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August' J6/ 1845., __^___ THE'NOMHEK^ OT...
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BEAUTIES OF BYRON. ; - HO. VI. *'esgush ...
* Arthur's seal; the lull which overhang...
TIIE CONNOISSEUR: A Monthly Record of th...
THE MINERS' ADVOCATE - July, August. New...
Pubmcatioxs RECEivEn.—The Ballad Poetnj ...
Roval Meanness.—It seems from the Debate...
The Cnowx is Danger !—On Saturday aftern...
tit $i&
; Reform of the Bar.-Wc arc happy to sta...
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August' J6/ 1845., __^___ The'nomhek^ Ot...
August' _J 6 _/ 1845 ., ___^___ THE _' _NOMHEK _^ OTAR _* " ' ; "' - __^___ _^_ _J _ _T
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Beauties Of Byron. ; - Ho. Vi. *'Esgush ...
BEAUTIES OF _BYRON . ; HO . VI . *' esgush bards _axd scotch _bevteweks . " "We had intended not to have given any portion of ihe personal attacks on reviewers , and other writers , to be found throughout this poem ; but as these portions of the work are , as might be expected , the most forcible , it is only fair that we should give _onr readers at least a specimen . The following 15 the _opening of tbe _poetfs terrific onslaught on Jeffrey , the Editor of the Edinburgh Review : — . Tet say ! why should the bard at once resign His claim to favour from the sacred Xine ! Tor ever startled by the mingled howl Of northern wolves , that still in _darknessprowl ; Aged or young , the living or the dead , rlo mercy find—these harpies must befed . "Why do the injured unresisting yield The calm possession of their native field ! "Why tamely thus before their fangs retreat , 3 for hunt the bloodhounds back to Arthur ' s Seat !*
Health to immortal Jeffrey ; once , in name , England could boast a judge almost the same ; In soul so like , so merciful , yet just , Same think that Satan has resigtfdhis _trusty And given the spirit to the world _again , To sentence letters , as be sentenced men . "With band less mighty , but with hcai t as black , "With voice as willing to decree the rack ; Bred in the courts berimes , though all that law As yet bath taught bim is to find a flaw ; Since well instructed in the patriot school To rail at party , though a parry tool , " Who knows , if chance his patrons should restore
Back to the sway they forfeited before , His scribbling toils some recompense may meet , And raise this Daniel to the judgment seat 11 Let Jeffrey ' s shade indulge the pious hope , And greeting thus , present bim with a rope : " Heir to my -virtues ! man of eqnal mind ! _Skill'd to condemn as to traduce mankind , - This cord receive , for thee reserved with care , To wield in judgment , and at length to wear . " In the tenth canto of Don Juan , Brno . v pays the following pretty compliment to his quondam antagonist : And all our little feuds—at least all
mine—Bear Jeffrey , once my most redoubted foe , ( As far as rhyme and criticism combine To make such puppets of us things below , ) Areover : here ' s ahealth to "Auld Lang Syne !" I do not know you , and may never know Tour face—hut you have acted on the whole Most nobly , and I own it from roj soul . ifr . JEFFiiEr has been for some years one ofthe jsdges of the Court of Session , and is therefore a sitter on the "judgment seat . " It is only fair to add , that as a judge he is as opposite to the infamous English
judge Jeffiues , as light is from darkness , or justice irom incarnate villany . His recent decision in the case ofthe widow Dgxcax , of Ceres , when he declared that "the right ofthe poor ton sufficient support was even preferable to the claim of the lord of the land , " entitles him to the thanks of every friend of ri « lit . May he live long to so perform the duties of his high office ! In a very different spirit to the attack on Jefjfret , Is the following beautiful tribute to the memory of the lamented Kihk White : —
Unhappy White ! J while Hfe was in its spring , And thy young muse just waved her joyous wing , Tbe spoiler stvept that soaring lyre away , "Which else bad sounded an immortal lay . Oh I what a noble heart was here undone , "When science self-destroyed her favourite son ! "Yes , she too much indulged thy fond pursuit , She sowed the seeds , but death has reap'd the fruit _» T _« vas thine asm genius gave the final blow , And _help'd to plant the wound that laid thee low 1 So the struck eagle , stretch'd upon the plain , Ko more through rolling clouds to soar again , Vie w'd his own feather on the fatal dart , "And wingM tbe shaft that qoiver'd in his heart : _Xeen were his pangs , hut keener far to feel , lie nursed the pinion which impeU'd the steel ; While Vie same plumage that had _warm'd his nest Drank the last life-drop of his bleeding breast .
STAXZAS . Br J . _M'KowEJf . By the marge of tbe sea has thy foot ever stray'd When eve shed its deep _tneUow tinge ? Bast thou lingcrM to hear die sweet music that ' s made By the ocean waves whispering fringe V 'lis then you may hear the wild barnacles caU The scream of the sea-loving mew , And that deep thrilling note that is wilder than all , ' The voice of the wailing curlew . The song of the linnet is sweet from the spray ; The blackbird ' s comes rich from the thorn ; And clear is the lark ' s when he ' s soaring away
To herald the birth of the morn : The note of the eagle is piercing and loud ; The turtle ' s as soft as its true ; But give me , 0 give me , that song from the cloud , The voice of the wailing curlew . Sky minstrel ! how often I ' ve paus'd when a child As I roam _' d in my own native vale , To listen thy music so fitful and wild Rome far on the wings of the gale . And _sffll as I rest by the door of my cot Thy voice can youths feelings renew , And strangely I ' m tempted to envy thy lot , Thou wild-noted wailing curlew .
Tor Oit were happiness surely , to fly In those regions so pure and so bright , To _float ' neath the dome of that beautiful sky , When ting'd with the setting sun ' s Ught . There , there , thou can ' st revel unfetterVl and free , And no cunning of man can pursue ; What wonder I ' m eager to wander with thee , Thou wUd-noted wading curlew ! When the beauties of nature shaU cease me to move , Aud " desire" in my bosom " shaU fail , " And this heart that is beating with rapture and love Shall lie ccld as a clod of the vale , Then make me a grave far away from the crowd , Where spring may her sweet flowers strew , Leave my dirge to he sung by the bird of the cloud , The wild-noted _waning curlew .
* Arthur's Seal; The Lull Which Overhang...
* Arthur ' s seal ; the lull which overhangs Edinburgh . 1 " Too ferocious—this is mere insanity . " _—Bvnos , 1 SIC . J "Henry Kirk White died at _Cambridge , in October , 1816 , in consequence of too much exertion in the pursuit of studies that would have matured a mind which _dift . _ise _andjjovcr ty could not impair , and which death ifself rathci - destroyed than subdued . Ills poems abound in such beauties as must impress tbe reader with the liveliest regret that so short a period was allotted to talents which would have dignified even the sacred functions be was destined to assume . "
im \ m
Dats And Nights Ix The East; From The Or...
