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fiATJTlON . r-Tbe most ' disgusting and in-VJ iurious compovmoB toting sold bj unscripulouB Bpec ' ulafcrs upon the credulitj ofthe 1 'ublic , under close imitat ? on " of the name of DO BARRY'S REVALENTA ARM BIOA FOOD , or wtih ^ pretenceofbeing similav to th atde-Udo « and inraluable rwned ^ fcr ^ Ind . gestion , Constipiition Nktous , Bili . us . and Liver Complaints , Messrs . J ) U RATlRYMd Co . caution Invalids against these barefaced ittemnts » t imposture . There is nothing in the whole m W » Uetaltnta Ai-abiea , a sl ant which iBCvdtwated hv DaB » rryaud Co . ontheir Mtafasidone , andfor thepre-Kon and ptt lT « i 8 ation-of .. whieh th « r own Patent Cinary alone is adapted . Let poru-Chandlers sell thenmbw belXUntil / and ' other me , « ls under their proper S . b W ^ not'trifl * withthehealtH-of Invalidsandfnfln ^ for whom DU BAURY'S RBVAIENTAi ARABICA al * K ?^ d Co ., 127 ; i&v Bond-streetrLondon ; . . . It has the highest approbation of Lord Stuart de Decies ; tfceVeS > le " Xrclideacon Alexander Stuart , of Koss ^ -a aura of threi years' henou » nejs '; Major-General Thomas S , of Bmduth ; Captain Parker 1 >; Binghwn , R . N ., of No 4 Park-walk , Little Ch « lsea , Lon . don , who was : cured » f twenty-serenyears' dyspepsia in six weeks'tim ?; CaplaiR AHdrewa , R . N .. ; Captain Edwards ,, R . N . ; William auntS , barrister : atil ^; ' , King ' 8 College / Cambridge , whb . after sufFeriris sixiy . years from partial paralysis , hag regained the . use . of his limbs in a very rfiorHime upon this ' excellBnt food ; the R « v . CliarleS Korr , of Wm * tow , Bucks-a cur « of functional disorders ; Mr . Thomas w oodhouse . Bromleyr-rocprdingthe . cureqr . alady frbinconstip « tion and-sickness during pregnancy ; the Key . Thomas Sinster , of St . . Sa ' riourls , Leeds-u cure of five years ' nertroushess ; witli : spasms' and daily vomitings '; Mr . Tay-
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CURES FOR THE UNCURED ! . ; HO OWATJS ,, O IN TMEN T . An Extraordinary Cure of . Scrofula , or King ' s , ' ; , ; .. Evil , . Extract of a letter from Mr . J . H . Alliday , 209 High-atreet , CheltenbatnV uated January 22 na , 1850 . . Sib , —My eldest son ,.. when about three years of age , was afflicted'witli a glandular swelling in the neck , which a ' ft ' er a short time broke but into an ulcer . ' An eninent medical man pronounced it as ' a very bad case of scrofula , and prescribed for a considerable time without effect . The disease then , for years went on gradually increasing in virulence , when besides the ulcer in the neck , another formed below the left knee , arid a third under the eye , besides seven ' others on the left arm , with a tumour between the eyes ' which was exjiect ' ed to break ! During the whole of the time my ' suffering boyhad received the constant advice of the most celebrated ¦ medical gentlemen at Cheltenham , besides being for several months at the General Hospital
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IS SIX LANGUAGES .-FORTIETH EDITION , Contaiuing the Remed y for the Prevention of Disease . — Illustrated by One Hundred Anatomical aud Explanatory Coloured Engravings on Steel . Oft Physical phqualificaiions , ' ' Generative Incapacity , , and Impediments to . Marriage . A Nsw and improved Edition , enlarged to 19 C pages , price . 2 s . Od ; by post , direct from the Establishment , 3 e , 6 d . in postage stamps . y All ' communications being " strictly confidential , the Authors have discontinued the publishing of Cases ' - THE , ' SILENT ' FRIEND a Practical X Work on . the Exhaustion and Physical Decay of the System , produced by excessive indulgence , the consequences oi infection , or the abuse of Mercury , with " explicit Direc tions for the use of . the Preventive Lotion , followed bv Observations on the Married State , - and the disnualificv tions which prevent it . Illustrated by One Hundred Co
