day , and been drenched with drugs . Well , this is Monday morning , the last day of my thirteenth month ; aad this tery moment I hate returned to my bed , where I now write , propped up , after being roused by the whacking , knocking , and thumping of the attendant or a poor fellow , I believe in the cholera ,. and within four yards of me in the under hospital . I was obliged to get np , and go down to desire the Doctor to be sent for , and I met the Doctor , his apprentice , and the turnkey , just at the entrance .
r > ow that is a pleasant situation in this -weather , and in my condition ; and 1 merely mention it to show the talue of etery tote for our reliel Novr then to the division . It was sixty and sixty . Etery mim -who was pledged to support Us did , with one single solitary exception , redeem that pledge . Who was that t " vi ?
DANIEL OCONNELL . Yes , fustian jackets , who subscribed your money and your names for our liberation , we are not now the law ' s prisoners ; we are not the Speaker ' s prisoners ; we are Damel O'Cos . neli'S tictims . Just follow me through & bit of plain argument , too clear eten for the Corn Exchange earwigs to misunderstand . A deputation of Members of the Contention waited upon Mr . O'ConnelL To them he promised his speech , his support , and his tote . At the meeting in Cotent Garden , he was extremely loud and
vehement in his : good intention—yea , quite taliant , He said he would liberate " all , even O'Connor and O'Br ien . " He receited the petition from working men in company with Mr . Duncombe ; he said a few words upon it , just to hate an opportunity of boasting that there were no political prisoners in Ireland . The answer to which is , that thsre is no opposition to tyranny in that country . Well , he spoke , aad feebly , and what then ? Why , just as the ditision was coming on , our pledged-supporter " CUT x > D ath' ; " he , O'Connell , left the House , and left us , who had the misfortune te hate his support , still in dungeons .
My friends , is this not tery like the abandonment of the Canadians , and the casting tote against the operatives , and his speech against the Dorchester Labourers , and then his denial of the report ? But he shall not hate a loop-hole to creep out of here . You must know the custom and practice in all cases of any importance , when a member desires to tote . It is this . Those intending to support a motion request of *• friend to send for them , -when Mr . A or B commences his- reply , or when signs ef a ditision are at hand . When the ditision is about to take place , the galleries are cleared of strangers , and all the bells of the House communicating with the seteral waiting rooms where members lounge are rung
-Each party has its rendeztoua . The Reformers , as they call themselves , use the Reform Club , and the following is the usual injunction left vrith some friend upon retiring to the " haunt . " " John , my dear , or Maurice , my dear , or some one my dear , seed a cab for me to the c ' . ub before the division . " Now , there is a cab stand at the tery doer of the House , and the whole pr jeess of going for , and returning with , an honourable gentleman , dc * . s cot occupy more than eight minutes . Bat why leave the spot for a moment ? Had the Bank of Ireland Charter been the subject , he would hate remained stack to his seat .
But , ray friens , -why waste a word upon this disgusting piece of treachery ' I 3 cot the fact just this ? —that this man was trebly pledged to snpport us—that he injured us by his speech , and did not vote for us , while his tote would have given us a majority ; and , consequently , the prayer of your glorious petition would hate been granted , and we would hate be-en released by you . My friends , is not this last act of refined treachery more than -flesh and bl- ^ od can bear , and are we not now £ ke tictima of
DANIEL OCONNELL ? Th ^ s is not the ordinary case of balanced parties , where it might be urged . 0 , if any other one had toted with you , the question watf . d hate been carried . Here we had a ' man pledged , offered , forced upon us , and we were abandoned by him—so much for the tote of one , and now read the following list of the division for and against the-motion . Motion made , aad Question put , " That an humble
Address be prcftnted to her Majtsry , humbly praying tLat her Majesty will be graciously pleased to take into her mtrcifol consideration the exscs of all ptrscr . 5 cocSced in Ecglacd and "Wales for Political 0 ff = r . cc 3 : "—iir . TLuu-as Dancoir . be-i Ihe House diTidid ; Aycs 5 S , _ 2 wcS 56 . And the numbers being tqua-, Mr . speaker stated , that ht > consi ' . ieisu that the Vute , if carried , woui .-i interfere witli the Prerogative of the CriWJ , and , therefviie , dtciared himself with the Nets .
