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jKyaL j It _^b^h JC^ ^ ^BPlManV HBtTr ^^^^Q^ftl^a^V^^E C. GRIMSHAW AND CO.,
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10 , GOREE , PIAZZAS , LIVERPOOL , "TVESPATCH fineFirst-Cl&ee AMERICANSHIPS 1 / of large Tonnage , for NEW YORK and NEW ORLEANS , in which Passengers can be accommodated with comfortable berths in the Cabin , second Cabin , and Steerage . Persons about to emigrate may save themselves the expence and delay of waiting in Liverpool , by writing a Letter , addressed as above , which will be immediately answered , the exact day of sailing and the amount of Passage-money told them ; and by remitting one Pound each of the Passage-money to Liverpool , by a Post Office order , Berths will be secured , and it will not be necessary for them to be in Liverpool till the day before sailing .
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BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLoi To Mr . Prout , 229 , Strand , London . Dartford , Jan . 2 , 1841 . SIR , —I have much pleasure in stating to you that Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatic Pills have been of the greatest service to me . Between nine and tea months ago I became afflicted with that most painful disease Sciatica ; the agonising pain which I suffered in my legs and thighs fur so long a period , baffles any description which I can possibly give of ray then miserable state . I could seldom obtain either rest or sleep . I had the best medical advice , including that of two physicians in London , without obtaimal any essential relief . I went to Margate , and had the best medical advice , trying the warm bath there and at other places , without obtaining any benefit .
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HT ^ DDEBSFXELD . O'CONNOR DEMONSTRATION . On Satnrdp . y morning , all was bustife and haste in the expectation of the distinguished patriot . At iaif-past > _ en , a carriage and four grejs Btarted for Cooper Jjridee , to meet Mr . O'Connor , who started en rev ' * to >" ew Mill , where he was met by the men of F . ' jlmSrtb . The people htr& formed into procea-« Cn , accompanied by a bind of music and numerous - * eanner 3 fie * ting in the breaae , and as the procession erossed the English Alps , from New Mill to Holmfirththe sight from Holmfirth and the valley was
, Bost magnificent , indeed the people merging as it ¦ were from the clouds , * ad then the splendid banners ia rapid suci 5 « ssion , *} l served to heighten the scene . Mr . O'Connor oa % i 3 arrival at Holmfirth was greeted by the assafcbled thousands with a real old Baglish cheer . He addressed the people in the large Tocm of the Bose ^ nd Crown , but not a tithe could g ^ in admittaoc 6 , 'and although the rain ponred down is torrente , the assembled mas Btood firmly wait"iagto catch agiimpse of the noble advocate of the labouring dass&s . The room , ¦ was crowded to
suffocation . Mr . O * C « feor spoke for half an hour amidst the Biost raptarfa 3 applause . t > jch was the crowded state of therroom r £ at it W 2 S afterwards ascertained that the to « £ u beam had sprung and broke into splinters , and it is a wonder that the whole of the Tast * 55 embiy * rcreiiot * 'let through" to the bottom , hat all passed off safe . Startec for Honley at four o ' clock ; met theproces . sion vA tfea Banks * , marched toHoniey . Started from Bonleyct fire o'clock to meet the men of
Hudders-£ e ! d at Lockwood . Froa Hon ' . ey the ugh * was most ^ beatiful , the music playing , aad the transparent lamps with which ihe procession was pro-Tided were truly grand ; but such was the ificieeency of the weather , that « nly a very few westbered the storm , and ont of three scere only fewr reached Huddersfield . At Lockwood , the procession was met by the mea of Hudder&field , Ateondhnry , LepVoa , Dilte-n , Lindley , Paddockj * c On entering the town the procession mored in ^ sr following order : —
Four Marshals en horseback . Almondbnry band . . A large and splendid banner . A full likeness of Mr . O'Connor . Reverse—England , home , and liberty . Operatives twelve abreast . A beautiful green silk banner—Golden letters . liot-to—Universal Suffrage , Annual Parliaments , Yote by Ballot , Payment of Members , No Property Qualification , Equal Representation . A beautiful tri -colour . KirkhAaton flag . We demand Universal Suffrage . Operatives twelve a-breast . Lindley band . A splendid green silk banner , with a correct likeness of Justice holding the Scales
of Equal Rights ia one band , and the reople" Charter in the other . Reverse . The day of freedom dawns—the time is near When freedom , our united efforts crown , On , od , Briton ' s , our canse is clear , And labour shall no mester , but ihe labourer own . God Save the people . Operatives twelve a-breast . Tri-colour . "Motto—HolmSrth National Charter Association . Jieverse—The Charter our right . He that will not
ask is not worthy the blessings of freedom . White banner—Honley . Mottor-Equality of all before the law . Beverse—Taxation without representation is tyranny , and ought to be resisted . A cap of liberty carried on a long pole . Operatives twelve a-breast . Green silk banner . Motto—The right of every man to liberty is from God , from nature , from birth , andTrbm reason . Reverse—The whole of the principles contained ia the People's Charter , we demand , for nothing less will we ever a * k or take . Tri-eo ] onr ;
Motto— "God save the Queen for w « fear no one else will . " Reverse— " The glorious Repnblic of America , and soon may England imitate that country ; ii 3 people happy asd coniented . " Golcar band . A splendid oil painting of the cost -of arms of the National Charter Association . "
1 * feet by 10 ditto . A tri-colonred flsg ; Motto— " England experts every man to do his duty . " Beverse— " God helps those who help themselves . " White fla *; Motto- ^ The land , the land . ' —the right of every living man . " Reverse— " The rights of labour , soon may they be acknowledged by all the world . "
Green silk banrer ; Motto— " Every man hi 3 own landlerJ . " Reverse— " Down with the accursed factory system , the Bchool of , immorality , profaneness , wickedness , and vice of every description . " Operatives , sixteen abreast . Colne-brid ^ e band . Cap of liberty . Tri-coloured flag . Large white banner ;
Motto— " England , home , and liberty . " Reverse— " No bastiies , - The right of every man to live upon his native land . " Operatives , sixteen abreast . Green silk flag ; Motto— " Equal represeatation , " with the cap of liberty . Reverse— " No distinction before the law . " Green silk fiag , with silver letters—** Honesty is the b ? st policy ; no humbug ; no Corn Law fallacies ; the full rights of all we ask , iio more we demand ; this we will bare . " Reverse— " God gave the earth for man ' s inheritance ; a faction have taken it to themselves . Justice , justice , justice !"