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IMMENSE SUCCESS OF THE Sifto OF TREATMENT U 0 DE 9 , 211 C . URES LAST YEARtM As adopted hv LalUmand , liicvrd , iJesIanrfjs and others , ofthe llopitaldes 1 ' ciwrieiu . a Paris , a H o uniformly practised in this country by ' WALTER DE ROOS , M . D ., 35 , Ely Place , Holbork Hili , Losd o . v
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SKIN ERUPTIONS ; NERVOUS DEBILITY . SCROFULA , DISEASES OF THE BOXES - ¦ . ;¦ : . -AND GLANDS . DE-RO'O'S' CONCENTRATED GUTT . S VIT . E ( or Life Drops ) is as its name implies a safe and permanent restorative of manly vigour , whether eficient ironv lonjj residence in hot climates , or arising from soliUry habits , youthful . delusive excesses , infection , < tc . It , will also be found a speedy corrective of all those dangerous Symptoms , such as pains and swellings In the bones , ' joints-and glands ,. skin-eruptions , blotches and pimples , weakness ofthe eyes , loss of hair , disease and decay of tbe ' n 6 se , ' sore throat , pains in the side , back , loins , &c . , obstinates , diseases cf the kidneys and bladder , gleet , stricture , seminal ^ weakness , less of memory , ner-
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PAINS IN THE BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO ^ RHEUMATISM , GOUT , INDIGESTION , DEBILITY , STRICTURE , GLEET , 4 c F ) Ii . DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAL f- PILLS have in many instances effected a cure when all other means had failed , and as their name UenaHw the Kidneys ) indicates , are npw established by the consent ofthe FACULTY as'the mostsate and elneacious remedy ever discovered for DISCHARGES OF Aiiif KIND , and diseases of the kidneys and urinary organ generally , whether resulting , ifrom imprudence or otherwise , wlueh , if neglected ,, frequently end in stone » the bladder , and a lingtrine death I It is an esta-
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-VFRiNCE . The director ard editor of a monarchical f sper , the Courtier de la Sotnme , ' hate been acquitted by the jury of a charge of hating . excited hatred and contempt of the Republican form of government . The Democrats have obtained a majority in the municipal elections of the communes of Apt Yaucluse-and Granse Bnuches da Rhone . Despatches from Valence ( Drome ) state that , of the twenty persons implicited in the riots of Bonrg
Saint Andeole some weeks since , sixteen have been acquitted by the jury . The remaining four , in whose favour extenuating circumstances' were found , have been sentenced , two to two years' imprisonment , one to one year , and one to six months .- The riot was a serious one , one man having been killed by the Prefect acting in his own defence , and the Captain of Gendarmerie , who bad been decorated by the government , has since theni committed suicide , having allowed himself to be too much affected by malicious rumours about his not having merited the . honour by his conduct on that day . - - .- .
The committee , on the Municipal Bill has adopted , after an animated debate , a resolution deciding on the mode of electing mayors , who are to be chosen by the municipal councils , and the highest taxed Citizens of the commune . The' Moniteur * publishes a decree of the President of the Republic , making numerous changes among the judicial functionaries in the departments . It is rumoured that the President and General -Changarnier are about to become reconciled again , Iroth having seen the error of their wav .
SWITZERLAND . The Swiss journals announce that on Saturday last the French refugees residing at Lausanne , were summoned to the Prefecture , and told that the Federal government had given orders that they should be sent into England , or , if they preferred it , that they might go to America .
