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TO THE INHABITANTS OF MAXCLEESTEB AND VICINITY . English , Irish , asd Scotchmis , - ^ hateveb . mat be Tors opixioxs is Politics , ob creed is Religiok , —We claim your sympathy on behalf of Buffering humanity . Tea have b&ard of the brutal eoniiuct manifested by a body of infunited Irishmen , at the institution of the Corn Law repealers , towards your fellow-creatures at the meetings held in Siephenson ' s Square , June 2 nd , and the ontrageons aS&ir which took place on Saturday , June 5 th . Several of the nnfortu-Bitfc men are dreadfully wounded , and deprived from folio wing their employment , and others are very severely injured ; many hare lost their hats , &c .
TJaiier these circumstances , it is oar paiufnl duty t » appeal to you for what snppart it is jn your power to rencer them ; and likewise to assist in , bringing to Justice , i ? such ca ?> ' be Had , the base perpetrator * of these diabolical proceedings—to unmask the cowardly instigator * of this bloody attack , open yonr peaceable fellow-creator ©* , and to make some arrangements for the jnpport of the familiea who hare fallen victims to these humanity-mongers . "With the abore objects la view , we are assured that % generous public mil not be appealed to in Tain . A public account will be given of all monies received . The country district * are requfsted to forward their BBbscrlptions to Mr . Gebril Hsxgravej , 9 , Whittle-street . Hancbester . By Ordeb op the Committee . Chutist Room , Brown-street , June 7 th ., 18 * 1 .
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TO THE CHARTISTS OF PAISLEY , AXD OF THE UNITED KINGDOM . Fellow oiks a >* d Bbothes Chabtists , —By the time you will be perusing the followiag Unes the undersigned will be on their way to the land of liberty and the place of hope—the United States of America . Sorry , sorry , are we to leaTe the place ot our nativity , fce sail of oar birthright—that soil "which , under a wise legislation , would have ensured to eTery honest * nd industrious m&n , a fair share of the beneficence of ttie BjTiBe Being which , yearly oczeg from it in each
* Wnda . nee . But Tre are ten thousand times more gneved to leave the great and glorious movement of the people tor their Charter of Liberty , and whose invulnerable frost has already brought the pigmy Lord Fi-¦ sJUy to concede s little . But , although we are removed from yon by distance , belieTe us , fellow-men , our heart tad soul are in the cause . Every Chartist spirit added to the republic of America will extend and increase the power and iaflaenes of that great nation , whica is destined , at no distant period , to demolish all the despotic , aristocratic , elerieal , and monies powers on the face of tbe earth .
O ! a thousand curses on men who , by their demoniac machinations , are the cause of thus driving us from our native iand , and forcing us to tea ? those nt&r and dear -affectionate ties asunder which bind man to man . The happiness of the family circle of the "working man is all but destroyed by heartless calculations and dreary forebodings . The utter hopelessness , despair , hanger , and nakedness of our condition li& 5 driven as to a . foreign l * nd ; bat , thank < jod , it is a imsl wtere the pure air of freedom is breathed into the bursting hearts of Europe ' s king-ridden , priest-ridden , tax-ridden , despised , and toll-worn tons .
But before taking onr leave of yon , brother Chartists , ve are anxious to impress upon you the necessity of -yielding not one iota of the Charter to the common enemy , in whom is centred Tory , Whig , and sham-Radical ; and last , though not least , ttse Corn Law league . On this last we would like to be a little * iore particular , as being the most perfidious party « f them all . Of what use , then , will the abolition of the Corn Laws be without the Charter becoming the law of this tax-devoured land ? In our opinion it would be none at alL The Corn Laws , every right-thinking Kind must Admit , are monstrous evils ; but to repeal thim at present , without the Charter becoming the law of the land , would be only to make what is now the
landlord ' s profit , pass from his pocket into the exporting proflt-Hionfet ' s potfcet , and ev&iy Cbartlst fcao-frs full ¦ well what sort of fellows they are- They hesitate not to avow in their speeches , not only in the House of Commons but in many places besides , that wages are too iugh and nut he reduced , to enable us to compete With the Foreigner , but that wages will admit of no farther reduction unless the loaf be made cheaper . There is * c avowal , brother Chartiste , that cheapening bread is the prelude to cheapening labour , or in other builds , that the abolition of the Corn -LavrB is sought after for no other purpose but a reduction of wages .
These money-mongers woald convert this nation of ^ aoautain and of food" into a large factory ,- they would confine us for sixteen or eighteen hours per day to inhale a poisonous atmosphere , with a scanty meal , and clothed in rags , tfcst they may walk about and revel in the abundance of wealth and grandeur , while we are regarded as the mere beasts of burden , fit only to toil for their profit and amusement Believe us , fer . ow-men , to abolish the Cora Lassr * without the Cfiaru * of our liberty being crafted , will be only to take the poww-from tbe despotism of land , and place It in a more atrocious , heartless , grinding , and insatiable despotism— tike despotism otllammon .
"We sow take our leave of you -wiih . stating that Botliing but dire necessity ha » compelled us te adopt this course . We would a thousand time * have preferred remaining at home , but the downward progress of our condition tenders the step we have taken absolutely necessary . Farewell , then , Brother Chartists , and we fondly hope that your efforts in the sacred oa . se of Universal liberty , in a short time , will be crowned with success ; sad that you may live many years in the enjoyment of the same , accompanied with health and happiness , is the sincere prayer of JOHS ROBESTSOJf . George millae . Paisley , 23 rd Juae , 1 S 41 .
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A >~ ADDRE 53 TO THE MEN OF ASHTONUXDER-LYJiE . Mis ot Ashtos , —It is a doctrine sanctioned by tie wisdom of ages , that the preservation of life , liberty , and property , in peace and safety , is correlat ive of allegiance , and any government that attempts to destroy , enslave , or designedly to impoverish the subjects , by uneonstitutioB&l , -aiijiist , and tyrannical acts , forfeits all claim to the allegiance of its people . In doing so , Government puts itself in a state of war against tbe very people is is bound to protect , and consequently absolves them from all obedience . . You know that this Government has impoverished and e&siffved ns , that it has robbed us of the fruits of our labour , in order that placemen sad pensioners , taxgathering locusts , and tithe eaters , may live in licentious splendour and extravagance . Knowing this , -we re surprised you do not come forward , and unite with ¦ with us , and the rest of our fellow countrymen , to gain for ourselves and posterity , the iraptrishable Charter .
"We must know ourselves before we can gain our salvation , a people knowing its own strength has nothing to fear but itself . " Men of Ashton , —We now call upon you to enroll yourselves as members in the association , which ifi held in the Co-operative Store Room , Catherine-street let no individual say he is too poor to support the association . Few people can be so poor a * not to affcrd one penny per week towards purchasing their freedom . Tbe cause of right against might never had a mow prosperous appearance than at the present ; and a penny a week it a trifle a week indeed if by-it you eaa secure peace and comfort to your families , and happiness to the nation at large .
