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2 THE NORTHERN STAR. __ ¦ Apru, 10, t851
df oreigu inxmiww
FRANCE. M. Fincher, on tbe part of Ul8 n...
JForn'p &i*eelfattg*
A conspiracy has been discovered in Kepa...
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2 The Northern Star. __ ¦ Apru, 10, T851
2 THE NORTHERN STAR . __ ¦ Apru , 10 , t 851
Df Oreigu Inxmiww
df oreigu inxmiww
France. M. Fincher, On Tbe Part Of Ul8 N...
FRANCE . M . Fincher , on tbe part of Ul 8 new minislTy , adflressed the Assembly on Friday last , informing them rtiat their policy would be to * maintain order , ' cause the law to be respected , & c . This declaration was received in silence . M . St . Beuve proposed a renewal of the vote of censure , passed on theBaroche ministry , the present one including that gentleman and others who were in it . The president declared that he would consult the Assembly . Several voices called for the pure and simple order of the day . This proposition , as being entitled to the priority , vsas put first to the vote . The result of the hallat was as follows : —Votes
602 ; for the motion , 327 ; against , 275 . Thus the pure and simple order of the day was adopted by a majority of forty-two , in a house of 602 . This vote was succeeded by a lively agitation , as' the indulgence manifested thereby towards the government was not in the least in harmony with the attitude of the Assembly . The Mountain , with the exception of twenty members , is about to emigrate into tbe provinces daring the Easter recess . The twenty members who will remain will constitute themselves into a committee of prorogation dutiug tbe above period . A dinner was given on Sunday , at the Hotel des
Princes , to Generals Bembinski , and Cbryzanowskl , the former recently returned from Turkey and tbe latter from Italy , by a hundred Polish emigrants . Prince Adam Cztrtorygki was in the chair . Toasts were given to tbe two distinguished guests , and to the fraternity of Sclaves . Count Teleki , the only Hungarian wbo was present , proposed a t oast to tbe Polish emigrants and to tbe memory of Gen , Bern . Tbe whole of the company present loudly expressed their gratitude to the Sultan Abdul Medjid , and ¦ wished for his long reign . They considered that it was owing to the firmness shown by him in defending the sacred rights cf hospitality that they had the
pleasure of again seeing Gen . Bembinski amon g tbem , instead ef bis being now undergoing captivity . An incident highly characteristic of the moment occurred on Tuesday last at the door of the Assembly . As 31 . Baze and a friend of bis were exchanging congratulations on the opening of the vacation , a national guard on duty called out—* Would to God that we were rid of the Assembly altogether 1 ' Upon this the irate qaestor immediately summoned the officer in command and gave the out-spoken national guard in charge . The delinquent was immediately arrested , and committed to the black-hole of the guard-house daring the rest of the sitting .
ITALY . An occurrence iu Ancona will serve to demonstrate the tender mercies of Austrian role , and will be hardly credited in England , where judicial proceedings are public and equitable . On tbe 28 tb of last month , the stick was resorted to , that favourite instrument of Austrian eloquence , in the prisons of Santa Falagia , as a mode of extracting evidence , thus reviving , in fact , the atrocious middle age system of judicial torture . The bastinadoing operation took place at five o'clock in the afternoon , on the persons of two countrymen , against whom , for three months previously , the papal police had
been compiling a series of accusations , without ever being able to bring forward any satisfactory proof of their guilt . The judges not being able to come to any conclusion , for want of evidence , the papal commissary ordered the accused individuals to be handed over to tbe military tribunal , and , according to its directions , the prisoners , instead of being ; set at liberty for want of evidence , were subjected to the judicial torture of the bastinado , in the presence of a judge and notary , who were ready to take down any depositiosis which the said bastinado might produce . One prisoner underwent eighteen blows , and the other five ( fifteen more being reserved for the following day , ) protesting their innocence ail the time . A second sitting of
this singular kind of court was to take place on the 29 tn , at the same hour , when several other prisoners , amongst whom a young woman of twenty years old , accafed of being the lover of one of the accused parties , were to be well beaten , in order to saake tbem furnish , the required evidence , whether true or false . This brutal affair had created such a feeling of horror in Ancona that the British consul had been entreated to interpose bis good offices with the Austrian general and the President of the Tribunal , to induce tbem to conduct their proceedings in a rather more legal form , but up to an hour before the time fixed for the bastinadoing he had been unable to effect anything in favour of the prisoners .
