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_MAXUFACTDIIIXG CUTLER , ESTAMJsnEn 1 S 05 , JVear tiic Church , Kensington . tf _^! _MtBEKEnS'i _' ruuii . g , Grafting , and _BuadlngKnives _\ £ in Sheath , Is . CeL each ; shut ditto , 3 s . each . "T hc-e knives arc made of the best materials ; I al-• ways use them . - * — Tide the late Wm . Cohbett in his English Gardener . Eckes , Hoe . * - , anil Gardening Tools of _fwy description . Best made Razors , Black _ITandl « s Gs . the case , or 3 s . each ; mocnted in Ivory and ailrer ditto , 10 s . the case , or 5 s . each" ; Good Black Handled Knives and Forks , lis . per Dozen ; Ivory Handled Ditto equally reasonable . _HiCHAsnsox's _Xewlt-ixves-ted Ksife Bozkds _, warrantee ! to keep Imivcs with -j _goo-i edge and clean , and also to give the forks a fine polish between the prongs . Ilirec-foot BoaTd ? , cased wit n Leather and Cutlers' Composition , 5 s . Cd . each ; Gardeners' Ditto , is . By enclosing a Test-office order prompt attention may he relied on . Goods sent to any part of the world . X . B _. _Wholesale and RetaiL
COALS . PROVIDE FOR _TYIKTER . PEOTIDEXT FAMILIES , _subscribing ls . per week to the Metropolitan Coal Company ' s Shilling Club , can obtain four half tens annually , without further charge , -fines , ic . The _Compan / _s'PrJM enrrent is , Best Screened "Wallscna , 2-5 _s . perfuiltaa ; Scconds , _* is ., 22 s ., and _2-5 s ; CaUe _, 17 s . Gd . Office , 279 , _Bigl ! _JToILom .
CHEAP , ELSGA 3 ST , -ANB EXPEDITIOUS PHI 3 _STING . _COMMITTEES , _llanagsrs of Exhibitions , € _oncertrsoms , _Th-jatres , Be » i _< StSocieties , and public bodies generally , wiii find it mntli to their advantage lo give tlieir orders lo T . _STtf-ITEIt , 3 and 4 , Cirarch-row , "Betfcnal-green , London . Cards , ls . per hundred ; Handbills , bv ' fcfi-iE ; twenty tfeausand , 2 s . per thousand ; _Tost--Dg-hilis , vs . per hundred . Orders fi _* o ; n the country , coif : aining -a remittance , promptly Attended to . Goods _deUtTercu-within five naies of London . _Crre' jocr orders te T . Stutter , S and " 4 , "Church-row , Bethnal-srcen , and sav * at least fifty per cent
LIGHT , VENTILATING , FLEXIBLE VELVET HATS , 13 s . _"TJEKBjNG'S _PatsatVentilating _. _Plesililellats maybe JL - obtained in Beiw , Silk , aad Telvet , from Ss . Cd . to * 21 s ., in upwar Js of one hundred different shapes , to suit contour- Also ths . best livery Hats at 36 s . ; Youths' and Gentlemen's Hatsand Caps of erery _di-scription . —CECIL DOUSE , 83 , Strand , and 251 , _Kegcnt-street . £ 3 " Copy tlie address , aud buy where you can he well
_GENUINE TEAS AND COFFEES FOR THE MILLION . jffhe cheapest place in London far Teas and Coffees is at tbe _Warebotsc _, 21 and 25 , Kegent Street , "Westminster , near the-Vauxhall Bridge Koad . FjpnE Proprietor , 13 . WAB _, > IC \' _GrTOX , tahes thisoppor . -i tuuity to return thanks for the liberal support he has _^ received since be opeued the abave _premises ; and to those -who haveiietyctf : iYouvedhim _* rith then-patronage , E . \ Y . . most _strou-rly solicits a trial , feeling assured that tlie articles sold , at the warehouse , both in price and quality , -niil- j _^ ivc _maiversal satisf _ticlion . Goods in any quantity _sent free to all parts of London and the suburbs ; and persons in the country , hy remitting a l _' ost-oflice order , _will-Sud their instructiens faithfully attended to .
WEST HIDING OF YORKSHIRE . Adjournment of tlie Midsummer Sessions for tlie Trial of Felons < f-c . 1 " 4 jOTIC 3 IS HEREBY GIVES , tliat the Midsummer i . _^ General Quarter Sessions of the Peace , for thc West Hiding ofthe County of "i _' ovk , will be holdeu by adjournment , at Wakefield , on Wednesday , the Tenth day of Sc _] _itembsT n-cst , at _Ti-ai o ' clock in the Forenoon , and by uriher _adjonnimiat from _tlience will be liolden at Shtfiichi , oa Friday , the Twelfth day of the fame month of September next , at Half-past Ten o'clock iu lhe _Fore-E _*> on , for the Trial of Veious and Persons indicted for _Misdemeanors , when all Jurors , Suitors , Persons who stand upon 1 'ecojnizance , and others having business at the said Sessions , arc required to attend the Court . Prosecutors nnd _Witnesses hi cases of _i'elony and . _Misfencanor _fro-n the Wapentakes of _Staincliffe and Eircross , C _. aro , A : _nsly , Agbrigg and jlorley , Skyrack and _Bailcstonasli _. _iinist attend tlie Sessions at Wakefield ; and those from the V . ' apontakcs of SlraSorth and Tickhill , Os . _solucroES au = l _Siai-jcros ? ., _bein- _*; tlie remainlier of tlie _"lYesi Hiding , must attend the Sessions at Sheffield . C . IT . Elsixv , Clerk of thc Peace . Clerk of Use Peace ' s _OlHce , Wakefield , 13 tli _Ainrmt , 1815 .
TO THE _"WOKiCING _CLASHES . _IMI'ORTANT TESTIMONIAL . ' We are always * jrat : fi _;* d in noticing the laudable exertions •>; t :: c industrious and provident among our _fellonr-tili-urers ia the > _.. _? _ial vineyard , to avert from _tUeaiEviv-3 and _f-iuiiiits , as far as human foresightmay < _io , _xlic _cn _! a : _ii : ti * _-r = _stiea _= l » _lit 112 . 1011 all _olil aire of destitution _, o ; ' a pe'riod ol " _wc-trisuinc inactivity and _uselcssv . es 3 , thro : ! _sh = i ' - _* hi _* . c--Sei _* _ace- _* . dent ; and we will venture to say , _tlict up to tbe sstreaie limit of what is called the middle _ilais of _society , taere is no _method so likely to attain 1 : 1 s object as the _irtstitutiem of securely based iiv . iljndielously regulated Benefit Societies . _Ouraite-n _tie _> a was so : _* .: o time _sii : e-e called to the subject by thc _proeeeSia _^ of one accorunnt Willi our views , enrolled Tinder the title of 'THE _PiOYAL OAK BEXEFIT SOCIETY , ' and _established at the Mitre Tavern , St . jIartmV-hn » . The advaui . _ijes proposed to lhe members appear to be calculated upon a seals of liberality tliat rc- ; uire * ar . u deserve * _extensive r . _u-iport . From _lha _re-valr «« f _<* ar csaMinnl : oa of tlieir rules , aud the tatisKrtory _wjOanaiious * rive ; _i as regards their practical _vperaiions , wc do not now hesitate to recommend the _Mu-lrir to every _industrious and prudent man as _highly u-.-cerrin . ff _attcatswi , whether viewed wkh ie ;" crcate ie : U immediate or i » s prospective advantages . _"—«> ri . v _^/ _tCS wafcSf , Hard :, 1 _SS 3 .
