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a THE NORTHERN STAR. May 10, i845 -^"^™—...
Imperial ^arltammt
HOUSE OF LORDS, Fwdat, Mat 2. The Duke o...
HOUSE OF COMMONS, Fbidk, Mat 2. On the m...
polite htttlliWM.
MANSION HOUSE. Satvjrdav. — Domestic Jab...
THE Lancashire Central Short Time Conuni...
Printed by DOUGAL M'GOWAN, of 17, Graat Win* AVind'l'
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A The Northern Star. May 10, I845 -^"^™—...
a THE NORTHERN STAR . May 10 , i 845 - ^ " ^™——————i ^—————_^„ M— ^ M ^^^™^*™~" * """""" " ^ " * '^—** "" *""'"***" " '"" ' " """™ ' ^*** M , ** ' *^™* ^" "'""" W """ ^^^^^ T _ ^
Imperial ^Arltammt
Imperial ^ arltammt
House Of Lords, Fwdat, Mat 2. The Duke O...
HOUSE OF LORDS , Fwdat , Mat 2 . The Duke of Bvcusamai , in allusion to . «? . " - Won rf TawelJ . retained by the chaplain of the Sn in which that criminal was confined , asked if Ws justified iu refusing to give up such a document when requested to do so by the magistrates . The Duke of Wi : lllvcio . v said , that the confession wa , made to the chaplain in his spiritual capacity , aiil lie thought flic rev . gentleman had exercised a wV -Kst-retion in refusing to makei it public . Lord Bbocgham protested against the opmion that A .:- -onfession of the convicted felon should be reqnmi to satisfy the public of his guilt ; and the Slvijafe of Norimuby complained ofthe publication of J locker ' s letfa-io , which he justly characterised as " di ^ i sting and disgraceful . " Lord Denman cxpres ^ cd his entire acquiescence with Lord Brougham ;
and , after a few words from Lord Stanley , the subject dropped . Earl Powb moved the second reading of the bill & rivpealingso much of the Act of the 5 th and 6 th of Wm . TV ., as provided for tho union ofthe sees of St . Asaph and Bangor , and for the endowment of a bishop of Manchester . The noble earl repeated all ihe arguments so strongly urged last session in support of his proposition , contendingthat when the bill lor the union of the sees originally passed , the current of feeling ran so strongly in favour of the measure that it was hopeless to make the slightest effort to resist it . but now he hoped that reflection
would convince Parliament that the ecclesiastical wrmmissioners were mistaken in this one point—the anion of these sees . The Duke of Wellixgtos opposed the second read ing of the buT , contending that by the provisions of the Act ofthe 5 th and 6 th of William IV ., every precaution was taken that all the duties of the united bishoprics should be efficiently performed by the appointment of archdeacons and other officers to aid the bishop in theperformance ofthe additional duties which would be thrown upon him . The noble duke moved , as an amendment that the bill should be read a second time that day six months .
Earl Fitzwilliam , Lord Lyttelton , and the Earl of Carnarvon , severally supported the bill ; after which their lordships divided , and the second reading was rejected hy a majority of 129 to 97 . IIOUSE OF LORDS , Mojaur , Mat 5 . On the motion for going into committee on the Auction Duties Abolition BO ! , The Duke of Richmond moved that the bill should be committed that day six months . The measure , he said , was wholly uncalled for—would be a loss of over £ 300 , 000 to the revenue , and would not give the slightest relief to the agricultural interest , which , in justice , ought to be considered in any contemplated reduction of taxation . If the measure were to be debated as one of confidence , or the contrary , in the
Government , he would be prepared to vote that , as regarded the agricultural measures of this session , he had no confidence in the Government . Every session of Parliament witnessed new burdens flung upon the county rate , because in that the Chancellor of the Exchequer had no interest , the whole burden being borne by the landed interest , lie would wish to see half the charge ofthe county rates , and from 20 to 50 per cent , of the poor rates thrown upon the consolidated fund , in which case the landed proprietors would have security that the Chancellor of the Exchequer would watch over those rates , while the country gentlemen would still be sufficiently interested to watch over their administration . TlicEarlofDalhousie coinbattcd at great length the positions assumed by the noble duke .
