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LANCASHIRE NEWS..—-— - atf^ ' ^ "¦ •' ¦ ¦ .
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Bbuookts . —Apefition fromtWa respectable Wr of tradesmen has been sent Bom this town to li TWWoe . Esq ., M . P ., for presentation to the H ^ TcoSo ns , in reply toWoIthemedical Z , a surgical profession . There is also . another in course of agnatnre , at the druggists' shops , b « ng for lie public generally to sign , supporting the views of the trade , as to the claims of the profession to exclude the druggists from preparing medicines , even &r slight cases , except nnaer the prescription of a medicjjl men . Election of Poob . Ijlw Gtjaxdiaks . —The election of guardians for Halifax ,, tool place on Thursday last , and as two lists had teen given in , a contest necessarily ensued . The first five names in the annexed statement of toe poll was proposed ine
by Mr . Job * Baldwin , and the last lour Deing Meal party , was proposed V Mr Wilbam Walker , of BaU Green . At the 4 ^ , ** £ ? > only ' 85 rate-payers having ^ * ? " ? * ^ IT W . Little , 671 ; J : Abbot , 553 ; J . Hoatepn , o 47 ; J . A ^ lej ^ MS ; C . Whiteley 504 ; V . Smith , 246 ; J . Foster , 242 ; W . Haigh , 212 ; and J . lneham , 144 . The first five were , of course , elected InSouthowram , Mr . John Baldwin and Mr .
Kershaw Iamb , have been elected without opposition . Mr . John Holland , of Slead-honse , and Mr . Joshua Butterworth , of Norwood Green , have "been reelected without a contest . In Xorthowmm , there has been no contest , and the parties elected are Messrs . G . Beaumont , T . Greenwood , and Joseph Stocis . Mr . Samuel Peel , has been elected for Shelf , without a contest ; and Mr . Wainhoase , of "Washer-lane , lias been re-elected for Skircoat , without opposition ;
Dog Fighting . —Samuel Suteliffe and John Turner , were charged by the constables with fighting dogs on the Sunday . The former was a yonng man , and the other a little boy about seven years of age . It appeared that Suteliffe was crossing a field , when he found that a dog was following him , upon which he turned round and began to send it away . The dog ran off towards the place where the little boy was standing , with another dog . The " twa dogs" thus coming together began to growl and fight , and the yonng maivparted them . At this time the constable arrived , and from ibis laid the information . The magistrates dismissed the case , saying that under the circumstances it would be hard to convict them .
Wedlock ' s Jots . Samuel Horsfield was charged with threatening the life of his' 'better half , " Mary Horsfield . The parties it appears hare not lived together for a number of years , and the husband occasionally pays her a visit , wheD he breafcs the windows of her house and " pummels " her , into the bargain . The magistrates consulted for a short time ; dur ing which , consultation they were suddenly interrupted by the defendant ( who had also seized the opportnnitv to whisper to his spouse ) loudly and sharply exclaiming " tha'rt a liar . "
"Thatlanguage won ' t he allowed here , " bawled an officer , and the " conversation again fell to a whisper . However , in a few seconds they waxed warm , and the husband loudly whispered " d—m I'll give it thee for it ;" upon " which the lady ' s wrath rose to the boiling point , and she repeated " tha darn ' t , tha darn ' t ! " The magistrates put a period to their altercation ^ by telling the husband he must find surety for bis future foed behaviour . The woman then left the office , bawling "Oh ! I'm delighted . " The husband was remanded , " being assured that if the surety was not loand , he would be committed .
Traseb , the Depxjtt-Coxstabxe . —A charge was preferred against this person some short tinre ago , for having taken a man into custody , kept him all night , received a certain sum of money from him in the morning , and liberated him without taking him before the Magistrates . The case has again been brought before the Magistrates , when Mr Mitchell appeared for his client , a man of the name of Woodworth , who , with a few trifling exceptions ,, confirmed his previous statements as respects the facts with which he charged Eraser . After a good deal of questionisg by Eraser , in which he strove to invalidate the testimony of the witnesses , by endravouring to prove their previous bad character , having been taken into custody before . One of them , a person of the name of Eastwood , shaking his head , and looking Fraser in the face , apparently
mcch affected , began to relate that he had been one * dragged out of his own door-stead by the watchmen , taken to the lock-up , and be had 16 s . to pav . Fraser repeated three times , with considerable unction , " How many times have you been locked up' ? " When Eastwood came to the 16 s ., Praser rejoined , Ah ' you have been convicted Ton don ' t belong to the Temperance Societv , Eastwood ' . "What are you ? " "What am I ? " Why , a shoemaker ! " After some other remarks of a similar kind , arising from cross-questions put by Fraser , the deposition of Eastwood went to show that he saw Woodworth go out of the Boar ' s Head , on the Saturday night in question , and followed him to the top of the market , and that be ( Eastwood ) was perfectly sober , and had been getting a pint of ale after having stood out all the day . Mr . Mitchell then examined him to show that his offence bad
been merely the abuse of John Barleycorn . He said that Fraser was a " bad un . " Esther Eastwood was then examined . She deposed to having seen Woodworth taken to the Police Office ; she had left her husband and gone down the mariet to bny a hit of meat ; seeing a crowd , sh « went up to ir , and saw a person having hold of Woodwortb by the coat collar ; he was being taken to the Police Office ; and in the Lower George Yard Fraser niet them , and struck Woodworth on the back ; he struck him again , and hU hat fell off ; upon which Wooiworth attempted to pick it up , but was -again struck forward by Fraser , who took the hat up , and went into the Police Office with Woodworth . After the
witness testifying that there was something in the hat , and that something was spoken , but she was not sufficiently near to hear what it waa , Jraser attempted to blow it all on one side , by saying that was a charge serionsly affecting his character , and that it had been got up by a party of men who had hired the poor man to farther their ends . Eraser attempted to clear himself by showing that the man had not been in the lock-up for this last twelve months , and that he was then brought up on a charge of felony , hut not committed , on account of the person not pressing the charge against h > ny He thai went un to show , by a reference to certain respectable witnesses that he had bad in the locksp that night , that Woodworth was not in the lock-up at all on the 3 rd of February . Mr . Mitchell afterwards contrasted the characters of bis
witseses with those who were said to have come from tile House of Correction , and expressed an opinion &at the charge remained unanswered . The Magistrates , who evidently manifested a bias towards fraser , as a public officer , throughout the whole of tke enquiry , and one of them having expressed himsdf that there were descrepaneies in the statements , wisriv remarked that Fraser might indict Wood-® orti for perjury , on which Fraser expressed his determination to do so , aad another of the Magistrates called it a wise determination . " Rare protection this for the liberty of theijueen ' s subjects .
