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tohemoautlie : separation f rom afftctio...
S0UT1I LONDON HAU*/ A densely-crowded pu...
ittatf-iettfj «b.. .
CORN. Mabk-Lane, Moiid-iy, June 18.-We h...
1 nntcdby . W* ULIAMIUDE11, of Xo. 5, Hacelctf*liW«« t in the parish 0f St. Anne, Westminster, at the 1'r 'mt" 1'?- office. 16, Great Windmill-street. Tl-n-mnv *;,.- in the W
¦ ot Westminster, forthcFroniictor , F&U...
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Monday, June 18. House Of Lords.—The Lea...
_stratim * ' the impolicy of establishing a colony -through the-medium of an al _» _seat proprietnry _ii-oin the examples of the American colonies , which had flourished or languished according as they were founded by resident or absent proprietors , * and he argued that , upon general princi p les , a company Tnust , from Hs very constitution , _pursue its own individual interests , * of all companies , for the purpose of colonisation , the Hudson ' s-bay Company _beinj , le contended , tbe worst , as it was a strict monopoly governed by despotic ma _*** ims . Alter briefly "lancing at the defects in some parts of the original title ofthe company , Lord Lincoln proceeded to consider their conduct with relation to the natives and the colonists in that portion of their territory where
then * rights admitted of no question , namely , the extensive districts west of the "Rocky Mountains , in order to prove the Impropriety of confiding to this company the colonisation of Vancouver ' s Island . The charees _against the company comprised the neg lect of religious instruction , and the encouragement of the sale of spirits amongst the aborisrines - the abuse of their rigid monopoly , not only by charg ing arbitrary prices for their commodities , but by giving most inadequate rewards to the Indians / and the graver charges , that murders had been frequently perpetrated bythe company ' s servants , and capital punishments in some instances illegally inflicted by tbem ; andhe adduced evidence In support of these several charges . He adverted
to the complaints alleged against the company by ihejRed Biver settlers since the transfer of tie settlement by lord Selkirk ; he examined theresuits obtained by the inquiries into tbe charges against the company , none of which , he maintained , lad been satisfeetority refuted , whilst many had heen substantiated ; and contended tbat it was an abandonment of their duty on the part of the government to hand over Vancouver ' s Island to such a body , which was actuated , moreover , as alleged , by ananti-colonising spirit and a horror of publicity . In considering tho object of interposing this company in the scheme for colonisation of the i sland , he contended that no part of their capital could be diverted from a lucrative investment to the purposes of colonisation , for which the island was well adapted , and looking at the mi g ht y objects to which the western coast of America was destined , it was _hfj-hlv important that a free and independent
British colony should be established in Vancouver ' s Island . Lord Lincoln then showed the improvident terms of the charter , and argued that the advantage taken of them by the company would tend to deter settlers ; and contended that the conditions of forfeiture at the end of five years if no colony be f ounded , and that in 1859 the Crown would be at liberty to purchase onfc the company ' s ri g hts , afforded no real _accority , _thelastofferingapremium upon bad government . Mr . Hcme seconded the motion , although he considered its terms not sufficiently strong , the acts of the Colonial-office in this matter calling fer -direct condemnation . Every one ofthe conditions was contrary to the policy whieh a wise man wonld pursue in establishing a colony ; and the sacrifice of public interests in this case showed that no Minister shonld be allowed to make a grant of this kind without the previous sanction of the House .
At this moment notice was taken that forty members were not present ; thc House was counted , and the number being only thirty-seven , an adjournment took place at half-past eight o ' clock .
¦ _WEDXESDAT , Jcxe 20 . HOUSE OF COMM 02 fS . —The " _Couat Our . " - —Two discussions took place with reference to the count out of theprevipus evening on Lord Lhgol-s ' s motion on the subjeet of the grant of Vancouver ' s Island to the Hudson ' s Ray Company , the noble lord complaining * that tbe _di-cussion had been cut short throug h the instrumentality of one of the whi ppers-in of the government . He should , hewever , renew his motion on an early day . Mi * . Totxei . 1 . disc ' aiined having done so , having retired from the house in consequence of indisposition . _LordlLvcoiA'didnotalludetothehon . gentlcman , hut to Lord Marcus HilL
The _Attoexsi-Geseiul thought when the noble lord made this complaint , he ought to have calculated on what was likely to result from so lengthy an address as that which the noble lord had delivered . Mr . _GtinsiosE was quite sure there had been no intention on the part of the government to get rid of this motion , but he would suggest that they should now name a day for its renewal . Mi-. LiisoncnEHE expressed his regret at the untimel y end which the discussion had come to , but must protest against the doctrine that the government were bound to keep a House , and pointed out that there were seren members of the government present at the time of the count out while all the
noble lord ' s friends present did not amount to that number . He thought thc noble lord ' s influence among those on the side ofthe House on which he sat ought to have been sufficient to keep a House . He could not name a day for resuming the discussion , in the absence of Lord J . Russell . Mr . _TnELAwsur said that for some timo that ho was in , the noble lord ( Lincoln ) was not himself present . The Earl of Lixcol-v admitted that he was accidentally absent for a few minutes . He had never said that it was the duty of a government to keep a House . "VTliat he did say was , that thero was an attempt made to prevent a House being * made . TVheu the House was made the ouly member of thc government who was present was thehon . and _.
gallant member for Greenwich . Hc also said , and he now repeated it , " that the noble lord to whom was entrusted the duty of mustering the government forces , had exerted himself for a considerable period to reduce the House below the nnniber requisite to keep a House—that , in fact , the gentleman who was technically known as the " whipperin" had , on this occasion _, whi pped the members out of the House . ( Laughter . ) [ Tho noble lord ( Lord Marcus Hill ) here entered the House , amidst loud cheers and laughter ; and the noble speaker reiterated in his presence tbe charge that lie had been making aginst _him . _j Lord M . Hilt , begged to assure the noble earl that he had taken no open measures whatever to have
the House counted . ( Loud laughter . ) An hon . friend of Ms told Mm that it was " liis intention to count out the House , and hc certainly did not take any steps to dissuade him from it . ( Laughter . ) He did not take any decided steps to induce members to leave the House . ( Laughter . ) Thc Earl of _Lrxcoix wished to know whether the noble lord did not say to an hon . gentleman whom he met coming into tiie House , "Do not go in , the House is about being counted ? " ( Laughter . ) Lord M . Htt _. t . mi ght liave said something of that kind to an hon . member . ( Laughter . But that did not imp ly any attempt on his part to have the House counted . ( Laughter . ) Mi-. Siaxes deprecated the practice of counting out the House , which lie thought a very hard and
cruel case . ( Laug hter . ) llut he thought that questions affecnnglhe working classes haa a ri ght t » be as much attended to as a question relating to Vancouver ' s Island . ( Hear . ) Makkiage Em . —The question having been put for resuming tbe adjourned debate on the second xeadiag of tfiis bill , Mr . _Xattef . opposed the bill on various grounds ; the same course being taken by Mr . _Gmwstoxe . The speakers in support Of the second reading , with qualifications on the part of the latter hon . member , were ihe Loed Advocate and Colonel TnoMrsox . Mi " . , S . _VfoRTLEr having replied , the House divided , when the second reading was carried by a majority of thirty-four—the numbers , 177 to 14 S , and the House adjourned at six o ' clock .