ilonley band . Tri-coloured fiag ; Motto— " Universal Suffrage . " Operatives , Eixteen abreast . THE CARRIAGE diuwn by four peys ; postiiion ? , scarlet jackets , oiack velvet cap ? , and silver tassels , containing the people ' s champion , p EARGUS O'CONNOR , E £ * £ ., along- with Messrs . Edvr&rd Clayton , Bobt . Peel , and other friends . Ti ansparent lamps on each side . Grea a siik flags oa each side of the carriage . G peratiTes , sixteen abreast .
I a this man . ^ er the procession moved along Boston-read , on 1 < ew-street , Market-place , up Westgate , Market- ^ rtet , down Cloth-hall-street , Kingstreet , on Qaeei -street , up Ramsden-sireet , to the Philosophical-La U . When the pra sess- ' on arrived it the hall , it was crowded to exc 3 ; ; it was now after six o ' clock , &nd , in conseq-aeia e of Mr . O'Connor having received letters from Lon& ~ w , reqnirin , ? his immediate preflence there on urge ^ t business , it was arranged that , so soon as he srfm d , he should at once address the people . > Ir . Veevci 5 . therefore , having been called to * b e chair , introd ^ ced Mr . O'Coanor , who was received with tremex . t on 3 cheering . He made a most excellent speech , conch "ding at half-past seven o ' clock , leaving just time for h '& to be conveyed t ^} the rail-¦ w » y staiion to meet £ j -e train . Tie peo ^ . e deeply regretted theurgencr x f his departure , but were consoled by a promise 0 ! another visit at some future time .
After Mr . O'Connor ' s dt parture , Mr . Mowitt , after s few observations , replei 3 with sonnd argument , moved the following resold ' ° n : — " That tbiz meeting pledg * " 5 itself to agitate for do reform short of the PeopJe't Chapter , tae whole of which we consider as a pei feet measure ; hut if robbed of one of its principle * \ the whole would be involved : we , therefore , pled ? 3 ourselves never to agitate for , nor countenance , ' a . iy . measure or mea-SEres less than the whole of the j , nnciples contained in the People ' s Charter , and that we look npon the man who would endeavour to lead the people for any ttiug less , to be an enemy to the . liberties of mankind . "
Mr . E . Clayton seconded the resolm ion in an effective speech , in which he exposed the p > -esent move on the part of the Anti-corn Law Leagtt ^ , in coming out for the franchise ; lie warned the people against the rute which was in contemplation . . E' referred to the history of the Roman Republic in i he time of Tibsrius Gracchus aid Cains Gracchus , shewing te ¦ what means the aristocracy will stoop to * over-reach the people—by threats , intimidatien , and , fin . ally , by over-liberality—to destroy the pgwer of , and U ^ adthe people by , a lake light . He resumed his seat a ^ nidst loua cheering .
1 hf » resolution was carried ur animoasly , and th . es eheeri having been given for the Charter , three tor fio-i , Williams , and Jones , and three for O'Connor * nd other patriots , the meeting broke up after a heariv vote of ( hacks ( 0 the cbalrmau .
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TO THB KDITOB OP THE HOEIHKaR BIAS . Dexb S ifi , —The eneloied lettei ii » as yon may peroeive , from one of those whom the Tencicos O'Connell has repeatedly described as an enemy , a biiter , unrelenting foe to Ireland . I do assure yon Sir , it has often puzzled me to discover what can be the object , or what ia to be gained , by the continuous practice of bearing fato witness against the freat bulk of the people of Great Britain . He knowB , as-well as I do , U » t every Chartiat in England , Seotland , and Wales , eoncar * with Mr . Watson in hla good wishes towards Ireland and the Irish . Yet this man , who viUfi . es a whole people , is angry because the kts Doctor Doyle , Bishep of Kildare , said he was a knave in politics and a hypocrita in religion . Patbick Q'Higgws . Dublin , December 2 nd , 1841 .
The Northern Star. Saturday, December 11, 1841.
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EMIGRATION . The tricks and contrivances of faction to gain and retain possession of power and profit might provoke ones merriment were not the subjects in reference to which these tricks are practised , matters of such vast importance and commanding interest . The late Whig Government had , by innumerable sins of omission and of commission rendered themselves alike detestable and
contemptible in the eyes of all reasonable men Unwilling to throw themselves npon popular support , and by substantial reform earn a title to the nation ' s confidence , they pandered continually to the sworn foes of freedom , till the people , in their righteous indignation , hurled them from the position they disgraced , and their mighty promises of cheap com , sugar , and timber failed in keeping the old fenJk of Whiggery afloat . The crazy craf went down amid the yells and execrations of deluded ihillions .