The Earl of Malmesbury , Lord Monteaglc , Lord Beaumont , and the . Marquis of Normanby supported the amendment ; which was opposed by the Earl of Wincliflsea- and Lord Stanley . Their lordships then divided , and the motion for going- into committee was carried bv a majority of 33 to 15 . The bill then passed through committee , as did also the Customs Duties Bill . The remaining business was then disposed of , and their lordships adjourned . Ttjesuay , Mat G . The house sat for a short time , and several bills were forwarded a stage . No discussion of any interest took place .
House Of Commons, Fbidk, Mat 2. On The M...
HOUSE OF COMMONS , Fbidk , Mat 2 . On the motion that the Speaker should leave the chair to go into committee on the Mavnooth College Bill , Mr . Uisdlet contended that the measure had produced confusion throughout this portion ofthe kingdom , without proving at all satisfactory to Ireland . The dissenters , although favourable to the utmost concession of civil rights to the Roman Catholics , would sooner consent to the repeal ofthe union than eee the principle of Church , endowment extended . Colonel SiBTHonp also opposed the motion , express ing his doubt as to the fact of Sir Robert Peel ' s wing a Protestant . He also charged him with having duped and deceived all parties . Jlr . Pujmptre objected to the bill entirely on religious grounds , trembling for the consequences if it should pass , and intimating to the Government that
the feeling against it would not have subsided by the time of the next general election . CoL Veesee also protested against the bilL Mr . Remsutos said that a large number of the Protestant gentry of Galway had expressed themselves decidedly in favour of the bilL Sir R . Peel said he had not anticipated any discussion on this stage of the bill , which , however , he was resolved to carry forward , though it was impos sible in doing so that he could be accused of precipitating it through the house . In Ireland far less opposition to the measure had been offered than might nave been anticipated on the part ofthe Protestants , while many of them had expressed themselves decidedly in its favour .
After some observations from Sir R . Inglis and Sir A . Brooke , the bouse divided , and tlie resolution for the Speaker leaving the chair was carried by a majority of 160 to 52 . The house then went into committee . On the proposal of the first clause , Sir R . Ixous proposed that the trusteeship of the College of Maynooth should be vested in the Board of Commissioners for Charitable Bequests . Sir 1 L Pees , could not acquiesce in tire proposition The transfer would only throw suspicion on the motives of Parliament in passing the bill without any adequate advantage to counterbalance the evil . The clause was then agreed to without a division . On the second clause .
Sir J . Hasher moved the omission of the words which limited the trustees of Maynooth from taking any amount of real property with which it might be desired to endow them . After considerable discussion , in which the Attorney-General for Ireland , Mr . Roebuck , Lord J . Manners , Sir R . Inglis , Sir R . Peel , and other hon . members took part , the amendment was negatived without a division . Mr . Stjtfohd O'Brien moved that the amount of real property to be held by the trustees should be £ 30 , 000 , instead of £ 3 , 000 . Some discussion ensued , bnt on a division , the amendment was negatived by a majority of 100 to 32 . On the 10 th clause being proposed , Mr . Law moved its omission ; but , on a division it was carried by _ a majority of 210 to 88 . The remaining clauses were then agreed to .
Sir R . LiGUS moved an additional clause , to the effect that in the event of the repeal of the bill no professor at Maynooth should be considered as having such a vested right as would entitle him to compensation . The clause was , however , negatived without a division . The house then resumed , and the report was ordered to be brought up on Monday . The house then adjourned . HOUSE OF COMMONS , Moxdat , Mav 5 . The house assembled at four o ' clock . CALL OF IHE HOUSE .