AMERICAN EMIGRATION OFFICE , 36 , 'Waterloo-road , Liverpool . THE Subscribers continue to despatch first-class Packets to NEW YORK , BOSTON . QUEBEC , MONTREAL , PHILADELPHIA , NEW ORLEANS , _ajad ST , _JOHN'S , _>* . B , They are also Agents for the Ifew Line of New York Packets , comprising the following magnificent ships : — Tons .. To Sail . Hottikgueb 1150 ...... Gth September . _Liveepool 1150 Cth October . vf ho have also , For Xew York ...,,,... St . Patrick H 50 tons , ,, ,, o Republic 1100 „ ,, ,, Umpire 1 ' 200 „ ,, ,, ... Sheffield 1000 „ „ Boston Lama 1000 „ „ _PliiL-iatlphia Octavius 800 „ „ New _Orleans Geo . Stevens 800 „ „ „ Thos . H . Perkins ... 1000 „ Passengers going to the Western States and Canada can know the actual outlay to reach any important point on the Lakes sad Hirers by obtaining one of Tapscott's _Emigrant's Travelling Guides , which can be had by sending postage stamps for the same to George Rinpard and Son , and "WTifcim Tapscott , as ahove .
NOTICE TO EMIGRANTS . TiHE TJndcrsisued continue to _engage Passengers for _First-Class Past-Sailing AMERICAN PACKET SSKPS , which average from 1000 to 1500 Tons , for the follewing Ports , -viz .: — NEW TORK . BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , NEAV ORLEANS , BALTIMORE , BRITISH AMERICA , & c . Emigrants in the country car engage passage by letter addressed as underneath ; in _wh-eh case they need not be ia Liverpool until tlie day hefore the Ship is to sail ; and tkey will thereby avoid detention and other expenses , besides _jecHrinij o _elicaper passage , and having the best berths allotted to them previous to their arrival . Por further particulars applv , post-paid , to JAMES _BSCKETT < fc SON . North End Prince ' s Dock , Liverpool .
_EMIGRATION TO THE GAPE OP GOOD HOPE . 1 _? REE PASSAGE ; under tlie sanction of Government . The _undersigned are authorised hy her 3 Lijesty's Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners to grant a free passage to the above eminently healthy and prosperous Colony to married Agricultural Lahourers , Shepherds , Male and Female Domestic and Farm Servants , Bricklayers , Carpenters , Masons , and Smiths , of sober and industrious character . The demand for labour at the Cane is urgent , and is well remunerated in wages , provisions , clothing , and lodging . All particulars will he furnished on application , personally , or hy letter , to John Marshall and Co ., 2 C , Birchin . lane , Cornliill , Loudon ; or 70 , High-street , Southampton .
EVERY MAS MAY nAVE A nOOSE OP HIS OWN •? _ec 3 n _< l Stcbonhcafli . Provident Investment Association , TO ADVANCE MOSEY to MEMBERS to BUILD or _ PURCHASE PROPERTY upon the Security ol thc Property Purchased , the rent of which will aid in re-paying the amount advanced . TE . USTEES . J . E . Bromley , Esq ., 7 . Rodney-terrace , Bow . It . E . Valmesley , Esq ., 'Ii , New-road , YYhitecbapel . G . F . White , Esq ., 45 , Gloucester-terrace , Commercialroad . "W ith twenty Directors ( who act gratuitously ) . FIFTH SUBSCRIPTION Payable at the GEORGE INN , Commercial-road , Stepeny , on FIUDAY , 3 rd October , 1 S _15 , at 7 p . m . The Entrance Fee will bc 5 s ., at the meeting , and still further increased as tlie Society progresses . Near 400 Shares Registered , and £ 7 S 0 awarded to Shareholders . Read the Rules which have been greatly improved , and additional facilities given to Purchasers . Redemption Money ceases at the end of ten yours . Members assisted to Buy at Auctions . The Widows or Children of Members may withdraw all the subscriptions paid in . £ i per cent , discount allowed on all Subscriptions paid in advance . Prospectuses ( gratis ) , by sending stamp for reply , to Mr . E , J . SOUTHWELL , SO , JuDilee-street , Stepney .
EXTRAORDINARY ECONOMY TO TEA DRINKERS . _HpnE DESIRE OF ENGLAND . —The PIQUA PLANT , JL now sold at 3 s . Gd . per lb ., is three times the strength of tea , and is also equal in flavour , more delicate in taste , iuSnitely more healthy , as is proved by physicians and chemists of high standing , also hy persons in great numbers with the most delicate lungs and stomachs . It is mt _> st pleasant and invigorating , and is recommended to the debilitated for its invaluable qualities , to advanced age for its strengthening properties , and to the public generally for its moderate price and intrinsic excellence . _Tns Test . —The proof of the efficacy and healthful effect of the plant in preference to tea or cofll-e : —Let a nervous or dyspeptic patient use two or three cups of strong tea upon retiring to rest , and thc effect will be night-mare , disturbed sleep , and other violent symptoms of indigestions , & c . The _Pjioof . —Let the most dehilitated , dyspeptic , asthmatic , consumptive , aud nervous patients us . e two , three , or more cups of a very strong infusion of the Piqua Plant , and iu the morning they will awake refreshed with their repose . It is highly recommended by physicians to invalids and children as a most invigoratiug and pleasant beverage . The . following are reasons why the _Phjua Plant is superior to tea , viz .: — 1 st . Because it is beneficial to health . 2 nd . It docs not injure thc nerves . 3 rd . Children may use it with advantage to health . 4 th . It docs not prevent sleep _, ath . A quarter of a pound will go as far as three quarters of a pound ofthe best gunpowder tea . Gth . It is strengthening aud nutritious . 7 th . Itis recommended hy physicians , and tea is disapproved of by them . It greatly improves the voice ; it is recommended to singers and pontic speakers . TESTIMONIALS . 50 , Edgeware-road , July 1 st , 1 S 13 . Sir , —The beverage under the name of Piqua Plant I have drank for some time . It was first recommended to my notice as a salutary beverage by a friend , who is a great dyspeptic , and I have since recommended it to several patients suffering from chronic affections of the digestive organs , heart , and lungs , with manifest _advantage . —I am , sir , yours , ic . To Mr . Wm . Evans . Jons _Butast , M . D . . 1 ? , _Louther-strec-t , Whitehaven . Sir , —I ain nearly out of the plant again . My sale has doubled since I sent the last order ; indeed , it is fast finding its way among sonic of the he * st families in thc town , and is highly approved of . Please send me _531 bs . immediately . —Yours , very respectfully , To Mr . Wm . Evans . " J . _EorsiEAD .