DATS AND NIGHTS IX THE EAST ; from the original notes of arcccnt Traveller through Egypt , Arabia-Pctra , Syria , Turkey , and Greece . By HissPumlet . London : T . * C . Newby , _f 2 , Moriiiner-street , Cavendish-square . As a synopsis of eastern wonders for the home reader , and as a hand-book for travellers directing their steps eastward , this book will lie useful . The narrative opens in the bay of Syra , from whence the reader is taken to Alexandria . * Of this city there is a brief description , after which is given an account of _Poanpcy's pillar , the Pyramids , the Ivile , and Grand Cairo . From Cairo the writer proceeded about four hundred miles up the Nile to Thebes . Returning to Cairo he ( Miss Pluuiley ' straveller is of the masculine _sexjjoiued a party of travellers who were about to cross the desert to Palestine . They proceeded to Suez , where they crossed to the opposite
continent-Asia . Tlie first place of note they next reached was Mount Sinai . They next arrived at Akaba , and at _hni'jth , after nearly a month ' s march , entered the " Land of _Etioni , " where Mount Uor , and Petra , " the City of the Rock , " with its magnificent ruins , well repaid the travellers for their toilsome journey . 1 _endays aftor wards the travellers were on the borders of Pah-stine . Thev first arrived at Mount Hebron , then HetWckm , and lastly , an hour or two ' s nnrcU zhence brought them to Jerusalem . Having visited the Jordan , tin- Dead Sea , Bethanv , Mount Olivet , and other plac s , the travellers left Jerusalem for _-uamaseus , ou their wav visiting Nahlous ( Neapolis ) , Acre which they found in _desolation—thauks to i > nti > h _lntcrmcddmi" between the Sultan and Mehcnict . _Ali-Sattrct u " , . Mount Tabor , Tiberias , and _^ _apeniaum . _Damascus is pictured as the most oeauti . ui of eastern cities . The wondrous ruins of -baalbec arc nest described . T . e . ivin _< r Baalhec the
waveta , _scxt reached Mount Lebanon , recently , and indeed stiH the theatre of a horrible civil war . _sS _r VCaClled . _- Vrout ' audtheretook leaTe of w 1 _h _P' _^ _iitinople and Athens were subsew i _^' te the descriptions of these places , _parnt-a _. _ariy t i aat of ti ae Ottoman capital , arc meagre and _unsat-sfactorv . _srri _^ i ' , - _^ - . _' roate travelled , and the one _de--enoeil m this book ; the most Interesting portion of _Wo _« , _™ _M'nragk the desert , and the detip ofle'ra . _WegivetheMoiviDgextracts- : _"Thei TnE " _OVTHEnoCK . " _cons-derahf < Hlt fr ° the base of _Mount Hor t 0 Petra U rent , and _rt " ' - _" _* fol ! owed the course of the bed of a _tor-^ J _^ _oewit offered the
' _nur _,.. - .,: _- ns of situation of this ' City of the Vv onereu us of tne situation oi this pictured i * morc _a , an realised all imagination had saw onlv the e 7 _™ t SUuation ; for of Petra ' as et we all around and fo ? _? 8 uinthe western range ; but of rock—rocks ol f t -fJe couM reach _» _PSM _*" _? and kindlin g with _loLi .- and nJ 0 stina i estic fonn > described as a « sea _^^ ts ; rocks , which have been irhkh _smi shutin _fom T TOTSS _P _* _" . ' anfl some of _atofoUoivmgme _CXdr * ' *• _-. «««•'¦ _•*?; _^ ferther , we turned to the _^ t _^ * ' _stance passed an isolated eolln _£ r ° _\ - f _^* ruins , aud from this 5 " 2 * Ll * _^ S _™ _e _ . ' „„ _ .-. ,. ™ we na _» a view of tbe open _« _3 » ce , on which lie greater part of the city stood ; and hence we beheld the splendid monuments sculptured in
Dats And Nights Ix The East; From The Or...
the eastern range—a sight it was that mi ght well arrest the _teareller'g steps ,, and absorb bis every faculty , the power alone excepted * of gazing , awe-stricken , on-the most singnlar spectacle which the magnificent creations of . nature , and the vain ambition of men , have united tc- _'beajieath . to the _curiwity of . t & ose who should come afterthem . "' Tcannot attempt to _describe roy feelings on viewing _, this splendid Temple ; fresh _as _^ if sculptured yesterday . Its facade is magnificent , hewn , out of the rugged side . ofi a sand-stone mountain , whose rosy tints add much to its beauty ; and . whose rugged and ; mis-shapen crests con . trast singularly with this finely proportioned _^ edifice .
The portico is supported by Corinthian columns , one of which has fallen ; but so imposing is the ensemble , that I diet not for some moments observe the defect ; the cornice and pediment are elaborately scnlptured , and fresh and pointed , as from the hand of the mason . The colonadeis thirty-five feet high ; the columns , three feet in diameter ; they each consist of three pieces , and are the only portions not hewn out ot the rock ; and this accounts for the _entireness of the cornice , though one of the columns had fallen from beneath it . " I attribute much ofthe lightness-and elegance of the Kliasne to the divided pediment and tlie light lantern . like structure in its centre , surmounted by an urn . This urn is supposed by the Arabs to contain gold , which is likel y to remain untold by them , unless their ingenuity can suggest ( which fate forbid ) some other mode of rcachui" it than by firing ball at it , as they now often do . "
_« Its theatre , which has thirty-three rows of seats , _aeuin out of the rock , most of which are quite perfect ; at the back , above the scats , are chambers or boxes , also hewn in the rock . Its width is one hundred and twenty feet , and the scent ( which was built ) has disappeared altogether . " The beautiful proportions of the thoatre are seen to great advantage from the upper seats , and thence , too , the view of the other rums are splendid . H——and I remained behind the others , and reclining on its topmost bench , gave ourselves up to the contemplation of the extraordinary scene around .
" The western range is full of excavated tombs 'high as the eagle ' s nest , ' many of them being hundreds of feet from the ground ; and nearer stand rich and lovely specimens of temple and tomb , whose formation , hewn , as they all are , must have occupied the ancient dwellers in Petra through successive generations ; unlike the Egyptians , the inhabitants of this rock expended their wealth and talents in beautifying the exterior of their sepulchres , leaving the interior quite plain . '"
A caaisttis scese is the "holt citi . " April 30 th . At 2 r . m ., went to tbe Church of the Holy Sepulchre to witness the "miracle" of the descent of the ' Holy Fire . " Two companies of Turkish troops were drawn up iu front of the church , to which we were admitted by tlie monks of tlie Greek convent , who placed us in the gallery within the cupola , from which we had a good view ofthe interior ; the floor was crowded to excess by a sad set of ruffians , who weie fighting and making a terrible noise . It was a motley assembly—Greeks , Turks , Arabs , Copts , Armenians , and Abyssinians were there , in a terrible state of confusion .
About half-au-hour after we entered , the Greek , Armenian , and Latin Bishops , walked twice in procession round the sepulchre , with banners , ' iie . At 3 , an Armenian and a Creek Hiskop entered the sepulchre , from which , in a few minutes after , the Holy Fire appeared , when the shouting and uproar became dreadful , aud the mob pressed forward to light their candles ; in a few minutes tbe whole church was in a . blaze , and the motions of the dense crowd , each individual of which held a lighted candle , gave a curious effect to the brilliant scene . AU denominations of worshippers have separate
chapels in this church ; and while we were there , two processions , one _Gretk and tha other Armenian , came in contact , and as neither would give way , -, a regular fight ensued ; the banner-poles , and many of tlteirholy instruments , were broken and used as weapons , nnd candlesticks were flying in all directions . The tumult raged with indescribable fury for nearly half-an-hour , when a body of Turkish troops marched in , cleared the church , and locked the doors . I left , disgusted with all 1 had seen , aud not at all surprised that the spectators of such exhibitions should apply the terms Christians and Dugs synonymously .