THURSDAY , Jess 21 . HOHSE OF _COMMONS . —State of the _Xatiox . —In compliance with a request made to him by Mr . _Disraihj , Lord Jons Russell set apart _Sionday , Jul 2 nd , for the discussion of the hon . gentleman ' s motion on the state of the nation . Equalisation of the Poon Rates _;—LordSuGEXi , in a speech of details illustrative of the inequality of rating for the relief of the poor in . various parishes and districts , moved for the appointment of a committee to inquire into the practicability of better providing for the indi gent poor of England and Wales , by an equal ana general apportionment of the burden of the same .
Afr . Baixes considered the proposition of throwing the relief of the poor upon the general revenue to be a most mischievous oue , and calculated to have a pernicious effect upon tbe country , and called upon the House to resist the motion . Mr . Mackixnon and Mi * . Hrotiiehios opposed the motion . 3 fr . _TVodehotjse supported the motion on tbe sole gronnd that the sanctioning the free-trade policy of 1846 had rendered a revision ofthe public burdens
necessary . * After some observations from Mr . SrooxEn and Mr . Slaxet , in which they suggested the -withdrawal of the motion , and a speech from CoL Douse , having reference to Irish immigrants to Liverpool , Lord Xegekt rep lied , and strangers were ordered to withdraw , the motion ultimately being negatived without a division . _Xa _* _doxal Educatiox ( Iseuxd . )— Mr . G . A . Hamjxtox , in a speech illustrative of the difference existing between the _Xationai Board and the "Protestant clergy of Ireland , on the suhiect of cdnra
tion . moved , " That an address be _picscnicd to her _^ - _" _--i-ir , -pziylug tLns she will be graciously pleased to direct that sneb a . modification ofthe system of i - _iation-il Education ia Ireland may be made , as may remove thc conscientious objections which a large proportion of the clergy and Idrv ofthe Established Church entertain to that system ' as at present _cari _* icd into operation ; or , otherwise , that means may be taken to enable these ofthe clergy and laity of the Established Church who entertain sueh conscientious objections , fo extend the blessings of Scriptural Education in Ireland . "
Monday, June 18. House Of Lords.—The Lea...
Mr . _Sameii seconded the . motion , whioh was . supported by lord Bekxakd , Sir A . BKooK-p , 'irr . ' ; _KEwdegate , and Lord Claude Haiultox * and opposed b y Sir W . Somervil-le , Mr . Moore , Lord Joux Rvssell , and Mr . Retxoeds . ' . On a division the motion was negatived by a majority of GO , the numbers 102 to 162 . Two new bills were introduced , and Others advanced a _stao-e ; a division taking place on the _Marriages ( Scotland ) Bill , which went into committee , but without any progress being made , and the Ilouse resumed and adjourned .
EKIDAY , Joxe 22 . nOTJSE OF LORDS . —Tbe report on the Irish Exccjibered Estates Bill was brought up with amendments , and on the motion of Lord Campbell ordered to be reprinted , and to be recommitted on Monday next . _Atfirmatiox Bill . —Lord Desman then moved the second reading of tbe Affirmation Bill , the object of which was to extend to all non-jurors the liberty of affirmation at present enjoyed by Quakers and Moravians .
A smart debate ensued , Lord Brougham , opposing tbe bill , in which course he was followed by the Earl of Wicklow and Lord Abingeh , while the Duke of Argyll aud Lord Campbell strenuousl y supported it . The bill was ultimately thrown out on a division , the numbers being—For the second reading 10 , against it 34 . Majority , 24 . Their Lordships then adjourned . - HOUSE OF- COMMONS . —The _Fbexch _Lvtervexiiox ix Rome . —Mr . Roebuck put a question , in order to ascertain from the Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether any disapprobation had been expressed by the government of the proposed bombardment of Rome by thc French . The hon . member made an interesting and powerful statement ofthe facts , and condemned in strong language the proceedings ofthe French authorities . He called upon the Poreign Secretary , on ihe _pai-t of England , to express his strongest reprobation of all that had occurred .
Viscount _PALMEUsrox , after referring to the delicacy of his position , said emphatically , and amid general cheering , that the government had witnessed the circumstances referred to with very deep regret ; Eng land was no party to the transaction ; and we had strongly deprecated these unfortunate proceedings fromthe first . The House then went into Committee of Way s _axdJIeaxs , when Tbe _Cuaxcellor of the Exchequer rose to make his Financial statement . He commenced by say in- _^ that although not so favourable as it would have been had itbeen made earlipi * in the year , he trusted his statement would not be wholly unsatisfactory to the country . The affairs ot the continent , the famine in Ireland , and the interruption of our trado with the Baltic , had all combined against us during the past year . He then _refei-red to bis budget of
last year . The actual revenue of the year had been less than he then anticipated , owingtoan unexpected falling off in the receipts from stamps . His estimate ofthe expenditure for the past year had also been exceeded owing to payments on account of Irish distress , and for an excess on naval expenditure . On thc whole , however , there had been an actual surplus of income over expenditure during the past year . He felt himself perfectly warranted in taking the ordinarj sources of revenue for the ensuing year at quite as high a rate as in preceding years . There was an improvement in the manufacturing districts , money was easy , there was a good supply of bullion in the country , and he saw no reason whatever for anticipating any decline of our present prosperity . The right Eon . gentleman concluded by putting a formal vote into the hands of the chairman of
committees . Various members addressed tbe committee in succession and on miscellaneous top ics , after which the resolution was agreed to . The _Traxspobtation for Treason ( Ireland ) Bill Committee . —On the motion that the Speaker do leave the chair , Mr . Moore addressed the House . He asked whether a parliament which had just sanctioned the principle of compensating rebels for treason in Canada , would sanction such a monstrous bill as this ? If the Crown had not the power to
transport Mr . Smith O'Brien now , oug ht that power to be conferred b y ex _jxist facto legislation ? It was a mistake to say that the object of the bill was to substitute mercy for rigour . In effect , it imposed transportation for imprisonment , a severer for the li ghter punishment . The House having gone into committee , Mr . Axste y charged the Irish members with want of sincerity , unanimity , and " pluck , " in opposing this measure , and declaimed against it in violent language for upwards of an hour . He moved the omission of words in the first clause rendering the Mil a declaratory enactment .