_"TuIE variable state ofthe WEATHER has produced X the numerous cases of Jmv fever and debility existing at present , and is a sure indication of habitual costivc-51055 , caused generally hy want of care in attending to tlie state of ihe digestive visceral _m-sans . Tha onlv reni remedy in such cases is LORD ELD OS'S APERIENT PILLS , which have been the means of positive cure to ina-.: y thousands ; they arc peculiarly adapted for persons of both sexes who arc of sedentary habits , they are patronised by the nobility and gentry , audare the mildest and most efficacious medicine extant . Sold in hoses at Is , _nd-. _ils . Od ., and 4 s . fid ., by Messrs . Earelayt . ndCo ., 03 , _Farringdon-stree-t ; Sutton and Co ., 10 . Bow Church-yard ; Newbury , 4 C > , and Edwards , G 5 , St . Paul's ... Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; and by : ail _respectahJs _Druggists and Medicine Venders in the kingdom ; and wholesale at 13 , Great St . Thomas Apostle , _London . testimosiaii to ionn _ntnox ' _s riT , LS . Sir , —I have subjected to a careful chea . ieal analysis the Fills _prvpared by you , and iind them to consist of ' - ¦ Svc hial hut safe aperients without any mercurial preparation whatever . Tout ? , Ac , A . URE M . D ., F . R . S . 13 , Charlotte-street , Ecdford-scuare , London , *
A HINT TO THE ECONOMICAL . . . _gj . Thirty per cent , saved . ALL Persons who wish tc save their money , will purchase their HATS at DUNN'S MANUFACTORY , 62 , Chiswell-street , Finsbury , where there is only one profit from the maker ' s hand to the wearer ' s head . SilU Hats from 2 s . 0 d ., Beaver ditto from 3 s . 8 _Q . All goods warranted to be made from the best materials .
- COLOSSEUM . PATRONISED and visited hy her Most Gracious MAJESTY and his Royal Highness Prince ALBERT . - OPEN DAILY from Ten till Six . Pronounced by the Press , and confirmed by every visitor to be the most perfect triumph of Art in its various branches , both by Day and Night , that has ever been achieved . Equal-to six exhibitions . The Glyptotheca , containing works of the first artists ; Mont Blanc and Mountain Torrents , Superb Conservatories , Gothic Aviary , Classic Ruins and Fountains , Panorama of London , re-paintcd by Mr . Pan-is , « fcc . Admittance , 3 s . Children , half-price . The Stalactite Caverns , the most magnificent of all the temples which nature has built for herself in the regions of night , ls . extra . EVENING EXHIBITION , Open from Eight till Eleven , consists of an entirely new panorama of London by night , erected in front of the day picture , the largest in the world , comprising 46 , 000 square feet , projected and carried out hy Mr . Vf . Bradwell , and painted by Mr . Danson and Mr . Telbin . The Caverns , Mont Blanc , and Torrent fry night , the Glyptotheca and refreshment saloon , brilliantly illuminated , forming a promenade perfectly unitpie . The whole exhibition designed by Mr . Bvadwell , Admission at the door 5 s . each . Family tickets to admit four persons , at 4 s . each , _tc-bahad at tha Keith . Lodge , _Uc-losseuwi , _ftc-m Ten to Six : and at all the principal Librari ~*> and Musicsellers .
HARE ON SPINAL DISEASE . THIS day is published , price 2 s . Cd ., CASES and OBSERVATIONS illustrative of the beneficial results which may be obtained by close attention and perseverance in some of the most chronic and unpromising in . stances of spinal deformity ; with eighteen engravings on wood . By SAnoEt Habe , M . R . C . S . London : John Churchill , Princes-street ; and may be had of all hoohsellers .
TIIE QUEEN ! TRIUMPH FOR TnE PICTORIAL TIMES . ' THE FULL LENGTH _rOItTUAIT of Her Ms . _(^^^^^> josty QUEEN VICTORIA in _l ||| f | pNEr her Robes of State ( size 20 in . ( _JSe _^ S $ aW _^\ by 15 _^ ' ex _9 ui 5 ite , _y engraved , J _^^^^^^^ _giL ond equal to prints Sold at _a _^ V _^^ lf _^ f _^^! Five Guineas , will be issued _vWfte | _- _# _PS on SATURDAY , SEPT . 20 th . _^ P | f _^ _fe _^ £ _g | il _^( The Pictobial Times of that M _& M _^ 0 _* _$ _^^ Wi § k . aaywil 1 also eontam an or '" _^^^ m _&^ _mW g ' mal History of the Iilustri" _^^^ Bli _^^^ ' ous House of Brunswick , with _*^^^ _P _^?^ Illustrations of the principal NSr * / ' _- '' _"" events of the present reign , _3 pL beautifully engraved .. . J _^ _tgttt EVERY LOVER of liis _^^ SOVEREIGN and COUNTRY SHOULD POSSESS THIS . GRAND NATIONAL PICTURE . Orders ouhgt to be immediately given to any Bookseller or Newsvendor in the Kingdom , The Price of the Engraving , with the paper , will be One Shilling , or both can be forwarded free of expense to any party remitting 13 postage stamps to tlie publisher , C . E vaks . OFFICE , 351 , " STRAND , LONDON . '•
• WEST _^ RIDING OF YORKSHIRE . WAKEFIELD ADJOURNED SESSIONS . N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the Midsummer General Quarter Sessions of thc Peace , for the West-Riding of the County of York , will be held by adjournment in the _Committee-Room , at thc House . of Correction , at Wakefield , on Thursday , the 18 th Day of September Instant , at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon , for thc purpose of inspecting the Riding Prison , ( thc said House of Correction ) and for Examining the Accounts of the Keeper of the said Ilouse . of Correction , making Enquiry iuto the conduct of the Oflieers aud Servants belonging tlie same ; and also into the behaviour of the Prisoners , and their Earnings . C . H . ELSLBY , Clerk of tho Peace . Clerk of the Peace ' s Office , Wakefield , , 1 st _SeDtcmber . 1815 .
JUST PUBLISHED , In one volume , foolscap 8 vo ., neat cloth , priee 7 s , 6 d ., THE PURGATORY OF SUICIDES : A Prison Rhyme : in Ten Books : BY THOMAS COOPER THE CHARTIST ,. J . How , Publisher , 182 , Fleet-street . 6 _^ Orders from the Country to he sent through the Booksellers .