Fixby JPoob Bates . —On Tuesday , the town-! &i p of Fixby having refused to contribute its quota Awards the expense of the "ffalify-r -union Deril King's Bates , the dock of the overseer * m seized by the Poor Law myrmidons and home triumphantly - off to Halifax ; the Talor-« a " authorities" not daring to offer it for sale at Fixby . Lswdvess axd T ) bik £ . —A middle aged woman ° f the towa was brought up before the magistrates D ? der the following rireumstaneest—On Tuesday BJgbt , she was in Fox Ginnel , when a man , named * airetr Hartley , who was in liquor , went up to her . «»» conversation took place , and she asked liim to to
go her house , which was in Gibbitlane , Hartley , a joung man , who was standing near , and the * oman , all accoisdingly went together . Whea they € pt to the house some ale was sent for ; and , snorfl y afterwards , Hartley fbnnd that Ms watch »» missing . He charged her with the robbery winch ghe denied . Hartley then went for a oonstarJVkaving her in the custody of Ms companion iteeeyoung men came into the house , while Hartley J *» -away , and after talking with the woman , again t ~\ * k « vey then returned jrith . Bawson , who took « ft v * I * * * ** & when Hartley gothome his ^^ f been left there by three young men- The 3 *?*^ « reprimanding & , jsiwoer , Moaag her not to ' appear there again , dismissed
* fbW ^ H ™ * Bs .-On Sunday last , in tLJrT °$ * T ^ P « sons -were discovered in the SLSJLJS ? * " * ****** too largely of their STL ? ?? : ° * Frase * > ¦ » * <* a « i -SL T !?" ™»« -Wber &an the other , wai ^ b ythe conttable to carry Ids companion Z ~* Te P J " if I am to go there myseL" A " ™ ^ terwards proridedto take them both there . ^ CoKTKOTEEBy , —^ aif olteram parlem , «^ a des , is a reryold « nd very propefadage . ™* * f wei directed ourieafcrs to nod ^ e certain ^ K « DEoaghtjm our adrerfising columns , against oawxerj . To those charges a replication den SnT ^ page ' an 3 we hppe all our * & ym hear both sides .
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Primitive MkTKodists . — —Anniversary Sermons were preached in the Methodist Chapel , Cabbage Lane , belonging to the above body , on Sunday last . StrNDAT Fiouc . Richard Kirk was fined twelve shillings including costs ; and William Taylor and William Kellett , eleven shillings each , for being drunk and disorderly at Shelf , on Sunday . Sckday Fight . ——Two young men , named Sampson Cky and John Bawnsley were charged , by the constable of Northowram , with fighting on Sunday eveniHg .- The parties "met on the North Bridge , and one asked the other if he wonld fight , to which he had no objections , and a set to was the consequence . They were mulced in the penalty and costs of six shillings each .
Two Emebaldebs . An Emeralder , named 31 'Donald , was charged with assaulting the landlord of the Turk ' s Head , on Saturday night . He was convicted in penalty and costs one pound ; and , in default of payment , committed for a month . Ellen Lynch , from - " the ' green isle of the ocean , " was charged with " bateing" another " lily of the west , " on St . Patrick ' s day . The magistrates dismissed the case , it appearing that it arose from their having both drank too deeply in the " poteen , " in honour of their tutelary saint .
WAXEFEELD . The 2 ^ ew Chuech . —We understand that little short of £ 3000 has been collected towards the erection of the projected new church in Wakefield . Wakefield akd Leeds Sheriff ' s . Court . —Mr . Maude , the Sheriff ' s Assessor , has fixed the following days for holding courts for the trial of causes under £ 20 , at Wakefield and Leeds : —At Wakefield , on the 14 th April , 18 th June , 10 th September , 26 th KovembeT , and 29 th December . At Leeds , on the 28 th May , 30 th July , and 29 th October .
Wit akd WISDOM . —The other day , a person called upon the sexton of the parish church , to order a grave for his deceased child , abbnt six weeks old . It was of course necessary to be known whether it had been christened and named . When the questions were put to him , he answered to each—Ko ! but"he was then going to Mr . Wm . Pearson ' s , the registrar , to have his child named . The sexton expressed himself with astonishment as follows , " Goi , John , it isn't necessary when ' t barn ' s dead , muni "
Ik ' quest before Thos . Lee , Jttn ., Esq . — March 27 th , at the houae of Wm . Wooffenden , tW George and Dragon , Flockton , on view of the body of Joseph Day , ten years of age , hurrier at the coal-mine of Messrs . ^ tanfield and Briggs , who was suffocated by the falling in of the roof of the pit , on iheprevions day . —On the 28 th , at the house of Mrs . Jane Royle , the George Inn , Heckmondwike , on the body of Mary Whitehead , forty-six years of age , who died very suddenly in a pit , on the morning of last Monday week . ^—Also at the house of Mr . Charlts Johnson , the Hope and Anchor , Dewsbury , on the body of Benjamin Allott , nineteen years of age , who was " unfortunately drowned whilst endeavouring to get a horse out of the river . . Verdicts accordingly . .
Hokbcry . —We are glad to announce , that a public meeting has recently been held in this extensive village to take into consideration the propriety of forming a Working Men's Association there ; several individuals from Wakefield attended , who advocated its utility in appropriate speeches , and it has been thought expedient to publish the following two summary resolutions which were unanimoDsb * adopted , isu " That as all men are born equal ,, and are compelled to contribute towards the support of the State , all have an equal right to hare a voice in the making of those laws by which they are to be governed . " 2 nd . "That this meeting is
of opinion that the best way of carrying the foiegoing resolution into effect would be to form themselves into an Association , on the principle of the London Working Men ' s Association , having for its basis , Universal Suffrage , Vote by Ballot , Short Parliaments , and no-property qualification for members of Parliament . " The strictest order characterised- the proceedings , and at the close of the meeting a great number of persons enrolled their names as members . Horbury has long been exemplary for its patriotic and perseveriHg spirit of ^ Radicalism , and we have no doubt that this Association will go on and prosper .
Working Men ' s Association . —That indefatigable friend of freedom , Disney Alexander , Esq . M . T ) -, delivered a very able and impressive lecture to the = above Association , last Monday eveniag , in their meeting-room , George aad Crown Yard , on " The Rights aod Duties of Man ; " which ever and anon elicited bursts of applause from the large and respectable assembly present on the occasion , and we must not forget " to remark that on entering the room the worthy gentleman was received with the most enthusiastic tokens of welcome . Upon Dr . Alexander ' s distinguished abilities as a lecturer it isneedless here to descant ; they have long been generally known and acknowledged . After
congratulatin g his audience on tie great improvements recently made in the Association , and the cheering aspect it now presents , he proceeded to set forth , in glowing and forcible language , the importance of civil and religious liberty on all occasions—^ the necessity of a reduction of expenditure—a reduction of taxation—intelligible and impartial laws—cheap and prompt justice—equal rights to every denomination of Christians—a further extension of the elective franchise—the right of vote by ballot—the importance of shortening theduration of Parliaments , &c . &C ; He likewise argued , with great force and perspicuity , the duties which man , as a social being , owes to himself in pr ivate Jife , such as sobriejy , industry , irugality , strict adherence to justice in his dealings with hl 3 fellow men ; and
emphatically insisted upon the importance and imperative necessity of every person exercising his own inalienable r ight of private judgment alike on all subjects , whether' of a political , social , moral , or religious nature , also the incalculable advantages resulting irom education , which unfolds to man his rights , and the necessity of cordial and good humoured cooperation for « onsidering the best and most efficient means of obtaining those rights . The venerable gentleman concluded . amidst deafening clapping of hands , which having subsided , the compliment of a vote of thanks was unanimously given to him by the delighted assemblage , which soon -afterwards separated , each individual . carrying away with him the salutary admonitions of Dr . Alexander , to whose praiseworthy exertions in the grand cause of freedom , too high commendation cannot be given .