PRUSSIA . The Staatsanwalt having determined that a prosecution should be commenced : against M . Harkort , a deputy , for printing a pamphlet called 'Burger trad Bauerh Brief ( which was never published ) , the usual application was made by the Court to the Second Chamber for permission to proceed against him ; the Law and Justice . Commission . of the Chamber have reported in favour of leave being given , and the prosecution will immediately proceed . . ¦ The Dresden Conferences , it is said , are now abandoned , and a return is to be made to the old constitution of 1815 . . . AUSTRIA .
It is not believed that the contest with Prussia had come to a conclusion . Un the contrary , it is believed that the difference is . one of principle rather than sower ; and that Austria will insist on , and Prussia oppose , the adoption of a high and arbitrary jnle of Government . ; ¦ . It is not likely that the Emperor of Austria will isit Agram , the late riot in that city having exc ited his displeasure . - A strong ultramontane feeling prevails in Austria . Count Leo Thau ' s decree in favour of the hierarchy and Papal supremacy is accepted and enforced with great eagerness . The depreciation of the paper currency begins to tell heavily upon the people of Austria
DENMARK . Onr advices from Copenhagen are of the 2 nd inst . The papers publish the text of the propositions which will be submitted to the Aswmbto of Notables . They declare the integrity of the Danish Monarchy under the same government representation—fleet and flag . The case of Lauenberg , however , is reserved for future consideration . The Duchies of Holstein and Lauenburgh will xeraain part of the Germanic Confederation . They will have their own Diets ; in all State questions they will be represented in the Council . Tne Duchy of Schleswig will have its separate Diet and Administration . < Certain institutions will belong to the two Dn-« hies of Schleswig and Holstein .. . .
SWEDEN-AND NORWAY . The Chamber of Nobility in Sweden was occupied at Stockholm on the 27 th nlL , with & proportion tending to accord to the Jewa the same civil and political rights as are enjoyed b y Dissenting Christians in Sweden . One member only , Count de Hartmannsdorf , opposed the proposition , and in particular , dwelt on the fact that the Jews haWtually practise usury . A great number of the principal members defended the proposition , and M . Weidenhjelm showed from statistical tables that for the last forty years no Jew was condemned in Sweden for -an £ great crime . The proposition was , however , re . jected by seventy-eight votes to eighteen .
More disturbances have taken place in Norway . AtDrontheim , on the 16 th nit ., about 300 persons assembled in front of an hotel , in which the respect , able inhabitants of the town were having a ball , in honour of the Queen ' s birthday , and began crying « Down with the burghers If They afterwards sent a volley of stones against the windows , and not only broke every pain , but injnred several persons in the xoom ; one lady .. was . seriously cut in the head , another in the breast . The rioters then attempted to force their way into the ball-room , but the gentlemen resisted them , and succeeded in driving them ante the street . A detachment of soldiers came up , and arrested , some . of the rioters ... The-latter dispersed about town , and broke the windows of sev * ral houses . It was not until two o ' clock that order was completely re-established . The next evening the disturbances were renewed , and were of a more
serious character . About 1 , 000 persons assembled and were proceeding to different acts of violence , when the police and the military appeared . The former summoned the people to disperse , and caused the Riot Act to . he read . The crowd , however , refeed to go away , whereupon the military charged them three times . The people resisted , and four national guards were cut in the head with sharp instruments . Several regiments of cavalry and artillery were accordingly marched into the town from the adjacent garrisons , and , after some time , succeeded in re-establishing order . All suspeeted houses were minutely searched , and abouf 320 noters were arrested . At Meldal , three leagues from Drontheim , there wereaho serions disturbances , but they were put down .
- SPAIN . _ The Cortes were dissolved on the 7 thinse . and m three months there will be a new election . M . BertrandeLys , Minister of Foreign Affairs , is named Monster of the Interior ad interim . M . Ar teta passes to the Public Works .