The Attorney-General and Sir G . Gkey opposed the amendment ; which was supported by thc Irish members and Mr . Muxtz . The object was stated to be to pave thc way for other amendments denuding the bill of its _expwst facto operation . The amendment was rejected by 151 to 27 . Mr . Reynolds moved another amendment , with a view to remove the retrospective operation of the bill . This amendment was also rejected , the numbers being 140 to 21 . A third amendment of Mi * . Axstey was also rejected on a division . The bill then passed through commitee , and the third reading was fixed for Monday next , and the House adjourned .
Tohemoautlie : Separation F Rom Afftctio...
' ¦ ¦ - ' , _^ ; / . Juke _^ 1640 , ¦• ¦ _8 . . _- . _H / _T-H-E _- _'NO- ' Ri _^ . ¦ ¦ „ _,, ¦¦ _^ _,. . _^¦ -.: „ --l _»— ¦ -.. ' _^^^ _nwCT _^ - _«^» gg !!!! gg ° _^~ . _--r ~ - _^ -T * - ,
Financial Asd Parliamentary Reform. On M...
_FINANCIAL ASD PARLIAMENTARY REFORM . On Monday _evening , a meeting of the inhabitants of tho borough of _Finslniry was held in Sadler ' s Wells Theatre , for the purpose of supporting the views and objects of thc Metropolitan Parliamentary and Financial Reform Association . Sir J . Walmsley in the chair . Before entering upon the business ef the evening , letters from several gentlemen apolog ising for their un 'voidable absence , were read . Amongst the names were those of Messrs . W . J . Fox , E . Mall , C . Lushington , T . Wakley , and T . Duncombe , who in his note enclosed a check for £ 10 , to be applied to the purposes ofthe association . Thc chairman in his address tothe meeting , referred to the great inequality in the present system of representation , both as regarded the numbers of people
and the amount of propert y represented . These evils could only be met by an extension of the suffrage to every adult male who paid anything towards the poor rates , by a more equal apportionment of the electoral districts , and also by the abolition ofthe property qualification . In addition to these it was the conviction of the members ofthe association tbat the princip le of voting b y ballot and triennial parliaments were essentially necessary to that which it was their object to attain—a full , free , and fair representation ofthe people in Parliament . The chairman , in conclusion , said—if we could persuade our fellow Reformers ( the Chartists ) , who seek the franchise , to believe that wo are really honest in our professions—if wc could convince them
that we can carry our measures , and will carry them , if wc have their support , and that we cannot without it—if I could induce them to join heart and band with us in advancing this great movement , I would promise them that we will never forsake them until we have obtained a full , and fair , and free representation of the peop le in Parliament . ( Hear , hear . ) But , in order to obtain this , they must make sacrifices for a time ; they must be satisfied to go with those who do not wish to go the whole ofthe way . Let us show them that wc . are worthy of ihe _franchise which wo seel * , and they will ultimately bo ready to join with us to the fullest extent . ( Hear . ) . Mr . George _Thompsox , M . P ., proposed the first resolution , and said , I . come amoDgst you to state
my deliberate conviction , founded upon the expenenceoftwo Parliamentary sessions , that no radical or even large reforms in thc financial , ecclesiastical , or colonial systems of this country can be expected , without a previous change in the representative system . ( Cheers . ) i The question now for you to consider is , whether , in seeking further changes _, and the removal of existing grievances , you will adopt the old method , and resort to an expensive , protracted , and exhausting system of ag itation , to effect a partial reform , or whether you will lay the axe at the root of the tree , and direct your energies to there-constitution ofthe House of * Commons , to the carrying of such a measure of real bona fide Parliamentary Reform as will render all other reforms
comparatively easy , inexpensive , practicable , and speedy of attainment . I hesitate not to say , I infinitely prefer the latter course , of proceeding . Reject it , and you may have a twenty years' ag itation on one subject , a fifteen years agitation on a second , and a ten years ' ag itation on a third . Some one question will take the lead and throw the othcM into the back ground for an indefinite period . It will often be a strugg le of purse rather than principle ; of the pecuniary means of the parties more immediately interested than of the real and sterling merits ofthe question ; and those will triumph who can print the largest number of tracts , cmolov the most lecturers , take the theatres ofthe
metropolis , and enlist the public press on their side . I know that , should the middle classes refuse a coalition with the workinn- and unenfranchised classes , they have still liic power to advanec the cause of reform ; but it is a power they can exercise onl y by the process I have described . But take parliamentary reform as your first object , and you adopt the wisest and most potent means to the attainment of all your other legitimate and constitutional ends . ( Dear , hear . ) The number of tlie qualified electors of the three kingdoms is a standing and notorious insult to the common sense , the virtue , the patriotism , the loyalty , and the reli gion of the peop le of this Christian country . ( Hear , hear . ) Were a foreigner to stand up and * say that I throug hout Eng land , Ireland , Wales , and Scotland .
Financial Asd Parliamentary Reform. On M...