THE 8 _VHIAX GBEEK WOMEN . The Syrian Greek woman are , beyond comparison , the loveliest in the world ; we saw many of those of Nazareth , who came down with their pitchers to the fountain of Nakor for water , in whom were visibly united aU that painters may in vain endeavour to picture—all that poets dream . Their features combine the perfect proportion of the Greek model , with the character and expression of the daughters of Israel ; their figures , the united delicacy and voluptuousness of form which the finest Grecian statues possess . The costume of those we saw this evening was well suited to its wearers .
The long hair , which was plaited , fell over their shoulders , and was in many instances ornamented with great numbers of gold sequins and some - pearls ; in others , flowers of brilliant hues replaced the " pearl and gold , " but all wore the full loose trousers , drawn tight at the ancle ( which , not _unfrequently , was encircled with silver bracelets ); thepetticoatreaching ' only to the knees , and the upper vest open at the breast—it is neither boddice , tunic , or jacket , but something between each .
How's Illustrated Book Op British S02jg....
HOW ' S ILLUSTRATED BOOK OP BRITISH S 02 JG . London : J . How ; 132 , Fleet-street . Two or three weeks hack wc noticed the first six numbers of this admirable work ; wc have now to say a word or two on the thirteen subsequent numbers—No . 7 to No . 19 . In these numbers we have the following popular and truly national pieces : — " Ere around the huge Oak , " "When pensive I thought of my love , " , "llockedupallmy treasure , " " The Lass of Richmond-hill , " "The Friar of Orders Grey , " " _AUen-a-Dalc , " "Faint and Wearily , " " Under the Greenwood Tree , " "Blow , blow , thou Winter Wind , " " Come unto these Yellow Sands , " " Where the Bee sucks , " "Old Towler , "" The Beggar Girl , " " Wapping Old Stairs , " and " Sally in our Alley ; " besides
several others , there being in these numbers no fewer than twenty-eight different pieces . Not the least interesting feature of this publication is the resuscitation in its pages of the simple yet beautiful ballads which , exciting the delight of our fathers , we , their ungrateful heirs , have permitted to fall into disuse and oblivion . " Sally in our Alley " and " The Beggar Girl" are specimens of the class of compositions we allude to ; the former of these may yet upon rare occasions be heard , but rather in private than in public ; as to the latter— " The Beggar Girl "—that appears to be almost universally forgotten . "We extract the following account of the origin of "Sally in our Alley , " as given by Henry Carey , author of both the words and the music : —
" A shoemaker's apprentice , making holiday with his sweetheart , treated her with a . sh ; ht of Bedlam , the puppet shows , the flying chairs , and all the elegance of Moorfields , whence proceeding to the Farthing Pie House , he gave her a collation of buns , cheesecakes , gammon of bacou , stuffed beef , and bottled ale ; through all which scenes the author dodged them , charmed with the simplicity of their courtship , from which he drew this little sketch of nature-, hut being then young and obscure , he wps very much ridiculed for this performance , which nevertheless made its way into tlie polite world , and amply recompensed him by the applause of the divine Addison . " "We are told by the editor of this work that
HEMY CABEY , like Dihdin , was at once a poet aud a musician , though his genius in both characters was of a lower order , ne produced several dramatic pieces , and a great number of songs aud ballads , in which , it has been remarked to his praise , that , though he lived in a not very scrupulous age , he preserved an inviolable regard for decency and good manners CiBEr , thoush bis life was without reproach , appears to have been improvident , aud died by his own baud in _^ _Varncr-stteet , Clevkenwcll , on the 1 th of October , 1743 . "We cannot resist the temptation to give the words
of—THE BEGGAR GIUL , Over the mountain aud over the moor , Hungry aud bare-foot I wander forlorn . Jly father is dead and my mother is poor , And she grieves for the days that will never return . Pity , kind gentlemen , friends of humanity , Cold blows the wind , aud the night ' s coming on ; Give me some food for my mother for charity , Give me some food and then I will be _goxc . Call mc not lazy-back bfggar , and bold . cnough , Fain would I learn both to knit and to sew , I ' ve two little brothers athome , when they ' ve old enough , They will work hard for the gifts you bestow . Pity , kind gentlemen , friends of humanity , Cold blows the wind , and the night ' s coming on ; Give me some food for my mother for charity , Give me some food and then I will be gone , Think , while you revel so careless and free ,
Secure from the wind , and wcll-clothcd and fed , Should fortune so change it , how hard would it be To beg at a door for a morsel of bread . Pity , kind gentlemen , friends of humanity , Cold blows the wind , and tlie night ' s coming on ; Give me seme food for my mother for charity , ( Jive me seme food and then I will be gone . For the music wc must of course refer our readcis to the Booh of British _Soxg . It appears that this little ballad was published anonymously between forty and fifty years ago ; the authorship of the words
and music is unknown . It was for many years exceedinglv popular . The illustration to tins song is most charming , and indeed the illustrations throughout these numbers are beautiful and faultless . ¦ 1 ortraits of several eminent composers , with biographical notices annexed , add to the value ot tins publication . ¦¦ '• , It onlv remains for as to _repcii the hope we formerly expressed , that this truly national work may meet with national support ; most earnestly dowc advise all lovers of music to " give their orders ior flow ' s Illustrated Bookof British Song .
The National Temperance Advocate. Atjgvj...
THE NATIONAL TEMPERANCE ADVOCATE . _Atjgvjst . . - - ¦ " ; . ' ' '¦' This number of the Advocate is an important one , containing an official report ofthe proceedings of the annual Conference of the British' Temperance Asap _ciatioa , _Tdtbv-the sew plan , of organisation agreed , to by tie delegates . 1 _ _fr-re
The National Temperance Advocate. Atjgvj...
GEORGE _CRUIKSHANK'S TABLE BOOIt-: _Auausi . London . % Punch Ofliee , ; 92 _,, Fleet-street . The admirable steel engraving to this month's number of the Table Book illustrates our social ornithology _^ in the annual emigration of birds , British and foreign . _Beroweseeon the wing alt the varieties ofthe feathered tribes— "the great _loiig-biUed , or lawyer vulture , " the "hawk , or bailiff-bird , " now nearly extinct , or " degenerated into a sort of bluefinch , or police - cock-sparrow , " "the gambler * Mv f ' _jfe -prey a the "pigeon , " "Italian singlag-birds , ' who take-their flight from this country afcout the beginning , of August , having previously _boen _/' _successfullyoccupiedinfeatlieringtheirnests . " Ihe "Legend of the"Rhine" is continued , and issuperbly ridiculous ; Besides the large plate , there are several most laughable illustrations in this number .
Simmonds' Colonjal Magazine-Auqubt. Lond...
SIMMONDS' COLONJAL _MAGAZINE-Auqubt . London : Siinmonds-and Ward , IS , Cornhill . This is an interesting number of this very useful _Magarine . The opening article is . " On the Lake Pariina and the Geography of Guiana . " "Who has not heard- of Sir Walter _Raleigh ' s "El Dorado , " the land of gold and ofthe sun ? There are few regions . on the globe which have raised such an interest as Guiana . Since the discovery of the Gulf of Earia hy Columbus , id 14 ' JS , and the expedition of Vicente Piucoii ,. who discovered the Orinoco at the commencement of the sixteenth-century , it became the theatre
of enterprises , which were directed more by visionary dreams than : by prudcnce _. and the life and fortune of thousands were sacrificed in search cf'a region which was said to abound in precious metals . The rocks were represented as impregnated with gold , the veins of which lay so near the surface as to make it shine with a dazzling splendour .. The houses of its capital , called Manoa , were covered with plates of geld ; it was built upon a vast lake named Barima ,. and the reflection of its fairy build * ings caused tho whitish clouds in the southern hemisphere , which are known , to us as the clouds of Magellan , to adopt their luminous appearance .