EGYPT . The packet from Egypt , attired at Marseilles on . 1 cist , has brought news of a certain gravity . A molt has broken ont in the Sennaar ; the Pacha , « ho commanded in that district , and the Egyptian troops under his orders , have been massacred ! Great preparations were makingat Cairo to despatch troops to put down the disturbance ; but the enterprise ajpears to be daScnlt , from the state of exhaustion of -Z ^ T ^ ' . Acuities « & « ch have arisen to the iatter h
z i ? . ?? i ^ ' pMna ° p « to smooth then , down ty the mission of Emin , who has been recenUy despatched to Constantinople . He w . Uhowever . have a straggle against the aefive and inteUigent influence of Artim Bey , the disgraced minister of the Peeha of Egypt , and since th ? n his most implacable enemy . The construction of a railway across the Isthmus -of Suez is officially an aonneed . Abbas Pachs , wfeo is , it is said , under the influence of the Consul-General of England , has just publicly declared that he will commence the
workunmediateh ; ,. Half the people employed on the line are to be English . :
CAPE OF GOOD HOPE . We have received Cape Town papers of the 10 th of February , being two days later than the Jast advices . in 2 f ° nly intcm Sen « of importance contained Vmt fnS ^ - ' SSt * ann ° oncement of the relief of SlLw a ? dWh > te . which had been effected by jSyZT ^ T ^ C olonel Mackinnon . mLmif 9 * ' Graham ' s To * . «• following morning ! MUfMd was M P ected the UNITED STATES SliSS ^ s
me steamer wmen sails tnJor to C """• U J s sas ^ sg ^ cold wind , and presenting in their «„ - £££ !! f fan of MpmmUMam . not often X mi J reland , these miserable toman beinp gland beg-
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¦ png tttbetorneraa pittance to buy them bread . I un making inquiries as to what pitt of Ireimd they came from , we learned ^ haMhe ^ ia ^ teaided on the estates of the Mafqajs ofcLans ^ o ' wae , JrvtKd County of Kerry , and were ^ thered jjji and shipped to tfiii country by the . agents of . the ] Marquis . -It is to be borne in mind ^ t hat the : Marquis ; of Lansdowne is , one of her Majesty ' Queen Victoria ' s Cabinet , and represents the Cabinet in the House of Lords . We think that not only should the voice of our indignation be raised against the heartless arid barbarons . extermination carried on in Ireland , but . when one of England ' s high potentates orders-or permits such a clearance of his estates , he should be held up to the odium of the whole civilised ' world . —Neio York San , March 26 .
The new Constitution of Ohio contains among its features the non-imprisonment for debt principle , the right to vote and hold office is confined to white persons ; the Legislature is elected and meets biennially ; no state debt exceeding 750 , 000 dollars can be contracted ' corporations must be chartered under general laws , and the next Legialature ^ haU appoint three Commissioners , who , under the general supervision of the Legislature , shall proceed to ' revise , reform , simplify and abridge the practice , pleadings , forms and proceedings of the Courts of Record of the State ; and as . far as practicable and expedient shall provide for the abolition of the distinct forms of action at law now in use , and for the admihistratipn of justice b y a uniform , mode- of proceeding , without reference , to any distinction between law and equity . ' ..., ; .
The late Constitutional Convention of Indiana has provided for the organisation of a system of free schools throughout the State-thus recognising and endorsing the great principle of the age in relation to education . And this provision has wisely been engrafted into the . organic law . of the State , thus pjacing it above the political fluctuations which are constantly occurring ., .