BAKNSLEY . Babssley Institute . —Lectures were delivered to the membera of this society , on Monday week , by Mr . Moulson , on the advantage of the mathematics , and on Tuesday last , by Mr . Thomas Lister , on the customs , institutions , and manners of Seofland . Ball , —There was a grand fancy ball in ihe Odd Fellow's Hall on Monday night ; tickets two shillings and . sixpence each , and a fair sprinkling of company . The Great Magician has had two very successful nights at Barosley .
SatMEFCL Seizcbe for Chrch-Rater , at Barxslet . —A seizure was lately made upon the property of Mr . Sedgwick , one of the Society of Fnends , for Church-Rates , amounting to £ 2 . 8 s . and constables' expenses 13 s . 5 d ., which deserves more than a passing notice of reprobation for the manneT in whochit was conducted by the constables . About a month since , these individuals took a horse and cart to G . Sedgwick ' s honse , he being then in London , and his wife ill in bed . They proceeded in their business without reading the warrant , though a servant was standing by , and took eight hair-seated
mahogany chairs , valued at eight guineas , and a Pembroke table , worth £ 2 . 10 s . It appears that rnrnitnre worth near £ 11 , was taken for £ 2 . 14 b . Is . On the sale , however , those parties contributed to turn the £ 11 into £ 3 . 3 s ., for which the goods were disposed of . So much for the honesty of the constables and other individuals concerned . Mr . Sedgwick wjjs insulted iySs . lid . being returned to him , as the difference between the rate and the value of the goods sold . It appears that when the seizure was made , one of the parties eneaeed in it proposed taking a sofa , but the cart would not hold it , and , therefore , it was left behind J -.
HOXiMFXRTH . Bastile Fecundity , at Holmfirth . —The soil . of this wild district seems to be admirably calculated for the production of noxious weeds " Chnrn-milk and . thick- 'nns" is rare stuff for making jolter-heads without hearts . Hence Holmfirth has the unenviable honour of providing so large a " majority of candidates for infamous promotion upon the Devil-king ' s sta ^ in his demense of Hudderefield . The " vice" chairman of the last batch
of worthies , who served his infernal ^ majesty as life " guards , " t ™ 8 a churn-calf from this neighbourhood ; the Hrtle -nunoriiy-newsmongerclerk , is another Holmfirth churn-calf ; and we hear that two other churn-calves from the same dairy , are batting their diminutive horns against their nincom-poop canigtera , in angry contention about who shall administer the " slops , salts , and rhubarb , ' pocketing , of course , theinnnifieent fee in such case made and provided by the rot-gut JL £ ' » » the three-headed Devil-king . * -
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HUDZMBBSFXZiLD . The Ltjbbitks' Successor . ;—We hear that Mr . Brooke , the bastile magistrate ,- is to be started as a candidate for the honour of succeeding Mr . Swain , as chairman to the Huddersfield Board of Guardians . We tell the majority of Guardians who have been elected because of their pledges to withstand the bastile system , that if they permit thisthey will prove themselves traitors to the people . Let them at lea& be consistent . Honlby Poor Lxw Guardians . —A smart struggle took place in the village of Honley , for the election of Poor Law Guardians . The Candidateswere Mr . Henry Littlewood , Badical . Mr . James Brooke , Do . Mr . Thomas Brooke , Tory . ' . ""¦; Mr . John Robinson , Whig .
The two first named gentlemen are decided enemies to the Devil ' s-law . Mr . Robinson is a warm advocate for it , and Mr . Thomas Brooke is a kind hearted but weak minded man , who does not much admire it , but would give it a fair trial . " Every sort of despicable cavil arid trickery was resorted toby the Whig faction to carry their man . Hopeless of success in the struggle , they tried to carry it by stratagem ^ and after sundry elosetings in awful and mysterious conclave , trumped an objection to the Radical candidates , because their proposers were not known : they having been proposed by Mr .
Thomas Walker , butcher , than whom no man in Honley is better known , and who is in daily communication with the very parties who resisted this notable objection . . On the votes being taken , a great majority appeared for Messrs . Littlewood arid James Brooke , on which a scrutiny was demanded , an 4 ; the rates searched as far back as 1824 , to reduce thVuumber of small rate-payers , by the forlorn hope of js ^^ ray rate being some time unpaid . The numiK ^ Sr voters was thus considerably lessened , and at ^^^ ose of the scrutiny a difference appeared- in ^[ ¥ Sspecti ve returns of the churchwarden and the overseers : the returns standing thus : —
Churchwarden's return . Overseer ' s Retarn . H . Littlewood .... 292 H . Littlewood .... 292 James Brook ...... 242 Thomas Brooke .. 241 Thomas Brooke .. 241 James Brooke v ... 238 John Robinsou .... 195 John Robinson .... 195 The question now is , which , or whether either of the returns is accurate .
Htjddersfield Poor Law Guardians . — Alas for the poor Whigs ! Faded is their glory , and miserably ehopfallea their appearance . Forced to bid farewell to their dear friends the Shear-Breaking Chairman and the Churn-Calf Vice—with aprospect of rough reckonings and many of ! em , for the neat little minority-Clerk ! How fearful must be his forebodings at the altered , state of affairs ! No more chattering across the table like a magpie with sait on his tail , ever and anon penning tid bits of scurrility for Jim Crow' between times . Open meetings will stop all that , and teach little minoritynews-monger-Clerk to know how to hold his tongue when not spoken to—and we f ^ lculatc , it ' s precious
seldom he'll be spoken to by his new masters . In sooth wejdo pity poor Bolus , the Yeilow Doctor , and our bowels yearn over the " gentle Shepherd . " It was a pity that so nicely concocted a scheme should fail . Three Whigs and two Tories , all Esqs ., and the nasty Rads to reject them all . How provoking 1 'Tis very hard upon poor Tom , though , that he should be kicked overboard because his brotberhas been made a new Skilley Devil-King magistrate . It can ' t be helped—people will judge of the sack by the sample . And then the Halifax Bobbiner . ! . The folks had not forgot who fetched the soldiers at the election ; and as they had no notion of being cut down for Mr . Bobbiner ' s fancv , they ck < him and
popp'd him along Starkey Tom . The Huddersfield Farmers love their own barn door fowls , and as the Swan it ratter an uncommon bird in those parts , they voted Mr . Sc / iicann a foreicner , and quietly advised him , maugre all his gobbling , to go home again , as such birds are least troublesome " on the Maine . " Poor Jacob , —the mongrel Whig-ridden Tory , half Jew , half Christian , with a large slice of the Turk appertaining to each side j poor Jacob , being totally unfit for any society , was of course shoved to the bottom ol the poll , while the Whig-bewbeedled , Tory Tom , who , by the bye ^ is no better than t ' other Tom , contrived to wriggle into a majority of three above his former
chums , which introduces him to the . society of sundry honest men , among whom we hope he may find himself comfortable . We pity the poor men in their defeat , and adn ' se them to be more careful of corning into uncomfortable eireum-ttances again . We cannot say we have so much commiseration for the Ex-Ojficii > s , though , if ever Whigs Ao / ecl any thing , they must have felt pretty considerably uncomfortable when their imperious master , Mr . Trampin | r-Pauper-Power , commanded them to carry back the key of the bastile office , new water-closet and all , which they bad presumed to hire without his leave . Power fancied that splendid * floor-cloths , and costly furniture , and expensive
water-closets ; did not square well with theskilleybovfl , and , at all events , he knew that his Yagmittshiji ' s leave had not been uskcdy and so he quietly tramped up to the Ex- OJficios , and laying about him like . a schoolmaster whose authority has been slighted b _ y a batch of urebius , be soon gave them to 1 understand who's who . We'd have given fourpence for a sight of Billy and Joey's chops at this juncture . We suppose they must have looked downright cadaverous , especially when brother Jonathan , the Golcar guard , refused to let them off ,
only on condition of their taking the key again on the 2 nd of April . We strongly calculate they will find the 2 nd of April to be the day after April fool ' s day . We wonder whether Billy was more astonished at himself wben almost kneeling to brother Jonathan , or when the blunder was pointed out to him in the filling of his voting paper , by which he claimed six votes and lost them all . Certcs Billy is no conjuror . Will little minority-Clerk « ver venture to attend another meeting of Guardians ? We doubt it ; and then what a falling off will there be in sticks for " Jim Crow ' to build his nest with !