ATE .-. Aglijnby , H . A ., Cvcker- Lan ^ rdale , Hon . C , n . ca : h KuaribUjroa ^ h Barnard , E . G ., Gretiiwich Leader , J . Temple , West-Bcrkelsy , Hon . F . H ., mir-sier Bristol Lu .-hiugton , C , Ashburton Brw-. s , I ., ? : j- ; nouth Muks worth . Sir \ V ., Lec-da Briii ^ cinaa , H-. Eai _ is > iu .. iz , { j . F ., Birmingham Br-Kiirs W . B ., Salisbury Muskttt , G . A ., St Alban ' s Bro : herton , J ., Saiford O'Brien , C , Clare BaUer , C , Liskeard O Cunr . t ;!; . M . J .. Kerry Ba . wer , Sir E . L ., Lincoln Pcthsil , Cip :., Brighton BusSfcld , \\\ , Bradford Frotkcroe , E-, Hilifax Butler , Hon . P ., Kilkenny Pry me , G-, Cambridge
Cj . - Roche . E . B ., Cork Co . Cailaghan , D ., Cork City Rundie , J ., Tavistock Collier , J-, Plymouth Sa . wey , Lieui-Coi ., Lud-OjlhRS , W ., Warwick low Cnrri =, R-, Northampton Sinclair , Sir G ., Caithness Dcuistcun , J ., Glasgow S :-ewart , J ., Hor . iton j Diiie , Sir James Boston Siricklsjid . Sir G ., W . R . Eitth-pe , J ., Leictsttr Yorkshire i Ellis , Wyna , L = icra : er Taikurd , Mr . S ., Reading i
Evan 5 , Sir G . De Lacy , Xiiorne . cy , T ., Woirer-¦ Wostmiujter hainpion Ewart , Yi ' m ., Wigsu Viiiiers , Viscount , Wey-Fielden , JeLn , Oidham month ] Gallon , W . I > . ; Liiilithgow TVakicy , T ., Finsbury Greg , R- H ., Moiicliustsr "Waiter , J ., Xottinguani Hall , Sir B , MaryieboEe VTarburton , H ., Bridport ' Ha-sres , B , Limbeth "Ward , H . G , Sheffield Hector , Cortkwaite John , Waits , A ., SuadijrlaEd i
Petcrsfieid Williams , AV ., Coventry I Hind ^ y , C , Ashton Wood , B ., Southwark ; Hedges , ! . L ., West Kent TELLEBS . Huuiuhery , J ., S ^ uihwark Duncombe , T . S ., Finsbury Jones , J ., Canudrthenshire Hume , J ., Kilkenny :
NOES . : Adam , Rear-Adin . Sir C , Jermyn , Earl , Bury , Snf-ClackscEnnan folk j Antrobus , Edmd ., Surrey Kemble , H . East Surrey Baring , F . T ., Ports- Knight , H . G , Notting- ' mouth hamshire ; B « ntinck , Lord G ., Lynn Lucas , Edward , Mocsghan i Bethell , Rd . 'Yoikshire Macauley , T B ., Eoinburgh ; Broadly , Henry , East Mackenzie , Thomas , Rosa-Yorkshire shire ' , Bruce , C . L . C , Elginshire Marsland , T ., Stotkport J
Buller , Sir J . Y&rde , Maule , Hoc . Fox , Elgin I Dttoushire Burghs i Clay , Win ., To > ver Hamlets Morpetb , Lord , Yorksbiro ! Clerk , Sir G . Stamford Palmer , George , Essex ] Catt , R . H . South Swop- PalmeretonYisct . Tittrton ' shire P « ifel , Right Hon . Sir R ., Darby Geo ., East Sussex Tamworcii Denispa , W . ¦ J . West PIdOT , D . Ri ., Cionael i Sussex Plumptre , John P ., Bast I Eiliet , Hod . J . F ., Rox- K ^ uU j barshs 2 iire Pasty , Philip , Berkshire : Estooxxrt , T . G . B ., Oxford Richajds , Rd ., Mtriontth- :
University shire Fort , J ., Cltheroe R . jse , Sir Gecrge , Christ- ' Fremantle , Sir T . Bucks church
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Goulbum , Right Hon . H ., Russell , Lard Jno ., Stroud Cambridge Unitersity Rutherford , Right Hon . A ., Graham , Right Hon . Sir Leith J . R . G . Bt , Pembroke Sandon , Lord , Literpool Greene , T . G ., Lancashire Sibthorp , Colonel , Lincoln Greig , Datid , Perth Slaney , R . A ., Shrewsbury Grostenor , Ld . R , Chester Smyth , Sir G . H ., Col-Halford , Henry , Leicester- chtster ^ toe Stuart , VilHen , Waterford Harcourt , G . G . V ., Oxford- Coun ^ shire Teignmouth , Lord , Mary-Herries , Right Hon . J . C , lebone
Harwich Wilde , Mr . Serjt , Newark Howard , C . W . G ., Cum . Wood , Charles , Halifax terltuul Wood , T . J ., Middlesex Hurt , Francis , South Darby Wyse , Thomas , Waterford Inglis , Sir R . H . Oxford tellers . Unitersity Stanley , E . John , Nor th Jackson , Mr . Serjt Bandon Cheshire Bridge Parker , John , Sheffield Hating read that list , I would ask the Corn Law
Exchange patriots whether or not they perceite any thing in it retolting to their Irish patriotic blood , disgusting to them as Irishmen , and insulting to them as Catholics ? Do those who comment so freely upon unnatural alliances and acquaintanceship , see any cause t © blush in reading th « name which stands next te that of Sir Robert Peel ? Now patriots , Catholics , Irishmen , what say you to this union of the Orange Premier , that is to be , and the Catholic Liberal Attorney General that is .
But stop , stop , the English People who hate been so tilely and cruelly slandered—as the enemies of Ireland— irust kjiow who and what this said Right Honourable Datid Pigot is . He is , then , a county of Cork man , nobly sprung from the people ; he has honourably , honestly , and most highly creditably worked his way up to his present position . Thus , I admit that there breathes not a better pritate character on the earth than Mr . Pigot , but , melancholy is the fact , that bo good a man should be found in such society . Pigot is the Member for Clonmel , the most Radical Borough in the county of Tipperary ; he is a Catholic ; he is a brother barrister of mine ,- we go the same circuit , are members of the same bar mess , and to the hour we parted , were personal friends .