Men of Ashton , —We must be organised . Organisation , when efficient , links men in the beads of a common sympathy , engenders a mutual confidence , which , divided , yen would net feel , and bring to bear , against our tyrants , a power which in their hands is so fatally wielded for oppressing and debasing us ; attended , however , with this differecee , that like all powers to be used for good or evil , in our hands it will be a blessing , in theirs an engine of slavery . Never forget that organisation is a means to an end . Hoping you will come forward and redeem yourselves from slavery . We subscribe ourselves , Yours in the cause of liberty , The CorsciL of the Ashtos Chartists . George Kobebts , Snb-secretarr .
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TO THE POLITICAL SLATE CLASS A >* D ELECTORS OF CLACKMANNAN AND KiNE 0 SS-SH 1 RES . The sheriff of these counties having fixed tie 6 tb of July for the nomination at Dollar , for a representative to serve in Parliament—important duties devolve upon the electoral aad non-electoral bodies . To the electors of these counties my remarks will be briel You have now two candidates before yon , " one belongs to the aristocracy , and the other to the working classes . As the electoral rights are placed in the hands of the middle class , you wil hare opportunity on that day to show which of these has your sympathy , confideaoe , aad support . Your decision will decide your chancier , either for a love of country , independenee and patriotism , or carelessness to your country ' s best "Welfare , aM and & man subeeviency to an arisfcocratlfl eiHB who haw era grasped * t politic *! power
fer me double purpose of feeding tbeir own arrogance and aeosaalitv , and degrading , debasing , and demoralising the great body of the people . In giving youi support to the working man upon that day , you will prove to yonr country that you have burst- the tr » "i mfu of prejudice aad claw distinction—that you love of eeuntry and its best interests reign paramount is your minds—that the happiness , comfort and security of the people ought ever to be the great business of Government , and by bestowing ycur suffrage upon a working man , you will proclaim your convictions that tbe right * ot labour will sever be represented in the House of Commons , until working men are sent there to esppVBjdtfld trfl ^ " ^'" them . A few words Uthe slaves—I feel real sorrow is addrcsjMgg jroa by such as epithet . I . am myself a poBtiafilsve . 1 have searched into the constitution , of ¦—* - — and cu 2 nd so sufficient reason why lamio .
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I haTe searched into the constitution of society and find no reason fur this condition , except that it is the will of a horde of tyrants who neither upon the ground of mental , moral , noi natural right can claim the superiority . The brand of political slavery which these tyrants have fixed upon ma and the class to which I belong I am resolved to wipe off or perish in the struggle . I rely upon your active and zealous co-operation upon the 6 th cf July , at the hustings of Dollar . I have calculated upon your unanimous , hearty . anddecldedsupport I ask yon not to domehononr , I claim it upon the distinct consideration that every man who records there his voice in my favour is working out a portion of that struggle which we are all bound to enter upon if we expect a ipeedy aad ulthnate triumph to the Charter . Upon that occasion , then , I expect the support ef every
working man in Clackmannan and Kinross-thires , and every lector who ia prepared to do his duty to his country . ThoBe who obtain this dirtinction , will undoubtedly be placed in a position of trust and responsibility ; they will be the elected of the people , sanctioned in this election by an officer of the crown . It is necessary , then , that tkey be men of tried integrity , not trading politician * . There can be no doubt that the faction * in their future straggles will be anxious to secure the services of such men for tha purpose of tantalising and deceiving the people . In my opinion , then , ererj Chartist candidate ought to b « pledged before going to , and upon the hustings , that he will countenance and support no other agitation which may arise in the country , except tbe agitation for the Charter in all its integrity , until it becomeB the law of tbe land .
Another and immediate duty will devolve upon them . Every Chartist candidate after his election will superintend the getting up and signing of another national petition , which in the present spirit of thB eeuntry will be signed in three weeks by two millions and a half They will then forthwith repair to London and pour into that city durine their fortnight ' s residence a torrent of the lava fire of the discontent of the provinces—get a hold of 3 S of the fustian jackets to cattj the people ' s petition and lay it upon the floor of the House of Commons , befere the factions will have time to say who will rule the roast and divide the plunder , they will first have to answer the demand contained in that petition for justice and freedom . If the new Parliament treat this petition as they did the last , it -will plate the discontent of the provinces on such a footing which neither Melbourne , Wellington , Peel , nor Russell , will dare tamperiza with , or insult , one hour longer .
Trusting then to see all in health , and upon every countenance the beaming resolution that animated your fathers upon the field of Bannoekburn , where they tranquilly awaited their country ' s foes , resolved to make Scotland free or a place too hot for Whigs and Tories to dwell in , I remain , My fellow slaves , Yours , in the cause of democracy , AbBAM DVSCAU . Alva , 26 th June , 1841 . ¦ ss ^ fc
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MORE LIBERALISM . SrPPRESSION OF PUBLIC OPINION IN CARLISLE . The Borough Magistrates have deemed it expedient to issue the following Proclamation : — " Borough op Carlisle . —In consequence of various acts of vioienee and outrage , both upon persons and property , bating taknn place yesterday eveniDg , 24 th Jnne , by an assemblage of persons in the Marketplace : Notice is therefore hereby given , that no persons will be allowed to assemble together in the Marketplace or streets of the Borough . And all persons persisting in 80 assembling and obstructing the free passage of the Market-place and pnblic streets will be apprehended by the Police . " And it is particularly recommended to all persons to prevent their children and apprentices from being out at a late hour in the evening .
" Dited this 25 th day of June , 1 S 41 . —By order of the Mayor and Magistrates of the BoTOugh , " Joseph Atki . vso . v , Clerk . " Let us now see what grounds the Magistrates have bad thus to put down pnblic opinion , more especially at the time of an election- On Wednesday and Thursday evenings , June 23 rd and 24 th , twv public meetings were held at the Market Cross , when the people were addressed by Mr . Joseph Hanson , a working man , who too * occasion to strongly anlmadTert on tae conduct of the lsts tiro representatives for Carlisle , Mr . Marshall and Mr . Howard . Tbe meetings were numerous and peaceable , and dispersed without the slightest symptom of a breach of the peace having been manifested ; a considerable time , however , ( from thirty to forty minntcs ) after the meeting was over , a number of
bo \ a assembled in front of the Tutru Bali aad commenced kicking about an old tin , and slouching one another ; this was continued for seme time , when several persons who came amongst them met with the same treatment as the boyn were ipflicting on each other ; finally , some more wicked and mischievous than ths rest commenced throwing stones -and breaking several panes of glass in the Town Hall windows , and some others . One thing Is clear , that these boys , for there were no grown-up persons among them , were encouraged and excited to commit this breach of the peace by some designing knave or knaves , belonging to either the Whig or Tory faction ; or th « y committed the outrage through wanton mischief . We are inclined to bciievt the former , aad that it has been done to give a plea to the Magistrates for putting down all publicmeetings .