Mr . Hume said he wished to mre notice of a call ofthe house on Friday next . ( Hear , hear . ) Mr . G . Bankes gave notice , that on the order of the day for reading the Maynooth Bill a third time , he should move that it be read a third time that day tax months . Mr . Roebuck wished to ask of the Secretary of State a question with respect to the case of Mr . Cams Wilson , who had been committed for contempt in Jersey , afterwards brought to this country , and since remanded . His wife now stated that , since his remand in Jersey , that gentleman had been conned to a felon ' s cell and put on felon ' s diet ; that communication from outside had been cut off ; 1 ^ ' lis wife was unable to gain admittance to him ; gjj t , that he was now shut up from all commu-Miot with human creatures except the gaoler .
in shot ' * ° ^ now wnetiier the right hon . baronet ideation * an information on this matter , and He base * . had taken ? had weefrei M ^ rece" ' ^ kfor containing a what steps he identical with what had been stated Sir J GBiSA . me gentleman . His right hon . complaint almost ' % t ^ amok luA received a by ie hon . andlea . * L ft ™ . Mr- Carus Wilson ' s fiend at the head ol nf tba * ^ tter , he had thought iimilar one , he belier ^ & the ^ eutenantwife . Upon the reoeart » . ' hun to make inquiry it his duty to senTi Wfc A ^ ons « g re P <«* *» Governor of Jersey , drttR * % <« e . ( Hear , hear . ) into the accuracy of t & f *& w . , ¦ , , bimirirmediatel jaefact »\< if' t £ h * ' "! roald » InanswertoMr . F . Mattfa . ^ T * Sir R . Pxtt expressed ar hone «•«* v , ga bled fo read t & Scotch , SSf ten „ *^ « nWrfihVSJ 3 ? JP « t-Pomanent of VhA
5 se ^ fw ^ dnesd « , nirta ^ Mjfjf /* * fasf toe pinions- ofthe CM » tie ^ r ! ™™» J *» when Sctflandwithreji ^ toftT ^^^ off
House Of Commons, Fbidk, Mat 2. On The M...
The Lord-Advocate would state on Wednesday what course he should pursue . In answer to a question from Captain Rous , Mr . G . W . Hope said that Captain Fiteroyhad been superseded in the government of New Zealand , but not on any grounds connected with the charges made against him by the New Zealand Company , or at all affecting his personal character or honour . Mr . Escoir gave notice that it was his intention to-morrow to move that the house be called over on Thursday , the 22 nd inst .
THE SIAV . VO 0 TH BILL . Sir R . Peel moved that the report on the Maynooth College Bill be brought up . On the question that the amendments be now read a second time , Mr . S . Crawford said , that having presented several petitions against the bill , and being opposed to its spirit and policy , he felt he was called upon to state the reasons why he and those whose petitions he had placed upon the table objected to the measure of the Government . He must admit the bill had been accompanied by other measures of the government which he thought woidd in Ireland be accompanied by manifest advantage to the people of that country . " He had always been a decided friend to the
voluntary system for the maintenance ofthe clergy of each persuasion , and he confessed he foresaw that this grant must entail on the government the necessity of making similarly enlarged endowments tor the various Protestant Dissenting clergymen and their seminaries . This would create new ties between these persuasions and the State , each becoming pro tanto a State religion . This must invade the purity of their doctrine , and render their clergy too subservient to temporal interests . Nothing should be permitted to interfere between man and his Creator . To require a man who had a creed of his own and a clergy to support to contribute to the maintenance of any other clergy , from whose tenets he differed , was to impose a penalty upon him for his conscience sake , and in this way the conscience of a man might be warped and unjustly influenced . At this moment the Dissenters were actively invading the Established
Church , and it was painful to see howthe Established Church was breaking down the authority of that great national institution . Neither the regular Established Church here nor that in Ireland could join in any avowal of what they regarded to be the fundamental principles ofthe Protestant religion . What could be a greater disgrace to a religion that to witness the petitions which had been presented iu that house , calling upon such an heterogeneous assembly to decide upon what should be the tenets and what the liturgy of the Established Church ! ( Hear . ) The house was composed of all descriptions of religious professors , not as formerly ,, when all were necessarily bound to be of the Protestant faith and doctrine . He could not help asking the lion , baronet the member for Oxford University how a man of his hi g h Church principles could reconcile himself to solicit such a House of Commons as he