And , O , Pigot , Pigot , Pigot , why tarnish your laurels so nobly -won and so dear , by such an act of wilful oppression ? Will not the Irish people now begin to test your position by Mr . O'Connell ' s own rule ? " What was that ? " you ask . Some few weeks ago , when the repeal fire required slacking , poor Jackson and Sutton , the living ghosts of departed Orangeism , were thrown oter it as dampers They made their usual speeches against Catholicity , upon a motion of a maniac Scotchman , and in those speeches O'Csnnell saw quite enough to render their appointments to the Irish bench a question of importance—of greater magnitude than eten Repeal for THE PHESE . VT .
0 yes , what security could the Irish Catholics hate as parties in a Court of Justice from such Judges ? They had the security of a Jury . But , I ask , what security for liberty , or justice , can they hate from your appointment , who , as a juror , hate given such a damning terdict ; and let it be borne in mind , that almost as a right , Mr . Pigot is now entitled to the first vacancy upon the Irish Bench ; and , upon behalf of my Chartist countrymen , who ike to be peosecuted . What SEcuaiTY , I demand , can they have at voca hands ? By a parity of reasoning , is not this a fair question ? 'Tis , and one which you must and shall yet answer .
Again , Sir , do we net find you in company in this ditision , with the said Sergeant Jackson ? and is not a man to be known by his company ? O how often does it happen that a ycung politician rashly commits an act which years of strained and studied policy cannot obliterate . ' With these few obsertations I leate you , Pigott , to that sorrow and remorse which a foolish act must eter create in the good nan ' s mind . And , my friends , I leate you also , hating thus contrasted our present position with our position when we were thought more formidable , but while we were literally weak in the perfidy of brooding treason , which , thanks to your discernment and the oter anxiety of the traitors , has been blown into air . I hate also shown you that we now are the prisoners of
DANIEL O'CONNELL . Ever your faithful Friend And brother Chartist , Feargus O'Connor .
We are 4 , coo , ooo—So No Surrender ! P . S . Let me not in my general duty forget that which is duty to a good individual . My friends , our g » od brother , Pet « r Hoty , has lost a leg in the servica . An appeal has been mad-j to you to know whether his life is also to be sacrificed for want of the poor means of tisiting his natite land . I hate no response . Ia he to die ? I now intoke you—I ask you to send me your pence . I will be treasurer . None shall stick to my fingers . It will gladden me to receive the good man ' s bounty for the sufferer , and when Hoey comes for it I will hate nmeh pleasure in not diminishing it . Let each send a letter direct to me , to York Castle . Gite me something to do in my solitude . Yours , F . O'C .
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FEARGUS O'CONNOR TO DANIEL O'CONNELL . " Hereditary bondsmen , know ye not , Who would be free tLemseltes must strike the blow . '
TO DANIEL O'CONNELL , ESQ ., M . P . SIR , —I bate tery often marvelled at the frequent use you make of the abote neble sentiment of Byron ' s . I am at a loss to discover your application of it . However , I use it , as we are over 2 , 00 , 909 , to remind you of the moral blow we gate physical tyrnnny on Tuesday , the 25 th of May ; a day ever to be revered in the annals of the country . While I truly deplore any circumstance tending to hold my frivnda and brothers yet in bondage , I cannot too fervently return thanks to providence that I h ^ ve been spared the infliction of owing ruv liberty to you , even in the remote degree which
your name , standing among 12 * others , -wcvftl imply . Upon my own party , I marvel not at your peitidy . but I beg to rsmind you of the analogy between yuur conduct and that of our degenerate countryman , Lord Cajbery , upon the question of Catholic Emancipation-That Noble LorJ s ]> oke in favour of tlio measure , and voted against it ; u ^ on which you very justly observed , that you trusted in iuture he would speak against you and tute for you . I wish mes : sincerely , Sir , that you had been governed by your Cirn recommendation ; though , in fie :, the little that you did say was calculated , as it was intended , to i ; jure us .
Sir , many who do not yet unuerstand you , will sup . pose that some reason may be assigned for your absence , after yuur thrice-pledged tow to set the captive free , but I feel convinced that you , like all otlier politicians who look to RESi'LTs only , would hate given the casting vote against us , rather than let us loose . Yes , Sir , you would prefer another torrent of that popular indignation to which your recant parflly must subject you , to meeting us once more in the field .
How is it , Sir , that absence of Irish Members upon all paltry divisions has been so savagely commented upon by yon , while you thus dare to outrage a nation in the Vtry presence of neaily 2 , 000 , 000 of its people . It is not macy days since the absence of Sir D-itid Roche , upon a government measure , was accounted for by you in a letter to the Homing Chronicle . You stated that the expected death of his amiable wife was the causa of his absence , but you have git « n no excuse for your
absence . Base perfidious wan ! lou rejoice in the result you have obtained your # bject ; but yon shall answer forit . Forsoma days you were foolishly tolerated in public upon tbs presnnption alon 9 that you were going to tako a lead in behalf of your tictiais ; but I , who know yon better , assured et « ry friend of mine that you would a ^ ain betray or desert us . You have done so ; ntither you nor one of your sons , nor one single joint of your tail , toted for us , while many , tery mast , toted against us .