Military executions continue in the province of Romagna , chiefly of countrymen accused of having afforded a temporary asylum to the brigands ; but anymore actual combats between the troops and the remnants of Facsatore ' s followers 3 TB not heard of . The Vice-Brigadier Batiisrini , who commanded the attack which terminated in the Patsatore ' s death , has eobscoaently died of bis weunds . He first fell from loss of blood close to the corpse of the extinct brigand chief , and sooa after expired at the town of Rossi , whither he was transported by bis comrades .
SARDINIA . The' Croce di Savoia' announces that tbe Austrian government has applied for a free passage for its troops over the Sardinian territory , in case of a change of policy in France , end demands fortresses as a guarantee . A bill on municipal reform will be presented to the Chamber in twenty days . SPAIN . Madrid , Aran , 8 . — . The elections for the new Cortes will take place on the 10 th of Way , and the Chamber be convoked on the 2 nd of Jane . The result is expected to be favourable to ministers .
PORTUGAL . From Lisbon , we learn by the Tay , that a revolution had broken out in Portugal , headed by Saldanha , who was in command of about five thousand troops . The government troops were in pursuit of him . The British squadron , which was about to sail , had been detained , at the urgent request of < he Portuguese gorernment . The revolution had arisen for tbe purpose of putting down the government of Cabral .
The Ibena has arrived with dates from Gibraltar to the 5 th of April , and Lisbon , 9 tb , and Oporto , 10 th . The revolution had not extended to Oporto when the Iberia left . The members of the British embassy at Lisbon are stated to believe that the revolution iu Portugal will be a most serious one . Although Saldanha is the idol of the army , the Portuguese court do not fear him so much as Das Aulas and Bauderia , the former being at Mafra , and tbe latter at Saint Ubes . At Gibraltar an action bad taken place between a Spanish guarda costa , and an English smuggler . The captain of the former was killed , and two of tbe crew of the latter were wounded . An angry dispute has arisen in consequence . Monies , the celebrated bull fighter , died at Cadi * .
PRUSSIA . The PfBESian government is preparing a memorial Betting forta its plan Of action in the Federal Diet at Frankfort . The Ministerial paper states that besides England and France , Russia , too , has remonstrated , if not protested , against the Austrian annexation . scheme . Russia has likewise desired that all the German States should accede to the Frankfort Diet Tbe King of Greece has arrived at Berlin . Tbe direction of the police constantly seizes various journals , cad then gives tbem up a day or tiro afterwards , without prosecution ; Tbe « Coo . Etitntion * ' Gazette * is especially an object of this rigour ; for several days its numbers have been sensed , but tbe tribunal has not confirmed the seizure . There is no provisions in the law for this
event . Rumours sre rife of a Ministerial crisis . It Is asserted that the Manteuffel Cabinet will make way * o a combination under -Count Axaim BoilzenbUfg wtutue Batons Bodelsehiang and Usedam for the Home wd Forei gn Affaire . « . J \ * T ^ * ° *• Germa 4 < " *« ° ««» ' *»'" ted Ambassadors of Ea g ! ind and F b - ' mfi d SfSKi ?** " ** ^ ihe Frankfort SrfedwS . « " >«»*>* scheme be pro . Advices from Dresden of the 12 th in « t . f , * . * , * tee Seconded Fourth ftmJSjtfSS races held a sifting 0 « the 11 th fast .
AUSTRIA . It is stated that the Austrian Cabinet U inclined to accede to tte Frankfort Diet . NeverthS , SOHa formal objection will be made to the Piiuiiu proposal ,
BOSKIA . Ouradrices from Bosnia state that all the artil . tay of the insurgents was captured by the Totki at 3 liza . The Turkish General , having divided bii forces into two columns , is preparing to occupy Saajalnkaasd iheBekia , and to pursue the injurgeat » ia Tarfa ' sb . Croatia . In that prariaoe the
France. M. Fincher, On Tbe Part Of Ul8 N...
r ebel chief Ali Redir is endeavouring to recruit his wees . Dates from Bosnia , April 4 , state that Ibrahim Kaplc , the head of the rebels of Krania , has been killed on his flight from Banjakula . The report is that he was shot by two hired assassins . This is the end of tbe rebellion . Ali Pacha , the mighty dreaded , deposed vizier of Herzsgorinia , has been shot accidentally . Not far from Banjaluka , a shot was heard in the camp of the Serasquer . A loaded gun , SO goes the story , had fallen from a wall against which it had bean placed ; it went off iu falling , and the shot struck Ali Pacha through the head .