Registrar of Births avd Marriages . — Wives , maidens , and mothers look to the validity of any certificates of births or marriages that may he made under the direction of Mr . Floyd , the clerk to the Huddersfield Poor Law Union , and Superintendent-Registrar , under the New Marriage Act for that Union . It is gravely asserted by many that his appointment was illegal , and if it were , we question whether any act consequent on such ah appointment wouidbe legal or valid . We advise all the women who have been so married to get married over again ag soon as possible .
Socialism . —On Sunday last , Mr . Rigby , of Manchester , delivered two lectures in the afternoon and evening , in the Social Institution , Manchesterstreet . The large room of the Institution , on both occasions , was crowded to suffocation , and many were incapable of obtaining admission . The lectures were on the doctrine of the formation of character , and the economical plans and arrarigements of the social system ; and from the popular and interesting manner in which the lecturer
delivered them , they made a deep impression on the minds of the audience present . A number of questions were asked , and received very affable replies . .. " . ¦ , Meeting of Rate-Payers . —On Monday lasf , a meeting of the rate-payers of the Hnddersfield ham let was held at the Pack Horse Inn , at eleven o ' clock in the forenoon , for the purpose of examining and passing the accounts of the Board of Surveyors of ^ Iigh-yays , Mr . J . Brook in the chair . The different items were read over ^ and the accounts passed with-¦ out a single objection .
Appointment of Overseers or the Poor . —At the Court House , HudderafieW , on Saturday last . -fcir . Tristram Ridgeway , of Huddersfield , and Mr ! Thomas Terry , ofBirkiey , were appointed Overseers of the Poor for the township of Huddersfield , for the ensuing year ; HVDDERSTlZhD EtECTION OF GVARpjAVS . —In Onr last we gave an account of the number of votes each candidate had at the close of the contest on the evening of Thursday , the day of election . On the following day ( Friday ) the Overseers , however , from some reason , published a different return , declaring F . Schwaa , Esq ., a Whig , elected in place of Stephen Dickenson , a Radical , who was in the majority on Thursday night j upon which the proposer of Mr . Dickenson , after taking professional advice , served a copy of the foil ewing notice on the Overseers : —
" To the Qrereeere of the Poor of the Township of- Huddersfield . —As the proposer of Stephen Dickenson aa Poor Law Guardian for Huddersfield , I hereby protest against the return yon hare published of Guardians elected , as it is not according tolaw , nor agreeable" to the number of votes aa added up on the day of election , the 29 th of March . And I herehy claim to have Stephen Dickenaon's name inserted as having been dulj elected , m pnreuance of the 40 th sftction of the Poor Law Amendment Act , and th « instroetions of the Commisaioneru , which state that , the votes « haJl be add ^ d up on the afternoon of the day of election , and those having the majority of votes
snau be declared dnly elected , Stephen Dickenson then being declared to he fonrth candidate who was duly elected . " From Almondbury the return was as follows , the two first being elected : —Hiram Harling , shbpceer ^ r , 297 , opposed to the law ; John Mellor , farmer , 295 , ditto . Francis Farrand , manufacturer , 142 , in favour of tke pinch-belly system . Joseph Vickerman ,. merchant , 182 , ditto ; there will be a arge majority out of the whole Union -that will be found opposed to carrying out the order * of the Somerset-HDase Bashaws .
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Caution to WooiSbaTER » .--OnMpnday ^ Jpsepb , Fieldhotise was charged , at the Court Hpias ^ , py Josaua Rbbertshaw , with neglecting to sort some wool , which had been delivered oat to liiriv belonging to Messrs . Etoiise . Remanded , for further evidence . - '• . ¦ . ¦ . . •;¦ . ¦' . :- ¦ ¦ : ¦¦ . •¦' . -..:- ... \' . . ' - ^ v . ' ; - ^ - : .= ,: ¦ : ¦ - >' : '¦ . Steauno Butteb .- —Jane Gill , pif ^ Bradford , reeler , was brought up at the Conrt Hoose , on Monday , on a chargie or -having * stolen a ! ponhd of butter from alstall ii ^ the butter cross , on Saturday night . The case was clear against her , bui on acconht of her being very far advanced in pregnancy , the magistrates liberated her ; '•"¦;¦ . - ¦ , ¦ - , " ¦ ¦ -
Stealing a > Katch . ^ William ^^^ Greeri , of JBradford ^ woolsorter , was charged , atvthe Court House , on Tuesday , by his brother , Mr . ^ Henry Green , watchi maker , with stealing a watch belonging to him . The parties were ^ oweda , private hearing , when the prisoner was discaarged , and the watch , given up to the brother , who did not wish , to prosecute . Appointment of Overseers , < fec—On Friday last , the following persens were appointed by the magistrates as' overseers . for the ensuing year ^ viz ., Mr . George Haigh , woolstaplerj and Mr . Peter Laycock ; spirit merchant , for the West End ; and Mr : Wiuiam Walkervwoolstapler , and Mr . jBLichard George Fox , of flie Swaii Inn , fotthe East End . Mr , Samuel Brbadbent , of thie vitriol works , and Mr . Richard . Garnett , wpre appointed surveyors of the highways : and Mr . Thoinas Wilson ^ and Mn John Ackroyd , assessors . ; : ?
Suicide . —OrxTh f Ursday iaorniiig last , a man named WUHam Wppd , a clogger , and residing at Greengates , near this tpwrif shot himself in bed wift a pistol . ^ Deceafledhad for soinebsfore kept the toll gate , at the Seven Stars , Greengatesv but was turhpd out of his ocpupatipn '' . about , a fortnight since . H-e took hw , furniture ,. &c . id a ueighbbur ' a house , and had since been up arid down the country seeking eriiployment j which not being able to obtain be became low spirited . He committed the rash , act in bed , and at the time when tho youngest of his three children ( who are motherless ) was lving by the rfde of him . An inquest was held on his body ^ and a verdict of 'VTemporary derangemeut '' brought in . THErr .--Jaine 8 Snnderland , engine tender to
Messrs . Cousen , of H ortori , was brought before the magistrates at , the Court House , charged with stealing « pair of cnildren ' s shoes , from a stall in the market . It was stated by the woinan who kept the stall , that she observed the prisonerVtake ^ the shoes , which he had been looking at , and : go away with them , and that he had proceeded fifteen yards from the stall before he was overtaken ; Sunaeriand , in his defence , said that bavjng looked at the shoes , and thought they would suit hirn ^ he ; was about to take theni round to the woman , who was oh the other side of the stall , and that being jostled by the person who laid hold of him on the chjarige , was the cause of his getting so far fromthe stall . The magistrates took this view of the case , and he was discharged . ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ -:. ¦ " " ¦¦ ¦ •• ¦ ; . . : ;' ; ¦ -. ' ¦ . ' ¦ ' ¦;' . ; . ''¦ ¦ ¦ - ; - ' , ; V .