Sir , I dimiss this disgusting part of my subject , and come to a question of much more importance . You hate recently done me the honour to call me the " wild Feargus , " and my brother Chartists " miscruants , " my " wild associates , " while you hate surfeited us with the repetition of "I am a practical man . " So now , Mr . Practical man , as " Words are but wind , And actions speak the mind , "
ite ear to the " wild Feargus , " while he reasons ilmly with the " practical" Mr . O'ConnelL You are trhaps sufficient of a gardener to know that the method f producing the best apple is by engrafting a tame scion q a wild stock , and let me see whether my tame graft
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upon the wild Btock , or your wild graft upon the tame rtock has produced the best fruit I date your political existence from about the year 1811 , and from that time to the present , a perioB of oter thirty years . You hate raised millions of pounds upon tha poor Irish for the purposes of agitation , and the fruit of which was to be found in the nimber of signatures attached to a petition for a Repeal of the Union . Sir , I rejoice to be able to test your practice and success by some recent declaration . Yon cannot , you shall not , fly from it , because it constitutes my whole triumph . You hate said over and over agaim , within the last six weeks , that 2 , 990 , 000 signatures would
carry RepeaL You demanded a shilling a head aa " blood money . " You hate not yet any signatures You hate neter , far thirty years , with all your perfect practical machinery , got up one petition with 28 » , 000 names to it You hate neter got np petitions upon any subject with one half the amount of signatures attached to our last petition ; and mark , the 200 , 000 , at one shilling a head , is to be tha test of your practical agitation , and is to entitle you to a Repeal of the Union , while our petition , got up at an expence less than a week ' s " rent , " with oter 2 , 000 , 000 , commands but three columns of a debate , and does not insure your tote .
Now , Sir , reflect upon that , and think that while yeu al large , at the expence of millions , with a people more masters of their time than the poor English , and with an able agitator in each parish , hate not been able to get half a million of signatures for a great national purpose , and while no impediment or obstruction was thrown in your way , yet hate I and my wild associates , while I am in prison , at an expence short of £ 90 , not one week ' s " rent" of your Associat ion , in one fortnight , produced 2 , 000 , 000 signatures .
Now what say you to that ? And again , Sir , upon the question of physical forca . Thanks be to God , and a 3 you profanely say , which I devoutly pray , glory be to His holy name , no Chartist has eter yet , in general conflict , row , or single combat , shed one drop of human blood , while streams of Irish blood on both sides hate freely flowed in furtherance of your practical , peaceful , divine agitation . Do you suppose , Sir , that in the long run , these startling facts will not tell ? or
do you imagine that because you have hitherto had a hireling press at your back , to circulate your slanders , and fire its batteries at your foes , that truth can be much longer held in abeyance . No , Sir , for believe me that the day is fast coning , when my voice will , aud shall , be heard throughout the length and breadth of the land , notwithstanding the many , the mean , the low , the lying , and the' dastardly methods resorted to for smothering it . ,
Yes , Sir , our day is coming , and upon that iay Feargus will be found , with his wild associates , fighting the battle of justice , equality and right , against all tyrants , morally if we may , physically if tv must . Who Is now the practical man ,
DANIEL OR FEAKGUS O'CONNOB ? P . S . Etery machination that the wicked mind of wicked man could intent , has been put into full operation to destroy me ; but , Sir , I hurl defiance at you- I live In the heart of every ¦ working man of the land ; he inhales my spirit with his breath ; we are flesh of the same flesh , and bone of the same bone ; and all ytfur sophistry , and the sophistry of your tools , can never , never , never , eradicate the name of the " wild Feargus" from the memory of his " wild associates . " With them I will die , or with them I will conquer . F . O'C .
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HOW TO CARRY THE CHARTER IN THIRTEEN MONTHS . TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHERN STAR . Sir , —Will you allow me , a w « rking man , a corner in the Star , to suggest a plan for the obtainment of the Charter ; ono which is perfectly legal , and would most certainly carry it if preperly managed ; it is as follows : —For every working man in the country to sate by every sixpence he can scrape together by etery means in bis power , to get as much as would keep him for one month , by making etery sacrifice the cause demands . Surf ly this might be done in one year ; then etery man hating saved enough to keep him
for the said month , for the whole working population at one and the same time to strike work and take holiday for one month ; tlion for a great meeting to be held in every town , under the direction of the General Councillors of each town ; then for the Executive , accompanied by a million of men , to wait upon the Queen , to acquaint her of the just demands of her people . This would most certainly carry the Charter , aud also restore Frost , Williams , and Jones , if fully carried out . Youra , respectfully , R 011 ERT LOTT . Bermondsey , May 31 , 1841 .
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ADDRESS TO FEARGUS O'CONNOR . BrWgeton , May 17 th , 1841 . Honoured Sir , —At a meeting of the Directors of the Lanarkshire Univeisal Suffrage Association , held in their hall , College Open , Glasgow , 011 the evening of Friday , the 14 th May , it was proposed by Mr . Wright , seconded by another gentleman , and unanimously agreed to , that the Secretary be instructed to write to Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., to inquire of him if , at his liberation , he would make it convenient at the earliest opportunity thereafter , to honour Glasgow with a visit . Such , honoured Sir , is the resolution of the Directors of the Lanarkshire Universal SuffVngo Association ; and I am proud in being the instrument of conveying the resolution unto you for answer .