On Friday morning , Messrs . Arthur , Hanson , and Boira&n proceeded to the Town Hall , understanding tV . at their name * bad been given in to the magistrates , by tbe police , as the persons who took part in the public meetings , and who were the cause of the mischief , aad that warrants were about to be issued against tbea ; after-waiting for a considerable time , U » v we » Mat ; , for by the magistrates—who were classl&rtbfcetfaer , along with Mr . Nanson , the Town Clerk , and Mr . Atkinson , Clerk to the Magistratessome conversation then took place as to tbe proceedings on the previous night ; when the Mayor stated that he considered it bis duty , from what bad taken place , to pui £ own all public meetings in tbe borough . ' It was urged by Means . Arthur , Hwson , and Bowman , that their meetings were perfectly peaceable , and that they had retired tor upwards , of half aa hour before the outrage bad taken place , aad that they were not to be held responsible for what might take place after the meet ing bad broke up .
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In tbe case of Mr . Bowman , one of the Magistrates themselves bore testimony to having seen him in Botchergate , at half-past nine o ' clock ; and where he joined Mr . Arthur and Mr . Hanson , wbo were several minutes in advance of him , and they remained together , as conld be proved by at least ten or twelve respectable persons , until after the time of the outrage . We now leave the public to judge bow far the Magistrates have been justified in thus putting down public opinion , by preventing any more pnblic meetlEgs . We have seen the windows of the Bush Coffee-house , and other Inns in Carlisle , smashed to pieces at Elections , under Tory domination , but little did we expect , that the libertyprofessing Whig * would have bad recourse to such harsh and tyrannical measures , merely because a few panes of glass have been broken by a few disorderly
boys , who might have easily been dispersed by the police , had they been inclined to do so ; but we have h . ard that some of these falsely cilled preservers of the public peace , boasted at the time that the Cbartlste should hold no more public meetings—we have now laid before the public the whole facts of the case , and would call to their recollection the time when some of those very men , at public meetiBga , during a time of great excitement , called upon tha people to pay no more taxea—and when the Tories were allowed to be burnt in effigy , at the Market Cross , amidst the discharge of fire-arms , and insulted aad annoyed in the most outrageous manner , neither their lives nor property being secure—these scandalous proceedings were not only countenanced but encouraged by some of oar present Magistrates ,, wbo subscribed money for the purpose of carrying on those nightly conflagrations .
By order ot the Committee of tbe Carlisle Radical Association . Jane 26 , 1841 .
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TO THE ELECTOR AND NON-ELECTORS OF THE WEST-RIDING . " Our merchants are in tbe gnlphof bankruptcy and our labourers have eaten tbeir beds . " —LORD Joh . n Russell . Fellow-countrymen , —I find , by a very slight experience , that , in bustling times like tbeae , tbe weekly chronicler of events has no slight ta ^ u imposed upon him to keep pace wita circumstances , and to record , and direct the public eye to , all ' which he thinks of importance . This must be my txctise , at the present , for not pursuing the subject further , " of what part of our institutions it was which the honour , faith , and safety of the nation required that the burdent should be increased of the "wretch who had eaten
his bed . " As the " mess thickens , " and as , before lovg , you will be called upon , the one to exercise his franchise , and the other has influence upon that franchise ; I will proceed to urge the great necessity of seeking among a different class of men for those wbo are to represent your interests in a forthcoming Parliament What claim fiien , can those have , " who are Lords by the accident of birth , " to make laws ¦ which are to dispose of the prodncts of your labour and even life itself . One of them Las candidly told you tbat be was
& lord , not by his virtuous actions ; not because be had stood in the Thermopylae of bis country ; not because he had performed " acts of prowess to council or field ; " he had not repelled tbe invader , nor framed laws by which its citizens bad been raised in tbe scale of comforts and conveniences ; be bad done none of this , but he was " a Lord by the accident of bis birth . " Tbe followers of tbe Norman bastard bad some claim to fiefs and honours ; they bad braved tbe " battle and flood " for whatjtheygot ; but these " things" are perfectly innocent of all claim ; tbey are only lords by tfw accident of their birth .
But , however , not to cavil about tbe accident of their birth , let oa axamine into tbeir fitness for legislators by taking a cursory glance at tbe eiftcU of tbat legislation . There need no proof here that the state of a country is tbe best comment upon tbe fitness and wisdom of Its law makers . We will not travel far back on the record , for fear it should be said that we are going " into tbe dark ages ,- " nor to the times ot the war , because that would be pleaded as tha excuse . We will begin , then , when those wbo " are lords by tbe accident of their birth , " were in tbe full zenith of their power ; when they were completely uncontrouled by any thing like democracy in " either of their bouses ; " and when they were resolved , too , to pursue tbe " stem path of duty ; " and when therefore their wisdom and fitness for legislators bad full play without either let or hindance .
Well then , Lord Liverpool , as prime minister , stated in the Houso of Lords , in the session of 1822 , that the cause of the distress was over production ; the high prices during tbe war had forced a great portion of poor lands into cultivation , and hence tbe " produce became too great for the demand ; " and during tbe same speech be said , thai , " tbe cauce of distress among the manufacturers was a surplus population . " Here , then , we have it , tbe agricultural labourers starving , because there was too much food ; and tbe manufacturers starving , because there were too many mouths ! Is not this a prime Bpeciinen of tbe legislation of those who are Lords by tbe accident of their birth ?