Then came the pious and constitutional Tories , mad enough to suppose that , because Whiggery had become the abhorrence , Toryism must of neceesity become the cherished idol of the popular will . These dupes of their own folly and wickedness declared that no distress existed in the country . According to their speeches in and out of Parliament , England was a paradise ; so at least said his Grace of Wei . li > gto > - ; and , considering that England in his Grace ' s mind comprised only
Windsor Castle , Buckingham Palace , ApBley House , Almack ' s , and the clubs , no doubt he was correct . There , thanks to John Bull's folly and aristocratio rascality , distress does not dare to show its ngly and unwelcome front . It seems , howeve r ' thai even his Grace of Wellington may be occasionally wrong ; and facts may proclaim , even to the conviction of a Tory Government , that distress does exist , with which they must grapple ; or retire from the mess , to which with hungry bellies they so recently returned .
Well , then ; the existence of distress is admitted : and how is it proposed that such distress shall be relieved , and its recurrence prevented ? Of course we are not in the secrets of Downing-street , and can only speak from hearsay and report . Yet , it is said that " Coming events cast their shadows before , '' and some of our London contemporaries , who may probably be employed on the secret Bervice , and act as pion « ers for the ministry to discover the beariDgs of public opinion , have stated it to be aa understood thing that early in the next Session of
Parliament , Government will propose a scheme to promote what the scribblers please to call "National Emigration , " by which we suppose they mean the transportation of some millions of our industrious countrymen , whose presence presses rather hardly upon those immensely important classes who have taken a fancy to consider their fellow creatures as so many machines , to be sent anywhere and applied to any purpose , which may enable their tyrant task-masters to enjoy the largest . amount of luxury , vice , and
idleness . This would be one way , to be sure , of getting r id of those whom it is inconvenient to keep ; besides which , it has the merit of consistency , a thing which the late Government never troubled their brains even to think of . It is simple , and in stria accordance with the good old practice of the party ; neither more nor less than a proposition to tax one portion of the people for the purpose of transporting the other Still , thongh it is consistent with the anifonn practice of Toryism , we are by no means disposed to Admit its being in accordance with the requirements of justice , honesty , humanity , aad common sense . On the contrary , we are prepared to prove that it is in perfect discordance with each of those particulars .
First , we say that any scheme of extensive , or " national" emigration , such as that hinted at by our contemporaries , is unjust ; and that , for two reasons ; it is a one-sided bargain , and it is altogether unnecessary . It ia a one-sided bargain , because , through the operation of the New Poor Law on the one hand and the grinding oppression of the capitalist on the other , all who we deemed " surplus population" may be compelled
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to submit to it on pain of st » Nation . There , \ g no necessity for an Act of Parliament to Bay expressly "the people ehall emi grate or sfcarro . " Would to God our rulers t / ere honeefe enough thus to bluen forth their vil ^ gny jn open day ! rphis , however , they will not d 0 ; they will be canning as serpents , however Mle of the oarmlessnesa of the dove they mav possess . Yet , let any man of common sense r ^ 5 $ for a moment oa the position in which the p ^ r Law and the constantly increasing power 0 ' machinery has placed the working man ; ft&d nr > will at once perceive that should a plan of
emi '/ ration be adopted ! by the legislature in order to Te \ i 9 ve the distresses of the country , the industrious Artisan would have no choice , but would be compelled to submit to any terms which the interest or caprice of the tyrants might induce them to propose . It is * 1 bo totally unnecessary . We have no surplus population in reality . That we have such a population in appearance , we readily grant ; but the cause is not a redundancy of mouths , but a bad arrangement of society which prevents the fair remunera tion of active industry . What is called the cultivated land of the United Kingdom would produce ,
if its capabilities were fully developed , food for , at least , one hundred millions of human beings . Leaving this , however , to be managed or mismanaged as to the landlords and their tenants may be most convenient , we beg to remind those who appear go anxious to send Englishmen , Irishmen , and Scotohmen to culti vate lands at the opposite side of the globe , that we have such & thing as land which would give an ample return for the labour of cultivation at home . We have gome thirty millions of wastelands which
are at present of no use to anybody : one-half of these lands , with skill and industry , and with a moderate outlay of capital , would yield a profitable , and , after a few years , an ample return . Let these lands , at all events , be made productive , and let the cultivated lands ha ve their capabiiities fully developed ; let the demand of an extensive home market for home productions be fully answered , and then it will be time enough to talk of banishing our Burplus population from their native land .
This system of wholesale banishment is as dishonest as it is unjust . Who are to be expatriated ? not the old , for they would be beyond the ability to work ; not the young , for they would be incapable of providing for , or taking care of , themselves . The emigrants , then , would be the strong , healthy , and active portion of the working classes , among whom preference would be given to those who had co families , or whose children were of such an age a 9 to
be employed in useful labour on arriving at their destination . Now who is to pay for the transportation of two or three millions of these destitute human beings to our distant colonies ! Let us suppose that in Great Britain and Ireland there are three millions of the people unable to find a sufficiency of food , and that , according to tbe Dew prosperity scheme , they are to be exported to New Zealand , New South Wales , or Canada .