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The 'Milan Gazette' of the 28 th ult .,. officially confirms the news of the Emperor of Austria having declared' Venice a free port immediately on his arrival in that city . ; . ' . ' . ¦ . ' . General . -son der Horst has ; laid down the command of the Schleswig Holstein army . General von Wissel , of the artillery , has been dismissed , with several other superior offcew . An increase of the duty on coffee of 33 £ per cent ., on coah of 50 per cent ., on sugar of 25 per cent ; ,, on tea of 20 per cent ., on tobacco of 20 per cent ., on wood of 23 per cent ., and on zinc of 10 per cent ., has been ordered in the duchy of Schleswig . . . ,
The Statute' of Florence , of the 26 th ult ., states that twenty-five , students have been excluded from the-University of Pisa , for having been present at-the funeral service which was celebrated' on" the 23 rd ult . in commemoration of the battle of Novara . The' Moniteur '; of France contains a decree , de . daringthat in case bishops of a diocesa should take premises to open private schools , as allowed by the law now in force , the lease and other papers most he drawn up in their private name , and not under their diocesan title , ' the faculty -allowed them , ' says the decree , ' of founding such establishments , not by any means extending to the length of directing them , according to , their own will , and independently of the superintendence allowed in the matter to the fitting authority . '
The ' Armonia of Palermo gives an account Of a most violent . storm , followed by an ; inundation , which occurred there on the 11 th and 12 th nit . The waters from the adjacent mountains penetrated into the town by torrents , after overthrowing all the dams . The corps of . pioneers' was immediately called out to open an egress to this sudden flood , which , however , was not effected until the 13 th , The director ., of the Astronomical Observatory of Palermo has announced that on the 12 th and 13 th ult ., there fell five inches and a half of rain , being about the fourth part of the rain of one whole
year . . > A strange event took place on the 27 th ult . at St . Praxide . The Pope had ordered a mission to be opened for the inhabitants of the quartier d . 68 MoutS . The preacher , a Franciscan father , was in the pulpit , holding forth to attentive listeners ,, when a loud explosion-threw the whole congregation into the greatest alarm . A bomb burst in one of the aide antes--of the church , but providentially without injuring any one . In the rush to the doors several persona were thrown down arid received , severe contusions .: The preacher did not quit his pulpit , but in a loud voice exhorted the audience to remain quiet , and after the . confnsion of the first alarm had subsided he resumed and finished his sermon . Nothing has been discovered relative to the personsconcerned in . the matter .
His Holiness , . the Pope , has ordered the dead body ofthe brigand . chieftain . Passatore to be carried about in triumph , and his Woody corpse to be exposed to the- affrighted . villagers . Property to an immense amount was found on the person of the robber chieftain when he was shot ,- and a couple of gendarmes , whom be had wounded , expired from the effects of their last encounter , with him , whilst his body was being carried about in triumph . ' . A Constantinople letter of the 13 th ult ., in the Risorgimento' of . Turin , states , that public attention has . been greatly excited there , by the discovery of an . immense treasure of Greek manuscript ; , of the highest antiquity , found by a learned Greek : of the name of Siinonides , in a cave situated at the foot
of Mount Athos . According to this account , the importance of this discovery , is incalculable , since it brings to light a vast quantity of celebrated works quoted . by various ancient , writers , and hitherto deemed . entirely , lost . They : furnish , as may be imagined , an extensive list of proper names , calculated to throw great light upon many obscure periods of history . Among these precious volumes , which are composed of very thin membranes ( the nature of which is not stated ) , filled with microscopic characters , Borne are calculated to . give a complete interpretation of hieroglyphic writing , the fortunate discoverer having already successfully applied them to the interpretation ofthe inscriptions engraved on the obelisk of the hippodrome at Constantinople . . ' '•;
The third trial of General G : Henderson , accused of being concerned in the Cuba Expedition , resulted in the . inability of the'jury to agree on a verdict . Eleven were for acquittal , and . one for conviction . It was then moved by the district attorney that a noUepnsequi he entered , in . this case , and in each of . the others , on account . of the difficulty of empannelling an impartial jury . o r of stronger proof than had been already presented . The government he maintained , had discharged its duty in ' endeavouring to execute , the laws . A nolle prosequi was accordingly entered , and the prosecution thus ended . '
As a public testimony of joy for the re-establishment of the free port at Venice , by the Emperor of Austria , the municipality of that , city have placed 12 , 008 francs at the disposal of H ; E Ae Cardinal Patriarch of the . city and province for the purpose of being distributed to the poor ; One of the waggons of the freight line was attacked near the -city of Mexico on . the 15 th ult . by a band of . fifteen robbers , who put the military escojt toflightand carried og a . large ; quantity of good * . . The . apathy ofthe government in relation o outrages like this , is comtnested on wfeh Keat seventy in the Mexican journals .- - > ¦ - ¦ ¦ An attempt is now on foot te admit Awasi-elientis ; into the UnioE as a separate State , " it bow fc A * paft ? f Zac ' tecas ' and haaa population . of oU . UUv . .