Ire Northern Star. Satuitday, September 0, 1315.
Ireland Ruined By " Small Farms." The Se...
IRELAND RUINED BY " SMALL FARMS . " THE SECRET DISCJ . OSEB : _HOAV TO GET TO " LIVE COMFORTABLY AND WELL . " A week or two ago , in an article explanatory of the system of tenure that exists in the Island of Guernsey , and its beneficial effects in causing the whole _Islo to be cultivated like a garden , we combatted thc objection with which [ the advocates for a similar use of the soil in this country ave constantly met by those whose interest it is to keep the manufacturing labourmarket over-stocked , that they may give to labour as small a " SHARE" of its own productions as an
active and unnatural competition of labourer with labourer for a crust of bread will enable them . That objection is : " Do you want to make a Ireland of England ? Is not Ireland tho country of ' Small Farms V And what has tbe small farm system done for Ireland ? Is not the Irish the most miserable people on thc face of the earth ? " That objection we met , on thc occasion referred to , by adducing thc case of Guernsey , where thc Small Farm System entirely abountls ; where the average size ofthe farms is five acres ; where there are no lurgafarms ; whe * rc there are no laws of primogeniture nor hews of entail- ,
where the texuhe is as SECURL to the holder and to his posterity , as if the fee simple was his own where every yard of ground in a farm is turned to good account ; where there is every inducement to farm , hi gh , and adopt every improvement in culture , because the benefit accrues to those ivho labour ; where plenty and substantiality everywhere abound ; where " machine-breaking , " and " rioting , " and "SWING " are unknown ; and where every one is happy and contented in his station , because he enjoys the fruits ofhis own industry : we say , wc adduced this case of Guernsey , where tiic small farm s \ _ste-m is iii full
operation , and where these things arc IHE RESULTS of that system founded on a just tenure ; wo adduced this ease in answer io _those who point us "to Ireland" for "an exemplification of tho system of . _smnu . f & YTivs , " _sm \ contended that , it was not thc small farms in Ireland that had reduced , or tended to reduce her people to the awful condition they arc found in , hut tlie want of thoso nEQuisirEs to all successful funning , whether on a large or small scale—security of texure and a fair rent . Since then our position has received a remarkable confirmation , with which we , on the present occasion , intend to make the reader _aenuaintcd .
During thc last two years wc have olten had to paint to the fact—the great fact—that tho Cvndition-of-England question , has forced itself on the attention of ali classes in _sosaety ; and more especially on tliosc who Hue without producing . Tbe day of rampant authority and supercilious _bull-frogism has gone by ; and the erg of thc hungry is no longer met with thc insulting toast : "the land wo live in ; those that do not like , damn ' cm , let ' em leave it . " There is now a sober earnestness exhibited in the bearing anil conduct of a great portion oi the " upper " and " mideile" classes ; and the toil-worn complainers
are not novo met on every hand with thc unjust designation of "disaffected ragged rabble ; " much less have wc _gagging-biils , and power-of-iinprisoiiment biils , and SIX ACTS , brought in , and hastily-passed , to put down the efforts of labour to make its wrongs known . On thc contrary , there is an evident disposition on many hands to listen to the talc of woe that the producers have to relate , and to turn tho eyo of searching inquiry into such a channel , that thc actual condition of the labourer shall be manifest to
all . Of this fact , thc numerous efforts to improve thc sanatory condition of our large cities and towns is a proof . Thc inquiries that have been instituted on this head liavc _brouslifc wealth in actual contact with squalid poverty , and ' caused it to stand aghast at the horrid realities it found in _existence . Thc facts it thus became acquainted with it published for tho information of otheiv , Thoso facts were of _sostai'tlingand alarming a nature , Unit thoy arrested much of public attention , —meaning by the phrase
Ireland Ruined By " Small Farms." The Se...
" pubhe" in this case , those who are ' well-to-do . It is true that a , fear of thfi consequences to themselves from the awful state of things disclosed , was a great prompting cause to sympathy and _actionj for fevers and epidemics aro not confined to the quarters of the poor when they break out with violence : but still that anything would arrest the attention of these classes , and cause them to ascertain something of the condition of the workers , with a view to melioration , is proof of a better feeling than that which obstinately met all complaint with insolent denial , and all effort to better a miserable condition with the dungeon and the hangman ' s halter . Of this fact , too , the conduct of the tress affords conclusive proof . Let
any one but contrast the tone and tendency of the Times NOW with the "bloody . old Times" of lSlf-18-19 : and the Times even of 1 S 30-3 L In the difference between the two , they will sec a world ol progress ! In 1817 the Times was tho abettor , the constant inciter of gagging Acts and suspensions ofthe Habeas Corpus Act . It was the constant bawler for coercion ; and it acquired its characteristic cognomen , "Old Bloody , " from the ferocity with which it constantly sought the blood of tho Reformers , who were then doing what so many parties are now obtaining credit for doing , —turning attention to the wrongs and woes of the labouring many , and seeking to secure for them a greater " SHARE "
of tlio good things they cause to bc . There was this difference between the efforts ofthe Reformers then and thc efforts of the new-born converts now ; that had the advice of the Reformers been followed at the latter end of the war and on the occasion of peace , mast or tiie evils that have since scourged its as a nation would have been unknown ; and instead of the middle and upper classes awaking to-day to he humiliating conviction that poverty and its attendant misery is the lot of those who produce all the wealth , and that our " high state of civilization " is but a volcano , which may any day burst forth and bury the whole social fabric in ruin , they would have been a portion of a happy , powerful , and
contented people . In 1830 , tbe Times was still the " bloody old Times" to tho agricultural labourers of Hampshire and Wiltshire , when poor Cook , of Milcheldever , was HANGED for striking at Bingham Baring , without doing Mm any harm I and when scores of fathers and sons , whom want had driven to desperation , were transported across the seas . Again , in 1831 the Times was true to its "old scent of Wood " when it called for . bludgeons and brickbats to put down thc procession of Labour ' s sons to the Minister , to obtain the release of the poor illegally persecuted and transported Dorchester labourers J But now , liow changed 1 Aim ; the _Condition-of-England question is " tho great card" of thc Times—its
distinguishing characteristic . - Ever since thc passing of the Poor Law Amendment Act , it has set its face against the hard-hearted Malthusian doctrine of which that detestable measure was an embodiment . The necessity , that the Times was thus under to meet the sophistries of the " _feclosaplucal" school , rendered it incumbent-oil its conductors to make themselves acquainted with facts ; and particularly with the facts as to the condition of those for whom thc "tender mercies" of the New Poor Law wore intended . Hence we have had the Times sending its "own correspondent" into disturbed portions of thc country , to inquire on tho spot , not only into the immediate moving causes of thc particular
disturbances , but also into the actual condition of the different classes in the neighbourhood ; and how far the social oppressions inflicted by the rich and endured by the poor had led to the outbreaks which made property insecure . Hence , wc had the Timcs ' s correspondent in Wales , attending on tho efforts of Rebecca to make the wrongs of the Welsh farmers known to the world ; and he so far aided Rebecca as to make tho world familiar with a ease of gross oppression that excited general astonishment . Hence also we had tho same " correspondent" in Norfolk and Suffolk , when SWING at the beginning of this year seemed inclined to renew the times of 1830 , when fires blazed nightly in
every county in England—fires raised by a maddened " peasantry "—maddened by having to take with thorn to the harvest-field " cold potatoes in a bag , " and by the prospect before them of having to entirely subsist on Irish diet ! Hence wc have since then had that same " correspondent" in the Highlands of Scotland , pointing out thc beauties in tho " management" of the Duko of Sutherland—tho mode of " clearing estates "—and the consequences to the sweeped-off poor , and to the nation at large . And hence we havo now , this same " correspondent , "dignified with the title of "Commissioner , " —in
derision of the circumscribeel Inquiries that Government now and then institute , —travelling through Ireland , and giving to the world the results of his observations on the condition of that most oppressed , most trodden-down people—laying bare the sources of that oppression—and indicating means that must alone be adopted to remedy a state of things which arc awful to think of and dangerous to continue . It is from the inquiries of this " _Commissioner" that we derive the confirmation of our position , regarding Ireland aud the small farm system , spoken of in a preceding paragraph .