Assaulting the Watch . —James Murphy , an Irishman , was brought up at the Court House , ori Tuesday , charged with assaulting the whtch pii the preceding night . He had been at the Bee Hive and gotten tipseyi and had kicked tip a sjjiiie in going honie , and on the watch interfering belaboured them in trim style . He was fined £ 1 and costs 10 s . : Short of MvunEn . —Some five years ago , an old Gipenwich pensiouer , nanied : Joseph Hobker v residing at Idle , came to Bradford on the quarter day to receive his pension , butuever returned . Many were the liorrid surmises as to the cause of his heiug missing , which were strengthened by the declarations oiten made by one Nathan Soothill j of Idle , clothier , that he knew , that the old pensioner had
been thrown into a coal pit , near Idle , On , his way home . These declamations were" so pfteri and incessantly made thattlie constables felt called upon to apprehend him * and he was oil the , 24 th ult . secured ip the Bradford Court Hoxise lock-up . Ap active , search vrns made in the ^ pit whicli yra $ deep and nearly choked up with water , but without success . A letter was written tp Greenwich Hospital , and an apswer to it was received shying that Hooker was still receiving his peusiou , and wasa pauper at at Hull . A constable was dispatched tliithery and found the old fellow , and Soothill was liberated on Monday night , having enjoyed a treatof ten days imprisonment for his idle stories . It will teach him better how to talk about murder and the like .
Election ok Guarbians ;—The election of ^^ guardians under the New Poor Law for the township of Bradford , took place at the Court House , on Thurs ^ - day last . There were 17 persons proposed , and . the following are the number of votes obtained by each person : Thos . Buck , wpolstapler , 550 j Wm .: Hardcastle , woplstapler , 515 ; John Hillj malster , 474 ; Thos . Beaainont , surgeon , 395 ; John Atkirison , woolstapler . 35 G ; John Crook , iiinkeeper , ; 339 : John Milner , tn-Anufacturer , 334 ; Cowling Ackroyd , / 3 i 4 :
W llhamHuuspn , attorney , StSO ; Thomas Cure , grocer , 25 U ; Thomas Wrde , juh . woolstapler , 243 jlSdwardGreenwood , farmer , 2 Jfa *; Henry Wilson , druggist , 149 ; E . H . Barratt , 121 ; Thoma > f Butterworth , gentleman , 25 i WexojJd not ascertiiu the number of voters for Johu TordofF , tea-dealer ^ and Zech ariah Senior , druggist . The first six were of course elected . They were all nominated by Mr . Jameii Gnrnett , except Mr . Crook . Mr , Crook is the friend , of the poor , and will-soften down , as far as iu him liesj the dark features of the law .
\ New Chchch . —It was announced by the Bishop of Ripou when here , that a Church was about to be built in Bradford by a gentleman totally unconnected with the placed We do : not Know who this gentleman is , but we understand the site is to be at the junction of Bowling and Horfon lanes ; and that a Church is about to be . built by subscription , to hold 1 , 200 sittings . Dr . Quthwaite and Mr . John R . ar » d are actively gathering subscriptions for the purpose of raising it . ; It ishot decided where the site will be . It is said either at the top of Westgate or Bridge ^ street .
Brutal Assault . —Last Saturday ajoiuer , named James Mitchell , in the employment of ; Mr . Lowe , Leeds Road , was brought before the magistrates , charged by Jessbp , ostler at the Kew Inny with violeutly assaulting hint . Jessop stated that Mitchell came into the New Inu on the Thursday before , and inquired for a person from Brighouse , and bot receiving an answer that suited him , he fell on hini aud pommelled him most unmercifully . Fined £ 5 j
including costs . ; IsevEST . —An inquest was held , at the Market Tavern , on Saturday last , pn view of the body of a . child , named Mary Horn , about four or five years old , who had beeu burnt to death on the morning of the ¦ Thursday before , during thie absence of the mother . Verdict— "Accidental death : ' The mother had left the child with sojne other children . The coroner reprimanded her rery - ' severely for leaving itin such a careless manner . ; i
Accident . —On Saturday last , a joiner , named John Shackleton , fell from the top of the new church now buildibg by Mr . Wood . He was seized witha giddiness while at his work , aria feilfrom the scaffold a distance of ten yards . He was taken up in a state of insepsibiltyi He has no bones broken , but is much bruised internally . We hear" he is in a recovering state . . :: : New Poor LA . w .- ^ The Guardians met . on Friday , and the first of their acte was to raise the salary of the Union Clert £ 40 a-year . ';_ Thei old Guardians , before they went put of office , ; drew a cheque on the . OyerrfeeH for £ 404 . 10 s ., which is the second for ^ flie ^^' sarne amount within a ^ very . short time . We do not knovr how they engulph the money ; we only say , well may the poor-rate be double this year ; / : ¦ - , ' -y .: ¦ - ' ! . m : ' . ' / . [ :. - : : ' . ' .. ' .-.. '¦'¦ , '¦'¦ ' ¦'
SICHMOND . Onp Fellows . —On Mopday the 2 nd ipst ., the loyal indepehdent order of Odd Fellows , of Richmond Castle Lodge , No . . l , 2 fcJ 6 , ' held their first anniversary at Richmond . The members of the . society marched in procession to the parish church , where a most excellent and appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev . William Barrifts , M . A ., rector of Richmond , from the Epistle ; of Paul to thfe Galatians , chap , vi ., ver . 2 . —" Bear ye one another ' s burdens , anefso fulfil the law of Christ . " After w'hich a
collection was made in aid of the funds of the national schooV of that place . The procession then perambulated the town , arid afterwards sat down , ( in number 120 , ) to a most excellent dinnerj provided by Host Hugband , of the Bishop Bla 2 e Inn , wWch was highly approved ; and gave great satisfactioh . The brass band , from Bednle , was in attendance ^ and played several beaii riful airs in the course of the day , and the evening was spent in the greatest coaviriality and harmony . . ;; ?; ? '
AppoiNTaiEXT . ^ -The Lord Bishpp pf Durham has been pleased to appoint MrV Henry Wade , second master of the DarliDgton grammar schopL to be master of the grammar school at Norton , near Stockton . ' , ;• " . •• ¦ - ¦¦ , \ . ;¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦ . . ¦; : :-:, . W / '¦ ' ¦* , ' : ¦ ¦¦? . y ^ ¦ ,- ' . ¦ . ' . .. ¦ - i 5 P _ MOND ^ oucev—Au inforinatiori having beep aid before , the BoroPgh Magistrates agi ^ ipst Henry Oessaix , the keeper of aa , extensive ba ? aar , which he had opened at the King ' s HeaiiInu . nThe afiab ™? a . rwra& . - a ^^ patient and attentive ^^ inquiry . Mr . WilhamHowson having attended on ^ ben ^ lfpi ' . tlie piformer , and Mr . James Huptpn pp behalf of the defendant . The resalt has pepp ,-. ^ at Mri ^ essaix was fined lathe penaltyret ilOjfo ^ tradiiirtiriaerW ^ ntt f ^ + m licence . m ^ 'mmM thW penalW to the lpfbrmer , Mr ^ ers ^ nri ^ && , met d ^! ° ^ ^ ^^ t ^ en ^ ibiia : toJihat ' e ^ cellent chanty , The , Beuewlent Institution" Richmond * . ¦; ¦>¦ , " . - -v . •¦ : . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' !¦ :, , ,.:-:: . : r .. i , ;^^ -: ^ : ¦ - y *
iliCHMPNDPopR Law UsiQN .- ^ rpeiRev ;; J * B * Birtwhistle , Mr . ; -P ; Brakepfcnry , aPd ^ Mr . H , Wood , were ^ re-elected Guardians for tin parish of Rich- ? mono for the ensuing year . - i " /
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Poor Law Guardians . ^ Keighley lias been Worsted in tlie strPegle . The six myrmidons of the three-beaded iDevu ^ king hare been elfect 6 d . We have received an account of the fraud and intimidation by which this was dope , but too late for inser-. tion . ; We shall givei'it alt next week . : ; VE 8 TRy MEETisG . —On Thursday last , a Yestry Meeting was held to pass the ^ ^ overseers' accourits j when me . followiiig' remarkable motion was : parsed , unapimopsly , remarkable because it is the only one We believe of the same kind which is in the
order-book . Moved by Joseph Vicars , andsecphded by John Lister , " That the thanks of ^ this meeting are due and hereby give to the late overseers , and in particular toi D . W . \ yeatherhead for his praise ^ worthy and ppremitting attention to the duties 6 f his pffice ^ but abpye all for his consistent and unw earied exertions in opposing : the introduction of the New Poor Lawiato this tpv ^ p arid parish . " Mr .: Weatherhead haring briefly returried thanks , tlie meeting which was numerously attended separated .