out pf twenty-ei g ht millions of inhabitants , only 300 , 000 could he trusted to have a ¦ voice in tho election of representatives to the Commons House of Parliament , there is scarcely an old-fashioned Tory in existence who would not resent such an assertion as a gross libel upon the population of his native land . ( Hear , hear . ) Let us unite to get rid Of SO unenviable and disgraceful a distinction amongst the reformed and self-reforming nations of Europe — Russia onl y excepted . ( Cheers . ) In looking forward to future events , I confes I gather but small com ort f rom the assurance given by the minister that wc have so many troops of the line , and so many pensioners who may be called out at a short notice —( laughter)—and so many armed and
mounted constabulary , and so many militia and yeomanry , and so many provincial and metropolitan police ; and in store , if needed , to be used against the children of this land , the telling arguments of 65 , 000 , 000 of ball-cartridges , and 170 , 000 barrels of gunpowder , and 50 , 000 pieces of cannon , and 1 , 200 , 000 sand-bags —( loud laughter)—fov , gentlemen do not be led away by the assurance that these things are only prepared foi' the possible contingency of an invasion , or to be used on foreign service . ( Loud cheers . ) You have but to revert to the 10 th of April , 1818 , to ascertain the fact that these are seriously intended for the working and disfranchised classes of her Majesty ' s subjects , if they should ever dare to menace by open force— I
will not say our beloved Queen upon the throne—but the comfort and security of those who call themselves her advisers . ( Hear . ) Ifor one do not choose that the peace of this kingdom should be _guaranteed by any such means . Let them keep their powder dry , and pile up their cannon balls , count over their ball cartridges , and multiply their sandbags , and go on casting those broad-mouthed bellowing pieces _ of argument that never yet uttered an argument which a ti ger might not have uttered . ( Cheers and laughter . ) We will meet them , and fightthem , and beat them—and gain a bloodless victory , with weapons which never made a widow or an orp han . We go then , first and foremost , for Parliamentary Reform ; and we are here for the purpose 6 f enlisting
recruits who are willing to enter our ranks in this cause . A change in the representative systcm that shall add 3 , 500 , 000 or 4 , 000 , 000 to the electoral roll of the United Kingdom , together with the extension ofthe Suffrage to this extent ; the . safety and shelter of the Vote by Ballot ; in addition to these a quicker reckoning of accounts between electors and their representatives ; a reckoning that shall , at the longest , not be deferred more thai ! three years—a breaking up of the close and rotten borough nomination system , and tbo more -equal _^ npportionment of members to constituents / I think I am in my own person an instance of the necessity of the change here soug ht for ; there are are ei g hty-two gentlemen in the House of Commons representing
constituencies , which , put together , and every elector in the reg istries counted , do not make up so many as those to whom I made my appeal in the Tower Hamlets . Then finally this society goes for the abolition of the Property Qualification for a scat in the House of Commons , that the man who has intellect , and moral worth , and political talents , and the confidence of the people , may not be excluded from the House of Commons because he does not derive £ 300 or £ 000 a year from real or personal estate , or because he is not returned for a Scotch borough , or because he is not the son of a peer , or because his father has not landed property enough to entitle him to be a knight of the shire . Such is the scheme of Parliamentary Reform
pro-Eosed by this society . Now the friends who ave originated this movement have , as I think , very wisely resolved that as they proceed they will not overlook the existing means of enfranchisement on the one hand , nor the discussion of state abuses on the other . They will at all meetings like the present , as well as b y the diffusion of their publications , lay bare tho financial system of the country , embracing tlie inequality of taxation—the injuries done to commerce , to trade , to health , and to domestic enjoyment by certain methods of taxation —the , manner in which the people are hoodwinked and juggled b y the tortuous , invisible , round-about , and _Great-Wizavd-of tke-North-like mode in which the taxes are raised—the keeping out of sight of six
or seven millions of taxes , by allowing them to be intercepted and appropriated in tlieir way to the exchequer—and the evasion of the rich , the titled , andthe aristocratic , ofthe burden of which they should bear the largest part . They will also look at the expenditure ofthe national income , with a view tothe reduction of our warlike establishments , naval , military , and ordnance ; the abatement of jobbing in those establishments which the nation actually requires , * the curtailment ofthe needless waste of the monies taken from the imperial treasury for colonial purposes—bishops included— - { cheers and laughter )—the striking oft" of pensions enjoyed by persons who have no claim upon the public purse ; the bringing down ofthe salaries of public functionaries to a level with the value of
their performances and the circumstances of the country ; ahd the refusal of monies raised for national and general objects to those which are of a religious and sectarian character . When the votes of parliament shall he analysed it will be found that our taxes are levied , and when raised arc expended , hymen who have a direct or very near interest in first putting thc burthen upon the shoulders ofthe working and middle classes , and then in keeping up thc extravagances of the state , that they may share inthe distribution of the good things connected with that system of extravagance . It will be found also that these men do not really represent the large constituencies ofthe country , but those small manageable and venal boroug hs , which are cither the pro perty of particular persons , or may be influenced by thc bribes whieh such men are not reluctant to offer
and to pay , in order that they may afterwards put their hand into thc national purse . The hon . gentleman concluded , amid loud cheers , by moving thc following resolution : — " That theabsence of a really representative House of Commons—the preponderance of class legislation—thc unequal pressure of taxation—the general extravagance of thc public expenditure—and the consequences of these evils engendering discontent , and threatening disorders fatal to the political and to the social prosperity of this empire , render tho combination of the middle and working classes , for tho attainment of the reform advocated by the Metropolitan Parliamentary and Financial Reform Association , a matter of momentous importance to the state . " _.,
_....-Air . Pijrday seconded this resolution , which was carried turn _, con . ; and others of a similar tendency were proposed and carried , several . gentlemen , amongst whom were Messrs . Clark and . M-GnA . Tii , ofthe Chartist Executive , addressed the meeting in support of them . Thc meeting , which was a very crowded one thc theatre being filled , in every part , _laparated lit a late hour , after a vote of thanks to thc chairman .
S0ut1i London Hau*/ A Densely-Crowded Pu...
S 0 UT 1 I _LONDON HAU */ A densely-crowded public meeting , in favour of thc People ' s Charter , was held on Wednesday evening , June the 20 th . Mr . TnoMrsox having been called to thc chair , read a letter of apology from Mr . G . W . M . Reynolds , wliich stated that he was detained at home by indisposition , and said the object ofthe meeting was to petition thc House of Commons ' iii behalf of thc People ' s Charter , which was a strictly legal course , and , although not liked by somo , he did not know any other course open , except that of using the Registration Courts and creating public opinion . Mr . T . Clark rose to move thc first resolution , when
Mr . Straiten read an extract from tlie Morning Advertiser of Mr . Clark ' s speech at Sadler ' s Wells Theatre , and asked where Mi' . Clark got his authority to say that the Chartist body had or would unite with the Parliamentary and Reform Association ? Mr . M'Grath was also included , . and , of course , those gentlemen woiild explain . . ; ' ' , ' ; Mr . Clabk tben came forward , and" entered into an explanation , which met with considerable app lause . He had simply stated at : that meeting his own opinion , and that which he was deli g hted to find so many advocated—principles approximating to our own—yet he , for one , could never give up one iota of thc People ' s Charter . ( Loud cheers . ) Mr . Clark then moved the first resolution , but before
domg so read a note from Feargus O' Connor , M . P ., stating that he was detained at homo on business of importance , with a man from Worcestershire , who could not remain in town longer than that evening , and hence he could not arrive at the meeting before half-past nine o ' clock , when , if possible , he would attend . Mr . Clark tben read the following resolution : — " That it is the opinion of this meeting , that the grievous burthens , privations , and sufferings , whicli the great mass of thc peop le of Great Britain and Ireland have long endured , and of which they still have just cause to complain , arise from , and are the results of , class legislation , and this monstrous system will not be removed , nor a wise and
just state of society established , until the House of Commons is made a reflex of the whole people . " In speaking to the resolution , -Mr . Clark mentioned the glorious Roman Republic and its inestimable Triumvirs . They werehailed with rapturous applause . Mr . _M'Gratii , in seconding the resolution , _justified what he had said at Sadler ' s Wells , bi : t whieh was not correctly reported in the Advertiser , 'and his sentiments were loudly applauded . He then eloquentl y supported the resolution , which was carried unanimousl y . . ¦¦ _* ' _* - . _3 fr . W . Dixox ' thcn moved flic Chartist , petition , m a speech in whieh . he showed forth the social reforms attainable by the Charter , which elicited thc warmest approbation .