That confirmation we shall now give . We liavc to premise that it was in the county of Cavan , where Molly Maoihre has been somewhat busy , that " Our Commissioxku" commenced liis observations : and it is to that county in particular thai the following extract refers : — It is the object of my present letter to endeavour to prove liy evidence , wliii _* _li it will be difficult to dispute , that the source of til ! mischief in Ireland—the real _origin of every _elisteu-bauce , aud of almost every crime , is the want o / _cn-. _ployruent : The commissioners recently appointed to inquire into the occupation of hind in Ireland , in their report , page 11 ,
state" Whatever difference of opinion may he put forward or entertained upon other points , the testimony given is unfortunately too uniform in representing the unimproved state of extensive districts , tho want of employment , and the consequent poverty and _hardships under which n largo portion of the agricultural population coutineially labour . " Thc obvious remedy for this slate of things is to provide remunerative employment , which may at once increase the productive powers of the country and improve tho condition of tlie people . " Let us , however , examine , and endeavour to prove to _pUiwYcaw-w ttv , \ ttWs is _AwiwtontttBUWttl ' tVi ' i , _Awddejwv _. O . on no opinion . It is necessary , first , to see what is the field of occupation which the people have '—what is the scope for their industry '' . _—ivli-tt the outlet for their natural increase ?
( flic Census _CommuiMOticrs of . 1811 ( _ii-itfell ) state the _natural and uniform rule of increase of the fixed population to l > ol 2 percent , in the ten years from 1 _SU 1 to 1811 : yet the positive returns show an increase in the resident population of little more than 0 per cent , [' and they account for the remaining increase of 7 per cent , hy estimating the draughts from Ireland , driven out to seel ; employment elsewhere , at 572 . _. i (! 4 ; and thoy thus compute this enormous number from their _reairns : —
From 1831 to 1 S _11 . Emigration to the colonies - 42 S _. _-171 — Great liritain - - 1 M-SH Recruits for the army .... _g-f _. MH ) — Bast India Company 0 _. 0 S 0 072 , _4 _'J-t So that we ' not only have Great Britain finding cmplovment annually I ' m- upwards of _ST _. UlKl harvest labourers , but also for an increase oi IOf _. SH labourers , permanently settled in Great _Jlrltain hi ten years ; and the whole mini _, bcr of persons of Irish birth dwelling in Great Jlritaii ! , iu 3 nne , 1811 , is stated to have been -ilO , _25 B . ( Census _, paste 10 . ) •
So that a- million of the papulation of Ireland of the _jiresoiitgcnernlion is permanently squeezed out of Ireland by wi ' _iit of cmplo . nacnt , and driven to search for a livelihood in Great liritain and our colonies , over and above the annual swarm that migrates during the harvest time . As neither trade nor manufactures , nor agricultural labour , apart from I ' m occupation of the land , ean give wor !; to inoreashur population , ami to those out of _employment ( and with ' work of course the means of subsistence " ) , and as _fuur-fifi ' _is of the amount of existing employment or 79 per cent ., is derived from the occupation of land / for tiie most part in patches of from one to fifteen acres , it necessarily follows tliat the _struggle of the mnjoWtv ofthe
increasing population will bc for thc occupation , of " such a patch of land . jSs land also docs not increase , but the population dues , and the ociv . palio ; i of land is _nuai-lv tils only means of employment , and therefore of _sub-dstorce" which thc country affords , it follows that as uo _ponuhu tion will starve without desperate efforts , or enm-nte without struggles against this desperate Yemen-,- _lier-lv as intense , the obtaining and retaining possession of ° V"h u patch of lam ! are objects which enlist the _strniu'estot human motives—tho _sti-ujrgle for existence It " is ex _igtouee witli a patch of laud : it is s _fnrvation . ' without it Every passion-every instinct of the human heart-is roused to obtain and retain possession of the patch of _l-md — the means of existence ' . *
Jfr . _Nichols , the f'or . v f , aw Commissioner in his _<* _,., t report , hi ItKd , as to tha propriety of c _? tablishing " iw Laws m Ireland , thus writes : — e u « T ho * _uhdh-U .: i of mo land into small holdings having destroyed the regular demand for labour , th « _o-dv protection agaiust actual want , the onl y means bv which
Ireland Ruined By " Small Farms." The Se...