had described to settle religious observances and to define vrhat ought to be his creed . He thought he could trace much of the present schism in the Established Church to the political connection of the Church with the State . If churches were to be supported by the State , full accommodation ought to be provided for all classes ; but no adequate provision was made in the churches at present endowed or established lor the instruction of the poorer classes . On looking at the records of history since the period of the reformation , it would be found that the clergy of the Stsitechurches had acted against the civil rights ofthe people . He considered all State establishments to be founded in violation of the rights of conscience , calculatedtopreventthe diffusion of truth ,
hostile to faith , andunjustandimpolitic ; audhe was , therefore , opposed to all State endowments , and to the connection between Church and State . He thought a bill ought to be passed , enacting that all the proceeds arising from tithes and other ecclesiastical property should be paid into the Consolidated Fund and vested in the hands of commissioners , to be by them distributed for the general benefit of religious sects , in such manner as Parliament should direct . He would , however , protect those who were at present in possession of the emoluments arising from benefices . The sole ground of his opposition to the Maynooth grant was his adherence to the voluntary principle , which he had always advocated ; and as an enemy to any grants for " sustaining religious
establishments he was anxious that no new grant should be given to any religious body either in England or in Ireland . He behoved there was at present a disposition amongst the leaders on the other side of the channel to deal unfairly with the English people in reference to this subject . Some portions of the English people might entertain a hostile disposition towards their Roman Catholic fellow-subjects ; but by far the greater portion of those who opposed the grant did so on the principle of opposition to State endowments , and from a fear that a grant for the education of Irish priests would be extended to large and more important objects . He considered religious monopoly to be a great grievance . He wished to see all sects placed on an equality , and that no provision whatever should be made by the State for any sect ;
but that all religions should be supported on the voluntary system ; and entertaining these views he should move as an amendment , " That any provision for the separate or exclusive education of any particular religious denomination , or for the support or endowment of any religious sect or sects by State grants , or funds raised by compulsory assessment , whether under the name of tithes , rents , cesses taxes , regium donuni , or under any other name or form whatever , is a violation of the rights of conscience , detrimental to religious truth , and dangerous to civil and religious freedom ; and that all such establishments , grants , or endowments now in existence in the United Kingdom ought to be discontinued with as little delay as may be consistent with a due regard to the rights of those who have life interests in the same . "
Mr . Hikdiev seconded the amendment . Mr . Williams observed that the proposition of Mr . S . Crawford was of so extensive a character , that it ought to have been brought forward as a substantive motion , and not as an amendment to another bill . Had Mr . S . Crawford confined his amendment to the first clause of it , he could have supported it ; but the second clause of it embraced too much , and therefore he must oppose it altogether . He then called the attention of the house to the vast amount of public money which had been expended of late years on the Established Church of England . A million and a half had been spent in the erection of new churches ; another million had been first lent , and afterwards given to the clergy in Ireland for the arrear of tithe
due to them ; £ 400 , 000 had been voted to the clergy in the colonies , and of this sum £ 11 , 600 a year was to the clergy of all denominations in Canada . Now , he wished to know why Sir R . Inglis did not oppose the grant of £ 1 , 000 a year to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Quebec , and the grant of £ 700 a year to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Newfoundland , if he were consistent in his own religious principles ? Surely it could not be possible that Sir R . Inglis withheld his opposition from that grant of £ 11 , 600 a year , because nearly £ 10 , 000 of it went to the support of a Protestant bishop and his subordinate clergy in that country . When vast sums to this amount were expended On the Church of England at home and abroad , Sir R , Inglis ought to have seen the policy of
not drawing the string too tight with respect to the clergy of other churches . When Sir R . Inglis opposed thus strenuously the grant of £ 17 , 000 a year to the College of Maynooth , he necessarily called the attention of the Dissenters to the large sums paid to the Church of England . Last vear there was a vote of £ 13 , 800 for the colleges of Scotland , and of £ 2 , 700 a year for three academies in Ireland ; and in ah these institutions provision was made for the payment of salaries to professors of divinity . Against all these grants he ( Mr . Williams ) had regularly voted at the time when they were proposed . But they were passed in spite of his opposition ; and he now supported this bill on principles of equity and justice . We had taxed the people of Ireland for our ecclesiastical