It appears that the first accounts of such a rich district reached Europe in 1535 , and the mountains of New Grenada- were considered to encompass it . The sovereign prince of this-worldly paradise ( continues the fiction ) was from head to foot covered with gold-dust , so as to resemble a golden statue worked by the hand of a skilful goldsmith , and from this cireumstvmce he was called thegilded— "El Dorado . " When , after fruitless searches in New Grenada , the locality of . the fable was transferred to Guiana , that whole province was designated under the name of "El Dorado . " Tlie various expeditions which were directed in search of it , and which occasioned such a waste of human life , that the annals of history do not offer a parallel , in lieu of suppressing new attempts , seemed only to produce new adventurers , equally eager to achieve the discovery of "El Dorado . "
The unfortunate-Raleigh was not the last who pursued that phantom . The close of . the past century offered another knight-errant of "El Dorado" in Don Manuel Centurion , who , in 1770 , was Governor ofthe Spanish Province of Guiana . It appears that the believers in this fabled paradise are not yet extinct , as only a few years ago a map was published by Mr . Wyld , and as recently as 1844 another was published by a Mr . Van Heuvcl ill New York , upon which the Laguna de Pariraa figures iu its whole extent . Visionary and unreal as the famed "El Dorado" has been proved to be , still there are grounds for believing that the tradition had once a more substantial foundation : —
The geological structure of this region loaves hut little doubt that it was once the bed of an inland lake , which , by one of those catastrophes of which even later times give us examples , broke its barrier , forcing for its waters a path in the Atlantic . " May we not connect with the former existence of this inland sea the fable of the Lake Parima and the El Dorado ? Thousands of years have elapsed ; generations may have been buried and returned to dust ; nations , who once wandered on its banks , may be extinct and exist even no more in name ; still the tradition of the Lake Parima and the El Dorado survived these changes of time ; transmitted from father to son , its fame was carried across the Atlantic , and kindled the romantic fire of the chivalric Raleigh . " These are the words which I used when describing that feature on another occasion ; and after having revisited it , I hare still that impression . But equally certain is it , that the existence of such a lake does not belong to our historical period .
There are important articles in this . number on "The Trade , Shipping , and General Statistics of New _Jlrausiviek , " " The Progress of IVealth i Population , and Trade in Canada , " "Colonial Reform , " " The Sandwich Islands , " " The History and Statistics of _Barbadoes , " and " The Wakefield Theory of Colonisation . " Besides these , there is the conclusion of the "Narrative of a Steam Yoyage , from Southampton to St . Lucia , " and continuations ofthe " Account of the liberated African establishment at St . Helena , " and ' ' " Reminiscences of the 'Island of Cuba . " Several of these articles are very entertaining , whilst all of them abound in information most useful to the statesman , the colonist , and the emigraafc . Prefixed to the present number is a well executed map ofthe Cape of Good Hope , illustrated with views , and containing much interesting information .
Tiie Connoisseur: A Monthly Record Of Th...
TIIE CONNOISSEUR : A Monthly Record of the Fine Arts , Music , and the Drama . August . London : E . Mackenzie , 111 , Fleet-street . This , though the fifth number of the Connoisseur , is but the first we have seen ; and if we may judge of the publication by a solitary copy , we should pronounce it worthy the public ' s patronage . _ Perhaps there is an allowance of gall in the editor ' s ink somewhat more than necessary , but we are bound to add that impartiality and a stern love of truth seems to guide him in all his decisions—he may be mistaken , but , it is our belief , is in no instance wilfully unjust . . . . „ . . The contents of this number consist of critiques on the "Westminster Hall Exhibition , " the " Past Concert Season , " "Class Singing , " and "The Drama : " together with articles entitled " The
Tragedian , " " Musical Sketches , " " The Discovery of Nineveh , " " The Royal Academy , " and some titbits of literary , musical , and theatrical gossip and chit-chat . We have been the most impressed with the article entitled "The . Tragedian , " which is a truly clever and original composition . The opening remarks in the critique on " The Westminster Hall Exhibition" have our warm approbation . The article on " The Royal Academy" administers a severe but well merited rebuke to a certain would-be Sir Oracle in all matters connected with tlie Fine Arts , which it is hoped that person will profit by . Punch has given him a cudgelling two or three times of late , but he appeal's to be all but incorrigible ; still we hope for amendment . In the article entitled "The Drama" a well merited tribute is paid to the now first of tragic actresses Miss Cushman . Of this lady ' s remarkable likeness to Ma ' _cbeadt , the writer
says—None can witness this lady ' s performance without being struck by the resemblance of , not only her countenauce , but the tone of her voice , and many of what we will call her mannerisms , with those of Mr . Macready . The similarity is more remarkable than any we have yet observed between individuals not having some relationship with each other : and , but that we have reason to believe the lady has approached her thirty-fifth summer , aud our veteran tragedian to be not much beyond fifty , we should suppose them to be something nearer than cousins . As it is , we must conclude that similar physical formation in features and organs of sound have facilitated the natural tendency to imitation on the part of the lady , in adopting the peculiarities of one in whom she must havo met , for the first time , a mind , temperament , and energy , congenial with her own . \ f c cave not how soon we see them together .
With the wish expressed in the last sentence we cordially concur . In a notice of " Sadler ' s Wells Theatre , " there is alsoajust compliment paid to Air . PnELrs , with every word of which we heartily agree . Tliis number of the Connoisseur is illustrated by a copy from a painting by Murillo ( a lithographic gem ) , and an original ballad by _Cbivelli . To all overs of the Fine Arte , we _rccwauieiul the _Connoisear .
The Miners' Advocate - July, August. New...
THE MINERS' ADVOCATE - July , August . Newcastle-upon-Tyne : M . _Jivle , Side . These two numbers of the Miners' Advocate contain several excellent articles , together with _^ povts of Miners ' meetings , correspondence , & e . . » je nnd in the July number a paragraph from the . introduction to Hood ' s "Lav of the Labourer , " which we give below . That paragraph appeared in this paper at the time wc gave the Lay of the _Lctfcotirer , but smee then poor _Hoon has departed from this life , folloivetl by the sorrowful regrets of millions of his countrymen and countrywomen . The paragraph given below , written when he was on his death-bed , becomes tliercfore doubly interesting , and we hesitate not to repeat it in our columns . Was it word for word inscribed upon his tomb , poor Hoon would need no othei epitaph , its every word is true as truth itself : —
tbomas noon . As my works testify , I am of the working class myself , and in my humble sphere furnish employment } mauv hands , including paper-makers , draug htsmcni engravers , compositors , pressmen , binders ; folders , and stitchersaud critics—all receiving a fair day ' s wage for a fair day s work . My gains consequently are limited—not nearly so enormous as have been realised upon shirts , slops , _slmwls , & c ., curiously illustrating how a man or a woman might be clothed with curses as with a garment . My fortune has been expressed without a long row of those ciphers-
those O _' s , at once significant of _hundreds of thousands of pounds , and as many ejaculations , of ' pain and sorrow from dependent slaves . My wealth might all be hoarded , if I were miserly , in a gallipot or tin snuff-box .. My guineas , placed edge to edge , instead of . extending from the Minories to Golden-square ,. would barely reach from home to Bread-street . My riches would hardly allow me to roll in them ; even if turned into the new copper mites . But then , thank God , not one reproach clings tomy . com . M- teats ov blood clogs the meshes ; no _»«*> , p lucked in desperation , is knitted with the silk of my lean purse * K » cwsv _' mn $ h ; e sempstress con point * t me her bony
The Miners' Advocate - July, August. New...