And let us inquire who is to pay the expence of this new plan for relieving national distress . The expence must be paid by the nation , and the nation that pays is the working people . The working people have to pay the expences of the Government , national and local , the interest of the debt , and the rates for the relief of the poor , &o . &o . ; for , whoever appears to pay , the whole of this enormous burden is actually borne by the industry of the country . Yet our Bage rulers propose , because the country cannot sustain ths burdens under
which it groans , to increase those burdens by many millions of pounds , in order to send away a large and important portion of our most able and industrious citizens , leaving the increased taxation to be sustained by those who remain ; in addition to which they will have to maintain all the old , who are not worth , transporting , and all the young , who are of too tender an age to be transported . If the Tories are disposed to make England one huge poor house , we advise them to adopt this plan , for most assuredly the Devil could not have contrived a more effectual contrivance .
But let us look a little at the expence . " To take an individual to Canada , how much will it cost ! For transportation , food , and fit clothing , with means of living for at least a few days after his arrival there , the sum of £ 8 a-head—a small average cost , even if sure of employment the instant they touch the land . his for one and a half millions amounts to twelve millions of pounds send the remaining one and a half million to New ZsalaBd or New South Wales , at a cost of £ 20 a-head , and we h ave a total of forty-two millions of pounds Even granting this calculation to be too high :
supposing ; that only half this expence is to be incurred , are the people prepared to give twenty-one millions to carry tbe project into execution ! '' If they are , they are much greater fools than we take them to be . " But suppose the money to be just now in Mr . Goulburn ' s breeches pocket ready to carry the scheme into practice ; to be effectual it must be prompt , or the vacancies will be rapidly filling upyoung superabundant * ' will be dropping in aB there is more room ; so let the exiles be shipped as soon as
possible . To carry off one million of human beings , you will require four thousand ships , allowing 250 of the animals to be crammed into each . If you send off three millions , the ship-builders ought to be at once set to work , for there may be some difficulty in finding vessels . —Seriously , the more we think on the proposal , the more ridiculous it appears , and we would be half inclined to set it down aB a hoax , if we did not find it advocated seriously in some of the London Papers . "
This we fancy will be deemed a pretty Bpeoimen of Tory honesty , and a pretty way of relieving distress . It is evident that the only design entertained is to thin the population by a system of deliberate murder under the name of emigration . If sent to the Colonies , the land there is already appropriated , the proprietors could not , of course , at once find capital to employ all , or nearly ail this sudden influx of labour , the emigrant has not
means to purchase any portion of the land from those in possession , and his only resource is to lie down and die . This at least would be the case in Canada , and should he be sent to other remote colonies nearly the same objections would apply . A vast sum must be laid out on agricultural implements , &c , and an immediate and ready Eupply of food must be furnished , if , indeed , they are not to be sent there merely to perish in the desert .
This shows not only the dishonesty but the inhumanity of the scheme . Half the moDey necessary to be expended in murdering them abroad , would , by placing them upon the waste lands and opening new channels for the beneficial employment of their skill and industry , render them comfortable and happy at home . But this is not the only point in which the inhumanity of the scheme is glaringly apparent . To say nothing of the perils of the voyage and of
the hardships to which the eiile must be exposed ia his colonial home , let it be remembered that human beings are neither stocks nor stones . Is it nothing to be torn from oar kindred and connections—from the solace of friendship , and the loved scenes of our childhood ? Is it nothing to have new friends to seek—new scenes to try , and new habits to form , in the distant wilderness 1 And all this for what 1 Just to sustain bad and vrioked arrangements of society , and to g ratify the greedy grasping of a monopolising faction .
There has been a meeting recently held in London on this subject , at which one Mr . Montgo . wbbt Mabtin took the chair , and at which a Mr . Crawfoed , of Paisley , and other gents , amused thknselves , and triad to gull the public , by talking non > sense . We do not blame them for this , nor shall we blam » the Government for pursuing a like course ; for , in truth , no man can possibly talk oommon sense ' on such a senseless project- Mr . Montgomery Mabtin talks greatly in his little way about the resources of the colonies , of the amount of revenue they pour into the mother country , of the strength they add to our military force ; but he forgets to
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tell ua that neither the toiling millions of this country morofthe ill-governed colonies reap any advantage from all these fine things , the whole profit being absorbed by the aristocratic knaves and fools , who are cursing , by their misrule , those interesting and important portions of the globe . One statement he made deserves a passing notice . " Every colony , he says that was founded , supplied us with a market beyond the control of foreigners . The Colonist , who while he continued an inhabitant of the mother country , consumed only five pounds worth of
British manufactures yearly , required twenty pounds worth in his new home . " We have no doubt he requires it . The question is , will he find the means of getting it ? If Mr . Mabtin ' s logic proves anything , it proves too much , for if the prosperity of every Colonist be 6 uch as to enable him to expend three hundred per cent , more than the British resident , of the same elass at home , then it is plain the whole nation had better emigrate at once , especially as such a manoeuvre would save to our manufacturers the cost of transit .
The fact is , that Mr . Martin was dreaming all the while about pounds , shillings and penca , acd could only think of men as machines for making them . Hence he talks of every colony supplying us with a market spite of foreigners . What may became of the thousands who will be compelled to steal or starve , while the said market is in process of creation , he aad his class neither know n « r care . We shall keep our eye upon this move of the Tories and the middle men , and if they venture to launch their emigration ship , we promise them a broadside that shall effectually sink both it and them .
In the meantime , let the people remain true to themselves , let them continue to go for the whole Charter and nothing less , and that once obtained , the regeneration of our country will be easily effeoted , and Englishmen will learn to live well at home , instead of going abroad to a worse , because more hopeless condition of slavery , than that which they now endure .