purposes ; and it was most unjust in us to refuse to the people of Ireland this very small and paltry grant for the education of their ecclesiastics at the College of Maynooth . Sir R . Ixous replied to the pointed appeal made to him by the last speaker . He had been asked how he could defend the imposition of a tax on the people of England for the support of the clergy of any sect ? He replied at once that he did not , and that he could not , defend the imposition of a tax upon the people of England for the support of any sect ; but he held that the Church of England was not a sect ; that it had a right , both at home and abroad , to be maintained by the State ; and that no sect had anv
such right . He insisted that he was justified in sup " - porting the payment of £ 1000 a year to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Quebec , inasmuch as we had taken possession of Canada eighty years ago under a treaty , by which we bound ourselves to maintain the Roman Catholic religion in that country . He could not disturb a solemn treaty made eighty years ago ; but , on the other hand , he could not consent to make now for the first time , an endowment of the Roman Gathoh ' c religion in her Majesty ' s dominions at home . He then proceeded to show the fallacy and danger of the voluntary principle , and to oppose the abstract proposition brought forward by Mr . 5 . Crawford .
Dr . Bowring said , that the argument used by Sir R . Inglis resolved itself into this : — "Truth I am , truth I represent ; error is around me on every side . I will pay all who will follow me as the truth , and I will pay no one else . " After ridiculing this notion , he proceeded to observe that he could not support the abstract proposition of Mr . S . Crawford , because it was meant to impede the grant to the College of Mavnootb . Though he was acting in opposition to the wishes of many of his constituents , he must support this bill , because it was a step in the right
" " * I direction , and the commencement of a new course - f conciliatory legislation towards Ireland . '¦¦ lonel Johnson regretted that Mr . S . Crawford - -ded his motion that he could not support V ^" "n to this grant to the College of C ^ ** " > source from which it hadiir j ^ ' ""d were taken ^ noot & * 2 ** . w . Kne : ifi ' « fia fr . - ** * !
House Of Commons, Fbidk, Mat 2. On The M...
from the ecclesiastical property of Ireland , he should give it his most cordial assent . Mr . Hume read the preambles ofthe Irish . Act , the 40 th of George IIL , and of the Imperial Act , the 48 th of the same reign , for the purpose of showing that the College of Maynooth was instituted for the education of persons professing the Roman Catholic religion , and not for that of the priests of that religion exclusively ; and then asked Sir R . Peel whether he intended to confine by this bill the education of the College of Maynooth to the Roman Catholic priest hood ' or to extend it to Roman Catholics generally He looked upon this increased grant to Maynooth as a grant to an educational institution , and not as an endowment ofthe Roman Catholic Church ; He
supported the bill with great satisfaction ; for he was a friend to education , and was ready to afford it to Christians of every denomination . lie then attacked the Dissenting body for the opposition which it had given to tins measure and expressed his regret that those who had obtained their own emancipation from the fetters of the Test and Corporation Acts by the petitions and exertions of tho Roman Catholics , should now turn round against them , should assail them with the utmost virulence , and should use every influence in their power to prevent them from receiving an act of justice . Sir R . Peel observed that there was nothing either in tkejformer Acts , or in the present Act , which imposed on the State the necessity of providing
education at Maynooth for the Roman Catholic priesthood exclusively . If the State had provided education for the priesthood exclusively , the Roman Catholic bod was not responsible for that exclusion . The Legislature , when it passed the first Act on this subject , insisted that the College should be for the education of persons professing the Roman Catholic religion only , not of the Roman Catholic p riesthood exclusively . Those who had the management of the College on its first opening attached in consequence a lay school to it , but that school was afterwards repressed at the request of the Government , Ever since that time Maynooth had been practically a
school for the education of the priesthood , and in all probability would continue to be so . He then read an extract from a letter written by Mr . Burke hi 1779 , for the purpose of showing that Sir . Burke , at whose advice the College of Maynooth was founded , was in favour of educating the Roman Catholic ecclesiastics apart from the lay members of that religion . He concluded b stating that , if it were desirable to combine lay with spiritual education at Maynooth , there was nothing in this Act to prevent it , but that he should be deceiving the house if he led it to believe that any intention was entertained at present so to combine it .