EGYPT . A good understanding again subsists between tbe Porte and Egypt , as the Porte will abstain from demanding of the Pacha an unconditional acceptance of the whole Tansimat . There have been lately new levies of troops in Egypt , but not to the amount reported . These levies are only in tbe natural order of things , as Solyman PflCha , the commander-inchief , has lately dismissed about 12 , 000 veterans , in order to have in their stead serviceable troops . The vacancies are not yet filled up , and the Egyptian army falls considerably short of the 30 , 000 men allowed by the Porte .
INDIA . From Bombay we learn that the Governor-General was expected at Attock on the 4 th of March , and at Peshawar by the 8 th or 9 tb . His arrival was looked for at the frontier with hopes that he will be able to devise measures for rendering life and property more secure there than they are at present . Outrages were almost daily committed by the hill robbers , even Within musket-shot of the cantonment of Peshawur . On tbe 19 th of February Captain F . Grantham , of Her Majesty ' s 98 th Regiment , was set upon and severely wounded by Sue hill robbers ( supposed to be Affreedees , ) while riding out at Peshavrur with a young lady , whose
horse , as well as bis own , was carried off by tbe robbers . The lady found her way beck to the cantonments , when a litter and some native troopers were despatched for Captain Grantham , who had taen left for dead . Captain Grantham was wounded in seven places , and very severely , bnt hopes were entertained of his recovery . An officer ' s servant was shot dead while entering the city ga ' eon the night of the 22 nd . A scoundrel who was chal lenged by a sentry of the Guide Corps fired on him , but was immediately captured , together with a trumpet he had stolen from the Artillery , and
nightly alarms are said to occur from the lawless villains lurking about , who all carry fire-arms and use them without scruple . At Kohat all was quiet , though the tribes in the neighbourhood were still quarrelling among themselves about the black mail it is proposed to give for keeping the pass open Beyond Kohat , towards Biranoo , 300 Wuizarees bare bad a skirmish with tbe rear-guard of Walsh ' s 2 d Punjab Regiment , the baggage of which they in vain tried to capture . The mode of dealing with these tribes has yet to be devised . It does not appear that they are at present actuated by any hostile motives beyond the mere love of plunder .
CEYLON . There is little of importance to record from this colony . Our dates are to the 14 th March . The governor was still afc Randy , busy , it may bo presumed , in collecting information and maturing plans for the better government of the people committed to his charge . Five men convicted of murder had been executed together , in the pWSOUCO of a vast concourse of persons , of both sexes and all ages . Small pox continued to rage violently as an epidemic at Colombo , and cholera was lately superadded . Tbe latter disease , however , had not continued to spread with the rapidity and violence that was at one time threatened .
CHINA . From Macao we learn that the principal topic of excitement has been the disturbed state of the interior of the island , in consequence of the Heathen Chinese having leagued together to murder or kidnap the Christian ( Roman Catholic ) Chinese , of which a great number employ themselves as pepper and gambler planters . Many of their plantations have been destroyed , and such was the formidable resistance shown to the police—who shot a great number of the rioters—that the military were called
out , and have been placed in the district mostly inhabited by the Christian Chinese . This alatminR movement has attracted general attention , and that of the executive , to the existence and spreading influence of the Hueys , or secret societies of the Chinese , whose proceedings have for s time so interrupted agricultural operations as almost to stop the staple articles of our export . For the present government has made a sort of compromise , granting an amnesty to the Huey confederates on condition of their ceasing to annoy their Christian
AUSTRALIA . Sydney journals to the 6 th of December have reached us by the Overland Mail . The 16 th was fixed for the election of the Mayor of Sydney , being the first choice of a chief magistrate under the new constitution , that functionary having heretofore been chosen by the aldermen and council . The matter formed an exciting subject to an excitable people . The candidates were Mr . Alderman Thurlow , Mr . George Hill ( the then mayor ) .
and Mr . Alderman Allen . The last-named gentleman held the office in 1845 with great credit to himself ; the former gentleman ' s public and private character does not rate high , he having been removed from the commission of the peace for the prostitution of his powers as a magistrate , which removal was considered by a vote of tbe legislative council as justifiable . The 'Herald , ' the organ of the popular voice , pronounces for Mr . Allen , as worthy of the brightest of the municipal honours .
Later journals from Sydney , received via Singapore , to the beginning of January , confirm the intelligence of a scarcity of grain and tbe rising price of flour , causing much alarm on the subject . The quoted price of flour was £ 18 to £ 20 . Much sickness prevailed in consequence of the sudden alternations , heat to cold , and vice versa .