True , Sir , there may be intervening causes betweeD this time and your liberation , which may frustrate the wishes of both you and your inviters ; but we must leave this to the will of Providence , hoping , however , that you will be spared to recoive the congratulations of your friends , and they to receive the honour of their noblest frienda visit . But , meanwhile , it must be consaling to the solitary prisoner to know that ho lives in thu sympathies of the best portion of the community—to know that he has their good wishes aud their prayers , and that the grateful expressions of their gratitude are before the patriot's Ged for his welfare . And tliat you cio so , I have only to revert to the uhaniiuity , and sincerity , and impassioned manner with ivnich tho resolution of Friday owning was received for prjof ; and I know that you will appreciate the tuntiur i \ gavd which the friends of freedom in Glasgow and Lanarkshire cherish towards you at their proper
talue . No , Sir , 'tis no flattery ; let no false delicacy obscure tho truth . Such is the testimony of public opinion towards your patriotism , that on all public occasions you have been brought ferward as the lion of our cause—no meeting concludes herS without the name of Ftargus O'Connor , coupled with the C'harter , receiving three cbeers ; and , on all demonstrations , the " Caged Lion" is held forward as the pole star to guide to freedom . That you may eter merit this—that you may eter live , as you now do , in the hearts of the people , as the friend of humanity , of truth , and justice —as the fearless and noblest adtocate of freedom , of the people ' s cause , of the rights of man—is the prayer of Your admiring and well wishing Friend .
William Brown , Secretary of the Lanarkshire Universal Suffrage Association . Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., York Castle . P . S . —Lei the people df England know that Feargus O'Connor is the admiration of the people of Scotland by this invitation . W . B .
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CHILD STEALING-SINGULAR DECEPTION . In the course of last week , a female , from the Highlands , called at the house of a sailor , named M'Lachlan , at Port-Dundas , and inquired for lodgings , which , however , it was not found convenient to grant her , but as she seemed to be a stranger , and scarcely able to speak English , lodgings were got for her in the neighbourhood . She returned next morning , and asked liberty to mako breakfast for herself , and permission was given her to do so . Mrs . M'Lachlan had in her arms a line male child , about four months old , which the stranger
began to fondle , and Jatterly offered to tike it to the door to gite it the air . 'The unsuspecting mother made no objection to this , and the female left tbe bouse with the child , to which , howeter , she never returned . The affliction of the bereaved mother at tbe loss of her infant was boundless ; and , after four days and ' nights had transpired , all hopes of recovery were almost given up . On Friday evening , however , the child was restored to her , and a plot of the mtost remarkable character laid bare—the thief being , at the same time safely lodged in the Police Office . The following are the circumstances of the case : —
The name of the woman referred to is said to be Kirsty Ross . She had been for some time servant with a farmer in the parish of Buchanan , Stirlingshire , where she contracted an intimacy-with a shepherd on a neighbouring farm , arid who , previous to this , had been a fellow-sextant on the same farm with herself . At Martinmas last , she gate up her place , believing , or pretending , that she was six months gone with child to the young man , who concurred in some arrangements which she suggested to conceal their shame . She took
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an affectionate leate of her paramour for a time , came to Glasgow , and at the proper period made it known to him through their correspondence , that be was to consider himself the father of one of tho finest male children he bad eter seen . The young man sent her a little money ; but , it is alleged , not quite so much as she considered be might lute done . And now comes the story of her child-stealing . She was eut of place from Martinmas to Candlemas , the quarter-term , when she entered into an engagement here for half-a-year . At Whitsunday , she employed a woman to do her work for a few days , until she would see her friends , and left her master ' s house , it was understood , with that intent . On Tuesday last , she went to the sailor's house at Port-Dundas , and entered into a confabulation in
Gaelic with the good wife of the honest tar . She got the child in her arms , fondled it , and afterwards was intrusted with it to the door to gite it an airing , and thus found an opportunity to complete her design . Every publicity was giten to tbe circumstance , and means were taken to discover the wicked offender . A gentleman , who bad taken a deep interest in the case , gate information at the police-office that a woman with a child , answering the description giten , had been seen walking a ong Garscube Road , and inquiring for means of conveyance to A berfoyle . As this was ascertained to be in the direction where Bhe had formerly sorted , a Higblandman , named Eweu Kennedy , was despatched in pursuit , in the hopes of getting the woman in the neighbourhood of Aberfoyle . He found
it necessary , howeter , to proceed to the parish of Drummond , arid at tho farm where her sweetheart , whose name is M'Nell , was employed as a shepherd , she was found feeding the stolen infant with a spoon , its dress having been almost entirely changed . It appears that , before ber capture , the female had been at the ruling elder of the parish , to whom she stated that M'Neil was the father of the child , expressed penitence for her offence , in order to be subjected to Church censure , and expected to hate the child baptised on the following Sabbath . Tbe arrival of the persons by whom she was captured , howeter , broke up ber whole design . The child bad readily rained the affections of the supposed
father , and the reader can easily conceite the change of feeling caused by the exposure . Campbell , tbe criminal officer , who bad beau likewise sent in pursuit , came to Glasgow on Friday night last , with the prisoner ; and , bating lodged krr in the Police-office , took the child home to ita mother , whose excess of joy on the little one being placed In her arms was beyond the grief and pain she had suffered on account of its absence . Rosa , who is a woman about thirty-five years of age , of a coarse rustic appearance , was , on Saturday , remitted to the Sheriff ' s Chambers . Her object appears to have been either to extort money from M ' . Neil , or to draw him into a marriage . - —Scottish Patriot .