• -V-V - - : ' -L ' SHEFFIELD . / . . . . \ _ ; . ,. __ .. Wobkino Man ' s Ass 6 ciATioN .--rThe usual weekly meeting of this Associatipn , was holden in the Mechanics' Institute , on Tuesday evening last . The subject for discussion was the advantages reyulting ; from ; monarchy , royalty ' and property . The meeting was addressed at considerable length and with great abnit ^^ by Messr a ; V . ] Lualairi . j » : ' , Beale and others , on the question beforethem . After which aletter was : read froip . the tJorehester Committee
requesting that a penny subscription might be got up for the returnedVictims . This was agreed to and three members appointed ! to be a comPiittee to forward th / e same , and to wait on the respective Trades Committes , recommending a like course to them . At the conclusion , Mr . Lirgard was directed to write to the Hey . Mr . Stephens , of Ashton , inviting him to deliver a lecture in the Town Hall , oh Wednesday , ip Easter week . A great public meeting is to be holden about a fortnight after Easter , of which due notice will be given .
DARLINGTON . i > EBATiNfi SpciETyr .- —The iDarlington Debatipg Society have lately discussed the question , Whether a Monarchial or Republican form of Government wiftsmost cotiducive to the welfare of society . Mr . T . WatsoP , Mr . WvWatspni Mn Metcalfe , Mr . S . Belli and others : bancUed the ; aubject with great ability , shewing the eiils of Monarchy in all ages , arid the supenbrity of Republicanism . The Monarchial side was defended by Messrs . Lubk ,
Peacock , and Coal , who did their best in support of tyranny ; but so ashamed were they of monarchy , that when the evening for division came ,: they were desirous of having the question put , ' whether Monarchy as in Englandi « fec . , < fec . ' on which mode pf stating the question the Republicans refused to ypte , not bpt they were satisfied tuat Republicanism is superior even to British Monarchy ^ but refused because the question was altered from what stood in the books . The society were equally dividedL in number .
¦¦' ¦ : : - - - ' ¦ ' ' v . HULL . , " - .. ¦ ¦ _ :: . The late Mr . WAtwoBTH . —On Wednesday afternoon , the earthly remains' of that lamented patriot , Jaines Wallworth , Esq ., Surgeon , of Kingston-PpoP-Hull , were burjfed at Drypool pear thai town . Mr . Wallworth departed this life on the previous Thyraday evening , iuter a lip ^ erinff illness of more-than two years , which baffled alf the-most eniineiit medical talent of this feonntry . We have kiiowp few men in the large circle of our personal acquaintance whom we more highly esteemed Qian James Wallworth ' . " HeYvasajnaivtake Mrn foralVin . all ,.. : ; We snail not look upon hU like again
Surioupded by circupistances of the most adverse character in early life , his own-menial energies bore him triumphantly ^ tarouph difficulties under which any mind less vigorously constituted must have sunk . In his profession he was regarded as skilful to an extraordiriary degree . In public matters lie was ever active , ever useful , and ever lionest—fearlessly advocating the rights and iuterests of the poor on alroccasions , in the very teeth of his own private iuterests , and oftep with the probability of suffering thereby very serious personal loss . He was ah eloquent speaker , a mnp of inflexible principle , and a stern defender of the great Radical principles of political right . So powerful , . < o Pianly , # and so
sincere an advocate those principles never had in Hull , and certainly in losing him , tlie friends of freedom in that town suffer an irreparable loss . In private life his character -was as estimable , as in Public life , it was valuable . He was an arTftctioiiateliusbaPd , a inild and tender parent , a warrn-hearted , frank , free , gerierous fripndj Ever open and unsuspicious , ever candid and ingenuous , he seeriied to live ool y for othersr and was a mode : l of guileless simplicity while at the same time extensive knowledge of the world gave him- .-a quickness of apprebepsion which could hardly be deceived . In religious matters he was a sincere recipiept of the doctrine of theKew Cburcb , and was a member of the Independent Church assembling for worship , under the pastoral care of the Rev . Wm . Hill , in Bethel Chapel , Pr
iucestreet , Hull ; Ins late lamented father having been minister of that chapel some years ago . Thelarge arid promiscuous assemblage , who testified , their respect for his charapter , by following fa ' s remains tp tlie grave , bore evidence to the general estiinatibn in Ayhich he had been holden . The hearse : was followed by two mourning coaches , contaiuing his immediate relatives and friends ; then canie iii mourpful procession a large number if the piedical prbfessipQ , trades' and friendly societies ; the members of the religious bod y to which he had belonged , and ' . the members of the RadicBl Association , one of whoiu delivered an address over the grave , after the withdrawal of the iriinister . So closed the curtain of piundaiiepbserva . tipii on James Wallworth , in tlie prime pf life , and the Piidst pf prosperity ^ a pattern of perseverance , virtue , aud zeal , ;
Lancashire News..—-— - Atf^ ' ^ "¦ •' ¦ ¦ .
LANCASHIRE NEWS . . — - — - atf ^ ' ^ "¦ ' ¦ ¦ .