fore-fin _„ 'er and say , "For thee , « nwo _mrdtui'VAvna . ibm , I an > become thi 8 . Jiving , skeleton ! " or . hold up her fatal needle , as one _threugb _. the _. eye ,, of , whieh ; the scrip _, tural _camd-must-pass orVX may hope to ' enter , heaven , Jfo withored . workwoman _^ shaking at' me- _'her ' suicidal looks , can cry , in < a piercing voice , "For theej - . and for sis poor pence , I embroidered eigl ] ty = flowers on -this veil?—literally a veil- of tears .. . _Jfo- _' famishinglabourar , his joints racked with toil ; hblds-out t & rne in the palm of his hroad hard hand Severn miserable shillings , aiid mutters , "For these , and a parish _Ioaf ,, for six long long'days , fronvdawn till dusk , through hot and . cold , through , we _. t and dry , I tilled thy land ! _"' My short sleeps are peaceful ; my dreams untroubled . So ghastly phantoms with reproachful faces , aiid silence move terrible than speech , haunt my quiet pillow _.
The Mysteries Of Paris - By Eugene Sue. ...
THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS - By Eugene Sue . _Feci _^ e ' sEdition . London : Clark , Wanvick . lane ,. l aternoster-row . Two . or . three weeks ago Ave briefly notieed this work ; we now return to it again : we propose to give _, a few , extracts from ifc'when we can find room . The following affecting story ( which we have been compelled to somewhat : curtail ) ' . of the heroine-of . the work scarcely , exaggerates , . we fear , the sufferings borne by thousands whom society ( in England as well as France ) permits to be trained in ignorance , misery , and crime : — _TUE _STOlMft 0 V . 1 A COnUECSE . "Begin with the beginning , " said the Chourineur . " Yes , your parents'"added Rodolph . " I never knew them , " said Fleur-dc-Marie . "Who brought you : up , then , Goualeuse _? " - asked Rodolph . . _,
"I do not know , sir ;; as-far back as I can recollect , when ! tliinki was about seven or eight years of age , 1 lived with an old , one-eyed woman , whom they call La _CRouctt , * because she had a hooked nose , a very round green eye , and altogethenrescmbled an owl who bad lost an eye . This one-eyed old . woman , sent me to sell barleysugar at night on the Eont _j _' cuf ; ' hut that was only a cloak for begging ; and when 1 did not take her ten sous at least , the Chouette gave me a beating instead of my supper . " - '' : / : ¦ ; ,: "So , " said the Chourincur ,. " you danced instead ! of eating , when you did not pick up ten sous V " ¦ Yes , and afterwards- had to lie upon some straw spread upon the groundj where I was almost perished with bitter cold , "'
Fleur-de-Maric resumed : " Tlie next morning , the oneeyed woman gave mc the same allowance for . breakfast as for supper , and seat me to _Alontfaugon to look for worms to bait fish ; for during the day the Chouette kept her stall for selling fishing-tackle by the bridge of Notre Dame . For a child seven-years old , half dead with hunger and cold , it is a long way frem the ! Rue de la _Jfortellerie to Montfauson , I used-to return very , very tired ; then about noon tho ' Chouette would give me a little piece of dry bread . " ' * All ! " said the Chourineur , " we all know what it is to be miserable , " ; "Oht it is impossible you could ever have been as wretched as I was , Chourincur ! " said _Fleur-de-Marie .
"What , notly . Goualeuse ? Why _. mygirl , you were a queen compared to me »¦ At least , when you were little , you had straw to sleep on , and bread to cat ; fov my part , I used to spend my most comfortable nights ill the lime _, kilns at Clichy , like a genuine vagabond , aiid fed upon cabbage-stumps and such-like dainties , which I picked up when aud where I could ; bat as I was often too tired , aftcrmy day ' s dance ,, to , go so far as / the lime-kilns at Clichy , I slept under the eaves at the louvre ; and in winter I had beautiful white sheets—whenever the snow fell . ' ? " Ah ! a man is hardy jbut I was a poor little girl , " said Fleur-de-Marie . " When La Chouette beat me , the first Wow always knocked me down ; then she stamped upon me , muttering , 'Ah , the nasty little beast 1 she hasn't a farthing _' s-worth of strength—she can't even hear a couple of thumps without falling 1 ' and then she called me Pegriotte ( little thief ); I never had any other appellation —that was my baptismal name . "
" Just like me—I had the same baptism they give to stray dogs . I was called'Thing ! ' 'Animal ! ' or 'the Albino . ' It is astonishing how much we are like one another , my girl , " said the Chourineur . " That is true—in our misery , " said Fleur-de-Marie . "And when you had fetched the . worms for the Chouette , what did you do next ? " asked the Chourineur .. _•'¦¦ .- " ' . _- ' ; ' "Then tho old woman would send mo to beg round where she kept her stall till night ; and in the evening she went to . the Pont Neuf , to sell her . fried fish . Heavens ' . I used to think it a long time to wait for a morsel of bread ; but if I was unlucky enough to ask the Chouette for something to cat / she would beat me , and say : ' Get ten sous !
andyou shalbhave your supper , Pegriotte . ' Ah , , me then , being hungry , and sore from the thumps and kicks she gave me , _i cried as if my heart would break ; but the old woman put my tray of barley-sugar about my neck , and placed me on the Pont _tfeuf , where , in winter , I was almost frozen todcath . Yet sometimes , in spite of myself , I slept as I stood : but not long , for the Chouette kicked me till I awoke . Then I remained on the bridge till eleven o ' clock _^ my tray of barley-sugar hanging round my neck , and often crying bitterly . On seeing me cry , the passengers would sometimes give me a trifle ; and I often obtained ten and fifteen sous ; which I gave to tlie Chouette , who searched me all over , and even examined my mouth , to see if I had concealed anything . "
, Y » cll , whcn she discovered the secret of my success , she always beat me severely before she took me to my post On the bridge , in order that I . mi ght cry and sob as people passed by , and by that means get more money . At last I got hardened to blows . I saw that the Chouette was very angry when I did not cry , so , to be revenged upon her , the more she ill-used me the more I laughed , though the pain brought the tears into my eyes . " "But did ' not . : the . barley-sugar tempt you , my poor Gouaieuse !"
" Ah , Chourineur , that it did ; but I never tasted it , although I longed to do so . Alas , that longing was my ruin . One day , returning from _Montfaugon , some little boys beat me , and took away my basket . I returned home , well knowing what was in Store for me ; I had a merciless thumping , and no bread , In the evening , before 3 he took me . to , the bridge , the Chouette , furious because I had taken nothing home the evening before , instead of beating me as usual , to make me cry , tortured me by pulling the hair- from the side of my temples—a part most sensible to pain . "
"Thousand thunders ! that was coming it too Strong ! shouted tlie bandit , striking the tabic fiercely with his fist , and knitting his bushy brows ; " Beat a child—that ' s not out ofthe way ; but to torture her ! Blood and thunder ! " r Rodolph had listened attentively totlie narrative of Fleur-de-Marie ; he now looked with astonishment at the Chourineur , this outburst of feeling astonished him , " What is the matter with you , Chourineur ? " he inquired , ; " What's the matter with me ! Have you no feeling , then 1 That beast of a Chouette , who tortured this child ! Is your heart as hard as your knuckles V "Go on , my girl , " said Rodolph , without noticing the interruption of the Chourineur .