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THE NATIONAL PETITION . Hail spirit of universal liberty t glory to tbe imperishable cause of immaculate truth ! Justice will soon assert ber empire oter tbe tile passions of the spoiled children of luxury and pride . Class supremacy , class vassalage , aristocratic profusion , and plebeian destitution ; pampered idleness and starved toil ; are nearing their social dissolution . It was said a few months ago that Chartism was dead as a door nail—honest John Campbell declare that he had killed it Tbe Whigs spent many thousands of the nation ' s money on its obsequies , and their hirelings sung ita dirge in strains of exulting merriment Poor auuaals , did they really think that the people ' s demand for their jtiBt rights wasbnt the effervescence of temporary agitation ?
did their ignorance of human nature , and of the signs of the times , lead them to believe that because they had consigned to their bastiles a few mighty spirits , who had contributed to the political storm , a dead calm was to ensue ? Abject miscreants . ' they will no see that Chartism ia immortal ; and why not ? It dates its origin at the creation of man , and the decrees of the eternal hallow its principles . Our national petition is the response . That glorious testimony of the people ' s will , and the harbinger of the people's power , will tell trembling cravens of corruption that tbere is an accumulating , a deep and sweeping under current of Radical knowledge , feeling , and determination among the millions ; it will gather strength as it rolls on , and at last carry every obstacle before it .
The National Petition of 1839 had 1 , 250 , 000 signatures . The agitation was then apparently in its zenith . Many of our noble-minded frienda , who are now exiles in dibtant lands , or languishing in the gloomy precincts of tbe dungeon , were on the field . Demonstrations were held in every quarter of the country for the purpose of getting up the petition , aud abundant time was devoted to the necessary arrangement ; but , in the pre : sent instance , it has been got up without any extraordinary effort—indeed without scarcely any effort at all —a few simple newspaper addresses to the country , calling our unity of desire into operation , hate , in the small space ef six weeks , affixed to our . National Petition of 1841 , 1 , 348 , 848 signatures , being nearly one hundred thousand more than that of 1839 ; besideci , there are many districts that we know who had not their signature sheets forward in time for presentation , and as we have no doubt but the same has occurred in
almost every county in England and Scotland , we hate little hesitation in saying , that had another month been allowed , an additional quarter of million of names would hate been appended —Scottish Patriot .
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AN ECCENTRIC CHARACTER . The Glasgow Courier states that on a recent < ccasion , ak the conclusion of tho business in tbe Police Court , Glasgow , John Macpherson was brought into the ball , aad placed at the bar . His hair was lung and matted ; and he respectfully begged permission to retain his cap on his head , to prevent his " roped" locks from falling oter his face . The attitude he assumed was communding , and eten graceful—his brawny well-formed limbs being exposed below the knee , while his loins were girded by a piece of blanket , and oter his shoulders , leating his arms bare , was thrown an old sack—which completed bis entire costume ! His dark shaggy beard gate a patriarchal cost to a countenance expressive of intellectual power ; and , except the udiiity of bis tlres . s , and a slight peculiar expression of his dark eye , there
was nothing to excite suspicion of his sanity , when he was robuttiDg the charge of hating a vicious clog iu his possession . Ho gate a distinet account of having been in company with tbe men said to be bitten by tu « dog . They , according to bis statement , had , on coming out of a bouse near Blue Vale , where they had met on business , attacked both him and tha dog—if hen it bad turned upon the assailants—and tho prisoner , in the hurry , had fallen down a steep place , and got both his leg and shoulder i ; jured . Court—Why do you not wear clothes ? Prisoner ( ia a changed and hurried manner )—Because I gave them to others , until I bad neither clothes nor money left . I found all those I assisted to be ungrateful -nil ungrateful ! Court—You cannot bs allowed to go about
the streets in that manner . Prisoner—Oh , no—I never leate the neighbourhood of Glen Park , where I reside with uiy faithful dog alone , apart from ungrateful mankind . Court—Ho w do you support yourself ? Prisoner —I am a twister ; and in the gloaming , when no man sees me , I steal out to those who employ me , aiul in the dull leaden hours of midnight , when ail is hushed , 1 am busy twisting in the damp shops of the weavers , proud that there is none near me but my faithful dog . Court —Would you wear clothes , if you had them ? Prisoner —Yes , if they were uiy own—( emphatically )—if I purchased them . Captain Miller—I will present you with a suit of clothes if you wii ) promise to wear them . Prisoner
—I h : ive always heard of Captain Miller being a benetolent Kentleninn ; now I have proved it . I f . ; el obliged to him , much obliged , but 1 would rather not ; I will have them of my own . Court—Have you made a : iy vow ? Prisoner—No , no j three years have sjen me in this garb ; the black ingratitute of mankind ih as strong as a vow . . But ( his voice softening ) even yet I extend my hand to the needy , and the cry of distress makes my heart thrill ! Court—Wo will continue the case in the meantime , and nee what can be done for you . This singular character was then conducted out of tha court , with a freedom of step and dignity of carriage worthy a chief of the desert .
SiDNEr Smith ' s " Last . "— " Sir , " said Lord Cto cite Ruv . Sidney Smith , " do you think Parliament will be dissolved 1 " Dissolved , my Lord It must bo if this hot weather commute much longer . " United States . —We ( Morning Herald ) have received by the St . James , Capt . Sebor , winch arrived at Plymouth on Friday , accounts from New York to the 4 th instant . Tho following extracts are all that we ca . u glean from the papers brought by this arrival . '— "Alexander M'Leod . —Unexpectedly
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to most of our citizens the city of New York is to be honoured to day with the state prisoner whose name has excited so many remarks , and so much feeling on both bides the Atlantic . M'Leod was in Albany yesterday , from Niagara . Wo understand that M'Leod has been removed by habeas corpus from Lockport , to be placed iu confinement until his case has been decided upon by the supreme court of tho state . " The above papers , we are sorry 10 say , bring no account of the President steamer . Montreal papers , received to the 30 ih April , do uot contain any news of consequence .