, An editor at Puebla fcas been senjenced to * ix months seHtary imprisonment for Mi feaedom of expression on political Bubjeeta . : , ; Three persona haTe been arrested in Havana for having the proefemations of jLopez in tfeir posses eion . It is supposed they wiS be sent to Spain . M . Charles Lagrange has presented fifly-axpeti-Uons , containing near 3 , 000 signateres , to ' the French Assembly , praying for the . re-eBtsMistiment of universalsuffrage ..-. . . .,, . ,, ; . " There has lately been a flagrant example of intolerance near Innsbruck . A young country girl was recently delivered . of twins : as the father , who
was in a military . band , was a negro / his offspring was naturally of a somewhat dingy colour . The ignorant village priest haying refused to baptize' the children of Satan , ' the mother , who was exposed to the taunts iand insults of her bigoted countrymen , put an end to her misery and shame by jubping into the river Sill . " Alimedical , commission ,, after having examined three insane persons residing near Brunn , in Moravia havegiyeri it asithejr opiwon ? thatj the three individuals have jostl their senses in consequence ' of the catechetical discipr « ne to which they were subjected by the Liguorians owing confeajion' - ¦ . , f . '
_ The aayorof CaBsel , Electoral Hesse , M . Hart-7 £ 'fH ? D'Wftor-general , M . de Ulff , were , a lew aays ago condemned bV a court-nartial to tWo
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and three months' impriionmeBt in a fortress , ' for Waving in November last neglected * o obey certain orders of General Ha | naa . . The . flirector . of ^ tlie ^ entral treasur ^ of ttie ^ Electoat ^ and / two'bf n | s colleagues , areiflhder , prosecution , foriiothavmg paid ceruin grafts ; which w ^ reinot duly'Btamp ^ . Alt the judges ; and'the public prosecutor of th ' e Superior Criminal Court of Bettenburg have been summoned to appear before a court-martia ] . f In Sin Felice de Guiwls , a town situated between Barcelona and Rotas , an Etiglishinajii hjas been se . tablisbed some years , and gives em ployment
toriumerous - workmen and- familiea * by manufacturing ! corks from the material growing in his . ' neighbbur- hood , which he exports . Under-these favourable circumstances he sought , the hand of a young lady of the same place of good family arid untarnished reputation , but on applying to the curate , was told that he could not be married in Spain unless he ' turned Catholic . .. The Englishman ' s love for his future bride induced him Jo consent to this sacrifice , although . ynthjepugnanqe , under .. the supposition that it would put : an end . to all difficulties . But this did not turn out to be the case ; the curate
now enacted that he should obtain the paternal consent , and the young man wrote accordingly to England ; the answer was , that if he changed his religion , he would he disinherited and completely abandoned . In this terrible dilemma he proceeded to Barcelona , and after consulting the English consul there , was duly married by that functionary in accordance , with the consular marriage act of 1849 , This step taKen , the happy pair returnea home with the certificate of their nuptials , and pasBport en regie . For a time they lived together unmolested ; but their happiness did not last long . The curate , . enraged at what ' had occurred , complained to the bishop ,, who ordered the separation of the bride and bridegroom . They refused , to obey his mandate / and he then had . recourse to the civil governor of the province , who directed the alcalde
of ; San Felice ,, to ,, carry : the ,, separation into : effect . This : official , however ,, ' confined himself to giving them notice , . and was hv : consequence prosecuted with the Englishman and his wife . The former had recourse to his consul , who reported the affair'to the British minister at Madrid , ' who , ; in his 'turn , applied to the SpanisK goy ? rnnient for redress . Lord Palmer fit on had' passed various cbmmumcations upon the subject to our , government , which has referred it to th ' e ' Royal Council . . It appears that the ministers of the interior , of foreign affairs , and grace and justice , have given contrary opinion ? , and that the Royal Council has decided that the separation shall take * place until a dispensation is obtained from the Bishop to enable the , curate to solemnise ' the marriage - according to the Roman Catholic ritual . '• ' '• - •¦ . ¦ - '