But to otbef specimens in corrotxantion of the above * At a meeting of the Southampton magistrates , the following were tbe prices fixed as tbe wages in the shape of relief for tbe labourer of tbe district : — " When a family shall consist of a man and bis wife , and one child , to offer to such man four shillings per week from Michaelmas to Lady Day , and five shillings per week from Lady Day to Michaelmas , so tbat be might bu engaged to serve tbe whole year -, and any man refusing tbat offer shall not be entitled te r * Hef . ' To every unmarried man tbe Justices recommend tbe officers of every parish to offer 3 s . per week from Michaelmas to Lady Day ; ai . d 4 s . per week from Lady Day to Michaelmas , so that be may be engaged
to serve tbe whole year . To a woman with one child , 3 s . Cd . per week , and no more . A Bingle woman , 2 s . 6 ( 1 . per week , and no more . And the Justices do deelare tbat panpers relieved by their parishes , and able to work , shall , for the allowance so made them , be compelled to do such work as tha parish officers shall direct or require of them . " This was the wages of the agricultural districts , when tbe country was in great distress through tbe curse of " over-production , " and under tbe absolute controul of those wbo are " Lords by the accident of tbeir birth . " It may be as well to state tbat one of the magistrates issuing this order was " Sir Thomas Baring , and , I believe , brother to the present Chancellor of the Exchequer 1
In aid of the above enlighteued and most humane order , Lord Jobn Russoll eays , in his " Essay on the English Constitution , " speaking of tbe distress of the labourers , and what he calls the evils of over-population : — " With respect t » a legislative remedy , there is but one which can be effectual . It is tbat of Mr . Malthus , viz : tbat , after a certain period , labourers who marry should not be entitled to support from tbe poor rates . " One n&turaUy stands in amaza at statements like these ; and a&k bow is restraining population to remedy the distress "which was so pathetically lamented by Lord Liverpool ; and which was ascribed by him as arising from too much food I But whether tbe distress arose from too much food , or too many moutbs , according to Lord Jobn RutseU ; or whether it arose from there being too much feod and too many mouths both at one time as stated by Lord Liverpool , it is sufficiently characteristic of tbe capabilities for legislation of those T * bo are " Lor « U by tbe accident © f their birth i "
Then we have them passing Peel ' s Bill enacting that we shall return to gold in 1 » 23 ; then in 1822 , we b&ve them extending the time for eleven years ; then we have the prosperity of 1824 ; then we bave the "late panic" which reduced the country , as either Canning , or Huskinson , 1 really forget which said so , within forty-eight hours of barter . And , then we'bad all the . cboppings and changes which tbat measure , ( which endeavoured and is still endeavouring to make us pay high taxes , in low prices , ) and all its concomitants , has brought upon us . A glorious bill this , though of Peels , it has ridden the system like the night hag , and is yet destined to give the people of tins country their just share in the representation , if tbat people be but true to themselves . But no thanks for this , to those who are " lords by the accident of birth ; " what they did , was in nttes ignoraace aa to too effect of the measure , and completely proves , if proof were wanting , their otter incapacity to manage tbe complicated interests of a great country .
And more proof I will give of the utter incapacity of those wbo are " Lords by the accident of their birth to legislate for the welfare of tbe country , and then I will leave them at this time . It i 3 the report of a committee in Dublin to manage subscriptions for the starving people . The report says : — " The members ef the deputation further offer themselves for examination before the council . The greatest distress prevails in forty-two parishes ; and tbat in these there are H 8 , « 4 i persons now suffering the pangs of hunger . Those on the sea coast are endeavouring to preserve existence on sea-weed and shell-fish found along the shores . A clergyman wbo doubted the accuracy of tbe reports which were brought to him , visited families at
unexpected times , and thus became a witness of tbe melancholy meal , where a mother , surrounded by her children , picked out tbe fish from tbe shells with a pin , apportioning tbe scanty morsels to each in its turn , Dnt too slowly to satisfy the cn "rings of hunger . In other parts of the country , the poor are living on nettles and weeds , front which experience baa taught them to extract some nourishment I can state that a miserable mother , with an infant in her arms , was found attempting to prolong the existenoe of her family by sharing with each child tbe nourishment which her breasts afforded . ' I" These things cannot be true ! I do but dream . " When will this fearful alumfcer bave an end ?"'
These are some of tbe effects resulting from the legis lation of those wbo are Lords by the accident of their birth ! And tbat , too , it must be born in mind , when they bad full and complete controul of both the Houses of Lords and Commons ; without any of tbe leaven of democracy , except such as they choose to admit amongst them to keep op the appearance of respectability of talent Such being tbe case , and their having bad such power for centuries , the inference is irrefragable that those effects are the natural and inevitable result of such legislation . - Such & state of things it was impossible to bear ; the spirit of tbe nation was roused from one end to the
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f r . - ¦ % other ; and the " iron Duke" having declared tbat he -would not submit to any change ef system , he was driven from power ; and the Whigs came into office , pledged to produce a system ot legislation which should put a " fowl 1 b every man's pot , and a guinea in his pocket" What that system is , is too well known to need any description from me ; I will , therefore , proceed to take a rapid glanoe at some of the effects of that system , after it has had a " fair trial" of ten years . Argument I will offer none , but will content myself with statements made by themselves in different important situations . statement made Lord ¦ . ¦¦ 1 - ¦¦— ¦¦ ' ¦ ' ¦¦ M-1 11-i 1 ¦¦¦
First , then , I will take the by John Russell himself , when be said , in his speech on the revision of the Cora BUI , " Oar merchants are in thegulph of bankruptcy ; our men of property unable to obtain any rent ; our shopkeepers ruined ; our labourers living seventeen in five yards square ; our pawnbrokers' shops filled with the farnitur * and clothes of onr artisans ; and our manufacturing labourers , have eaten their beds . " Vast improvement this ! In corro ^ oration of Lord John , Mr . Scholefleld , Member for Birmingham , on making a motion on the national distress , said , among other things— " The distress presses as severely up * a the shopkeeper and manufacturer as the workman ; cruel mortgagees are disposing of property for less than one-third of its value ; the number of insolvents is greater , though the number of bankrupts be less ; the poor debtors are calling out 1 make room for us , the prison is too small ; ' tradesmen
are in jeopardy every hour ; the pawnbrokers have granted loans until they have no money to lend ; workmen , with large familiea , are obliged to crowd together in dwellings not fit for hogs . I know places , called chambers , wherein different families , of both sexes , and of all ages , are compelled to pass the night at the same time . Last week , a young wife died in child-birth : she was not able to bring forth ; a physician said he bad no doubt she had died for want of nourishment A Committee , constituted to inquire into the condition of the population , "wrote to me ( Mr . Scbolefleld ) as follows : —• They had found forty thousand so miserable as to be grateful—yes , humbly grateful , for a donation of less than one penny far thing per week ; " some victims Of our neglect have found refuge in the grave ; no ministratioa of earthly comfort soothed their lost mortal agony ; tbe aid which affection yearned to give , poverty denied . Good God 1 and in a land of bibles too !
Mr . Labouchere , a minister of the crown too , said he fully agreed with the terms of the motion ; and the facts then stated formed tbe justification of the Whig measures proposed by government Mr . Baines , late M . P . for Leeds , said " it appeared from the investigation whfch bad recently taken place , tbat there were not less than 10 , 000 persona in Leeds wholly unemployed . Tbe chairman of the operatives ' committee had stated , that if he could not get bread for his wife and children by his industry , he would take it wherever he could find it" These are alarming statements ; and if the Hon . M . P . is not endeavouring to preserve the cognomen bo long applied to him , gives a fearful proof of tbe state which his legislation has reduced the country to .
But , as tbe climax of the whole , and as » complete proof , not only of their utter want of capacity for legislators ; but also aa a proof of utter want of sensibility , and also of want of sympathy with the misery and degradation which tbeir legislation baa produced ; as a proof of all these , as the discussion was proceeding , Mr . 8 . Canning proposed the House to be counted , when it was found that only 24 members , out of 658 , could be found men to take into consideration the distress their legislation had produced ! Sterne prayed that heaven would be pleased to grant him decent terms to exclaim in , and I must confess that I have much need « f the same assistance here , I dare not trust myself to txc ' aim , but must leave it to tbe feelings of every husband and father to clothe those feelings in auch language as his indignation suggests . " Down , busy devil !"