a mau can procure food for his family , is by getting and retaining possession of a portion of land ; for this he has _strifsled—for this the peasantry have combined , and burst through all the restraints of law and humanity # * # # Land to them is the great necessary of life . There is no hiring of servants . A man cannotToUl . 1 i his living as a day labourer . Hq must got possession of a plot of land , on which to raise potatoes , or starve It need scarcely he said that a man will not starve so long as the means of sustaining life can be obtained by force or fraud ; and hence the scenes of violence and bloodshed which have so frermently occurred m Ireland . " -
In this town from which I write ( Cavan } I am informed , on the best authority , and from several sources , that the labouring men of the neighbourhood—those without land —arc unemployed nine months in the year ; aud that there is general cmplovment for them only during tlie spring , and nt harvest time . I am told that , except during these periods , from thirty to fifty may bo seen at the market cross every morning , unemployed , waiting for a job , and that there is no demand for tlieir work . During harvest their wages are ls . _. _-uday . During the rest ofthe year the usual wages are Sd . a-day , without food , or 4 s . a-week : They have to pay 25 s . to 30 s . rent for then * cottages , and if they rent a patch of land manured , or eon-acre , tor potatoes , they pay £ 8 an acre for it ! The evidence before the Land Commission as to the county of Cavan show ;! this . . Four" shillings a-week for three months in the year for a man and Us family to subsist upon . ' . ... , Can we wonder at the desperate intensity of the struggle for hmd-at thc passions which are roused ut being
dispossessed , with this only resource of slow starvation , of scarcely animal existence—as the horrible alternative _t From various motives , the propriety of which I will not now step aside to inquire into ; some from _ the conviction of its absolute necessity ; some from a desire to consolidate farms and improve cultivation ; some , itis said , from motives of bigotry , iu order to substitute tenants ot one faith for those of another ; some because they had a turbulent tenantry ; somo because they could get no rent , landlords have continually ejected tenants without providing them a substitute for the means ot existence which ilie _patch oi land afforded them . What I wish now to confine attention to is tlie hare fact of an ejectment , and its consequence , without reference to any motive whatever whicli may have caused it . Tlie Land Occupation Commissioners quote the evidence _ of Dr . Doyle before the select committee of 1830 , to inquire iuto the state of Ireland , as to the effect of these ejectments , from whatever cause they may proceed , it wilt " ° * _" _««» quotedin p . ' J ofthe report of Lord Devon's commission : —
" It would be impossible for language to convey an idea of the state of distress to which the ejected tenantry have been reduced , or of tho disease , misery , and even vice which they have propagated in the towns wherein tlicy have settled ; so that , not only they who have been ejected have been rendered miserable , but they have carried with them , and propagated that misery . They have increased the stock of labour ; they have rendered the habitations of tliosc who received them more crowded ; they have given occasion to the dissemination of disease ; they have been obliged to resort to theft , and all manner of vice and iniquity , to procure subsistence ; but , what is the most painful of all , a vast number of them have perished from want . '
Need we travel into _thcolosical strife , or into political crotchets _. a bout Repeal ; need wo examine into the Catholic faith , or into questions about Protestant . ascendancyinto the necessity of general endowments—in order to seek an elucidation of the cause of outrages m Ireland , with these facts before us 1 Ejected from his land , without other means of living , the Irish tenant is rendered desperate by thc prospect ot starvation . Turn whichever way he will , an impossibility _. of obtaining subsistence faces him . Need we wonder that outrages and combinations to resist ejectment , even to death , grow up from such seed ? ,..,,. Now , what is the " Mollt Maguikeism" which has disturbed this county ? It is the same as " P . ibandism , " say lhe magistrates , in their placards offering rewards tor the apprehension of " Molly Maguires . " well , what is "Kibandism ? " In the evidence taken before a committee of the Ilouse of Lords , upon the state ot crime in Irelandin 1830 at
, , „ _„ ,,. Question 500 G . Major Brown ( Commissioner of Dublin Police ) savs , " * Eibaiidism' is of the samo nature as « Whitefootism . '" - _„ , 10 , 230 . Mr . Seed ( assistant of Mr . Geale , of the homo circuit ) says , "itis ths same as ' Blackfootism '" 14 _. 44 S . Mr . Kathbone ( stipendiary magistrate says ) , " it i * the same as ' Tevryaltisin . '" 9 , 10 S . Captain "Warburton ( stipeneliary magistrate ) says , "it is the same as 'llockiteism . '" 14 , 539 . Sir William Somcrvillesays , " that * Ribandism ' in Mcath is a kind of ' Trades ' -union . '" 14 , 79- ' . Mr . ford ( attorney , of Meath ) gives evidence to the same effect . 8 , 430 8 , 481 . Mr . Barrington says , "' Ribandmen' are tlie same as ' Whiteboys . '" 3 , 611 . Captain Viguoles says , "they are the same as ' Pecp-o ' -day-Boys , ' and that he has never been able to discover any distinction between the Riband Society and the others . "
" Molly Macutheism" then , is , in fact , hut tlie embodiment of t _/ ie spirit o / discontent ; itis an old-existing malady with a new name . True , mosttruft ' . Molly _MiGuiREis « isbut"tlie embodiment of the spirit of discontent , " and can discontent be wondered at , under such a state of things as this writer has described ? Would not the people doomed to starve bc very slaves in soul , if they were not "discontented : " and if discontent be there , will not it naturally " embody itself" as naturally as that fire burns , or that water seeks a level ? Nay , is it not a wonder that discontent has not " embodied " itself lo more _purpose than it has hitherto aimed at ? Not tbat it should bc matter of surprise that human life should be disregarded under such circumstances as the J _/ _mes ' s _Commissioner details , and that " Estateclearing Landlords" should be shot down in the streets like so many dogs , or tho "takers" of " cleared" land burnt to death under the roof-tree of
the house they so occupy . * for bend the mind to a full consideration ofthe whole matter ; sec whole families driven off the only bold for existence they possess ; see them j ; cWff _/«'«(/ on the road-side ; sec aU this , and sec tbe landlord or agent within reach , and then thc surprise will be , not that some one of these is occasionally sacrificed to the " wild justice of revenge , " but that one of the race is left to tell the talc , or that one ofthe " clearance-occupiers" appears above the sod he tills ! Yes ! Molly Maguirgism IS " the embodiment of the spirit of discontent ; " ami so was the cry for Reform in 1817 , which made thc -Kmcs , —who now is the means of uttering a bold and important truth relative to popular disquiet ra its worst roRM , —call for the blood of the Reformers !
So also were the occurrences in "W ales in 1 S _39-40 , as well as those in that country in 1 S 12 , though the Times did its best to get thc noose around the necJc of _Joilv Frost , while it gave utterance to the wrongs of " a class" at the later period , and was instrumental to a change in their condition in relation to their then object of combination and attack . The burnings of SWING in 1 S 30 anei in lS-bl-5 were also " embodiments of the spirit of discontent : " a discontent which is not allayed , but merely smouldering , ready to burst forth again , whenever some act of more than ordinary petty tyranny shall givo tlie " wild justice of revenge "
a direction . If our rulers tiro wise they will ponder well on -ilie great political truth contained in the above few words of " Oua _Commissioner , " and apply that truth to practice , not only to the effectual "putting down" of Molly _Maociueism in Ireland , biifc also tho destroying propensities of SWING in England . Such effectual " putting' down" can only be by removing the CAUSE of the " discontent" of which these acts arc thc " embodiment : " in other words , by _enabling the labourer to enjoy bis fair "SHARE" of the wealth his labour causes to abound ; or , in other words , still enabling him to be " FIRST _yxtrieito- of tbe fruits . "
lielore we depart with " Our Commissioner" from the county of Cavan , where the labouring men are unemployed nine months in thc year , lot us just see whether all the land in that county is fully occupied , either by small or large farmers . The writer says : — The field of agriculture is capable of extension , buth by improvements and by iucreasin :: the cultivated surf . iee . The Land Commissioners state in their report that there ¦ _n-e 7 * 2 , 000 acres ol' _unimjirovcd hind in tho county of divan : that 20 , 000 acres ave capable of improvement tor cultivation , and thijt ' -S , fi _03 _mbiifc be drained fur pasture , _leaving 24 , _0-JH acres on the summits of lofty hills , exceedin ; ' ; _UliiO feet in _elfvation , which may he considered as ine : i | _- iahloofimprovcmcnt ( pii « o _ofl ) . Utit this improvement bar , yet to bet carried out , and tlie more _unumplori-d labourer is not the man who can earn- it out . This source of employment depends on others-on those who have the lands .-mil tlio means , as also docs that perhaps wider source , oi' occupation which improvement in tiie system of _ugricuUiirc would aii ' ord .