Mr . IIindlev defended the Dissenting body from the attack made upon it hy Mr , Hume . He denied that the Disssenters had acted with ingratitude towards the Roman Catholics of Ireland . If the Roman Catholics of Ireland had assisted the Dissenters of England to obtain the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts , the Dissenters , in return , had assisted the Roman Catholics to obtain the repeal of the penal laws . He then entered into an elaborate defence of the voluntary principle , and observed that , though , if Mr . S . Crawford and himself were appointed tellers , they might only find Mr . T . Duncombe along with them in the lobby , that would not prevent him from dividing in favour of a principle which he felt in his conscience to be correct , ami which he expected to see triumphant before the lapse of many years . The house then divided , when there appeared—For the amendment 2
Against it ... 141 Majority against it 139 The report was then brought up and agreed to . Mr . Corky moved the order of the day for the house resolving itself into a committee of supply . Before the Speaker left the chair , Lord Palmerston asked Sir R . Peel whether he was prepared to Lay on the table the award made by Prussia on the affair of Portendic , and the different papers connected with that subject ? Sir R . Peel observed that he should be prepared , at an early period , to Jay upon the table the official
documents connected with that subject . There was , however , a correspondence still going on upon it . He expected , however , to be able to lay it on the table shortly after the recess . After a conversation , which passed between Capt . Pechell and Sir G . Cockburn , relative to the reappointment of Lieutenant Bridge , of the Cormorant , who , inconsequence ofthe sentence of a courtmartial , had been dismissed the service for using disrespectful language towards one of our Vice-Consuls in South America , the house resolved itself into committee .
In the committee , on the proposal of a grant of £ 610 , 546 , for the purposes of defraying the charge of purchasing provisions and victualling stores for the seamen and marines to be employed during the next year , a lively discussion sprang up between Lord Palmerston and Sir R . Peel respecting the illegal detention of a negro slave at Surinam , in consequence of an incorrect opinion of the law officer of the Crown at Surinam . It was terminated by Sir R . Peel promising that the case of the negro should undergo reconsideration , and that he should not be damnified by anything which had hitherto occurred . The discussion also extended to th * best mode of checking the slave-trade in Cuba and Brazil , and of nutting it
down on the coast of Africa by a combined effort on the part of France and England to destroy the barracoons , which appeared both to Lord Palmerston and Sir R . Peel a very desirable measure . The committee then proceeded , upon the same grant , to discuss almost every imaginable , topic connected with the navj , but more particularly the best mode of manning our ships , and of providing for the defence of our coast in case of a war . The principal speakers were Sir G . Cockburn , Sir C . Napier , Captain Berkeley , Captain Pechell , Mr . C . Wood , Mr . Sydney Herbert , and Admiral Bowles . The vote was at length agreed to . The Chairman then reported progress . The house resumed , and shortly afterwards adjourned .