Now then , electors and non-electors , could men elected from your own order do worse than both tbeir Houses have done ? Look at the contrast exhibited in the Cloth Hall yard on Tuesday last See theinnocesw of all capacity which waa exhibited by those who are lords by tbe accident of tbeir birth ; see the scion of the noble bouse of Wentwtsrth , unable to string together half a dcren sentences if it would have saved his soul from perdition . And then see a working man , " an ignorant Chartist , " entering into all the great questions of our national and international policy , and dissecting them with a master's hand ; hear him exhibiting all the folly and blunders ef those who have
been trained to legislation ; " bear the whistling of bw lash as he flourishes it in drutn-major-like style over the writhing shoulders of Lord Morpeth : see and bear these things ; and then ask yourselves seriously which is the most proper person fur a legislator ? For the comfort of the electors , a gentleman , who was near me in tbe crowd , and with » large favour in hia bosom , observed , " How nicely Lord Milton ' s whiskers are pointed ; " but , gentlemen , are nicely pointed whiskers a sufficient qualification for a man who is to grapple with ttie difficulties of a nation whose merchants are in tbe gulph of bankruptcy , and whose labourers have " eaten tbeir beds . "
Ponder tbeae things well before you vote for men of thin kind . . . . r ¦ Tours , &c ., A FaKBHdtDEft .
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A TOICE FROM THE HELL HOLE . TO MR . WM . MAKTIN . Northallerton , June 17 lb , 1841 . Dear Martin , —I am extremely sorry tbat 1 bave not been able to receive your letters in consequence of tbe severe restrictions we are under . It is natural tbat I should choose such letters as contained a communication from my wife ; but , my friends informed me of your persevering condnct- in our behalf , I do not know of anything tbat bas given me so much pleasure since I have been in prison , as your maniy conduct in confronting the big Beggarman , at the Crown and Anchor , and chnrging him with bis gross inconsistency to bis face . I am sure you are deserving of tbe thanks of al ! tbe Chartists in tbe kingdom , for tbat one act aione ; but , I have been further informed tbat it was you who first brought for ward tbe utility of Petitioning and a Prisoners' Convention ; and as an individual deeply concerned in it , I feel it it my duty to return you my sincere and hearty thanks .
And if it bas not accomplished all we could wish , it bas been tbe means of sending the Chutists' musterroll within tbe walls of St . Stephen's , and proved to demonstration tbat Chartism is on tbe increase , in spite of tbe unparalleled persecution by the Government , and threat and intimidation of masters , and auch as think it their interest to keep tbe industrious millions in a state of political bondage . Sir , I siscerely hope tbat the Chartists will split their votes with the Tories , and where there is no Chartist candidate , they will vote for them solely ,- not that I think there is a pin to choose between them ; but to convince the Whig Government tbat tbe prayer ef two millions of men , wbo are tbe sinews of the country , is not to be treated with contempt ; on so slight a matter as the releasement of a few political prisoners , who have been so severely treated . I shall rejoice if you can get them out of office ; all they think of is place , pension , and patronage ; the starving poor are only
mentioned to serve party purpose . Sir , when tbe election squabble is over . I bopo you will endeavour to get us removed from here . You can scarcely conceiva the pain tbat my legs are to me with being so much confined , and tbe quantity of medicine I am obliged to take to keep tbe swelling down ; but yourself has experienced something of close confinement and will , I have no doubt , feel for others . Remember , my friend , tbat I have two years and nine months yet to serve , being nine months longer than the worst felon in the jaiL Poor old Booker kept with us till be could hardly crawl , and tbe surgeon ordered him to be in the yard instead of being at work , and gave him extra diet ; but I am sorry to inform you that after all , he could stand no longer and has gone to take up Duffy ' s quarters . No wonder on tbe inactivity of tbe muscles tbat we are obliged to put up with , is sufficient to break the strongest constitution , if subjected to it for any length of time .
I shall be glad to bear of you bringing the matter before the public . My wife "Will be in Sheffield at tbe latter end of this month , and will be sending me a parcel , if you have got a few Temperance tracts I should be obliged to you if you would let her have them to send to me . If you favour me with an answer , you must send it to Brampton , to be there on or befom the first Sunday in July , to be put in their letter—I cannot receive it any other way . I have not room to say more , so I conclude with my best wishes for your health , tbat yon may be able to advocate tbe glorious cause of the unenfranchised lullliona ; my prayer is , that the Chartists will be true to themselves , tbat unity will prevail amongst them , and denounce any man who brings forward any half measures— -the Charter , the whole Charter is the only thing tbat can bring any lasting benefit to tbe working classes . Tours truly ,
S HGLBERY . P . S . —Let me know if yon have beard any thing of Mr . Peddie—he is an honest man , ani "when you write to him , give my respects .
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THE PETITION CARRIERS . London , June 28 . Tbe address of the eighteen stone masons , who carried the petition to the House of Commons has already had its effect ; an Association of their fellow workmen , tbe operative stone masons , was formed on the 19 th ; they met again on tbe 26 tb , when upwards of fifty enrolled themselves as members . An excellent spirit waa manifested , and they seem determined to go forward in the good cause ; there is a growing conviction tbat nothing but a government based upon tbe wishes of the whole people , as set forth in the Charter , can give real protection to labour , prosperity to tbe nation , and happiness to tbe people , and they sincerely trust that the various trades throughout the country will Immediately form associations of their respective bodies , and assist them in working out th « ir political regeneration . DISOBACBFCL COMDDCT OF THE CONDUCTORS OP
THE WEEKLY DISPATCH . A deputation from tbe eighteen stone masons attended at the Weekly Dispatch Office on Jane 19 , for tt »
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purpose of obtaining the insertion ot thel ? address to the various tradea in its columns , when th « y were informed that its insertion womld cost six guineas , when , after some further conversation , they replied , that that charge was tantamount to a denial , and immediately left the office . .. The report of the deputation was laid before tbe Association , at its formation on the 19 th , when it was agreed that a deputation should be sent from the bedy to the Editor , when they accordingly waited upon him on the 22 nd , when he pledged himself that their address would be inserted in that -week ' s Dispatch , at the same time expressing bis regret that it had not ¦¦ == ====== ======== ^^ ¦ ' 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ " .- ¦ ¦ ¦ I .. - 1 ¦ ¦ I , ¦¦ - 1 .
been inserted the week previous ; he also informed them that ifc would have to go before a committee , which he had no doubt woald be quite willing and ready to insert it We , however , found , to onr utter astonishment , that not one single word of it appeared in that paper ; whether it was the fault of the Editor , or the committee , we are at a loss to know ; but this we know , that the Weekly Dispatch is no real friend of the people , and cares as much about the-extension of the franchise in England as O'Connell does about Repeal in Ireland . In short , the Dispatch , although a would-be Republican journal , is always finding fault with those who take the lead , at the same time taking good care to keep in the back ground itself .