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PKESTOIf . A BtuiJDEniNG Otp F > RMEH . —On Thursday la . « t / a stupid-looking old man " , who stated himself to be a farmer ^ residing near Bolton , and who ,, in Laricashire dialect , would be described as being " regPlarly gomeles 8 , " appeared before the magistrates at the Town , Hall , to tell the following story : ~ rHe stated that he had come to : Preston to sell a horse , and had , ; the day before , ( Wednesday ) succeeded in disposing pf it for about £ 16 or £ 17 , but be could not tell exactly how much I After drinking a few quarts of ale , he went to bed , in the eveningj at the inn where he stayed , and thought he had put his
trousers , containing 1 be money , under his pillow . ' When , however , he arose in the mornitig , : his pockets were '' cashless , " and on proceedtpg to make further ¦ search ^ he found his purser contaming brily two . pounds ^ under a bed in the same room , and in which another man 4 ept . He was quite certain he had the money the night before , and ' 'that" he had been robbedpf it . The old blockhead having made this statement ,, the landlord of the house , who is a respectable man , said that nobody but himself and the fellow-lodger of the farmer , had been , during the night , into the hed ^ room vrhere the latter slept . The
person ^ ho slept m the same room with the farmer also made a similar statement , and said it was impossible he could have lost hia money , if he had it safe when he wept to bed . On this being statedypne of the officers thought it prudent to assist the fanner in searching his owii pockets , when , singular to relate , ip addition to the two sovereigns of which he spoke , a £ 10 note was found in the purse , which he had overlooked , and five sovereigns were found in a kind of waistcoat pocket , which , also ^ he had neglected to examine . The blundering old gentleman seemed both overjoyed and . astpbi-ihed when this
vfiscovery was made , and the following dialogue endued between him and the magistrate , William Clayton , Esq .:: —Magistrate : " What have you ! been thinking about , to give all this unnecessary trouble f Farmer , ( looking ; unutterable ( things ) : It's varry cowripus ^ I 'ink : 1 thout- it was stoun , marry . Magistrate : Yoi ; are not fit tci cotae to the . fait by yourself . Farmer : Ye see my wife thput t ' same . ; she sed I was ' pt fit to kpm , an' she was bbiin to send
a young map wi' me . Itfagistrate : I ; wptider she did riot , come herself , ^ or iHs clear you cannot take care of yourself , farmer ; It ' s-reet , but I'll tak oare poo ; ' am gooip hoam , and I'll not loss it no inore . ' ? - ^ -The parties then retired i butfrorp thepurpber of suspicious-lbokirig personages who witnessed the above prpceedings , it will be well for the Bbltpniaptif he reachfis ; hig ^ destination with the cash in his ppssessiop . —Preston Chronicle , ,
PKoyiDENTiAl . EscAiPE .---OP Saturday lastfour young inen ^ . sailed on a shboting excursion ^ from Preston ,, In an open boat , dowpvthe Ribble . vThey succeeded in : pa ^ vigatirig the river ; as ; far as Jfaze Point , when their boat ; ran . aground pp tiie south ^ astrside oi ihe ^ ch annel . They then ; castanph pr , ? apd / oii tW ebbing of the tide , crossed the sands tp . thp ; village of Lbrigton , ^ for , the purpose of awaiting thei > evenirig tide , and in the evening they teft the
village ttfreturnto theirtittletroat > bqtind homeward for destination : ; they were , however ^ seriously disappointed , for going iu pairs , th ^ two who followed pehind , ( thenight . being very dark and &ggy ); iost sig ht of their ^ companions ; the ^ therefore returPed to-the-yUlage , and ; as ; . their pompaniofls , who had precp 4 | Bd ¦ tteini towards jthe boat , did ftot also return , there ^ .- % ; ere t&&ipreb 6 dirigs ; tEat they wouidbe lost . Thwapprehehsibn did not prove to be far from the fact > for it afterwards appeared that the two absent
Untitled Article
men proceeded over the sands until they heard the folljng tide approacbirig them , and they then , with all precipitancy ,- be | ook themselves to an elevated sand bank , where , by the aid of a pole ^ which they accidentally picked up and stuck in the sand , they kept themselves in an erect position until the water by slow degrees overflowed their shoulders . The tide' then began to recede arid the sands became passable . How to regain the village—the long wished-for ; villagei of Xongtbri—was the next consideration ; for they were in complete darkness , and
without any land-mark save the illuminated heavens over , the town of Preston . They however started f or ¦ longtpp , and at length , by dint of perseverance and many twistings . and turnings , arriyed safely at the hospitable house of ¦¦ ¦ J&r . Pye ,--a most providential deliverance , for at almost every footstep on their perilous journey over the sands , they were liable to be engulphed by the river Jlibble outhe one hand , and the river Douglas on , the other , both of which riyera nearly meet on the Lorigton marsh , and then singularly wind their way to the opposite coast in almost a parallel line .- —Preston Chrotiicle . "' - ¦'"¦
GHCBCH-EAtES : AND POOR-LAW GuAB ,-Pians . —On Tuesday : week , the churchwardens , of Prestpri issued a public nptice , in pursuance , we understand , of the Ppor-Law Commissioners , to the effect . that persons who had / not paid : church-rates , were , disqualified for voting for guardians of the poor for the ensuing year . ; ; ; ; j VoorLaw GuARpiAKa . —Nobody are better skilled in the art of wringing money from the pockets of ilie people than the Whigs , 'they always remind us stropgbr of the American Jew , who Pever did » othin ' g for nothing no day for nobody . All their
retorm boons pave special clauses , enacting toat they must be paid for . "No penny , no paternoster , " is the Whig maxim . Last week , when the time for electing Poor Law Guardians for Preston caPie ^ the the . churchwardens put ; forth placards , quietly intimating to the inhabitants , that all who had pot paid th « ir church-rates , were not entitled to vote , by which means three fourths of ; the voters were disfranchised .: This juggle will j we have np doubt , be extensively resorted to next year , for the purpose of reducing the number of voters , and thereby enabling-the Devil Kings' fnends to carry tbeir pwn myrmidons as " Guards " of the poor .