Mr . St allwood . seconded the . adoption ofthe petition , which was carried unanimousl y . A vote of thanks having been given to tho chairman , three cheers for the Charter , three for Hungary , and three for the g lorious Republic of Rome , the meeting separated .
S0ut1i London Hau*/ A Densely-Crowded Pu...
" _^~ TO TI -JE WORKING- CLAS _^* - ( Concluded fromthe First page . ) Now I do not think thatt f _^ = _" *> f _^ M pla _^ _Ts 5 _mixture and _fclUangtiiJ p « to _* of -FREEDOM FOB THE MILLIONS ''* more concisely ; and _™*\™ _fJJ ° _? J ° com municate the enrolment of aiiotlioi pmn _unSieBuilding _Societies Act , es ablishedfor . ml from threepence a week to five shillings , arm other amount , will be sure of ftyaone toeiiitacres , a certain amount of land being _^ , _„
comesin , and that by continuing those weekly _subscrip ions for twelve years or rather radar , _eaTman will be , not the tenant , but he owner of liis allotment : and :- should the Queen's Bench refuse to register the present Land Company , which I hy no means anticipate , I would propose that that Company should merge into the enrolled Company ; and that the amount paid up by every member in the present Company should he placed to his credit in the enrolled Company ; while those who wish to withdraw their monies from the
old Company would be at liberty to do so , as , iu case of non-registration , tiie House of Commons is hound , according to the unanimous recommendation of the Committee , to enable me to wind up the affairs of the Company , and then the property would pay more than 20 s . inthe pound ; -while I must protest against parties who have paid from 10 s . to 5 ? ., or any amount , into this Company , constantly writing to me for permission to withdraw their monies which have been already expended ; and there is one circumstance fo which I must draw the
attention of all , and it is this — that enrolment and registration * were forced upon me , and that hut for those steps not a single obstacle would have stood in our way , and , therefore , the parties themselves are the aggressors . . . Again requesting an immediate response , I remain , your faithful and unalterable Friend and unpaid Bailiff , Feargus _O'Connor .
P . S . —I never had any great objection to racing sweeps , except that I thought it a grievance that pothouse gambling , by ballot , should not only be permitted but encouraged while freedom speculation hy ballot was considered illegal . But I will tell you what the very poorest may do , as regards this Land Purchase Company , they may pay in classes ; one class 5 s . hy weekly payments , another class 10 s . by weekly payments , another class 11 . by without
weekly payments ; and those classes , any infringement of the law , may ballot for the prize , the gainer of the prize being bound to restore one-half of the value of the Land he may get by quarterly payments—that is , if a man balloted for an acre , costing 30 / ., purchased with the subscriptions of the 5 s . members , the 10 s . memhers , or the 12 . members , he should within a reasonable time pay hack 15 / . to those parties who subscribed , or one-half ofthe value of the acre of Landhegot ;
and thc same rule might apply to two , three , and four acre men , by either increasing the number of memhers , or the amount of payments . F . O'C .
To The Chartists Of Tod
MORDEN AND MANCHESTER . My Friends , — I have received your invitation to attend the out-door meeting at Todmorden on Sunday , the 15 th of July , and a meeting in Manchester on the 16 th . You are perfectl y aware that I have frequently expressed my disinclination to attend meetings on a Sunday , because it arms our enemies with weapons of attack ; however ,
as the better day the better deed , and as you are haltered in your stalls on the week days , and lest you may imagine that the grandeur of M . P . would have any effect upon me as regards your order , I cheerfully accept your invitation for the 15 th and 10 th of July , in Todmorden and Manchester , and I trust I shall find you as you will find me—persevering , determined , and resolute in the cause of the peop le .
I see groat changes coming . I see that the class who anticipate the greatest benefit from those changes are endeavouring to destroy my influence , lest by its leg itimate exercise I should convert those changes to national instead of class benefits . . M y friends , I told you that last week I do voted my time to your cause while thousands were rattling by my door to partake of the amusement of Hampton Court races ; while all yesterday and this day ( Thursday ) I have devoted my timo to you , while I am within fifty yards of the entrance of Lord
Holland ' s Park , whore the great Scotcli " fetes are going on , and which I should be delighted to witness ; however , I never abandon duty for p leasure . I trust that wo shall have a thundering meeting on Sunday , tho loth , and I am sure we shall have a bumper on Monday , the 10 th . So that you see neither the slander of tho Press , the vengeance of your enemies , nor the ingratitude of your order , can sever those bonds of friendshi p by which I am united to your cause . I remain , Your ever Faithful Friend and Representative , Fisargus O'Connor .
General Amnesty For All Political Prison...
GENERAL AMNESTY FOR ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS . A crowded public meeting was held at the Theatre , Milton-street , Cripplegate , City of London , on Monday evening , June 18 th . Mr . AVii . li . vm _Dixox having been called to tho chair , thc following letter was read from Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., M . P ., amidst great applause : — London , June 18 th , 1819 . ¦ n _:, —Will you have the goodness to uouununicato to tho meeting that it was my inteii . ion to have been present , but that I am pvevcntcil in consequence of tho case of Sir . Smith O'Brien and the other State prisoners _bohi _*** now before tbo House , and as the question is , whether tbey shall bo transported or sot at liberty , I imagine tliat if they lost their freedom by losing my vote , that you
would consider my absence from the House a greater disappointment than my absence from the meeting . Have the" goodness , however , to assure those present , that I am as resolute in their cause as 1 ever was , and as determined as ever to persevere . I trust that my apology will bo received as a justifiable excuse for my absence ; and also that tlie meeting will believe that I am the loser , as I would much rather address your Ilouse , than the Ilouse . Let . _'• The Charter and no Surrender , " be your motto . Your faithful friend , " Fem iq us O'Cossoa . To the Chairman of the meeting at Milton-strcct Theatre .