The subject was brought before the Association on Saturday last , when it was unanimously resolved . — " That the unprincipled behaviour of the conductors of that paper should be made known to their fellow workmen throughout the country , and the trades generally , through the medium of the Northern Star . " „ Several members , who had hitherto been subscribers to tbe Dispatchi expressed their determination to discontinue it and take the Northern Star . Armstrong Walton . P . S . I was instructed to write to the Editor of the Star and request the insertion of the above in its columns , with a short comment upon it , If time and space would admit . V A . W .
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PUBLIC MEETING IN BRIGHTON TO RECEIVE CHARLES BROOKER . Seldom has it fallen to our lot to witness such a meeting as waa held yesterday evening week , at the Globe inn , Edward-street , Brighton , for the purpose of adopting such resolutions as should secure tbe return of Mr . Brooker to the House of Commons . The room In which the meeting was held was not large enough to contain half tbe number wbo applied for admission . Tbe entrance to the room and tbe stairs were completely blocked up , and whenever a cheer was given in the room it was heartily responded to by those at the entrance , and from them to those on the stairs , and from thence into the street , when the very heavens echoed with cheers f or " Brooker and the Charter . "
To commence business , it was resolved unanimously that the veteran , Mr . William Flowers , do take tbe chair . After tbe applause had subsided , The CHAIBMAN related to the meeting the kind exertions of Mr . Brooker on the part of tbe working man . Mr . Brooker was ready to serve them in another way ; he came forward to seek the suffrages of the independent electors of Brighton . Mr . Brooker was their Chartist candidate , and it was for them to use every endeavour to secure his return to the people ' s House . They knew tbat , as at present constituted , tbat which was nicknamed the House of Commons , was not so ; it was a House of robbers , swindlers , money-mongers , Jew jobbers , lawyers , and such like craft , not a real House of the people's representatives , but if the electors cboosed they might make that in reality , which was now
but a name and a bye-word—the House of Commons . The Aimigbty God , the giver of all good , sends every tbing that man can desire ; and yet , in a laad of plenty in a land of profusion , did they not see starvation and misery every day , at every turn they made ? And why was all this ? wbat caused it ? and who was to blame ? The cause waa clasa legislation ; the blame laid in the aupineness of tbe people , whereby tbeir oppresson bad gradually forged tbe chains which bound them . Let us endeavour ( said the venerable speaker ) to remove the evils under which we labour ; let us shake off the shackles that bind us , and shew that we are not , as our opponents say , too ignorant to wield tbe suffrage for the universal happiness of mankind . Tbe Chairman concluded amidst tremendous cheers , by introducing to the meeting Charles Brooker , Esq . as their Radical candidate .
Mr . Brookes rose and was greeted with rounds of applause . He commenced by saying—Worthy and independent electors of Brighton , and worthy and independent non-electors of Brighton , Englishmen , lovors of your country , this is indeed a gratifying sight to me ; it pleases me much ; and urges me forward for tbe great work of redeeming my native country . 1 thank you for your kind reception , and as we are here associated this evening to carry out the moat glorious privilege tbat is enjoyed by Englishmen , tbe choice of tbeir representatives , I will trace my way back to tbe time of our Saxoti forefathers , and endeavour to shew to you tbe Constitution of Great Britain . Is the year 47 » the Saxons came into this country in seven tribes , and formed themselves into an heptarchy , or small
kingdoms . They bad certain rules , by which they were . directed : those rules were liberal . ( Hear . / Tbif v . waB / the . -mode of governing the kingdom . They formed tithings , and from the formation of tithinga , came that of parish constable—they bad a viow of every thing transacted in tbeir district—there was again the shire-mote , or meeting of "wise men in tbe shire ; -they had tbe conducting tbe whole business of the shire , the summoning the militia for tbe protection of the country ; every shire kept its own militia ; lands were provided for the military , bo that they might not he a burden to tbe shire . One kingdom was formed of seven or eight shires . Thus waa the business of the nation conducted previous to the reign of the immortal Alfred ; every thing was * content and
peace . Alfred having ascended tbe throne , formed tbe whole kingdoms into one , and never was a monarch so beloved by bis people ; be was tbe noblest monarch that ever sat upon tbe British throne . He divided tbe day as follows : —eigbt hours for sleep , eigbtfor conducting the business of the nation , aud eight he spent in meditation and prayer . Alfred bad two councils which met twice a year , and ' oftener If need be ; he formed the Witetmgtmote , whereby tbe people chose tbeir representatives , bat alas ! the Norman came , and from then may be dated tbe loss of their liberties . Tbe conduct of tbe Norman brigand and his followers was such , that after 130 years of oppression and misrule , tbe Barons wrung from King John the Charter , called Magna-Charta ! proving tbat there was
a limit to despotism , and patience will burst into fury . He might be told it was antiquated , if bo , the people were free and happy . A moral government certainly was intended by Magim Charts . ' ( At this stage of tbe proceedings a drunken tool of tbe Yfbig party endeavoured to create a disturbance by inter * rupting the speaker , but it being hinted to him that uutoes be preserved a little order , the chairman would insist of bis being put out of the room , he was quieted , aud afterwards shrunk like a thief from tbe meeting . ) Mr . Brooker pro . ceeded;—be was very sorry that there "Wete parties there wishing for a disturbance , but he could assure them tbat he would meet them er any of their friends in open discussion , and he featted not tbe result , for
truth and ju&tice would prevail . The constitution « f this country was based on Universal Suffrage and Annual Parliaments , for where Aunnal Parliaments end , slavery begins—( loud Applause } . — -don't you be satisfied with a three or a seven year ' s Parliament , but insist oh a one year's Parliament , for : short reckonings make long friends . In his opinion all the miseries of this country have come from seven years' Parliaments , and were tbe author of an essay he bad in his possession living , he wbo says " where annual Parliaments end slavery begins ; " and contemplating the property qualification as to Members of Parliament , connected wi , tb a seven years act for the duration thereof , I am persuaded he woald denominate , and emphatically so , tbe present as a
" Pensioned Parliament , " and probably "would aver , tliat as to Saptennial Parliaments , the people have lost the distinguishing character between freemen aad slaves I They have lost wbat the most tyrannical Kings of England could , never force from them ! They hate lost all what tbeir forefathers have been spending their blood and treasure to defend for these thousand yean ! They have lost the greatest jewel that ever any people possessed ! They have lost tbeir constitutional liberty ; their birthright and inheritance derived from God and nature ! They have lost their constitutional means of redress for all their grievances ! They have lost their all , their everything , by that — - — septennial Jaw . which has fettered down the elective power of tbe people like a dog to a manger ,