" I have told you the Chouette beat me to make me cry , I was then sent to the bridge with my barley-sugar . Tlie old woman was at her frying-pan , and from time to time she shook her clenched fist at me . However , as I had not broken my fast since the night before , and was very hungry , atthe risk of putting the Chouette in a passion , I took a stick of _bariey-sugsr , and began to cat it . " "Bravo ! my girl . " " I ate a second piece-r- " " Bravo ! Liberty or death !" " I found it very nice ; not so much from daintiness as from real hunger . But an oranse-womnn cried out to the one-eyed woman ; ' nolloa ! Chouette , Pegriot e is eating your stock in trade ! ' It was a serious matter for me ; but that was afterwards ; for the old woman , although boiling over with rage at seeing me devour the barley-sugar , could not leave her frying-pan , for the fat was boiling .
"At a distance she threatened me with her long iron fork . When her fry was cooked she came up to me . I had only received three sous in charity , and I had eaten six sous _^ worth of barley-sugar . She did not say a word , but took me by the hand , and pulled me away after Ucv . At this moment , I knew not how it was that I did not drop dead with fright . I remember it as well as if it were but now—it was about New-year ' s Day , and there were many shops on the Pont Neuf , all filled with toys , and I had been _, - looking at-them all the . evening with the greatest delight—beautiful dolls , little furnished houses : you know how amusing such things are to a child . " " And had you never any playthings , G oualeuse V asked the Chourineur .
"I ? Good heaven ! whojwas there to give me any playthings ? " said the young girl , in a sad tone . " However , the evening passed away . Although it was in the depth of winter , I only had on a little cotton gown—no stockings , no shift , and the wooden shoes on my feetthat was not enough to stifle one with heat , was it 1 Well , when the one-eyed woman took me by tho hand , I became bathed in perspiration from head to foot . What frightened me most was that , instead of swearing as usual , She only kept on muttering between her teeth . She novov once let go my hand , but made me walk so fast—so very fast—that I was obliged to run to keep up with her , and in running I lost one of my wooden shoes ; , and as I did not dare to say so , I followed her with one foot naked on the hare stones , and when _wereached home it wascovercd with blood . "
"Wc lodged in a garret , in tho Rue de la Jfortellerie : adjoining the entrance to our alley' there was a dram-shop . ' ; The Chouette went in , still dragging me by the hand , and . drank a half-pint of brandy at the bar . At length , we got up into our loft ; the Chouette dbuhle-locked the door ; I threw myself at her feet , and begged her pardon for having eaten the _barley-sugar .. She did- not answer nie , and I lieaid her mumbling to herself as she walked about the room : What shall I do to-night _to-thisPegriotte—this little thief of my barley sugar ! Let me see—how shall I servo her ¦ out ! Ah yes ! ' And then she stopped _tclc-ok at mo maliciously with her one green eye ; while I still knelt before . I , e V-J . _^ _- en _suflflenly . tho old woman wcn . i to , a shelf and took down a , pair ' of pincers , _to- ' take o ' utone ol my _teetU . " ' ¦ " ¦ _¦ ' .. - _' - ¦ .- ' _¦ ' -. . ..- ' ¦ . ¦ -. ¦; ,- ¦; - ¦ _;; _:.- ¦ .. ., ¦ _.-. ( - „ X , "
• i !« 8 lle reall y _^^ ont _. your tooth , my poor girl ? asked Rodolph ;; whilst tha Chourineur -vented his _ragoin a volley of the most violent epithets .- . . :. _- . '
The Mysteries Of Paris - By Eugene Sue. ...
» Tl « _Qwl
" Yes , sir - but not at the first pull . Great hearenhow > I su & redl ! 8 he held my head between her knees , as if "it : had beea in a vice . Then , partly with the pincers , and partly- witli her fingers , sheputled out my tooth , and then _ssid—» _' & s >\ v , Pegriotte , I will pull out one of your teeth every , day ; and when you have no more left , I will tlirowyou . infotho river , to bo eaten by the fishes . '" "Ah ? the old'devil ! to wreuch out a poor child ' s teeth in that manueii l" exclaimed tho Chourincur , with redoubled fury * . The day . following poor Qoualettsc ran away ; when night cam © on she hid herself in a timber-yard , where she slept 1 .. Next day about noon she was scented out by a deg _/ and the alarm was raised of " thieves" in the yard .. Hearing a child cry , the dog was called off , and _the-poor child had to come out of her hiding hole : —
"I saw a _^ MufElooking gentleman and a man in a blouse . ' Ah , what _do-you- do in my timber-yard , yon little thief V said the gentleman in a menacing tone . I put my hands together , and said : 'Pray don ' t hurt me : I have had nothing to catfor-two days , and I ' ve run away from tlie Chouette , who . pulled out my tooth , and said she would throw me _to-. tlie fishes . Not knowing where to sleep , I was passing your yard , I have slept during the night amongst these logs , under this heap , not thinking to hurt anybody . ' _'liih not to be deceived in that way ! You came here tostoal my wood . Go and call the police , ' said the timber _merchant to his man . " The result : 4-
"Iwas taken to- the-magistrate , " resumed La Goualcuse . " I accused - myself of being a vagrant , and they scut me _to-priaon .. I was taken before the court , and formally sentenced as a roguo and vagabond , to remain until I _was-sisteeu years of age in a house of correction . I heartily thank the judges for their kindness ; for in prison I had food ) . Ewas not beaten , and it was a perfect paradise compared to the miserable loft of' the Ghouettc . Moreover , in prison I learned to sew ; but , alas ! _In-as idle : I ; _preferred singing to working , and particularly when the sun- , was shining . Oh ! when it sbenc brightly in the court-yard of the prison , I could not refrain from singing ; and then , while I sang , I fancied I was no longer a prisoner . It was after I began to sing so much that they called me Goualcuse instead of Pegriotte . Then , iwhen I was sixteen , I left the prison . At the door I ; found the Ogress of this house , with two or three old _. vromen , who had come to see some of my fellow prisoners , ' and who had always told mc that when I left the prison ' they would find ma some employment . "
"Ah , good- ! ' good ! I understand , " said the Chourineur , "' Jfy pretty little maid , ' said the Ogress and the old women , ' will you come and lodge with us ; we will give you nice clothes ,, and you shall have nothing to do but to amuse yourself . ' But I distrusted them and refused , saying to myself _t ' I know how to use my needle well , and I have two hundrel francs by me . I have been eight years in prison , I should like to enjoy myself a littlethat will not harm anybody , work will come When the money is gone , '' And so I began to 3 pend my two
hundred francs . Ah . ' that was a sad mistake , " added Fleurde-Marie , with a sigh , " I ought first to have got work : but I hadnt a soid on earth to advise me . A girl , sixteen years of age—thrown as I was on the streets of Paris ; one is so lonely ; hutwhatis done is done . I have acted ivroiig , and I have suffered for it . I began then to 3 pcnd my money ; first , I bought flowers to put in my room—I do so love flowers ; then I bought a gown , a pretty shawl , nnd took a walk in the Bois de Boulogne , and I went to St . Germains , toTincennes—in the country ! ' Oh , howl love the country !