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the subscribers in ana around London will receive the O'Connor Liberation Medals with their papers on Saturday next The Plate of Monmomth Court House will be distributed to them , and to the Subscribers in and around Birmingham on Saturday fortnight , the 1 st of Day of January , 1842 . It is particularly desired that every Agent who receives either Medals or Portraits , will not distribute them be / ore the day named in the Star . It Is tor ttteir convenience that the Plates &c . are entrusted to them before the time ; and we expect that no one in any locality will so far abuse the confidence reposed in him , as to distribute them before the proper time , when all shall have had their supply .
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^ v THE SMALL PORTRAITS . To meet the wishes of many who desire to have the Small Portraits formerly issued with the Star , and who say that 4 ^ d . is an awkward price to remit , we have determined to offer them at 4 d . each . The list comprises Portraits of—F . O'Connor , H . Hunt , R . Oastler , ' Andrew Marvel , J . R . Stephens , Arthur O'Connor , Sir W . Moles worth Thoa . Attwood , and Win . Cobbett , Bronterre O'Brien . All these will be allowed to the Agents and Booksellers , so as to retail at 4 d . each . Any one experiencing difficulty in procuring them has but to inclose six Postage Stamps , either to the office , or to our principal agents , Mr . Cleave , of London , Mr . Guest , of Birmingham , and Mr . Heywood , of Manchester , and he can have any one on the lls returned to him by the next post .
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RE ISSUE OF THE LARGE PORTRAITS . We are constantly receiving applications from new subscribers , or from friends , wishing to know upon what terms they can ba supplied with the Large Portraits that have been , at different times , issued to the subscribers to the Star ; to these applications oar invariable answer has hitherto been , " not at any price . " The calls npon us , kowever , have now become so numerous and so urgent , that we have determined to inue them s ^ ain on tbe following terms : — A person wishing to subscribe tor any one of the large Plates , must enter bis name with his News-agent , and Subscribe regularly for the paper for six weeks , specifying at the time he enters his name the Plate he wants .
At the end of his six weeks' subscription he will receive the Pa along with his Paper for that week , for both of which he will be charged Is . by the Agent , and no more . The Agent will be charged for Paper and Plate for that week Pd . ; so that he will have 25 per cent , profit for his trouble . The Papers will cost him nothing for carriage , as they go by post ; and we will contrive to get tbe Plates to him for as little cost as possible . Any subscriber who receives his paper direct from tbe office , can have the plates on the same terms as from an agent . Here , then , is an easy manner by which all who desire can have any of the under-mentioned plates : — The Convention . John Collins . John Frost Dr . M'Douall . J . R . Stephens . R . Emrnett , and Richard Ostler . F . O'Connor .
The agents had better open their subscription lists immediately , and apprise us of the number they will require of each .
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To Correspondents and Agents . —Christmas Day failing on a Saturday this year , we shall , for that week , publish on the Friday . Correspondents will , therefore , note this , and see to their respective communications being sent a day sooner Tlie Agents must also lake care to have their orders here in time . The National Petition . —Our publisher , Mr . Hobson , has printed the National Petition for 1842 , on a neat sheet , for the purpose of being extensively distributed amonast those from whom
signatures are asked , that they may know for what they are signing . He is ready to supply them to the Associations and to individuals at the following charges . —100 copies for 2 s ; 1 , 000 for 15 s . Petition sheets , of good strong paper , ruled in four columns , and holding two hundred names when filled , may also be had , price 2 d . each . The Petition and sheets may also be had from Mr . Cleave t London : and Mr . Heywood , Manchester . But in all cases the money must be sent in advance—the price being so low as to preclude credit .
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Several Unpaid Letiers , including a large packet bearing the Liverpool post mark , have been returned to the Post Office . Nathan / ei . Mouliso , Hri hlon , stales that he has not yet received the letter which Mr . Martin says he posted for him on the 2 \ st of November . The Chartists of Bromyard , Herefordshire , are requested to communicate with Mr . John Parsons No . 6 , Beaufort-place , Stapleton-road , Bristol . Chartist Blacking . —Having received letters complaining of money letters being sent , which have not been received from the post , R . Pinder desires that , for the future , no person will send him any remittance except by post-office order .
The Convention . —Mr . Henry Vincent desires us to state , in answer to numerous applications he has received , that he declines being put in nomination for the coming Convention . His reason is , that Mr . /? . K . Philp , his partner in business , is already nominated ; and it would be impossible for both to be absent from Bath , engagedin political duties , at the same moment . Mr . V . unit be active / 9 engaged in spreading Chartism in his locality , and will do his utmost to aid the Petition , and the purposes for which the Convention will assemble . The Irish Universal Suffrage Association return their most sincere thanks to those friends who have favoured them with Stars , Chartist tracts , and other communications , and particularly to
Mr . Wood , of Charley . Stars to Ireland . —Thady Cafferty informs us , that out of twenty-two Stars , which he is apprised have been sent to him by a friend at Northampton , he has only received fifteen . The three Siaxsfrom W . B ., Darlington , were received . Mr . Skevington , Loughborough , wishes to decline standing as a candidate for the forthcoming Convention for the town of Loughborough . He is thankful for the honour intended him ; but , as the District Meeting at Nottingham have agreed upon two persons for the district , Mr . S . will withdraw . James Sinclair , Newcastle , and various other Correspondents . —We must again request that the copy furnished to us for the Star be written on one side of the paper only .