Leaving the facts here stated to bc conned over by ttiose who . are _pushed what to e \ o to fine ! employ men t for tho starving Irish , lot us accompany " _Oi-n _Cox-Missioxi-: i' . " . in his search after more facts , n _::-il especially after those which bear upon our view of tiic smallfarm system—or rather no-system—of Ireland . From Cavan our writer went to the county of Leitrim and at Baliiuamore hi that county ho wrote as follows * . — _Tiiis county is iu thc centre cf tlio " Mollv _ilaguire" disturbances . Xuiiierous robberies of ami ' s have taken place , _threatoninn notices have * been common , nnd some very shocking assassinations have been committed in it . Iu the early juirt of lhe year the stipendiary _magistrate of tho district , Captain _ll'i-eod . was shot dead in ' his enclose to the lodge of a gentleman ' s house , where he hid been _diiuti'' near this town .
Vfell , now , hevc the " _Commissiost-h" is , in the midst of tlio small f ; : ras : what has he to say respecting them ? Hearken : — The general rale throughout the coun try—there are _exceptions _, but the genera ! rula _ is , not to give _either leases or agreements , which , as a protection to both landlord and tenant , aro -c _.-p . iivalcnt to leases . Since the _"ivi _* _polita-al struggle previously to the passim ? of the Carbolic U . m : mu ' . juuu . n Act , v . hc-u Hie _landioros were b' -i ' cn tliro . _ttshoutllwi _' _Jinil Ut tha » e _., _cr-, l election , nnrt Y _' _u-ir ( umiutK polled - ; l , m , st t , a -.- . urn against U , cin ill favour ' ., f the iii . vocr . tre oi _Ciiinoiic ema . _uapaii . m , the topic of _i _' lal day , Ui _t _-. m _.-loiMij ten _gezcruUy refused leases . Hut I cy ; i -
Ireland Ruined By " Small Farms." The Se...
_fino myself now to this county , where this is tbe fact . For the most part , therefore , the tenants arc tenants at will . _Toint out any slovenliness to any teuant , ask lum why he does not keep his farm tidy , and try to improve it , his answer immediately is . " What is the use of improving to have it valued on mc at thc rent-day , and be made to pay a higher rentfor it ? " Itis customary here to burn the surface of the soil of land intended to ho cultivated . Tins has the effect of manuring for a year , but leaves the soil afterwards completely exhausted and barren . It will grow nothing for years afterwards but ' ragweed , till natural grass gradually creeps over it again . Ask a tenant why lie does not collect manure through the winter to niauurehis land , instead of smoking in his mud hut , and burning his shins over his peat fire , doing nothing , and he tells you , " What is _theuse of collecting manure to raise a , good crop ? for if thc agent sees it he says , ' Oh , that ' s good land , you must pay more vent for it , ' and the benefit of the manure goes to the landlord , whilst I am as before , kept down
to my dry potatoe and water . " In fact , he practically acts up to the adage , that " it Js better to play for nothing than to work for nothing . " I am informed by those who cannot be mistaken , that if a lease falls in here , the agents ( for there are no resident landlords here ) , no matter bow deserving the tenant may he , conceive thoy have bwt one duty to perform—to got as much rent as they can for tlieir principals . Every motive of self-interest impels them to this , for according to the gucnif ton of rent is the quantum of commission tlicy receive . They immediately advertise for proposals , and tbe land is thus let by tender , _gsnerally to the highest bidder . Any stranger from tbe " black north" ( as they call it here ) , or from the wilds of Connaught , may come in and bid against tbe former tenant _, and outbid the man who made the land . The man who has reclaimed apiece of red hog , or a barren Mil side , whose sons and daughters have often carried blue gravel on their backs to put on land not worth 2 s . an acre , and whose _industry has made it worth 20 s . an acre , gets not a farthing
ALLOWED HIM BV IMS LANDLORD _FOH TUB _IMPltOVEMENTS EFFECTED on nis farm ; and , if he wishes to continue ' ou the same land , he must pay the utmost farthing of rent for that which Ids industry alone has made worth anything , _« mj must BID MOBE FOB IT THAN AST STBAKGEK WHO CHOOSES to compete against _iiui . Iu this way more reut is often offered than the laud eau possibly pay . If you ash nlc man why he bid so much for his farm , and more than he knew lie could pay , his answer is , " What could I do ? Where was I to go ? I know I cannot pay the rent , but what could I do ? Would you have me go and beg V i u this manner the utmost worth of the land , beyond nicro subsistence—I am assured beyond dry potatoes and water —is extracted from the tenants , and the tenants , seeing the inutility of productive labour , so far as they are con .
corned , seeing that whether they work or play thoy get little beyond mere subsistence , settle dowii contcntVitu subsistence . The value * of their labour is not secured to themselves : they have not tho reward of labour ; they do not find their stoek , over and above paying the rent and the cost of their own consumption , increase , no matter what efforts they make . Is it not human nature _tlutfc _those'cfforts , beyond obtaining mere subsistence , which they must and will have , will not , under such _cire-mu . stances , bo great ? I believe I state the opinion of tue most intelligent resident magistracy , "that if something be not dono eve long to raise the condition of tho people and afford employment , tho people cannot he kept quiet , aud that property in Ireland will tie worth nothing . "
liut what can be dpne ? This is a social evil , and tlio remedy must he a social one . Tke Government can do little to remedy it . If landlords will , no matter for what reason , thus act contrary to the plainest dictates of common sense , and , with perfect blindness to _consequences , refuse to secure to men by fair leases or mutually _pi-otccting agreements the benefits of their own imlustrv , and screw out of their tenants the utmost shilling beyond mere subsistence , a badly cultivated country and an impoverished and indifferent tenantry are the certain growing results , which , with " population increasing , without general employment-giving wealth increasing , must inevitably end in disturbances , and iu rendering " property in Ireland worth nothing . "
Iherc , now ; that is Ireland . But is tfmt the small farm system ? Is that anything like the Guernsey mode ? ' There the "bit of land" is as secure the occupier as if it was his oibm . There the rent is a , fair one—not extortionate . _Tiieue the occupier has every inducement to improve : for all lie grows after payment of a fixed rent , is his oiwi , to use and enjoy . In Ireland , however , it is thc reverse of this ; and the pointers to the case of Ireland , as an instance of " what small farms will do for a country , " know this fact very well . They know that a secure tenure loads a man to exertion—spurs on to industry—acts as a powerful incentive : for isderEXDENCE is seen to be attainable , Il' « n 2 of tenure leads , as we have just seen , to the contrary of all this ; creates a spiritless , _s-julless , idle population , subsisting on tho veriest garbage , and content with a mere subsistence of this mean kind ! Thc one is the small farm system : the other is a state of perfect slavery in mind , body , and estate .