Tuesday , Max 6 . There being no " grievances" to " redress , " no " wrongs" to " right , " and the people being everywhere " happy" and " contented , " the representatives of the "Commons" determined to have a holiday this evening ; and therefore there was " no house ! " Coidd not the people improve on the hint , and vote "the house" a nuisance altogether ? If we can do without" the house " for onenight , could we not do without it for the three hundred and sixty-five nights of the year ? What if we try ? Our senators seem to like holidays : suppose the people relieve them of their " duties " altogether ?
Wednesday , May 17 , EXCULPATION OF MR , MAZZINI FBOH Sin JAMBS GEi DAM ' S CHARGES . On the order of the day for the second reading of the Poor Law Amendment ( Scotland ) Bill , Mr . Bodvebie ( who was indistinctly heard in tho gallery ) said , between fire and six weeks ago a motion was submitted to that house relative to the opening of letters addressed to persons in this country , and the communication of tlieir contents to foreign powers . In the debate on that subject , the right lion . Home Secretary ( Sir J . Graham ) , in his defence of the Government , made charges against Mr . Mazzini , and threw imputations upon the character of that person which he then endeavoured to substantiate , and which he had not since withdrawn .
The charge made by the right hon . gentleman against the individual to whom he alluded ought , as he conceived , under no circumstances to have been made , unless it could be substantiated . The privileges of this house protected a member making such a charge from the responsibility attaching to similar conduct in any other place , and he therefore thought that no imaginable circumstances could justify any hon . member in making imputations of so serious a nature upon the character of any individual . By a mere fiction , it was supposed that a charge or slander of that kind made in this house was not published ; and yet the very next morning thousands of newspapers circulated the slander in every ^ axt of tn » country —lie might say , almost throughout every part of the world ; and in the present
case the imputation was stamped with the authority of one of the Secretaries of State , —it was made current by the Minister of Justice of this kingdom . He ( Mr . Bouverie ) regarded this subject totally irrespective of tlie evidence by which the charge was attempted to be substantiated ; and he maintained that no member of that house was authorized , in common justice and fairness , in making such a charge as that made by the rig ht hon . gentleman ( Sir J . Graham ) againstMr . Mazzini , or against anyperson whatsoever . But with reference to the grounds onwliich this charge rested , the only evidence adduced by the right hon . baronet was an anonymous statement
in a French newspaper . The right hon . gentleman proraised that he would subsequently substantiate his statement by papers , which should be delivered to members oi that bouse . That promise was made six weeks ago , and the only papers he ( Mr . Bouverie ) had since received on this subject were those he now held in his hand , in which there was not a single iota of evidence to substantiate the right honourable baronet ' s charge . He thought , therefore , that right honourable gentleman would only act handsomely and fairly if he withdrew his charge against Mr . Mazzini . He ( Mr . Bouverie ) had no acquaintance with Mr . Mazzini ; he was not aware that he had ever seen that individual . But there were
certain great principles of justice which every one ought to observe ; and every individual , however mean and humble his station , ought to be protected against such attacks as that to which he had referred . Considering the horrible nature ofthe imputation made by the right hon . baronet , and the position of the person against whom it was directed—an exile in this country , he could not think the conduct of the right hon . baronet was justifiable , He ( Mr . Bouverie ) had been told , since he came down to the house , that a foreign Government had communicated to an hon . friend of his , a member of that house , who-was not now present , that they had carefully investigated the charge made by the right hon . baronet against Mr . Mazzini , and that it was not ' substantiated by a tittle of evidence . He hoped , under these circumstances , that the right him . gentleman was prepared to withdraw the charge . Sir 3 Gbahah . —The hon . member who has just sat down gave me notice yesterday of his intention to mention
House Of Commons, Fbidk, Mat 2. On The M...