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Mb * Julian Harnet acknowledges the receipt of Is . from Mr . Henry Frost Coatman , Portland-place , London , for Elizabeth Taylor . The money has been handed to Mrs . T . . „ .,., .,. J . T . Whitehead , Cheltenham , tnilobltge by wntxng on one side of his paper only for the future * We had as much news came on Thursday morning at would have filled the Star : we were obliged to cut down his report in the same way as a great many others . ' Rochdale . — Will the Rochdale sub-Secretary , that sent 10 * . to Mr . John Campbell , give him his address again ; and also the Truro friend who
sent 6 s . t John Campbell would be thankful to all parties who have had his pampliets to send him either cash , or the pamplets back again . Charles Westerton . —The letter to Mr . O'Connor was delivered to him . John Weaver , ofRyde , writes us to deny the authorship of the paragraph which appeared in the Chartist Intelligence of our last , with his name attached . We gave the paragraph as it reached us ; and we gave the signature because we knew nothing of the writer . The Londow O'Brien Pbess Funp . —The long address of the Committee , received only on
Thursday morning , cannot possibly appear this week . The Balance-sheet of the Executive teas not received till Thursday . It cannot , consequently , appear in our present number . John Moore . —We really can give him no answer . We have received at this office , within the time mentioned by him , scores of letters for Mr . O'Connor , ad of which have been duly forwarded : whether his may have been among them we of course cannot'tell . Y . Z . —Address Mr . Baker , Factory Superintendent , Leeds . A Constant Reader . —We have never measured
him . John Wilkinson , Birminham . —We have written him , care of Mr . White . H . Cbonin . —Fifty such letters , and more , have been received and forwarded . W . Thobleit . —Any communication for Mr . O'Connor nay be sent here . The Liverpool case shall be attended to : we purpose writing on the subject . Deuby Chartists . —We did not receive the report of their meeting for the National Petition .
Duncan Nicholson . —The letter from Mr . O Brien next week . Stars to Ireland . —Mr . Murray , Donegal , will be thankful for a little Starlight . The Poets have been bountiful , as usual . We have received six times more than we have read . The Worcester Chartists send us an address of congratulation to and confidence in the Executive . We have not room for its insertion , Mb . R . Ridley , having completed his lour in Suffolk and Essex , is open to an engagement . Address
—19 , D'Oylcy-street , Sloane street , Chelsea . Military Flogging . —A Correspondent asks" Whether it is true that two men have been swere ' y flogged at the Leeds Barracks within the last fortnight or ten days , and that one of them is now in the Hospital in consequence of the punish ment ? " We do not know . Wm . Stubbings . James Crawford , a mere Man , Joseph Ginder , L . P . Cooke , and a great many others , must excuse uj : we have no room . David DaVies , smith , George Town , Merthyr . —The parcel he inquires about was sent from the
office on Oct . 30 th , according to the address yiven in his letter . It was entrusted to Picfcford ' s , the carriers . A letter too , has been sent to Mm since , to the same address , in answer to his queries ; and on the 8 lh insl ,, a second letter was dispatched , addressed to Hie care of Mr . Morgan Williams . Let him inquire at the carriers at Merthyr . Mr . Hitchin , Kidderminster — The parcel he writes about was inclosed in one sent to Mr . George White , of Birmingham , on Nov . 30 / ft . Perhaps Mr . White has not had an opportunity of forward ing iL
W . H . Clifton . —His letter to the Lord Mayor of Dublin next week . The Bristol Chartists are most anxiously looking for a visit from O ' Connor . Their letter in reference to the correspondent is received . Their correspondence shall always have our best attention . In reference to the notice , in our last , of this matter , we have received the following letter , to which we call the attention of our Bristol friends : —
THE BRISTOL CHARTISTS AND THE STAR . Mr . Editor , —Observing your answer to the BrUUl Chartists , complaint of non-reports in the Star , I conceived that the testimony of one who , for some time , sent you reports of Chartist meetings here , was due to you , and would not be altogether unavailing to the Chartists . I beg to state that , during my connection with the Chartists , as an enrollsd member of the National Charter Association , I continued to report the Bristol Chartist meetings , from the one entitled the Germansend and tbe Tories , down to tbe Chartist meeting for tbe release of Frost ; also tbe ball and soiree ; when I
resigned office , and withdrew from the body . I have since reported Biany meetings , some important ones , down to the Anti-Corn Lecture of Brown , each inclusive , and have ever found the Editor readily insert tbe reports in the Star . I have from the commencement of the movement here , found such complaints as those you answer , rife ; but whilst numbered "with tbe speakers , I did not trouble myself to take reports , or inquire wherefore we were not reported ; but from your punctuality and attention during the short time I filled that effice unappointed , I must bsar testimony that the fault has been with those who reported , or said they reported . J .
P . S . —Upon my report of tbe Brown anti-Corn Law meeting , I have to add , I hope the early arrival thereof did not exclude a tatter from your columns ; and lest friends should think otherwise , I stats I do not seek appointment I have ever served in this office , gratuitously , unappointed , andunthanked . J . Upon this we have only to say , that our worthy friend mistakes greatly tn supposing that he has been " unthanked " for his favours . A large heap of thanks have been accumulating , which we now
beg him to accept all at once . A . B . C . suggests the propriety of furnishing every Member of the House of Commons with a copy of the Charter , which being in the English Chartist Circular , at one halfpenny , might be done at . a very trifling expense , and would prevent their pleating ignorance of wbzl tney are asked to inalce law ; and , as every body ' s work is nobody ' s work , he suggests that every sub-secretary furniah the Member , or Members , who represents the city or borough in which- he resides .