One more extract from " Oue Commissioner , " and wc have done with him for the present . He has now left Leitrim , and got into the county of Fermanagh . He dates his communication at Enniskillen , and opens thus : — I address my present letter from one of the most Orange and Protestant districts in Ireland . The town is well built and cleau , the pop illation orderly aud industrious ; the country in tlio neighbourhood tolerably cultivated , aud extremely fertile aud beautiful ; and the small farmhouses as you approach the town from Leitrim neat and cleanly-looking , generally whitewashed over , and
having a well-tnmmecl thatch . Ingns , in his Journey through Ireland , thus speaks of tho town of Ennislcillen : — . " I found it _oiii ) of the most respectable-looking towns I had seen in Ireland ; and its population by far the most respectable-looking that I had anywhere yet seen . I speak , of course , of the lower classes - , and I make no exception of either Dublin , or Cork , or Limerick , or any other place . I saw a population—tho first I had yet seen—without rags ; I saw scarcely a bare foot even among thc girls ; there was a neat tidy look among the women , who had not , as in other places , their uncombed hair hanging about their ears ; and the men appeared to me to have a decent farmer-like appearance . "
lhe same author , in describing the roads from Ballinamoveto this . town , _y-hich route I came the other day , thus speaks ofthe country near Uallinamore , and thence to Eimiskillen . At Baliiuamore" There is a poverty-look about everything . The country is but half cultivated ; and it supports a needy gently , crushed farmers , and a miserable peasantry . After passing Swanlinbar , things improve . Improvement is visible in the aspect of [ the country ; and a decided improvement iii the appearance of the houses and their inhabitants . "
To the general accuracy of this description I can fully bear testimony , Siraniitibar is on flic borders of Ulster and _Connauglit ; on one side ofit is the comity of Leitrim , iu Conuaught ; on tho other thc county of Fermanagh , iu Ulster . Orangemen and Protestants in this country , with more zeal than observation , and very well meaning English Protestants , but often very weak-minded men , on lhe platform of Exeter-hall , ave in the habit of attributing this visible improvement in the province of Ulster to the effect of Orange politics and tho Protestant religion . It
so happens that in Ireland generally Oraugeism and Protestantism , and English or Scotch descent , may bc used for synonymous terms , for thoy are usually embodied in tho same individual—at any rate , this is so in the province of Ulster . If there bc one cltaraeteristh _icltich more Hum _euidther _dUllnguUhes the lower class ef thc Cclih population , IT IS THAT THE ! / USE CONTEST TO LIVE _IliltDLY AND VT 0 S little * . and , if there is any one quality which tiistinguisles the lower class ofthe Saxon race more , than another , it is ( his , thai however lard they may he content to work , they Yi'lLb lite comfortably und well .
It is because the poor Celt is content to put up with Lml faro , and worse clothing and shelter , that he is _moJii to put up with them . It is because the man of Saxon descent WILL live comfortably and well , or if his exertions cannot accomplish this , make his grumblings heard aud fell , that he docs live comfortably aud well . Let any man of observation travel through tin ? G ' o ' tie population of the county ofLciirim into flic ¦ _ifljoiuimr i » isfil _l'opiilation of the county of Fermanagh , and I think ho must be convinced that r « cc _haswvovt to _elo with Uw _ttWtwgiusUuig characteristics of Ulster than cither politics or religion . At any rate , until it is proved that Oraugeism and 1 ' rotestaviism will _atkt six inches to the average _height and proportionate bulk to Iho mon , and tail figures and _sood looks to the women , as well as a better _dvc-SF , I shall continue of opinion that these great _diilerenees in the appearance of the people themselves , as well as the diavrence which may bc observed in their dress , and iu their houses and mode of living , must elderly be attributed to tho characteristics of the race .
Now , there ' s philosc _^ lnj ! There ' s a secret worth knowing ! That beats all thc " useful knowledge " that _Bkouohaji , with , liis "best possible public instructor , " the 7 _' t'KJi p Magazine , h :, 3 taught the people , during ail the years he lias , been dinning it into their cars that " divine _Pi'oviik-vico '' _m-uks mic a lord , and ordained that tlicy should maintain him ' . The " race" that arc " CONTEXT to put up with bad fare and worse clothing and shelter , are MADE to put up with them ; " while those who V . ' ILL live comfortably _; : ml well , or male their grumblings heard and FELT , DO live comfortably and well . " Pray God that'Molly -Magmre may learn this truth ! arid , 0 ! that it may be sounded in thc cars of ilie seven _shillings a-week paid agricultural labourers of England ! _ru _' ay both these belong to tho " race" of gram biers ! and may they both make their grumblings heard and FELT !! if that alone will enable them to live coinibrtablv and well !
Factobt Larouk.—Ay Exajiri.R; Wonrav Or ...
Factobt Larouk . —Ay ExAjiri . r ; _wonrav or _Imita-Io . v . _—Mi'ssi's . Norn ' s , Sylscs , and Fisher , '' ave very k ' uvoAy veu « cci \ the hours of _laV . _av . v at Uicn _cstablisiiftient , _Nc-wtoii-mill , _LIi'uMei'siielil , > mri twelve to eleven hours a day . This _arranireineafc will jiivc tlio TGiuigcr portion of tlieir linm ! s tiic opportunity of _aUcmliii" an evening _kc-hooI , w / _iero _thisv will bc able to receive that instruction r . cec . -sary for after life . Tlio _moa also will have tho I _^ 'n _^ ro of cnjoyinc * more domestic comfort _wil ; _-i " -cii ' respective , _ikmiiics at home . Wc hope- thai " , then . ' _lali'iiu's may in miospoeiftl manner bu _ei'cnvueil wiUi _M' _-vets : _* , ia return for this noble and _piMivewortliv c . v _-rvnrilf . anil that it wiil _indin-ii other _mas-. er _* . to ail on t the s . uuo svstcni . —Leeds Mercv . rii .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 6, 1845, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_06091845/page/4/