., M . . Guizot is on the point of-publishing a serjes of biographical sketches of . men ¦ who figured in the English revolution . of 1640 i- > , The : lifef ofiLudlow appears tbisweek asrthe first of this series . ; - From- a return published 'in the 'Moriiteur Beige , ' it appears' that from 1 st July , 1849 , ; to 30 lh June ; 1850 , the first year of the . postal . Veform , the receipts of the Ppst-effice , amounted "to 3 , 162 , 528 fr . ; in th e ' year , . preceding ' they were 3 , 542 . 478 fr . After deducting the expenses , for 1849-50 , the : net receipts were 4 , 535 , 678 . ¦'¦¦¦ v
The' New Prussian Gazette' contains the following from Athens , 20 th ult : — " The brigand chief Kaburinos , scarcely thirty yea rs of- age , ' was denounced to the authorities by his own relations . He was brought to trial for fourteen murders j and condemned to deatb . The Queen ' was at first averse to- sign the ,, death-warrant , but at the entreaty of the Minister , of Justice she atlength con : senled . The procuerur' of SNapoli , where the prisoner , was-confined , wrote to the Minister of Juatice that Kaburinos wag ill , that he would pro " bably die in a few days , and solicited that the sen " tence should be commuted into imprisonment for life . This the Queen , after some hesitation ,: agreed to . When the , account of f this decision .. reached Napoli , agreat sensation was created , and certain parties were accused of corruption . The Minister
of Justice , who was among the number alluded to , proposed to the council of Ministers that a commis ^ sion should be sent to Napoli j to inquire into the merits of the case . This was done ,,. and it was ascertained that the prisoner , though ill , was in no danger . It added in . its report that the medical man had given a certificate , either through ignorance or from some corrupt , motive . The medical man of the district and the procureur were dismissed from their functions . -On the question being brought under the consideration of ' the'Cliainberof Deputies , several members gave it as ' their opihions that no corruption could ; be . jaiuVto the charge " ' of the Minister of , Justice ,, but that he , had . been deceived . . The prisoner will-not , however , escape his fate , for other charges are . to be brought against him . ' . .. . :.., ¦ - . ; ..-....: " v- .
A letter from Venice , of thi 31 st \ Ai ., announces that the Emperor of Austria gave a dinner on the preceding day to the civil and military authorities of the city , the Count of . Chambor , the Spanish Infante Don Juan , Marshal Marmont , and M . de Falloux . , ¦ . ; ..,, . -. ;• ¦ The Osservatore Romano ' - states that on th 28 th ult ., his Holiness , happening to meetth * Viaticum which was being carried to a patient . in the Via Giupponari , alightedfrpm , hisicarriage ' , ' and followed it with a taper in his hand ' to ^ he house . ' of the sicklperson , to whom he administered spiritual consolation , and i afterwards re-a ! ccompanied the Sacrament to its parochial church . ' ,. ¦ . . „ . ¦
The « Milan Gazette' publishes a notification ; dated 27 th ult ., from the- military commandant of Lombardy , which after reciting that revolutionary writings , drawings , or marks have recently been found upon the walls of varioug hoiises , ' directs that every proprietor , shall henceforwarded bave them erased from the walls pf his property , as soon and as often" as such incendiary , writings , &c . j are stuck or drawn upon them ., Neglect of this , regulation is to be punished by a . fine . of ten florins in the first instance , to be doubled at every successive repetition of the offence . These fines are-to form a fund , out of which rewards of 100 florinsare to be paid , to persons . arresting ' another in the ,. act of sticking up sush offensive notices , or writing on . the walls , &c . . . ' , -, ' . ¦ . - ' .