Mr . George Black . —We have received a letter from Cardiff , stating though it may sometimes be policy to re / rain from expressing as much , yet a burst of honed indignation sliould not lessen a man in our esteem ; they consider Mr . George Black entitled to full confidence from ihe Chartist body . We have also received a similar letter from Newport , Monmouthshire . James Andrews , Barnstaple . —All the Plates dm to the Subscribers will be shortly fortoarded to Ur . Avery . Mr . Penny—Tbe letter to Hamer Stansfeld in our next .
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Mr . Ennes , County Durham .. —Mr . Baxter s address is No . 3 , Bridgeman ' s place , near Cockerillspring , Bolton . Wm . Scott . —His letter was sent to Mr . Cleave , but being without name it would perhaps not be noticed . W . H . Lawner , John Goldsmith , Henry Gray , and several others , are referred to the notice about the Portraits , both large and small . Notice . —The Uuddersfiela Shareholders in the Northern Star will receive their interest by presenting their checks to Mr . John Leech , Burton Road , Huddetsfield ; Ashton , to Mr . Edward Hobson - . Bradford , to Mr . J . Clarkaon ; Halifax , to Mr . R . Wilkinson : and Rochdale , to Mr . Robert Holt
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Lists of Shareholders are wanted from the fol lowing places , on receipt of which , orders for payment will be sent from the office : —Barnsley , EUand , Hull , and Oldham , FOR THE O'BRIEN PRESS FUND . £ B . d . From Brighton , per Mr . Flower , treasurer to the Committee at Brighton 10 0 0 . the Glasgow Northern Star Bead-Ing Society , per W . Anderson 0 14 0 FOR r . 11 . M'DOUALL . From tbe Glasgow Northern Star Reading Society , per W . Anderson 0 14 0 FOR . THE EXECUTIVE * From a friend , West End , Leeds ... 0 0 S - W . R .... T 0 0 6
FOR HE . JAMES VEBNOIf , SOUTHMOLTON . From Mr . H . Griffiths , Edgewan Road , London ... 0 1 FOB THE WIVES AND FAMILIES OF THE INCARCERATED CHARTISTS . Tbe 7 s . from Daventry and Whilton , noticed for R . J . Richardson , on the 13 th of November , should have been for tbe Wives and Families . The £ l from Alva , of the same date , ia counter-ordered by Wm . Bishop , Secretary to the Chartist Association . FOB THE EXECUTIVE , FROM THE SALE OF ROGER PINDER ' S BLACKING .
a . a , W . Wright , Stockport o 10 Richard Haslem , Oldham o 1 « Robert Brook , Todmorden ... 18 Thomas Hartley , Burnley ... . " * i g Charles Winsper , Stockton i 8 Wm . Brook , Leeds 2 6 £ 0 6 5
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O ' BRIEN PRESS FUND , LEEDS—RECEIVED BT TBl COMMITTEE . From the Press Committee , Liverpool ... 20 o o M Andrew Dick ... 0 5 0 W . Brook , Sea .
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" I should e ' en weep with pity To cee another thus . " —King Lear . Chartist Friends , —I have never yet solicited your assistance to an individual ; and if I do so now , I hope it will not be ineffectual . Reeve , news agent , who suffered , from time to time , about three years' rigoroa imprisonment during tbe battle of tbe unstamped , and contributed greatly to the victory , is at present ander pinching difficulties and privations . Like the food ally who " fights for ail bnt ever fights in vain , " or the soldier , who wins the battle for the general mm
than for himself . Reeve , though , as I have been told , he was more daring than any one in defying the little brief authority of tbe petty myrmidons of tyranny , hu been neglected , nay , worse , those who gained by the victory have been suffered to prejudice tha minds of individuals otherwise favourably disposed towards this poor fallow , and he now Iks , without food , without t bed , or tbe means of getting one day over another . H » is under the doctor ' s hands for a wound in his left which prevents him from going about to vend Chartist publications , by tbe Bale of which be used to earn a precarious pittance .
Tbe approaching Christmas ( however merry to some , ) must be a sad one to him ; bnt if be could get it over , be hopes for happier times in tbe ne * year . He is honest , though starving , and his zeal to do good to the cause rises above all his distresses . Should any who reads this be in a condition to ipM him a mite , he will thank them again and again ; for rent day is approaching , and what will become of bin then , God only knows—probably the streets , or tl » baatile , with his young family . Contributions sent to John Watkins , No . 20 , Uppa Marsh , Marsh Gate , Lambeth , will be punctually pid to him and duly acknowledged . J . W .
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BIRMINGHAM . —Mr . James Broitceui fJaiB * . — The above-named gentleman arrived in Birmingham , on Saturday evening last , and was soon waited on by a number of the . most astir * Chartists , who cordially welcomed him , and immediately proceeded to make the necessary arrangements for allowing the public to hear this able asd unflinching opponent of fraud and oppression . 0 a Sunday , the news flsw like lightning that Mr « O'Brien would deliver a lecture in the Chartistroom , Freeman-etreet . at six o'clock in the evening ;
the effect of which was , that the room was ciomea to suffocation long before the time for commencing business , several hundreds not beiug able to gu * admission . On entering the room , Mr . O'Brien was received with enthusiastic applause , and delivered a most powerful aad instructive address oa the wholesale robbery perpetrated on the people by tbe present murderous system of society . At ta « conclusion of his excellent address , he was warmy applauded ; after which the meeting separated , highly delighted with Mr . O'Brien ' s address , a largo number accompanying him to his Inn .