Most of her money having vanished , poor Goualcuse began to think of getting work . Sue had reserved fifty francs to keep her whilclooking for employment ; but this she expended on a miserable woman who craved her help in the hour of extvemest misery . Goualcuse ' s money . was now all gone : — _-.- ""¦ :, " Thsn I looked out for work ; but it was too late . 1 was a good needle woman . I had good courage , and thought that I had only to wisli for work and that I should get . it . ' . Ah . ' how I deceived myself . ' I iron tin to a shop where they sell ready-made linen , and asked for work , and as I would not tell a story , I said I had just left prison ; on which they showed me the door , without making me any answer . I begged they would give me a trial , but
they pushed me into the street as if I had been a thief . Then I remembered ,-when too late , what Kigolettc had told mc . I sold my small remnant of clothes and linen to obtain food , and at length , when I had nothing left they drove me from my lodging . I had not eaten for two days ; I did not know where to sleep . - Then it was I met the Ogress and one of the old women . Knowing where I lodged , they had been continually haunting me from the time I came out of thepvison . They toldmc they would get me work—I believed them . They led me witli tlicm ; I was so exhausted for « _-snt of food that . I hardly knew what I did . They gave me brandy to drink , and—andbehold ! ¦ " said the wrctchedcreature , burying her face in her hands .
_Rodolph had listened with deep interest to this recital , made with such touchingfranluiess . Misery , destitution , ignorance of the world , had destroyed this wretched girl , cast at sixteen years of age , alone and unprotected , on the wide world at Paris ! Rodolph involuntarily thought of a beloved child whom he had lost—a girl , who died at the age of six years ; and who , had she lived , would have been like Pleur-de-Marie , sixteen years and a half old . This recollection' painfully excited his solicitude for the unhappy creature , whose melancholy history he had just heard .
Pubmcatioxs Receiven.—The Ballad Poetnj ...
Pubmcatioxs RECEivEn . —The Ballad Poetnj of Ireland—Clarke ' s Wandering Jew , part 1 .
Roval Meanness.—It Seems From The Debate...
_Roval Meanness . —It seems from the Debate on the Si'pplics , that Kings , and Emperors , and Royal Princes , when they come to this country , do not pay their own travelling expenses . John Bull is called unon to pay for turnpikes , stokers , equerries , boots , _gfasses of brandy-and-water;—in fact , everything . Now , this is too bad ! Not only does an autocrat come to England when he is riot wanted , but we are actually forced to pay for the very ship that brings him to us . It is just as if a " sponge" were to dine with you on a Sunday—eat and drink as much as ho liked—stop all night—and then ask you to pay for his omnibus home , and for the cab that brought him to your door ! Wc vote that if the Emperor of Russia comes to England again , he ho allowed , like a commercial traveller , so much a day for travelling expenses ; and if he has a sandwich and a glass of ale beyond that , he must get his Chancellor of the Exchequer to pay for it . 11 " the Emperor does not like this arrangement , wc are glad to . tell him , he has his remedy—he needn't come at all , —Punch .
The Cnowx Is Danger !—On Saturday Aftern...
The Cnowx is Danger !—On Saturday afternoon , immediately after her Majesty had delivered 'her speech , and was in the act of quitting the House of Lords , the Duke of Argyll , whose office it is to bear the velvet cushion on which the crown is placed when her Majesty is retiring , stumbled , and the consequence was that the crown fell off the velvet cushion on the- floor . A number of the jewels fell out of it , and it was otherwise much injured . The jewels were all picked up and handed to tho noble duke . On the accident being made known to her Majesty she expressed her concern that his grace should have met with the slight accident , but was glad he ' was not hurt .
Small Debts Act . —On Tuesday the act-for the bettor securing the payment oi ' small debts was issued . In every stage ofthe measure alterations have been made , and it was only on receiving the Royal assent on Saturday that it was known that further corrections could not be made until Parliament again as .-semblcd . There are twenty-five sections and four schedules in the act . Singularly enough , it dates its operation just twelve months from the passing ofthe act which liberated some 'hundreds'of poor persons who were in custody for sums not exceeding £ 20 , and prevented the incarceration of some hundreds of others for like sums . It will be well if a reaction docs not
take place , and creditors proceed to extremes , under the provisions of the now law . Debtors may now be induced to " make their peace" with their creditors without putting the machinery of the new law into operation . The general effectot ' the law appears to bc , that a creditor who has obtained a judgment , or any order for payment , from a competent court , for any sum not exceeding £ 20 , can expeditiously and cheaply summon a debtor , to the Court of Bankruptcy , or Court of ltcquests , provided the latter is presided over by a barrister , special pleader , or an attorney who has been ten years in practice . The debtor may be examined as well as the creditor , and , should the debtor fail toattend , or make a satisfactory answer , or shall appear to have been guilty of any
fraud either in the removal of his goods or the contraction ofthe debt , he may bc sent to prison for a period not exceeding forty days , which'imprisonment is not to- extinguish the debt , nor is it to be got rid of by an order from the Court of Bankruptcy or Insolvent Debtors , but tlie judge who sent him to prison may order the discharge , on satisfaction being made bv the payment ofthe debt and c :. sts . One of the last Amended amendments states that the actual necessaries of the debtor shall not be , seized in execution , and allows him goods , tools , & c , to the value of £ 5 ' . Tho jurisdiction of the inferior , courts may , by an order in Council , bc extended to £ 20 , and all such app lications must beadvertised in the London Gazette _consideredfitnesses
one month before thoy are . ; -- ' not attending when summoned may be fined £ 5 , 'to be enforced iii like manner as payment of any debt recovered by a judgment . There is power given to ; execute warrants against the persons or goods ol . a , debtor against whom an order has been obtained , not , withstanding the removal from the jurisdiction ofthe court in which such order wasobtained . , Ihe act is only to apply to England . Tlie forms to be used and the fees to be charged arc set forth in the schedules of the act . Creditors and debtorsmay be . toown lawyers in the matter ; Provided the smalldebts courts are extended arid presided over as mentioned , _yeiy few actions will be brought in the superior courts for amounts _undergo . The act took effect from Saturday last .
Tit $I&
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; Reform Of The Bar.-Wc Arc Happy To Sta...
; Reform of the Bar .-Wc arc happy to state that the barristers of the Oxford Circuit have , at length , resolved to vindicate the _^ dignity of the Bar , and to show a bright example to the whole of their silvertongued and unsophisticated brethren , . rhey have come to an expressed resolution that it is ueneatft tne character of any of them " to report law proceeding * fofthe press . " And following up this beginning in the right path ,- they have also resolved , that if it shall happen that any counsel receive a retaining fee to conduct a case which , from apress of business , he
shall be unable to advocate , it will henceforth be considered a breach of the merest cvery-day _honestly not to return the money . Indeed , it is said that this resolution is to have a retrospective effect , in which case considerable sums must bc paid back . We shall be happy to advertise the day on which learned gentlemen propose to disgorge . —Punch . InisiiSEcnEsr . —Mr . Sonicrs , the pugnacious Irish member , who sent his challenging missive to Mr . Roebuck , endorsed it , "private and confidential ;" whilst at the close of the epistle he informed the honourable and learned member that ho had " sent a copy of it to the Horning Chronicle !"