A Romantic Tale . —A correspondent of the Toulorinais writes from Algiers : —" Amougat the female prisoners who have recently arrived at Algiers , and have just been exchanged , were three remarkable for their personal appearance . One , in . particular , was very pretty , and was attended by a negress as her servant . This Arab beauty , attired in a black burnous , on arriving at Algiers , remained roclining on her mule , being wouuded in tha thigh by a bail . She excited the most lively interest among the males , and the most romantic uympathy
amongst the females . A tale has been told of her which the habits of the Arabs rendur not improbable . She was , they say , the wife of a Marabout ,: whose trice-was pillaged , and put to fire and sword by our soldiers on the 5 thinst . Her husband was mortally wounded , and her father used the greatest efforts to prevent her falling into the hauds of the French , but he himself fell in the rencontre . Her foster brother seeing the impossibility of saying her , and . unwilling that she should become a prisoner , fired at her almost point blank , but by some chance tbe ball only hie her in the thigh , and she became the prize of the conquerors . "
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A Rabbin , M . Kinn Meblanj died at Warsaw a short time siiice , aged 105 . Ho leaves more than 150 descendants , and enjoyed his intellectual faculties to die last .. , . " . ¦ ¦ A Wit . — " I am striving to obtain » sufficiency , " said a witness in the Court of Common Pleas . " And what is a sufficiency ? " inquired the Judge . "A , iittle more , my Lord , ( replied a witty barrister ) , than what a person has already got . " Suitable Refehencb . — A ; petition was presented to the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania on the 10 th inst ., asking that a tax might be imposed
upon bachelors over the age of 30 years , ine document was referred to the committee on domestic manufactures . —Pitlsville ( American ) & »;««¦ HAtMAKiNG . —Thia important portion of tht farmer ' s duty has partially commenced in the neighbourhood of Sherborne , andin a few days will have become Tory general . * The crops are most abundant in their yield , and superior in quality . The crops of clover were never known to be so uaiversally good , and the fragranco imparted from the beautifully scented flower of of this plantto the passing traveller is truly delightful . —Sherborne Journal .
Tub hay harvest has commenced in a few favoured spots in the neighbourhood of Devizes ; ai > d there is a prospect of an abundant harvest . — Wilts paper . Berlin , Matt 15— Letters from Russia state that , with the beginning of the spring , the hostility of tho Circassians recommenced with increased violence . In one of their late attacks Major-Gencral Backuniw , a much-esteemed Russian offioer , was killed by a musket shot . - ' Corn Laws—The manufacturer who bawls for the total abolition of the Corn Laws really means nothing more or less than reduction of wages ; and the conclusion must be come to , at one leap , that if bread stuff values are to be-equalised with tho current rates of continental Europe , so also must the
rate of wages be . If l . OQO . OQO of rural workmen were ejected from land upon the manufacturing market for labour , would not the necessary effected starvation wages to all ? Beware of the monied traitors , who wish to fill their own pockets by reducing the physical condition of the English artisan to the squalid wretchedness of the labourers in Russia or Prussia . When it is said the corn is cheap—( mark this !)—money to you is , or may be , the nominal price of corn ; but labour is the real price of corn . Never forget , also , that the foreign is only one-seventh of the home and colonial consumption of your manufactures , a ' nd that as land and labour are the only real values , agriculture and manufactures must stand or fall together . —Morning Herald .
Fatal Accident—Two Lives Lost . —On Monday evening , between six and seven o ' clock , a deplorable and fatal accident occurred on the river Thames , off Wandsworth-meadows , by which two young men of the names of William Shield and Richard Carpenter , both linendrapers' assistants out of situatiots , were unfortunately'drowned . It appears that a > party of young men , their companions , were returning from Richmond in a boat , where they all had been spending the day . On arriving oS Wandsworthmeadows , all being partly inebriated , some proposed to bathe in the river , which being agreed to , Shield and Carpenter undressed and plunged into the water , their companions for amusement rowing about , when suddenly Carpenter was seizad with cramp ; he called to his friend Shield , who proceeded to his assistance , in rendering which he must have been fastened on by Carpenter , and both were drowned before those in the boat could render any assistance . Neither of the bodies were recovered .
On Sunday an unusual spectacle occurred on the binks of the Seine , between ! Charenton and Alfort . The river , in consequence of some tiolent etormscf rain in the middle of Franc , had risen suddenly to a height of 75 centimetres ( 27 inches ) . At tho point of its jdRcfcion with the Marrto 22 boats , laden with oharcoal , were stationed , which were all forced from their moorings by the violence of the current , and driven with such a crash against the bridge at Ivry , that the whole of them sunk . A man who wag perched on one of them , to * fii < h , was with difficulty rescued by some people . ft'fio witnessed the accident . The colour of the river , near the bridge , for some hours after , was changed to an inky hue . The loss is estimated at 40 , 000 f .