A-letter was . also read from Sir Joshua Walmsley , M . P ., ( who was attending the great "Pinsbury meeting ) , in which hc Btated his willingness either to present the memorial to the Queen , or the petition to the Ilouse of Commons . ( Loud cheers . ) Letters were also read from J . Bri ght , G . Thompson , J . Hume , and Charles Pearson , Members of Parliament , pleading excess of business as their reasons for non-attendance . Mr . Hume wished success to their exertions . The Chairman having briefly opened the meeting , Mr . IIeynolds moved tlie following memorial : — TO THE QUEES ' S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTV . The respectful "Memorial of the inhabitants ofthe City ' of London , in public meeting in tlie Theatre , Mlton-street , assembled the 18 th day of June , 1819 : — SHEWBIli , That during and from the years 1817 — 1848 , to the present time , a great dearth of employment had prevailed and picvaileth among your Majesty ' s industrial subjects .
That such want of employment has led to much social misery , destitution , wretchedness , discontent and disaffection . That the wants , wishes , and _deslrjs of the people were in a great measure unheeded ly th * Legislature of these vealms . That grpat masses of your Majesty ' s industrial subjects consequently became excited by this apparent inattention to their manifold wrongs . That men of genius , talent , and humanity , moved by the . sufferings of tlieir fellow men , devoted themselves as advocates in the great cause of human redemption through political freedom , and social amelioration . That in the warmth of tlieir feeling and in their zeal for the cause they had espoused , they were led to sundry indiscretions not allowed by law , That your Majesty ' s ollieors in vindicating tbe majesty of the law , have caused many of those men to be incarcerated fov . sundry lengthened periods of imprisonment in your Jhijesty ' s gaols of England , Scotland , and Ireland , and I others to bo expatriated to _Forei-m dimes .
• Ihat such imprisonment has caused many ' an otherwise happy family , deep pangs of sorrow and of misery , _caushi _R children to bewail tlie loss of Uwir fathers . aM wives
General Amnesty For All Political Prison...
tohemoautlie separation f rom _afftctionato husbands , and fo _* _ThSSt Britain and Ireland _Jsat the present timeln n _52 * of _Pi'X hd peace and auiet , notwithstanding the _^ _SLM-tfT of _employment , polilical thraldom , and offences have already ; endured _^« _ifl he on « _™ uffi , sidcration of your Majesty deemed _% > X acts of which eie . it to expiate any indiscretion and lllesal acts , oi wim . your Majesty ' s , jurors _midjudges P _™?^ _, _« fg 1 _^ J Your memorialists , therefore pray tI , a _V ,, _^¦ L consideration of tbe various reasons herein _^ _ngned , ana with a view to the stronger attachment of your * u _» J _* - « l " your gracious person , will cause a gleam of joy to _warn oi the countenance of your Majesty ' s industrial subjects , >/ . » taking into vour Majesty ' s serious consideration the si _«* je « _---now submitted to you as the "Fountain of Mercy ,. _ anu causing a general amnesty to be at once proclauned to all political prisoners , now confined in any of your Majesty s gaols , in either Great Britain or Ireland , or undergoing Sentence of transportation in any of jour Majesty ' s Colonial possessions . ¦ u „ _-K „ , « _ftmithe separation from _affectionate _nuspana-, anu
And your Majesty ' s memorialists will , as in duty bound , ever pray . Mr . Retnolds said , there could not be a better time to appeal for a general amnesty than now , when we were in a state of profound peace and quiet . Lord John Russell had acknowledged that "the country was in a state of profound quiet and peace j" then could tlie government , with any show Of reason , refuse to restore the erring patriots to their homes , their wives , and families , and thus cause a radiant beam of joy to sparkle m many an eye , and happ iness to resume her p lace m many a cottage ? ( Loud cheers . ) He did not antici pate Success at this first _appeal , but this must not be the last meeting for this purpose . The first
victims of whom he had to speak were _l'l'ost , Williams , and Jones ; those men who had so nobly and deeply suffered , had been taken to trial almost immediately after their arrest , during a time of great excitement , and he could not help thinking that government , by their agents , kept up tlie ag itation , in order that the minds of jurymen might be alarmed , and that they might obtain -just such verdicts as thev p leased . ( Hear , hoar . ) In vain did Sir Frederick Pollock and Sir Fitzroy Kelly plead ; the Attorney-General ' s charge , and the summing up of the Judge , alarmed a timid and not too-learned a jury , who pronounced a verdict of guilty . Her Majesty had commuted the punishment of these men from death to transportation for life ; and he
called on that meeting to express by their votes , ¦ when that memorial was put , their op inion whether it was wot hi g h time these men should bo recalled . ( Loud cheers . ) Now he must remind them of those victims of a still later period—Ernest Jones , AVilliam Cuffey , Mullins , and numerous others . ( Loud cheers . ) Those men had stood forward to defend rights long withheld , and to complain of grievous ¦ wrongs unredressed ; and was it not enough to make the flesh crawl on one ' s bones , ..-when they reflected that the convictions were obtained through the instrumentality of rascally informers ? ( Loud
cheers . ) For what were punishments oruaineu , or what were governments instituted for ? Simpl y to punish criminals and maintain virtue ; but not for vengeance . Justice , as at present understood , has taken its course ; the law has been vindicated , and to keep the men longer incarcerated is a paltry act of vengeance . Mr . Reynolds _having * complimented the promoters ofthe meeting , said , let US not forget our Irish patriots , whose case would that night be debated in parliament . The wretched condition of _L-eland was an ample apology for any agitation that had or mig ht take place in tbat distracted , suffering and oppressed country . ( Loud cheers . ) We are told the Queen possesses a kindl y heart ; let her acts on the present occasion proclaim it . ( Great and long continued cheering . )
Mr . G . Julian Harney seconded the memorial , which was adopted unanimousl y . Mr . Stallwood moved , and Mr . _-TiiOMrso _* _* ' seconded , the adoption of the following petition to the House of Commons , which was also carried . TO THE HOSOURABI . -E THE COMMONS OP GREAT BBITAlN AND IRELAND IN PAHLIAMENT ASSEMBLED . SlIEWETH , That notwithstanding the great dearth of employment , political thraldom , and social misery endured by the iudustrial inhabitants of thoso _^ realms , the most profound peace and quiet prevails . That at such time and under such circumstances , your petitioners deem it advisable to extend mercy to all transgressors ofthe law who are _nou- confined in any of the gaols of Great Britain or Ireland , or who may liave been expatriated to lier Majesty ' s colonial possessions for political offences .