Amiable Simplicity . — " Miss Brown , I have been to learn how to tell fortunes , " said a young fellow to a brisk brunette ; "just let mc have your hand if you please . " "La ! Mr . White , how sudden you are I Weil ! _igo aud ask nana . "
IT SPOILS A MASf TO MABBr HIM ( From an American Paper , ) Believe , dear girls , this maxinvtvue ,
In precept and m practice too : The truth I dare avouch to you , It spoils a man to marry him ! The creature never ought to go Beyond a honeymoon or so . Survive ho that , why then he'll show-It spoils a man to marry him ! When pleading , knooling , at your feet , Ilia words , how bland : his looks , how sweet Eternal love your ears doth greet—. It spoils a man to marry Mm ! "With kisses sweet consent he'll wring , And get your finger in a ring ; And then—he ' s quite another thing—It spoils a man to marry him J Have you a doubt—a fear : then drop it ; A wish , ' a will , a fancy—lop it ; Pause when the _question he doth "pop it , " Ere you consent to murry him I
But should you daring venture , then , To choose the worst or best of men . AVhy then , nine cases out of ten—It spoils a man to marry him ! The - "Last-, of ins Race . "—When the Earl of Sunderland resigned office in the reign of Queen Anno , the Queen offered him a pension of £ 3 , 000 a year ; . but the Earl replied , that if he could not have the honour to serve his country , he would not incur the infamy of plundering it . Wc wish a few of our modern Peers were equally upright . . A . Suohi DiFFEnEKCE . —A pompous fellow made a very inadequate offevfor a valuable property , and calling the next day for an answer , inquired if the owner hail entertained his proposition . " No , " re plied the other , " but your proposition has enter tamed mc . "
Metaphysics Defined . — A Scotch blacksmith , on being asked the meaning of metaphysics , explained it as follows : — " When the party who listens dihna ken what the party who speaks means , and the party who speaks dinna ken what he means himscl , that is metaphysics . " Benefit of Drugs . —A physician , who had drugged a citizen's wife , who had died , to his great astonish * men t received a'hundred guineas from the ineonsolablc widower . " Alas ! " cried he , " what should I have profited had I but saved the lady ! " " Be not distressed , " replied the citizen , " I should not have given yen a farthing . "
A Quaker Woman ' s Speech . —Dear friends , there arc three things I very much wonder at . The first is , that children should bc so foolish as to throw up stones , brick-bats , and clubs into fruit-trees to knock down the fruit—if they would let it alone , it would fall of itself . Tho second is , that men should be so foolish , and even so wicked , as to goto war and kill one another—if they would let one another alone , they would die of themselves . And the last thing I wonder at most of all is , that of young women—if they would stay at home , the young men would come after them . ..
Benefit of _Couasia . —The uses of cross-examination were rather unmercifully exposed by Judge Parke , upon the trial of some rioters , when a learned gentleman , concerned for one of tiic prisoners , asked some questions affecting another man who _hadTno counsel employed . " Ho is not your client , " said the judge . " He is mine—do not hang my client , whatever you may do with your own . " This was passing sentence upon the unfortunate pleader / at all events . ¦¦ _'¦' . " _Faih o . v doth Sides . —How often hare we heard that England ought to bc grateful that she has allouse of Lords ? If any reason were wanting , here is one —A Peer said , in a debate about Mr . Barry ' s ncverto-be-completed Houses of Parliament , " The walla of tho House of Lords will be so thick , that it will be impossible to hear anything that takes place outside . " Now , how grateful every Englishman will be
if this advantage should bc proved to be not all on the side of the Lords \—lhinch . Repijovixg the Follies o THE Age . —When anyr thing very outrageous or ridiculous is built , it is generally called in the neighbourhood "A Folly , " Thus we havo throughout England a number of architectural absurdities , known as " Barnes ' s Folly , " " Joxes's Folly , " " Thompson ' s Folly , " < fcc . But the greatest lolly of all in the building way is unquestionably Trafalgar-square . Might it not be called henceforth " England ' s Foi . lv _V '—Ibid . A Capital- Investmkxt . —Wc print the following fact for the sake of persons , possessed of large property , who arc fond of speculating : — " On Tuesday , July 29 th , there was a debate in the House of Ldrds , and Lord Brougham never spoke a single _% vord . " We should like to have the sums of money that will be offered in a few years ior a newspaper of the above
date—Ibid . Hearts , Hands , and'Smlm . vos . —Daniel O'Connell , the other day , addressing a mob which he had convened at Galway , is reported to . have expressed lihnsclf . as follows : — " I want every man's shilling , and I will tell you why ; because there is a heart and hand behind every shilling . I want the hearts and hands of every man . " W e have no doubt that Mr . O'Connell wants every man's shilling ; and we wish wc could say as much of every other assertion that has been made by that gentleman . In particular , we should be very glad if we could believe the sequel to this . very statement . How dilliciilt it seems to be to the Agitator to utter an entirely credible sentence ! lie says that he wants every man ' s shilling , because there is a heart and a hand hehiud the coin in question . O'Conneil is not a simpleton , whatever lie is ; and wo are sure that it is no nonsensical reason for which he wants every man ' s shilling . Every
man's shilling would come to move millions ot pounds sterling than we are in a position to reckon . A great many people besides Mr . O'Connell would be glad of every , not to say . any ,. man ' s shilling . However , when His Unacknowledged Majesty tells us that lie wants the hearts and hands of- . every man , this , again , is a declaration which wo can receive , with some little allowance . Wc take it that lie wants the hearts and hands as represented by tho shillings . Shillings , wc presume , are , according to Mr . O'Connell , counters that stand for hands and hearts . But is it absolutely necessary that those counters should be silver ? Would not bone be less expensive to the poor Irish . —Hid . _Goino to he Buriki ) . —A poor Irishman passing through a village near Chester , saw a crowd approaching , which made him inquire " what was the matter ? " He was answered , "A man was going to bc buried . " " Oh , " replied he , "I'll stop to sec that , for wc corn / them in our country . "
A Poktical Lovkii . —A young poet in Cleveland , Ohio , has fallen in love the second time . It may be true that " true love never yet did run smooth , " but this can't be said of his poetry : —
o wunst i luvd a nuthcr girl Ilur name it was _murvhic-v but betsy dear my lov for u is m times more higher . Adaptation to Circumstances . —One Ilcrr Vonn Scheldt , a German , was breakfasting with a fellow of Worcester College , in company with the Revs . J . H . Newman ,-F . Marriott , and other eminent divines . The conversation turned on the different . -religious observances of different countries , and' the duty of conformity . " Och Gott , " said lien Vonn Scheldt , " venlam in any contree , I tink itmadutee tobe of de religion of dat contree . Yen 1 am in Italy I go to mass , I go to confession , I am of do religion of de Roman _Catholiquc . Yen I am in Turquee , Itririk no vin , I marry four wife . I am of dc religion ot de Turque . . Ven I am in England , I trink portvin ; I say "Gott tam ; " I am of dc religion of de Engiishc . "
A "Deaf" Junon . —Rather GnEEN . —In tho Nisi Prills Court ; at Bridgcwater , on Tuesday week , a juror appeared iri the witness box , arid claimed exemption on , the ground of deafness . ¦ Miv Baron Piatt , in a very subdued tone of voice , interrogated the deaf ' iin . "How long havo you-been deaf ? " inquired the judgo ; The ' juror iinbesita * tingly answered " Two years . " . ' J he judge , ; ' _m- ' _-a much less audible tone— " How was your _deaTriess caused ?"—Juror ( without evincing the least difficulty in hearing ) : " I caught _asevere cold . " —Judge ( in a voice almost reduced to a whisper ); " Don't you think your deafness is cured ?"— " No , my lord , " answered ; tho _nnsnspecting _^ urymfln . — _'t Oh , ' you'll do very well sir , " replied his lordship , amidst roars of laughter .. . ... ' . _, -. ; > . _- ' ¦ -. ¦ ' *' _, ' . ;'; . { -No-Room . — "Owing to a crowd of other matter , we are unable to make room for it ! " as tho editor _atrthe dinner-table replied ; when-he was requested to take some pudding .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Aug. 16, 1845, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_16081845/page/3/