WESTERN AUSTRALIA . Perth and Fremantle journals to the 22 nd of January have reached us . The convicts had commenced being a source of uneasiness to the government , and inconvenience to the inhabitants ; several had managed to escape , to begin the work of busbmen , the most dangerous class of persons in the sister colonies ; and to mend the matter , the convicts at Fremantle bad mutinied . On January 20 th , tbey assembled as usual at breakfast , when according to custom , one of their number was re " quested to say grace , which he refused to do , saying he ' would not say grace for such miserable bread . ' Tbe bread is composed of twelve per cent . flour , whereas they demand twenty per cent , Some of the bread so refused was sent to the executive
council who pronounced it to be excellent . How tbe matter has been disposed of we are not aware but the comkts significantly informed the officer of government . that upon the arrival of auothe r batch tbey would be in a position to dictate COndi tions ; a' very unpleasant hint in the unguarded state of the colony . With tbe view of benefiting the colony , tbe government had notified its willing ness to encourage the importation of camels and alpacas , by holding out a bonus of £ 60 to the first importer of one male and two female camels , and the sum of £ 50 to the first importer of two male and eight female alpacas , in healthy condition , within twelve months from January 1 st , 1851 . The pearl fishery discoveries progressed most favourably pearls of tbe size of peas bad been found , and some even larger at Shark ' s Bay .
An immense supply of guano has been discovered at Shark ' s Bay . Oa one island alone more than 6 , 000 tons of gaano was found . Several vessels bad started for the bay to take ia cargoes , and the official report of the discoveries has spread abroad a spirit of enterprise Which promises to do goodfor the colony . Theship Albatross , from South Australia , seeking cargo , had been taken up to convey nearly 1 , 509 tons of guano .
VAN DIEMEN'S LAUD . " Hobart Town papers of November and December notice tbe determined combination of the colonists to form a elass or society of their own , Discord , indeed , appears to have reached its height , and is assuming a practical shape which threatens tbe most disastrous consequences . It is nowfour years since transportation to this , colony was discontinued , and ministers declared it should nerer be returned ; this pledge has been broken , and the felon stream is no w pouring more copiously than ever on the shores of
Tasmania , with no prospect of immediate or ultimate abatement . This has aroused the feelings of the colonists to an unanimous pitch of indignation , and evoked a spirited effort in self-defence . Throughout the length and breadth of the land associations have been formed for the purpose of seeking by constitutional means , a redress of real grievances which they have been doomed to suffer , andtorehevethemBelves ofthe incubus . To cast fiStafeSi ° ™ T & Ffl * ¥ 60 loDh , is hwrand §&? £ iSi ? f W * bnfc they ar « firm in $ T n ^^^ V ' 9 ?**** of the vu , xney asK , Me , and pray for-ia a w « d , tbey
France. M. Fincher, On Tbe Part Of Ul8 N...
demand—justice and equality—to be placed oa a footing ^ y ith . the sister colonies , to nono of which arc- convicts sent b » t with their concurrence ; snd thoy energetically demand the pledge of ministers being faithfully redeemed . On theso issues they have taken their stand ; solemnly , sincerely pledged their existence to obtain justice in a constitutional manner . Concession or a final separation are manifestly tho alternatives . This movement on the part of the colonists has produced an alarming effect . The emancipists have chosen to regard it as an insult to their class—ait aggression upon their rights . Counter-associations are being formed , designated "Tho Prisoners' Protection Society" the
, intention of which is to unite tho emancipists in one great confederation , not merely for'the vague purpose of " protection" against wrongs , real or imaginary , but for tho definite purpose of casting the whole weight of their influence and votes into the contest of the first general election under the new Constitution Act . In Tasmania , it cannot be disguised , convict influence ia paramount . In 1848 there were 7 , 000 free male emigrants , while 0 , 000 had become free , exclusive of nearly 5 , 000 male ticket-of-leave holders , and tho offspring of tbe respective classes born in the colony . In that
year no less than 16 , 000 male convicts were in government employ and private service , and since then tbe renewal of transportation has greatly added to their number , as also the issue of conditional pardons . On the other hand , the number of free immigrants has from various causes diminished . Looking at these facts and figwres , the consequences of a counter-combination may well be apprehended . Lieutenant Pate , under sentence of transportation for seven years for the assault upon her Majesty , arrived at Hobart Town in the ship William Jardine . It is said he displayed no symptoms of insanity during the passage .