That youv petitioners ave of opinion that the terms of imprisonment and expatriation already endured by those offenders is amply sufficient to expiate their offence . That fine , imprisonment , and transportation , is not given so much as a punishment for crimes done as for a terror and example to others ; and your petitioners are thoroughly convinced thatenougli has been already done in furtherance of this view , and that should thc political prisoners be longer detained your petitioners are of opinion that they will he regarded as martyrs , Your petitioners therefore entreat your honourable Ilouse to present an humble address to her Majesty , praying her to grant au amnesty to all political prisoners at present confined in her Majesty's Gaols of Great Britain and Ireland , or who may be _undei-going sentence of transportation in any of her Majesty ' s colonial possessions , and your petitioners will ever pray .
Mr . Brown moved , " That the memorial to the Queen be presented by Sir J . Walmsley , M . l \ , and the petitien to tlio House of Commons by Lord John Russell , one of the members for tho City of London . " Mr . Mullins , father of the youth Mullins , rose to second the motion , and was greeted with the most rapturous app lause whioh so greatl y affected him , that he merely breathed the words- "I second it , " and resumed his seat . Tlie motion was carried unanimously . . Thanks having been voted to the Chairman the meeting separated .
Hours Of Labour Is Factories.-Deputation.
On Thursday , the 17 th inst ., a deputation of millowners from - Manchester , Carlisle , and Glasgow , waited . upon Sir G . Grey , Lord J . Russell , and Lord Ashley , with a view of recommending the introduc ' tion of an Eleven Hours Bill . A report of the proceedings of this deputation appeared in the Daily News , and thc consequence was a general excitement amongst the workmen and their friends Avho had supported the bill . They immediatel y met and appointed a mixed deputation of masters' and men to wait upon tho Home Secretary and Lord Ashley upon the subject . Subjoined is a brief report of the interview with Sir ii . Grcv on Saturday last . Mr . W . Walker , of Bradford , introduced thc
subject to Sir George Grey by remarking that since he , with other factory masters , had had the honour of an interview , accompanied by their late lamented friend , Mr . Fielden , about five weeks ago , great anxiety had existed in the factory districts to learn the decision of a superior court in reference to the legality of thc relay or shift systcm , which had for some time been practised by a few millowners . He felt that a great responsibility rested with the government for having neglected to remove the doubt whicli had been permitted to arise , as neither himself nor any of his friends could advise the operatives to consent to any extension of the ten hours clause , asluid been proposed by some musters from tho cotton districts of Lancashire , and that he felt
confident that tlie amount of good derived from this valuable measure by all who worked in factories was so great that they could not be induced to consent to any extension of tho period of ten hours a day for five days in the week , and ei g ht on the Saturday , lie also stated that he thought it very unfair to ask the operatives to assent to any extension of the time merely because certain Lancashire magistrates refused to enforce the uniform time of working which the law provided . Mr . J . Wood , of Bradford , stated liis conviction that the Ten Hours Act had worked well wherever it had been fairly tried since it came into operation . Mr . S . _Pielbex , eldest son of . the late Mr . 3 olm Fielden , stated that on thc 10 th of May last the
deputation of masters who presented a memorial to Sir G . Grey against the relay system ,, understood distinctly that lie ( Sir G . Grey ) would endeavour to get the legality of the systcm tried before a superior court . This was stated to the operatives in the manufacturing districts , and thoy wore , in consequence , induced to abstain from any agitation to do away with the system of shifts or relays until this decision was obtained . Term was now over , and no motion had been made before the judges , althoug h a case was prepared by Mr . Cobbett , of Manchcstes , under Mr . Horner ' s instructions , expressl y for that purpose . - In reply to Sir G . Grey ' s regret that there should not be a compromise , Mr . Fielden stated that hc
thoug ht a great responsibility rested on the government if they did not get this question settled . As long as trade was in a depressed state and thc operatives wore afraid of losing their emp loyment , they were unable to assert their opinion against tho shift system , but should trade revive , and _thd-e be a dpmand for their labour , there would be turn-outs against this , objectionable system , and a great deal of dissatisfaction amon <| stthem . It behoved Sir G . Grey to consider well whether he ought to leave the _ques _. tion in the unsettled state in whicli it now was , and he might rest assured that the operatives . would never consent to abandon one particle ofthe principle of their Ten Hours Act .
_SirG . _Ghby observed that if the parties interested 1 could not agree upon tho terms of an _arrangementit was not his business to dictate to thoai whatcoursc they ought to pursue , and he gave it as his opinion that the only way now left open by which the oues ion could be settled was by further S _! tioT _? h the disputed points before a hurhbr tribunal _th-u , ° h ? _" _^^ w _^ m _^^ r _^ _^^^^^ ease ' £ Sf _™ ° _^ _^ the _k _* ° f the I PQ _^ Cl o _, appC ; a tQ a higher eowt _, it was to li ? tii
Hours Of Labour Is Factories.-Deputation...
that the legislature intended that the decision of the ¦ mafffetrates should he * binding , ' however _mconvcment it mifbt be forthe millowners of lorkshire to be restricted from the use of relays or " shifts , " whilst the millowners of Lancashire , bythe decision Of their magistrates , -were allowed tkafc -privilege ; he said he had himself a strong objection , to tltfi systcm of" shifts , ' . ' and believed that it materially , if not entirel y , deprived the workers of the advantages intended to be conferred by the act . The proposal made by the opponen ts of the measure , to accept an eleven hours bill , and in return limit the range of the time of working from fifteen to twelve and a half hours per day was , lie thought , a fair one ; but , as matters now stood , and seeing no hope of an i , _^
amicable adjustment ofthe question by concessions on both sides , he would not pledge himself to any course , nor would he say whether it was the intention of the government at present to proceed with the mode suggested by Mi ' . Cobbett , of Manchester , to bring thc mutter hefore a superior court , under any circumstances that could not be _dono until next term ( November . ) He said he was at all times willing to listen to suggest ions and receive information from the parties concerned on both aides , but _thought , If he Was again to Have deputations ifc would * be better if the supporters and opponents of . the measure would meet him at the same time , and
in his presence discuss the merits of the question , from the results of which he could come to his own conclusion . He regretted to hear from the deputation that there was every probability of an extensive agitation in thc country , because from all the information he had received he believed that the people were well employed , and in most respects com-Portable . ¦¦ If , however , such an ag itation was commenced , he could not help It . . Several other top ics were freely discussed during the interview , which lasted an hour , after which the deputation thanked Sir George Grey for the attention with which he had listened to what they had said , and tiheu withdrew .