which is only suffered to go abroad once in seven years for an airing ! ( Tremendous cheers . ) In bia opinion , a seven years' Parliament is the greatest injury that could be to a nation ; and as to Payment of Members , he was convinced they ought to be paid as Weil as any mechanic or tradesman if elected by Universal Suffrage . Tbe Charter specifies tbat members stall be paid , and he c&uld see no objection whatever to it . With regard to the qualification , it was a usurpation to say tuitt a man if he happen to be poor , be ha ever so talented , ever so clever , or ever so worthy a seat in the Senate , because he is poor , his services are useless , and he shall , though elected' by ninetenths of the people , be excluded from the Senate House : it gives power to the rich to make laws for tbe government of the poor . U is unjust and crue \ And now to the grand point of their
Charter—Universal Suffrage . E very man of twenty-one yean of age , of sound mind , and untainted by crime , la completely qualified for tbe suffrage , —( tremendous applause );— - and he who says differently or denies this right , is an enemy to his countiy ' 8 weal , and a libeller of his countrymen ' s character . Let them stand firm to their demand for Universal Suffrage , and it mast ultimately be granted . With reference to the electoral districts , be would be short H 9 considered three hundred quite enough for the present constituted House , for six hundred got in each other's way . The Ballot—As an Englishman , he xunst say , that , although in his individual opinion he did not exactly agree with the Ballot , still , when be saw intoxication , gluttony , and every description of corruption , raging in every borough in England , it compelled him to advocate the vote by ballot , to protect tbe honest man
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In a free and uncorrupted expression of his opinion , and with reference to bribery , he considered that tha man who gave a bribe * and he who received it , wen villains in grain . '—( load applause ) ;—he who tooki bribe sold bis country , like Judos who sold his matter for thirty pieces of silver . ( Load and renewed cheers . ) Mr . Brooker then gave a description of the prind . pies he would advocate , if returned to Parliament as a member for Brighton . The first thing he would motf strenuously advocate was , the People ' * Charter . }> ju next was the Liberty of the Press . ( Loud applause . ) In fact , be woald go as an independent man ; he woald stand aa no partisan , but as an Englishman . Mt Brooker most feellnglyand patriotically inveighed against the brutal Peor Law . Mr . B . bad seen the werkiogs of the horrid monster , aad well knows its cruel effect * . After a long address , which lasted two boon and the half , Mr . Brooker sat down amidst tremendous and long-continued cheering .
It was then proposed by Mr . Woodward , ^ seconded by Mr . Allen , " That this meeting pledges itself to use every cobstitutional means to return Mr . Charles Brooker to tb » House of Commons . " The resolution was put and carried with round s ol applause . Mr . John < J » od proposed , and Mr . Woodwabb seconded , " That the thanks of this meeting be given to Mr . Flowers , for his impartial and manly conduct in thj chair . " Like the other resolution , it was carried by loud cheering .
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WORCESTER ELECTION . DISGRACEFUL , COWARDLY , AND BLOODTHIRSTY CONDUCT OF HER MAGISTT ' 3 ATTORNHTOENEHAL AND HIS WHIG COMMITTEE . In compliance with the pressing invitation of tha Chartists of Worcester , Mr . Creorge White , of Binflinf . bam , attended that town on Wednesday evening , and addressed a large meeting near the Orevbound Ina , New-Btreet , in which he showed up the united Tillatt of Whigs and Tories ; and especially showed up tha barefaced presumption of the Whigs , in their present endeavour to persuade the people of their good in . tsntioBS . He was very much interrupted by a knot of WhigUngs who were present , aad who brought a band of musicians , for the purpose of drowning his voice . He was , nevertheless , heard , and loudly cheered by the assembly .
On the following day , he addressed s > meeting at the Weighing Machine , where an official endeavoured tf intimidate him by ordering him off , and taking his name down , but got laughed at for his pains . Th » people heard him attentively , and the women cheere d loudly at the conclusion . On the following day , ( Friday , ) Mr . White repaired to the same place / for the purpose of addressing the people , and was toformed that Wilde , Her Majesty ' s Solicitor General , was canvassing in an adjoining street . Be immediately proceeded to meet him , and found him , with three ox four of his committee coming out of the Lord Nelson public-bouse . The following conversation then took place : — ' Mr . White—* ' Mr . Wilde , I want to have a few words with you . " Mr . Wilde , ( taking his hat off and making a very low bow , )—What do you-please to want ?
Mr . white—I want to know from yon , as one of her Majesty's Ministers , why your tyrannical Govern ment persists in detaining the Chartist prisoners ia custody , after the late division in the House of Commons ? - Mr . Wilde— Her Majesty ought to be allowed to use her prerogative . Mr . White—You know very well that her Majesty ' * prerogative is a complete farce ; that tbe Home Secretary conld issue an order for their liberation if he thought proper , and that even a taint from you would procure tbeir release , ¦ Mr . Wildb—Well , supposing that to be the case , I do not think it would be prudent to release them , except it could be shown that there are individuals amongst them who had not endeavoured to incite ths people to acts of violence 1
Mr . White—You are well aware that the men have not done any such thing . Your abominable Government is one of the most cruel and tyrannical that ever ' exis * ed in any country . Toa have murdered one man and been compelled to discharge several others , who were in a dying Btate . You have treated political priasners in such a cruel and inhuman manner aa was never before practised , or ever beard of . Mr . Wilde—I deny ft ; I deny tbat any of them h 3 ve been treated with undue aererity ; no mau can piove it . Mr . White—I can prove It ; for I am one of th » men that has been tortured , and all but murdered , in one of your accursed bell holes . - Mr . Wilde—You are one of them , are you f Wfien were you tried ? It seems they have not murdered you , at any rate .
Mr . white—No , thanks to you tot that ; you tried your beat to do it . I am one of the men that was tried at York at the same assizes with Feargus " O'Conftor , and I bave come here tor the purpose of setUing accounts with yon . I will show to the people of Worcester that you are one of thetwatest scoundrels tn the country , and that your Government is one of tb * most tyrannical and blood-thirsty that ever existed ia this or any other country . I am determined to meet you on the hustings on the very first opportunity .
Immediately after this , a deputation , consisting of the Chartist Association , and a member of the Conneil , waited on the Solicitor-General , and asked him whether he wonld arrange it 80 as to procure a place for Mr . White on the hustings , at the time that he addressed the people that evening , and also whether be was preparsed to answer any questions tbat might be pot to him by Mr . White . After some consideration , Mr . Wilde reluctantly consented to procure a plaee for 5 Ir . White on the hustings that evening , in the Cora Market '
At seven o ' clock , the time appointed , Mr . White , accompanied by a few friends , proceeded to the Cora Market , where hustings bod been erected by Mr . Wilde's friends . He was proceeding to mount the platform , when he was informed that four peHcemen , who stood near the steps , had orders not to allow him on the hustings . Mr . White then proceeeed to policeman No . 9 , and asked him if he had received such orders , and was informed that they had been placed there for the purpose of hindering White of Birmingham from getting on the hustings .