A normal school is in course of formation at Hobart Town , to which an agricultural and industrial establishment is to be annexed . It is intended to celebrate the passing of tbe Australian Bill by a public dinner in Hobarfe Town , at which five- hun dred persons are expected to be present .
PORT PHILLIP . Journals from this settlement , to the end of November , are taken up with the general rejoicings consequent on the receipt of news of final separation from Sew South Wales . Judging from the tone of the uawspapers which have reached us , the colonists would appear to be carried away by their enthusiasm , or " gone mad , " in the opinion of the Sydney journalists . All business had been suspended by common consent for a week , to take " a fill of joy , " and excitement was at its highest pitch . Even the newspaper editors had prescribed themselves a holiday , and closed their establishments for an entire week .
France. M. Fincher, On Tbe Part Of Ul8 N...
TniBArEDTics . —The history of medicine is bv no menns flattering to science . It is questionable whethsr more is known of diseaies , their cause , and their cure , at this moment , than in th « time of Galen ; itissertain that diseases are quite as numerous , and in the aggregate as fatal , kvery aire has produced some new system of artificial tlierapoutics which the next age has banished ; each has boasted in its turn of cures , and they , in their turn , have been condpmned as failures . Medicines themselves are the subjects unsettled ; in fact , that it has no established principles , that it is little mors than conjectural % 'At t ™ " **™?"'' ,, " ais lit . Pinny . ' the opinion * on the subjsot or treatment ai'tf fllnlOSt as numerous as the practitioners themselves , witness the mass of contradiction » n the treatment ot e \ en one disease , namely , consumption . Stroll attributes its ireauency to the introduction of bark . Morton considers bark an effectual cure . Ileid ascribes the frequency of the disease to the use of mercury . IMltonet asserts that vt is curnhifl br mercury only . Kuse says that consumption is an
inflammatory disease - should he treated , by weeding , Dureine , cooling medicines , and starration . Salvadori says it is a disease of debility , and should be treated by tottici , stimulating remedies , and a generous tet . faalen recommended rinegar as the best preventative of consumption Dessault and others assert that consumption is often brought on by taking vinegar to prevent obesity . Undoes recommended foxglove as a specific . Dr . Parr found foxgleve more injurious in his practice than beneficial . Such are the contradictory statements of medical men ! ' And vet there can bo but one true theory of disease . Of the fallibility and inefficiency of medicine , none have been more conscious than medical men themselves , many of whom have been honest enough to avow theirconviction , and now recommend MESSHS 7 DU BARRY'S ltEVALBNTA . ARABICA FOOD , a farina , which careful analysis has shown to be derived from the root ot « m African plant , somewhat similar to our honeysuckle . It appears to possess
properties of * highly curative and delicately nutritive km «; ana numerous testimonials from parties of unquestionable respectability , have attested that it supersedes medicmeof every description in the effectual and permanent rwnoval of indigestion ( dyspepsia ) , constipation , »»& diatriwsa , nemusness , biliousness , liver complaint , flatulency , dwteosion , palpitation of the Heart , nervous headache , deafness , noises in the head and eavs , pains in almost every part of the body , chronic inflammation and ulceration of the stomach , erysipelas , eruptions on the skin , incipient consumption , dropsy , rheumatism , gout , heavtburn , nausea , and sickness dwing pregnancy , after eafmgi or at sea , low spirits , spasms , cramp , splesn , general debility , paralysis , asthma , coughs , inquietude , sleeplessness , involuntary blushing , tvemour , dislike to society , unfitness for studj , loss of memory , delusions , vertigo , blood to the head , exhaustion , melancholy , groundless fear , indecision , wretchedness , thoughts of self-destruction , and many other
complaints . It is , moreover , admitted by those who have used " ittobethebestfood for infants and invalids generally , as it never turns acid on the weakest stomach , but imparts a healthy relish for lunch and dinner , and restores the faculty of indigestion and nervous and muscular energy to the most enfeebled . It has the highwt approbation of Lord Stuart de Decies ; the Venerable Archdeacon Alexander Stuart , of Ross , a cure of three years' nervousness J Major-GencralThomasKing , of Exuiouth . ; Capt . Parker , D . Bingham , B . N ., of Ko . 4 Park-walk , Little Chelsea , London , who was cured of twenty-seven years dyspepsia in six weeks time ; Captain Andrews , R . N ., Captain Edwards , R . N . ; William Hunt , Esq ., barrister . aWaw , King ' s College , Cambridge , who , after suffering years from partial paralysis , has regained the use of his limbs in a very short time upon this excellent food ; the'Rev . Charles Kerr of Winslow , Bucks , a cure of functional disorders ; Mr . T . Woodhouse , Bromley—recording the cure Of a lady from