. At Berlin a police ordinance , dated the 5 th of April , and signed Hinckeldey , has been issued , and addressed , especially to the Minister of Westphalia , complaining of the conduct of strangers ' especially literary men ( Germans they must be ); . who having permission to reside in Prussia ; ' erideavourj ' by their writings , to excite the ' people against the . govern , ment . The police threaten these persons with prompt dismissal from Prussia by virtue of the edict Of the 22 nd of June , 1817 , or of the 31 st of Decemher , 1842 , if they abuse their privilege of residence . Some persons having interested themselves on behalf of M . Manin , ex-President of the Republic of
Venice , who now resides in Paris , and demanded an allowance for him from the government , the request was ,, immediately granted b y the Minister ofthe Interior , and M . Manin was , requested ; to call at the office for , refugees . .-He . yesterday went to the Prefect of Police , and after expressing his thanks for the generous intentiorisof the government towards him , said , that having" obtained some pupils fer the Italian language , he could at present dispense ' with ot KBisiarice , and ; hoped , that the allowance intended for him would be divided among some others of hiscountrymen who had BOt been , equally fortunate in finding resources . ¦¦ ¦» ' - —
Untitled Article
Tns PoisomaoF a ' Ship ' s Captain and Crew We havestated the facts of the m £ choiy fS'T f SL ^ t ? ^' - ° f the b ^ Sella o Jersey , who died at sea in consequence > of Axmna off pea-SOU ? , with which a poieoWus ingred ent Mdbeen maed i by ^ some : e rBon or pSn 3 S iknoffh . : Tbe jurymet . 'on . 'Friday evenino- Awil 4 , at eight o ^ ock at the office o / the deputv-vi count , and faeard Drs . Hooper , JenesT an , l T Er-eaut , chemkt , declare ;; thaVhav £ boffi in ; water < , neof t ^ aleeves of the waiSt sworn o , hy . ^ kgs tonp ^ being the " sometntng" Xre Miller , a suspected ; ecaman , kept the white Htono and faa ^ ng Ajltf this . ' water to ttftrfgS tests employed m similar oases , they bad ao doubt of the presence of ; arcemo ,,. Mr .. Ereaut Deduced apiece . of glass , on , « toh were deposited fiv « riZH
wmen ne aeelared to iie . metallic arsenic Wv CentenierChevalier stated , also , that the ele ' ew on whiohthey . operatedwas xwned by Miller 7 s \ his property , and was ; the same which Kinatone hiri called the . leg of the « toelring , where B £ the white . stone which he . had shown him £ jury , after . retiring about -half an hour , rciuVned a verdict f ' That Francis . Anlejv , cap aif ^ f the Ieabella , died by poisoning-with arsenic >' . Bin of the jury were of opinion that C . A . MUler is the author , of , this poisoning ; five , that there ate very strong suspicions against him ; andi ) necduld . come to nO j decision . —Jersey . Sun , ..,. " . ' We are informed that already-in « jesbo . "fc space offiixdays-tbe petition , from Edinburgh aeimsfc Papal Aggression , &c , has received nearly \ 0 . 000 SxgnatweeB . —Edinburgh Courctiit . . \ ... . A machine for cleaning shoes has just now b wo discovered and patented by » Deyoigbire erso ^
Untitled Article
It sets in motion two brushes , bKone of which the dirt is removed , and bx . thje . othejgitho-blacking appliedi being burnisheja VupJto a ^ ioairrovrli | e gloss . Byithis "; method ; a . pa ^ ir ofVBhoeatpr hobta ^ jan'be cleaned in a few Beconds ... ' . . \ ¦ ¦ - .
dfomgnfmeiugencr .
Irowisn F&Isttflawg.
irowisn f&isttflawg .
Untitled Article
i 2 THE NO RTHERN STAR . , April 12 , 1551 ,
T≫Tj Bar Rts Health Uestoiun * Food The Revalesta Arabica.
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 12, 1851, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1621/page/2/