Mr . White then proceeded to Wilde ' s committee room , where there were about thirty gentlemen assembled , and asked them whether Mr . Wilde was prepared to keep his promise ? Tbe committee , on hearing his name , ordered him oat of the room . In about ten minutes after , Mr . Wilde took his station on the hosti / . ff , . wassskedby iIr - White , whether he meant to fulfil his promise . Mr . Wild , told him tbat he promised him nothing . The deputation stood forward , and told him tbat he had pledged himself to them to procure llr . White » place on the hustings , and also to answer his questions . " 1 admit that , " replied this apecimenof Wiiiggery , "but then the committee wont allow it . " Mr . White denounced him as a liar and a coward , and was immediately surrounded by tbe four who
policemen , received orders to watch him during the whole proceedings . He then went to the front of the -bastings . and was followed by the police , who stood by him the whole time that Wilde was speaking . As soon as Mr . Wilde had concluded be left tbe hust ings as sudden as his powers of locomotion would admit of , although Mr . White shouted to him to remain , and answer h : s questions . Mr . White then attempted to chmb tho hustings for the purpose of addressing the meeting , -bat was dragged off by the police , who commenced shouting , "Clear the roadj" and soon raised a crowd of drunken vagabonds , who had no doubt received their instructions from Wild " * committee ; they rushed at-Mr White like so many tigers , but committed no violence at the time . One of the Chartists , seeing the danger that exlated , demanded that the police should preserve the peace , when three of them immediately walked off laughing ; -Tbe hired drunken Whig tools then commenced a rush , and aeTml
? £ ™ wn men that stood between them 831 * ' ^ ' and ** ° Pthe mo 8 t discords ** telHntT and hosting some of them shouting •• Damn-fen , kill him In this predicament Mr . White endeavoured to walk off , and was followed by at least 300 drunken fellows , who were encouraged by some respectables . Several of Mr . White ' s friendTw ^ stttck aSTaS down while endeavouring to protect him . He then thought to get up a meeting , on the Pitch Croft , and was proceeding thither / thinking that the drunken gang would remain behind ; out it proved otherwise , as » ? , ^ u i V nnmbera ' ***^ commenced an attack Ufr P « dfais friends , who . being but few , were unable to resist them . In this extremity , Mr . White , 3 L ° f " £ ? the 0 niy P&rty on whom Whig vengeance was to be wracked , had to get into a house for protection , and ultimately escaped by climbioga wall . Such is a specimen of Whig love of free dtecusslon . The public will now see what Whiggery means , and . form a proper ertimate of their cowardice » nd brutality .
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Scotland . —The election movements are gtfag Cuartlst ranks . Candidates are already to the field for the following boroughs , namely—Edinburgh , GHasgow , SfKiiaf ^^ sr' * *«^ « 2 K * : ^ ¥ J ™ «¦<** Stirling ; and we hare just received Iw ^ t T breth £ m in 1 *« nM «» »* 8 an % uhar m about to start one . Counties : —Lanark , KinrsieTckekcan to bring one out for this county ( EdinoBrgh ) to ° lg ? £ L ? * : « rfn « . TOTy . K « nsay . © IbsoTcraig retires frothe "
m eouaty . but it isTald ^ Srffl SVor toe 251 * 5 ^ 5 ? nd' fw Bdta *" 8 h , along with ( it is expected ) Dr . Glovers he would addressT the people tk ^ £ * J £ , v iewl * ' B ^ keith on Wednesday . « rt iT ^ T ? ? lwe two cooties this election , and hZl < ° * J ** £ « rt » toty , oaw . ely , Stirling and Edia-¦ SK" M ?'* 0 * 1 ** lT ° W will he elected for Stirling Edinburgh wunty there 1 , as yet no opposition te Ramsay ( Tory ]» , indeed , , It is eonfidentlyttld the rtSS T P ^ »"< ie , there not being- the lew * chance ol success . —Corr espmdmt .
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ROBERT OWEN'S ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND . TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE , — The old Parliament has ceased to exist ; a new one is called ; and the election of its Members is in yonr hands . Never has a Parliament been called under circumstances of deeper interest to the upper , middle , and operative classes . This Parliament will have to decide upon measures that will perpetuate yonr adversity , or give yon high general prosperity . All parties feel that Bome great change is at hand , and that it should be directed by sound , thinking , practical men . Thetiraeis arrived for all party animosities to be abandoned , and for general principles and practices to be adopted that will be productive of progressive national advantages .
It 5 sforyi > u , by tbe Members whom yon elect , to convince the world tbat yon bave advanced beyond the narrow and most injurious views of mere party and personal considerations ; that you desire , as speedily as possible , to terminate class legislation , and to obtain the rights of humanity for yourselves and your children , that you may no longer remain tbe slaves « f an ignorant system which is most injurious to all classes . To secure these rights , and gradually to prepare s « - dety to abandon class legislation , or the oppression of wtatta over poverty , the following measures are necessary : — 1 . A Graduated Proprty Tax , equal to the necessary KxpfEfliture of tbe nation . 2 . The Abolition of all other taxes . 3 . Free Trade with all the World . 4 . National Education for all wbe desire it
5 . National Employment for all who require it 6 . Xiberty ef Speaking and Writing on all subjects , Civil . Religious , and Political . 7 . 1 ' ull and complete Freedom of Religion far Christians , Jews , aiahomedans , Hindoos , and every other form under every name by which men may call themselves . AH these measures are necessary to relieve the nation from the accumulated and accumulating difflanltkB in which an erroneous system has nearly overwhelmed it .
Each of these meawtres is just individually , and what no good man , who desires to benefit his country , will refuse to advocate in his place in tbe ensuing Par \ lam « it They will , therefore , be a correct test to put te candidate * for election to the new Parliament ; and tbeir re > iUB to each will be a sure proof how far the applicants for your suffrages are qualified to become your rejresentativea , and to legislate well and wisely for the nation , and to abandon all petty class interests , Any candidate who shall refuse to advocate these measures , is UDfit to become a Me » ber of the British Legislature , under tbe new circumstances in which the progress of scitnee and of practical knowledge among the woi king classes has placed tie population of Great Britain and ht-r Colonies .
These are measures that will satisfy all Intelligent ¦ well-intentioned persons , and none of this character will rest satisfied with any measures less just and beneficial than are those now proposed for the whole of the popnlation . it is , therefore , strongly recommended that the electors should qnestion every candidate for a seat in the new Parliament on each of these measures , and that they will give their votes to such only as will consent to bring forward or advocate these changes in the present system , that our country may be saved from poverty , immorality , and ruin . Your Friend , Robekt Owen . Home Colonisation Office , 57 , Pall Mail , London , 26 th June , JSU ..
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Northern Star (1837-1852), July 3, 1841, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct556/page/6/