constipation and sickness during pregnancy ; tho Rev . T . Minster , of St . Saviour's , Leeds—a cure of fiva years' nervousness , with spasms and daily vomitings ; Mr . Taylor , coroner of Bolton ; Capt . Allen , recording the cure of cpi . leptic fits ; ' Doctors Ure and Harvey ; Jgmss Sborland , Esq ., No . 3 , Sydney-terracs , Reading , Berks , late surgeon in the 90 th Regiment , a cure of dropsy ; James Porter , Esq ., Athol-street , Perth , a cure of thirteen years cough , with general debility ; J . Smyth , Esq ., 37 Lower Abbeystreet , Dublin i Cornelius O'Sullivan , M . D ., F . R . C . S ., Dublin , a perfect cure of thirty years' indescribable agony from aneurism , which had resisted all other remedies ; and 10 , 000 other well known individuals , who have sent the discoverers and importers , Du Barry and Co ., 197 Ksw Bond-street , London , testimonials of the extraordinary manner in which their health has been restored by this useful and economical diet , after all other remedies had been tried in vain for maay years and all hopes of recovery
abandaned . ' A full report of important cures of the above and many other complaints , and testimonials from parties of the highest reepectabiiity , is , we find , sent gratis by Du BsBUI and Co . '—Morning Cftrom ' cJe . Do BAiutt and Co ., 127 New Bond-street , London ; . alio of Barclay , Edwards , Sutton , Sanger , and llonuay , and through all grocers , chemists , medicine vendors , and booksellers in the Kigdom . Caotxon , —The name of Messrs , Dn Bawiv ' s invaluable Food , as also that of the firm , have been closely imitated that invalids cannot too carefully look at the exact spelling of both , and also Messrs . DuBARRl ' 8 address 127 New Bond-steciit , London , in order to avoid being imposed upon by Emlenta ; Real Arabian Revalcnta , Lentil Powder , or other spurious compounds of pease , beans Indian and oatmeal , under a close imitation of the name , which June nothing to recommend them but the rccitless audacity of their ignorant or unscrupulous compounders , and vyhich , though admirably adapted for pigs , would play sad havoc with the delicate stomach of an invalid or nfaut .
Jforn'p &I*Eelfattg*
JForn ' p & i * eelfattg *
A Conspiracy Has Been Discovered In Kepa...
A conspiracy has been discovered in Kepaul , tbe object of which was to murder General Jvmg Bahadour . The conspirators were bis own father and brother . The general is a favourite of the army , whom the conspirators endeavoured to gain over . The Strasbourg and Sarrebourg railway is expected to be opened on the 1 st of June . The opening of the Holy Week was solemnised it Notre llama with tbe accustomed pomp by tbe Archbishop of Paris ; and the ancient reliques of the true cross , tbe crown of thorns , and nails , were carried in procession . All houses , omnibuses , and stalls , were adorned with sprigs of box , which replaces in the north the symbolic palm . Ia tbe south the olive is used .
We read in the « Statute' of Florence of the 4 th , that Father Arrigoni , archbishop of Lucca , who has always manifested a violent aversion to the laws of Leopold I ,, which impose certain restrictions o » the liberty of the clergy , lately waited upon tbe Grand Duke , in tbe costume of a Franctscau , and declared to his Imperial Highness that he would not resume bis crozier unless the introduction of the Leopoldine laws were suspended in tho Duchy of Lucca . Tbe Grand Duke has yielded to bis energetic remonstrances , and tbe said laws are to be th « subject of a negotiation with Home . A census of cattle is ordered in each commune throughout France , simultaneously with tbe quinquennial census of tbe population , which falls this year .
Tbe ' Pesth Gazette ' brings word of a terrible explosion in the fortress of Temeswar , which took place early in tlie morning of the 3 rd . The powder magazine and more than 1 , 000 bombs , grenades , & c , were blown into the air . Many lives were lost , and the shock was felt in the town so strong that nearly every window was broken . The following return of the Swth-Eastetn State Railway , which has just been published , wiil give some idea of the scale on which Austria recently conducted her preparations for war . It appears that , from the 1 st November , 1850 , to the 15 th February , 1851 , there were transported upon this line no less than 556 , 077 troops , 30 , 020 horses , 6 , 895 guns and ammunition waggons , and 347 , 558 centners of ammunition .