Melancholy Suicide pf a Religious Majtcacv —Oa Saturday , an inquisition was taken before Mr . Payne , at the Brakenhead Arms ,, Bartholomew-close , on view of the body of John Goodchild , aged 53 , a retired publican , who committed self-deatruction under the extraordinary delusion that he was past redemption in another world . James Goodchild , plumber and glszier . No . 52 , Bartholomew-close , deceased ' s brother , said that his unfortunate relative was of die most reclaso habit , and would frequently remain in his bed-room the whole day . The previous evening , witness had occasion to go ufc to his room about eight o ' clock , to induce him to go to the hairdresser ' s to get shaved . He had a . great disinclination to be seen out during the day . Tha door was not locked , and on entering his room witness found
him apparently in an attitude of prayer , at the foot of the bed , but , upon closer inspection , witness found that he was suspended by a handkerchief to the rail of tho bedstead . Witness had not r . erte to cut tho handkerchief , and called fov . as-sistanca ; a neighbour came , who cut tho handkerchief . The deceased was laid upon the bed , and a medical man arrived , who opened a vein in the , deceased ' s arm , but little blood , however , floored , and the su-gcon said that he had been dead some time . By the Coroner—Mr . Farr , the resident medical gentleman at the Aldersgate dispensary , advised that my brother should bo confiued in a lunatic asylum . Ho gaw deceased three months ago , and then observed that he was labouring under a mental delusion upon the subject of religion . He has been very desponding for months past . Coroner—What has been the cause of his despondency 1 AVitness—He has been so ever since he has beer , out of business . He was a publican
for many years , and lost two wives . He used te remark that he was a great sinner , anu that he would never have forgiveness ; his conversation was always upon that snbj \; ci ' . ; .-nd he was so much in the habit of saying w ' uon-calling upon people that he was a bad man , and that there was no hope for him , that ho was latterly afraid to go info the street . He has given himself up on charge ? at statiou-houses , but was invariably turned our , and told to go I ; oine . By the jury—About three months a # o , he tried te hang himself . He observed that he kuew he mast be hung , but thac lie had . not the courage to make away with himself . The . ' Ksv . Dr . Lee , of the chapel , Aldersgate-street , has tried to alter his ( deceased ' - ) opinions . Th ° coroner remarked it was to be regretted that the t ; e \! tascd was not placed _ in some asylum , as , in all probability , thir distressing event would not have occurred . Other evidence was adduced , when the jury returned a verdict of" Temporary insanity . "
Violent Thundtr Stobm . —Last Thursday night , the Fores ! Division nf ' B r » hiro , was visited by one of the most terrinc thunder and hail storms which this country has ever "witnessed . The sky , ¦ which for tho last uvo . days had been unusually bright aud sultry , began abcut ' ci lit o ' clock iu the evening to present symptoms of a- change , and to forbode the coming tempest . As f . h ' o nisrht closed in , the atmosphere became more close snu oppressive , and masses of dark and threatening Clouds be ^ au to coilcctfrom the south-west , ilhi :, i . inatcd almoii incessantly with vivid sheets of lightning , accompanied by the most terrific crashes of thunder . About half-past nine , without a minute's warping , sho most destructive shower of hail was discharged that it has ever boen
our lot to record . We hate been favoured with an account of the storm by one family who were spectators of tho pcene . They were sitting at the teatable , and the servant , w ! io had fastened the shutters in two of the rooms , w . i" preparing to close the others , when a crash was heard , as if the side of tho house had fallen in , and in an instant the shutters were burst open and the room covered with pieces of ice , many of which were found under tho sofas half an hour afterwards , as large and nearly as hard aa marbles . To close the shutters a second time was found to be impossible , and tho lightning almost blinded those who attempted it , and the shower of hail was irresistible . In the bed-rooms where the windows had been left open , the chairs were thrown
down , the beds drenched with hailstones , and the floors covered with ice and glass . After raging in this awful manner for twenty minutea the . storm abated . The chief weight of the tempest seems to have fallen on the country between Bracknell and Reading , a distance of about eleven miles . In Bracknell and Workingham the windows on one side of the 85 reet in each place were literally smashed in , and are likely to afford work to the glaziers for three months . At Easthfctnpstead Park , the seat of the Marquis of Downshire , great mischief has bees done to the mansion aud th&conservatories . At Bill-hill , the seat of Mr . Leveson Gower , the damage is immense , nearly all the windows on one side of the house being broken . At Bear Wood 160 panes are broken on one side of the house , besides all the glass in the conserTatories and skylights . At Hurst House , the residence of ; Sir John Conroy , the damage is said to amount to nearly £ 1 , 000 . At Sindlesham
House , the residence of Mr . T . Harman , 136 panes are broken in the house , and the glass in the conservatories quite destroyed . In the Berkshire Hospital at Reading , 159 panes are broken , ; and at Purley , near Reading * we hear that , in addition to other damage , several , cows hate been destryed . The ravages of the storm oat » f t doors are not less complete , and far more distressing than within doors . The devastation' of tlie crops is immense ; whole fields of beans ,: peas , and turnips , besides wheat , are as completely levelled as if they had been cut off by a scythe , and several small , farmers will probably be rained . The flower-gardens present a most melancholy spectacle , being , completely strewed with the wrecks of their late luxuriance , and the shoots of the young forest-trees are in many places quite cut off . Tho visitation has certainly been most awful , and will be long and painfully remembered . We are thankful to add , that we have not heard of the Iosb of any lives .
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two - ¦ THE NORTHERN ST A # , ..... •; . 7 >
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 5, 1841, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct709/page/7/