v : MAKOHBSTBEi D ^ a th TiipM PiiiZE ' . FiafiTiNG . —Some few nights back , ^ a : dispute occurred ina beer-house ^ ; in the neighbourhoodpi" Portugal-street , between two men named . William BarriPgtpn and : Richard Davis , working as carders in a ¦ cotton factory ; -and , urged on by some thoughtless persons who were in coriipariy , they agreed to fight a pitched battle for the sum of £ 1 ; - ; a-side . They met accordingly on Sunday morning , about half-past seven o ' clock , in a field near Bradford , where a ring was formed , and the ; cpntest commenced . It was evident to the byatanders , that Barringtori had no chance with his ^ opponent ; but , instead of endeavouring to separate them , the crowd eneouraged the fight , which
continued for three quarters of an hour , when Daviesr stniek Barringtori a blow on the neok , which feJled him senseless to the ground . The alarm was immediately given that Barrington was killed ; and Davies , ; with his seconds arid the other parties in the ring , lost nb tirrieiri rpaking their escape . Barrington was conveyed to the hoiiise of Mr . T . Robinson , surgeon , Bradford-street , who used every exertion , to restore animation , but without effect , and the unfortunate man expired at twenty minutes before twelve o ' clock . Op Monday evening , an inquest was held on the body , before . . Mr- * Kutter , at the Steam Engine public hpuse , in Bradford , which , owing to Sufficient evidence pot being in attendance , was adjourned until to-morrow ( Thursday ) evening , at five o ' clock ; ^ ; /
;• Fire in a Paper Miiit . —^ About two o ' clock on Sunday , a fire broke out in the waste-store of Messrs . Dickinson's paper miji , ; opposite the Manchester and Iiirerpool Railway station . '' . The engines were prornptly on the spot , and the fire was got under abour four o ' clock . The damage ,: it is supposed , will not exceed £ 100 .. There have beep several other fires in various dwelling-houses in the town within the last few days ; but they were soon got under / arid before any considerable damage was done . : ' .- ¦¦
M 1 PBLETON . FuNERAii Sermon . —^ Op Tuesday evening , the Wesleyan chapel , Middleton , was crowded to / excess . / The ; Rev . Mr . ^ VVest , of Manchester , preached a funeral sermon , on the death of Mary , the wife of the Rejv . P . Hardcastlej who : had died ip child-bed on the Sunday previous . The congregation ' was much affected . ;
. , ' .. ; . ; . . . / - OLDHAM . ; . ¦¦ ,,,. . ...-. ;• - Town TREAStjRER . 4-Mr . John Knight , hasbeeri elected Town Treasurer for Oldham by the rate-payers . It would be well if such rioble minded straightfoTO-ard-yeteraris in the cause of liberty were more ; generally placed iri posts of honour and emolumerit . Great ; praise is due to the men of Oldham for thus setting ; sp , praiseworthy an example to the country . When we see the people exercising the localfranchisein a proper manner—when we see ; tbepi as ratepayers riiaking proper appointments arid carrying cut economy and making good laws in their own towns , it will prove that they understand their ri ghts , arid arealso detenpiriedto mairitairi thena ; the sluggishness of rate-payers in the exercise of the f ra nehise is both , lamentable . and disgraceful ; put down local tyranny say we , and a bad government will easil y be rectified . . ' . . '" -. '' : ¦ ' . ¦
: ¦ - ; . - . : ¦ : ;¦ _ . /; ASHTON . ,. / ; - /;/ . ; ¦ : ' : ¦ .: : / - POSTPPNEMEST OF THE GBEAT RADICAL MeeTiNO and Dinner . —In consequence of the Dewsbury arid Ashton dinners happening both at one time , the Ashtori dinner will be postponed uritil about three week * after Easter , and . will be holden on a Saturday evening . \ Ve understand the arrangements fprithe Dewsbury dinner are progressing , and that a splepdid meeting is expected . We are glad to see our working friends ^ o spend their holidays .
;< - / ' ¦ " , : // V ROCHlXai ^ . . / . . , / : ¦ : ' ::: / , -: : ; : . EtEctiox of G ctardiAsia . —Thursday , the 29 th ult ., being the day fixed for the election of eighteen Guardians for the Rochdale UiiipPj the iladical Associatipn were very active in finding out persons to propose for the omce , who were avowed enemies to thebill . The following wil ] show how far they have ; been successful . In Gastietop , four Conservative ^ were jppt in pommation , but the Radicab carried all tfleir candidates , viz .: — ;
James Hey , veterinary surgeon . James ^ Yilkinson , ; spopkeeper . Samuel Holland * butcher . Oliyer MHls , ; woolleP mapniacturer In SppttaPd Tpwnship >—/ / . Jphp ; Whitaker , dyer . Joseph LaycockV farmer . / Thomas Holland , fnller . Joseph Butterworth , broker . All avowedepemies to thebill .
In Wardlewdrthj there was a contest which ended in favour of the three Radicals , by a majority of 6 or 700 votes \~] : [ * i / ' ' ¦¦ * ¦ . Matthew Greeplees , shopkeeper . : James , Whitwdrth , do . and manufacturer . . ;;/ . .,: Edwin Greenwood , painter and gilder . In BPtterworthjtvro opponents to the bill were elected \ ± -. ' ¦ ¦ ,:- ;/ . / - ' . /¦¦/ ; . / ' :-. ' "¦ , ¦ : ¦ ; . ' . .. ;; ' William Baines , woollen manufacturer . ; Jopathan Whitworth ; fuller . ; Wuerdale and Wardle'did not appoint their Guardians . We did not hear tlie names pf the other five , but we understand they areppposed to the bill . ; . Factory iNFORjrATrojrs . —Mr . Webster , the Factory Inspector of this district , preferred twelve
informations against Edwa / d Ainsworth , for various offences agaiPst the Factory Act—such ; as over-Working the children , not sending therii to a proper school , false certificates , / &c .--tp all of which he pleaded guilty-He having on the 4 th June , 1836 , been fined for similar pflePces , the Magistrate , Mr . Royds , fined him in £ 20 arid costs , on the firet case ; the pther eleveri were withdrawn , by him paying all the expenses incurred . Messrs . ' Grossley and Banott , Jpbp Bupkley , and / Robert Holt , were seyerallj fined in mitigated penalties for violating tlie Acf , Ratcliffe Hanson V ? as also brought before the Ma ^ gistratesj upon the informatioh of Mr . Webster , for allowing . hi 3 boy , under ' Pine years of age , to yiqdc in Mr ; Ainswortp ' s mfll , but was discharged by pay-¦ ¦ ¦
ing expenses . / : / . // .., ... ' ¦ --: ; . ¦ "¦• : ' ¦ . " . - ¦ . / / /¦ ¦ ¦; . Car * DRrvERSi—^ George Earnshaw was ^ ^; fined ia 40 s . and cbstsi for being at too great a distance from bi ^ cartwhae on the road . / ; / : ; ; ^ Soci 4 ti 3 Ts ; ------The admirers of . tie system ' .. -of - mpralitir , tapgbi b ^ r 1 L Owen , o ^ en ^ y a room , pa Tuesday , for the prppagation of &eir prm ^ pj ^ jH ^ a ^ when Mr . Green , gave , a lectare ; on msfalgm 2 £ s * < * ^ night , Mr . J . Rigley gave . . a lecture r ^ 3 £ iSjfflw | Pm ^ v da ^ llr . FleminitteJaitor of the ^ fe ^^ S : ^^ M Worid ^ ' is to lectpre . The lectureftliav / WraS ^^* . ^ y * . ;^ , welltded /'' - /; / 0
-atep . ; ,. : . y ^^ : ;} :: n ^^ m ^^^ m ; T&At AB 8 TisENCE .-On Tue ^ day ^^^ lfM ^^ $ •? ¥ :-Mw . HairiiltonV the celebrated T * hrenoKBS ^^^ -i i / grfi lecture op total ^ abstmenceim < £ e IwgtfW §^| aigSS ^ v ^ ,- ' ^ police station , SPaith ^ sfcreet , to a ntaiSt « Sl ^ £ ^" q highly ; respectable atidiehce . " Sl »^ is / < m !^ jR 3 &S »^ . vfr ? is \» i- ' convert to the / pnhdple ^ ^ for , last Bunoner , whale lecturing in llyei ^ oo ^ M ^ - ^ ¦' gave a challenge to , dispute ihei question in a puW « / andiepce , \ fMch was aJscwte ^^ u ^ orileanngiha platform , she actually signed the pledge / of tee- ' ^ totalism , being- convinced that she had entertained ; / . erroneops ideas on the subject . J ; t - 1
Untitled Article
A ? m ? , l 83 & . , - ¦¦ .. . ¦ . ; . :- . : :. ; : ¦ ;¦ / . ;^/; . TB E /;* O ^^
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 7, 1838, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct345/page/5/