We have received our usual advices from America . They state that a reaction against the Fugitive Slave Bill had strongly set in . The Ohio legislature bad passed resolutions by a large majority in favour of a repeal of the obnoxious taw , or , at least , a great modification of it . Tbe denial of juries to slaves put upon their trial was condemned in a very emphatic manner . In addition to this expression of feeling from one of the most important states of the Union , a state convention for Massachussets ( without respect of party ) had been called , to assemble in Boston on the 8 th . of April , to express the feelings of that state iu favour of the repeal of the Fugitive Bill . The sums paid into tbe Paris Savings Bank on Sunday and Monday last amounted to 589 , 745 . f ; the sums withdrawn to 296 , 685 f .
M . Stieher , chief of the Prussian police , will shortly be in London , to attend tbe Exhibition , to watch the refugees . The Emperor of Austria has granted an amnesty to seventeen political convicts . Great interest was e * cited in Paris on Saturday in the Court of Appeal , by a lady , MraSi Grange , pleading her own cause , in an affair relative to the admission of a claim of 316 , 881 f . in a bankruptcy . Tbe lady spoke for nearly three hours , and displayed alltue self-confidence and skill of a practised advocate . She did not make use of notes , though she bad numerous documents to refer to . ' She also discussed , with much talent , certain questions of English law , which were necessary to tbe elucida tion of her case .
^ Our advices from Yucatan represent the situation of the Peninsula as daily becoming more deplorable . The apathy of the inhabitants encourages their ferocious enemies in their efforts to exterminate the white race . A conspiracy was detected on the 13 th of February in the city : of Merida . It was formed hy the convicts in the city prison , in conjunction with some of the soldiers . The plan was arranged to release the prisoners , assassinate the city officers , and then plunder and burn the town . The plot was discovered a short time before it was to bavebeeen carried into effect . The ringleaders were arrested and condemned' to death , but the execution of the sentence has been postponed , ! and the case has since been transferred to the city of Mexico , and . still remains undecided .
The legislature of New Jersey have enacted a ( aw prohibiting the employment of children under ten years of age in factories , and providing that ten hours shall be considered a legal day ' s labour in all manufacturing establishments . A collision took place between two steamers on the Ohio River , below Wheeling , by which fifteen lives were lost , and one of the boats completely destroyed . It is stated that the Canadian government has under consideration the expediency of closing the "Welland canal against American vessels in retaliation foe the refusal of reciprocity . The receipts on Customs and Excise for the first quarter of the present year exceeds those , of the corresponding quarter of 1850 by 7 , 425 , 000 * .
A postal arrangement has been effected between the United States and Canada , which is to be carried into effect , without delay . Sealed bags are to be made up for the principal offices on each side of the'line , with the same rate of postage , that ia , five cents from any part of the United States to the line , and live cents to any place within the province . The Free School principle has been adopted by tbe trustees of Toronto . The high church party have made their last move for a share of tbe clergy reserves . This , is a proposal for dividing the lands among all denominations in proportion to their numbers . The scheme will be tested at the next general election , tfroogh U is supposed their is no prospect of its success ;
! Tbe census for 1851 for South Australia has been completed , but" the result has not yet been made public . From tfte government assessment return the flocks and l > erda of the colony are stated at 997 , 4 . 49 sheep , l * # 78 horse * , and 63 . great cattle . The extent Pf crown laud occupied by these cattle and sbesp is n vd to be 15 , 317 square miles , the geographical area of the eatirefjproFince being 325 , 000 sqnare miles .
Matkimoivr Made Easy: Ob How To Win A Loyek.
MISS ELLEN DA . VVSON CONTINUES to send free to any address , on receipt of thirteen postage stamps , and a directed envelope , plain directions to enabU ladies or gentlemen to win the affections of as many of the opposite sex as their hearts may desire . The proposal is simple , but so captivating and enthralling that all may be married , irrespective of age , appearance or position , young and old , p # er and pseress , as well as the peasant , are subject to its influence , and last , it can be arranged with such ease and delicacy thatdctection is impossible . N . B . —Beware of ignorant pretenders . Just Published . Third Edition , jpTIQUEXTE ON LOVE ,
MATRIMONY DUDE J 3 ASY ; OK MOW TO WIN A lA > Vlilt . MADAME MAXWELL , 33 , Great Percy Street , I ' entonville , London , continues to send free on receipt of thivteeu uncut postage stamps , plain directions to enable Ladies or Gentlemen to win the devoted affections « f as many of the opposite sex as their hearts may require . - The process is simple , but so captivating and enthralling that all may be married irrespective of age , appearance , ov position ; while the most fickle or coldhearted will readily how to its attraction . Young and old , peer and peeress , ai -well as the peasant , are alike subject to its influence ; and last , though not least , it cau be arranged with such ease and delicacy that detection is impassible . . , N . B . — Beware of numerous ignorant pretenders . MOW , WHKN , ANJ > WHOM TO MARRY . Or the Etiquette of Love , A BOOK FOR EVJERYBOBY !!!