Ittatf-Iettfj «B.. .
_ittatf-iettfj « _b .. .
Corn. Mabk-Lane, Moiid-Iy, June 18.-We H...
CORN . _Mabk-Lane _, _Moiid-iy , June 18 .-We had a very short supply of English wheat this _morning ; , wlneh was taken oft by millers at prices rather exceeding those of Monday last . Of foreign , the arrival was likewise limited , and we had more business doing iu-good dry samples at full prices . Fresh flour is scarce , and wanted . Barley fully as dear , with a fair demand . Beans and peas met with more inquiry . The supply of oats was moderate , and good iresh corn sold quite a 3 high as last week , but heated samples difficult to quit , excepting at comparatively low rates . _Uye unaltered . In linseed cakes little doing . The weather continues fine and dry . From some districts complaints of the appearance of the hurley crop are prevalent ; but wheat is generally represented as looking well . The cur . rent prices as under .
Wednesday , June 20 . —The supply of all gram continues very limited ; the demand for most articles is , however , confined to immediate want , at about Monday's rates . June 22 . —Arrivals of all descriptions of grain ' this week have been moderate . The wheat trade was firm , at an advance of Is per qr . upon the rates of Monday , but the uusiness transacted was not extensive . Barley fully maintained firmer prices . The better descriptions of oats ave Gd dearer , with a better sale for secondary and inferior qualities . Beans and peas steady , at previous quotations . .
BREAD . The prices of wheaten bread in the metropolis , arc from Gid to 7 d ; of household ditto , ad to Gd per 41 bs loaf .
CATTLE . _SMiTnni-XD , Monday , June IS _.-Fov the time of year , the bullock receipts fresh up to our market , to day , were but moderate as to number , but of excellent quality—nearly the whole being h * t for immediate slaughtering . -The attendance of buyers was tolerably good , owing to which , and to the dead markets being very scantily supplied , the beef trade was steady , and hist week ' s prices were fairly supported . A few prime Scots sold at 8 s 10 d but the general top figure for beef did not exceed 3 s 8 d per Slbs . Atthe close of business , a good clearance was effected . . We were very largely supplied with sheep , as will be seen on reference to our returns at foot . The primest old Downs and the best half-breeds of sheep moved off heavily , ' at barel y last week ' s currencies . Lambs—the supply of wbich was extensive—were a slow inquiry . In value , however , we have no change to notice . There was a large number of calves on offer . All kinds ' of veal ruled heavy , at , in some instances , drooping prices . The pork trade was in a very inactive state , at previous quotations .
Newgate a . vd _Leadehiall , Monday , June 18 . —Inferior beef , 2 s 2 d to 2 s 4 d ; middling ditto , 2 s 6 d to 2 s Sd ; prime large , 2 s lOd to 3 s Od ; prime small , 3 s Od to 8 s 2 d ; large pork , 3 s 2 d to 3 s Cd ; inferior mutton , 2 s lOd to 3 s 0 d middling ditto , 3 s 2 d to 3 s 6 d ; prime ditto , 3 s Sd to Ds lOd ; veal , 3 s Od to 3 s Sd ; small pork , 3 s 4 d to Is Od lamb , 4 s Sd to 5 s _8 d . June 22 . —The supply of beasts was small ; quite adequate , however , to the demand , which was very limited . Monday ' s prices were tolerably well supported . The number of sheep and lambs , was large , and trade heavy . The . quality ofthe supply was middling , especially of tlie latter ; several remained unsold , and what were disposed of made less money than of late . With calves we were again largelysupplied ; trade for them was exceedingly heavy , aud our late quotations were with difficulty obtained .
PllOVISIOKS . London * , Monday , June 18 . —Since our last communication the appearance and tone of our market have slightly improved . During last week the sales of Irish butter were to a fair extent on hoard _-ind . l-inded , and prices advanced fully 2 s per cwt . Of foreign the supplies were rather limited . Weather cool , the demand active , and prices suddenly and rapidly rose to SOs to . 82 s per civt . for best quality , but are considered as merely temporary . Bacon . For Irish and American singed sides the demand was good , and prices 2 s per cwt . higher . Iii scalded Middies there is no alteration . Hams have sold well , and at full prices . Lavd as last reported . English Butter , Monday , June 18 . —During thc past week , we had rather an improved demand for butter at better prices , but this morning the market opens dull . Dorset , fine weekly , SOs to S 4 s pur cwt . ; ditto middling . DCs to 70 s ; De \ on , ditto , GSs to 72 s ; fresh Buckinghamshire , _3 s to 1 US Gd per dozen : ditto West Country , 7 s to Us ,
_COLONIAL PRODUCE . Coffee . —The large public sales of good ordinary native Ceylon say u , ! Jl ) 0 bags , went oft' with spirit at a shade ad . _vaiiee , and all sold at 33 s ( id to 34 s , a _fc-iv lots sis and 34 s Cd . The article generally wears an upward _ani-ear . ance .
TO BE SOLD , rp \ VO FOUR-ACHE PAID-UP SHAPES JL for £ 2 us . each , hy parties who are going to emigrate in a few days . Applications to be made to T . Almond , _Dickinson's-buildings , _Iloi'selcy-field , Wolverhampton .
1 Nntcdby . W* Uliamiude11, Of Xo. 5, Hacelctf*Liw«« T In The Parish 0f St. Anne, Westminster, At The 1'R 'Mt" 1'?- Office. 16, Great Windmill-Street. Tl-N-Mnv *;,.- In The W
1 nntcdby . W * ULIAMIUDE 11 , of Xo . 5 , Hacelctf * _liW _«« in the parish 0 f St . Anne , Westminster , at the 1 'r ' mt " ' ? _- office . 16 , Great Windmill-street . _Tl-n-mnv _*; ,.- in the _W
¦ Ot Westminster, Forthcfroniictor , F&U...
¦ ot Westminster , forthcFroniictor , F _& U _* "GUS O'C OSSW- ' - ; E . sq . M . l \ , and _puUislvcd ' bv th- } said Wu . ua . ii UK- ** 8 - "J tho Office , in tbe _smuc street - _* , iu " _i parish , —? - *' "' 1 ' ¦ ' - ¦ _^ . June 23 rd _1311 ) c
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 23, 1849, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_23061849/page/8/