WIHGATE . —The friends here having procured a large room , held their first meeting on the 27 th nit . A good spirit was manifested and excellent speeches made by Messrs . Embleton , Aikles , ana others . , J BRADFORD . —An Example worth Imitating—The members of an Odd Fellows Lodge held » the house of Mr . Henry { Miles , Mauohester-roa d i hava agreed to withdraw their money from tb 0 bank , and are about to commence keeping a shop with it , thus securing to themselves the profit « their ewn consumption . If all benefit societies wool * adopt the same plan it would bring the shopkeepers to their senses , and teach them their duty totiio working classes .
Pett yTtranny . —Since the demonstration , thetwo factions , Whig and Tory , scarcely know what to do with themselves , they are spitting their venoB against all they can rind out , who took an active part in doing honour to him , whom the peppM delight to honour . A firm not a hundred miles fxojB the old church , has discharged a number of fem *» power-loom weavers for losing about two hours wort to attend the soiree aad tea party . Several ota « manufacturers and spinners have done the same , a ereat manv aaneamish Fentlemao ( alias old WOEieD )
who come round to the houses of the poor people v > ask them to send their children to their Sund » J schools , tell us there is no tyranny , no op pression , nor any misery , but what the people bring t > P <>™ themselves by their dissolute habits , and blame uj much for calling such men aa the above tyrants ana oppressors . I met with one of those gentlemen law week , when I offered to prove to him , and to open to his view , such a scene of misery and distress as would melt his flinty heart , if he would accom pany me two days to the wretohed hovels of tne Rj *« band-loom weavers and woolcombers , but be aecuu ed doing so- —Correspondent .
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TO MR . PATRICK O " HIGGINS . Dear Sir , —Along with this letter you will recei * ,, a Northern Star . I have sent the Star and Scott & Patriot on several occasions cf bite , and shall continue to do so . I rejoice in common with every ( xiend of liberty at the spreading of true political pri- jciplos in your beantifol , but oppressed country ; and . I look forward with confidence to the period when . tbe millions of Ireland ' s generous and fervid sons frill ttflite as one man with their British brethren to overthrow the monster , claw-legislation , and the tb oosand evils that proceed from it .
I love tfce Irish people ; I have been a stranger in their land ; but I was no stranger to tb air hospitality ; and " may my right hand forget its e inning" when I forgfct the debt I owe them . Believe me , » I » o , when I my , i am not a ab&nger t * Ireland ' s history , to her nnmerena civil wars fomented by V jiaTes for tbe purpose- < £ getting possession of the forfeited estates , to tbe disabilities iniarposed in marriages between Catholic and Protestant , or to the Infamous means adopted by Pitt , Csstlereagb , and Co . to rob yeu of yow national legislature . But I turn with joy from tbe contemplatkHt'Of the dark picture of your wrongs te what you will be when your . capabilities are brought te light ; whei'the inexhaustible resources of your soil and your sines have been brought into action by vout indnstrioas , talented , and educated people .
In the Slar which ^ I tend with this , your talented countryman , Mr . 6 Brier , justly observes that if a cspinl of £ 130 , 000 , 000 sterling were required for the discovery and disentombing of Noah's Ark , It would t 3 iaaroediitely subscribed for—only guarantee the speculators ten per cent To bring yoar ill-used country into the same state of cultivation as England and tbe low parts of Scotland would require an outlay of £ 32 , 9 * 0 , 000 , but will this ever be expended npon it , while a miserable few are suffered quietly to speculate ob the fruits of your labour ? Never ! and their power to do evil springs from your disunion , and from ours . It astonishes me when 1 read of your cheap provisions ; your bc 3 f , mutton , pork , geese , turkeys , fowls , corn , and potatoes . Bat when I see what Inglia and others say of the state of wages , and add my own scanty knowledge to their better opportunities of information , I may then come near the truth .
Persevere , Sir , in your honest efforts for tbe real emancipation of your noble country—a country well entitled to the eulogium of Counsellor Phillips —a chantry wnieb 1 firmly believe that the Romans , in tbe plenitude of their power , dared not to invade—a country where the praises of the true God were sung on the harp , in the balls of Tara , long before the Redeemer cf mankind began his earthly career , and took npon himself our nature—a country where the arts and science were preserved when the rest of the world was involved in darkness . Iceland , tbe Ultima Taule , and the most northern point of civilization , even the human race , to this day , owe to Ireland a deep debt of gratitude .
Bo me the honour , Sir , to propose me as an honorary member of your Association , and add tbe names ef William Thomson and Robert Fletcher , of Leith , to your list of subscribers . We will take care ko keep np our title of membership by regularly sending the Star , or any otber Radical papers we may get ; and yon may rely on ;\ that we will do our best to get others to follow our example . There are Irish hearts here beating in Scottish bosoms , and I hope , in a short time , to shew them what they really owe to Ireland , and I know they will act accordingly . Dear Sir , Believe me yours , And God bless the cause , Robert Wajson . Leith , November 24 tb , 1841 .
Jkyal J It _^B^H Jc^ ^ ^Bplmanv Hbttr ^^^^Q^Ftl^A^V^^E C. Grimshaw And Co.,
jKyaL j It _^ b ^ h JC ^ ^ ^ BPlManV HBtTr ^^^^ Q ^ ftl ^ a ^ V ^^ E C . GRIMSHAW AND CO .,
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 11, 1841, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct408/page/4/