HEALTH WHERE 'TIS SOUGHT . ' HOLLOW AY'S PILLS Cure of a Disordered Liver and Stomach , when in a most hopeless state . Extract of a Letter from Mr . Matthew Harvey , of Chapel Hall , Airdrie , Scotland , dated tbe 15 th of January , 1830 . Sir , —Your valuable pills have been the means , with God ' s blessing , of restoring me to a state of perfect health , and at a time when I thought I was on the brink of the grave . I had consulted several eminent doctors , who , after doing what they could for me , stated that they considered my case as hopeless , I ought to say that I had been suffer ing from a liver and stomach complaint of long standing , which during the last two years got so much worse , that every one considered my condition as hopeless , I , as a last resource , gota box of yow pills , which soon gave relief , and by psrsevcring in their use for some weeks , together with rubbing night and morning your Ointment over my chest awl stomach , and right side , I have by their means alone got completely cured , and to the astonishment of myself and everybody who knows me . —( Signed ) Matthew JJab-VEV . —To Professor Holmwat .
IN SIX LANGUAGES .-FORTIETH EDITION , Containing the Remedy for the Prevention of Disease-Illustrated by OneJlundred Anatomical and Explanatory Coloured Engravings oh Steel . On Physical Disqualifications , Generative Incapacity , and Impediments to Marriage . A New and improved Edition , enlarged to 19 G pages , price 2 s . 6 d ; by post , direct from the Establishment , 3 s . 6 d ., in postage stamps . V All communications being" strictly confidential , the Authors huve discontinued the publishing of Cases . THE SILENT EMEND ; a Practical IVork on " the Exhaustion and Physical Decay of the System , produced by excessive indulgence , the consequences oi infection , or the abuse of Mercury , with explicit Directions for the use of the Preventive Lotion , followed . by Observations on rheMAEWED Stats , and the disqualifies tions which prevent it . Illustrated by One Hundred Co-
on tho system . Tins impcirtant ^ uT ^ T ^ ^ 1 should not escape the reader ' s notice rt , « « v 1 Part V . is devoted to theconsul « fJt („ * H Obligations of the married ZSftl' 1 ' 6 » Btie ,. 1 lead to the happiness ov miSCTV of tho ?/ , S" J *** » 1 $ I into the bonds ' of matrimony : The ° tlt :, Ve « i £ j 1 ^ qualifications is fully examined , ' ,, & of c « 5 1 productive unions showato be tI . e neccs " »? Usai « S 1 Iheeauses and remedies for this state : S ?" 'l « ette § eons . der « Uonin this section of tJ , , C ! f t Ml ^ V » J . fll ! i COllDIAL BAKU Off tiVrm ,. . ' Is expressly employed to renovate the , « i , H - ' life , whenexhaustedby the MueZ ffiftwi « indulgence on the system . Its actio , u »^ i W C and its power in' re-invi gorating tie r ^ * Ci ? cases ot noivous and sexual uebuL T * m » ii ' monstrated by its unvarying , 3 . n * be * £ nfrscss Tv > ?» ,, „ ... „„ V * """ ABBS in « ,.. ' * » t ,
IMMENSE SUCCESS OF TUB tfEW ~ u ^ OF TREATMENT . m ^ 9 , 211 CURES LAST YEAR ' . ;; As adopted by Lallemand , Jlicord , Deslandu < , others , of the Hopital des Vtneritm a Paris , w * uniformly practised in this < xu « % ' b » " ^ WALTER DE ROOS , M . D . ' , 35 , Ely Place , Holborn Hill , loSI ) ov AOTHOR OF THE MEDICAL ADVISER improved edition , written in a popular stvle i »\ of technicalities , and addressed to all those whoaresnff ingfrom Spermatorrhoea , SeminanVeakness . andthoT rious disqualifying forms of premature decay resultL from infection and youthful abuse , that most del 2 practice by which the vigour and manliness of life are J ' vated and destroyed , even before nature bus fully « L Wished the powers and . stamina ot the constitution
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 19, 1851, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_19041851/page/2/