this subject . It does so happen , that if the hon , gentleman had not put this question , it would have been my duty , bad there been " a house" yesterday , to make a statement upon this subject . On Monday last the hon . member for Kilmarnock ( Mr . Bouverie ) , and the hon . member for Finsbury ( Sir . T . Duncombe ) , communicated with me , in writing , with reference to this matter ; and I informed them—what was then strictly true—that I was not at that time in a condition to make a statement which would be satisfactory to them or to Mr . Mazzini . In consequence of the question of the hon . member for Bolton ( Dr . Bowring ) , I thought it my duty , from regard to truth aud to justice , to institute—through my noble friend the Foreign Secretary ( the Earl of Aberdeen )—an inquiry in the quarter where I thought I was most likely to obtain
accurate information with reference to this subject , Until yesterday , the information I received , so far from shaking my impression upon this matter , tended rather to confirm it . But , not satisfied with the quarters in which those inquiries had been directed , I was particularly anxious that the judge who presided at the trial at Kodez , and the public prosecutor on that occasion , should be consulted ; and at my request those persons were written to . Until two o ' clock yesterday I did not receive an answer to those inquiries ; and , as I have before stated , if there had been " a house" yesterday , it certainly was my intention voluntarily to have made the statement which it is now my duty to make in answer to tho question of the hon . member for Kilmarnock , The hon . gentleman has referred to what occurred when I made the
original statement in my place in this house ; and those hon . gentlemen now present who did me the honour of listening to what fell from me on that occasion Avill remember that , when I came to that part of my statement . which related to the conduct of Mr , Mazzini , I cited a newspaper . I said that my information rested upon authority which was not official , and , therefore , not so well entitled to confidence as that upon which my other statements were made . I fixed the attention of the house upon that fact . The hon . member for Finsbury ( Mr . T . Duncombe ) , who replied to me ou that occasion , mentioned a circumstance with which , till I heard it from him , I was wholly unacquainted , that Mr , Mazzini , about the year 1840 , 1 think , brought an action against M . Gisquet , who republished the statement made in the Moniteur , and
that in that action Mr . Mazzini was successful . I do not , on the present occasion , moan to refer to any other matters but the particular inquiries with reference to that subject to which the hon , member for Kilmarnock has specially directed our attention . That hon . gentleman has said , that in the papers I have presented to the house there is no recognition of tlie statement I quoted from the Monitcur . I think the hon . gentleman has not looked very attentively at those papers , or he would have seen a letterfromSir A . Foster , our minister at Turin , written at the time , to the Secretary of State for Foreign Afiairs , in which there is a distinct recognition of that statement . But I will not dwell upon these facts . I am bound Ito state to the hon . member for Kilmai'nock ' and to the house , that the account I received yesterday , resting upon the statements of the judge who tried Gavioli , and the public prosecutor , in answer to the
inquiries made at my request , are explicit , full , and direct , that in that trial no evidence whatever was produced which inculpates Mr . Mazzini iu the case . ( Hear , hear . ) I am bound , therefore , to state that if I had known at the time I made the original statement the facts of the trial , —much more , if 1 had known what was the impression of the judge and the public prosecutor , who I conceive are the best authorities in this matter , —so far from making that statement , I should have religiously abstained from doing so . By the statement I then made a public injury was inflicted on Mr . Mazzini , and therefore now , knowing the facts I have just detailed to the house , and which were unknown to roe then—I think it due to Mr . Mazzini to make the only and best reparation in my power—which is , that the statement I have now made shall be as public as my former statement . I can only add , that I hope this explanation will be satisfactory .
Mr . T . Dokoombe . —I am sure no hon . members of this house would wish any other gentleman to make an apology for , or a retraction of , anything he might hare said with reference to a person out of this house , unless they were satisfied that such apology or retraction was just aud necessary . I think the right hon . Home Secretary was quite right in abstaining , until this moment , from making such a statement as that which he has just made . I think that right hon , gentleman has good reason to complain of those individuals who placed the Monitw in his hands , for it was impossible those persons could have been ignorant at the time that the statement contained in that paper was a fabrication and a gross forgery . That was well known to parties in France ; it was also well known to persons connected with the French Embassy
here . It is impossible they could be ignorant that there had been a public refutation of all that was stated in the Moniteur , I hold in my hand the judgment of the Tribunal Correctionnelle of Paris in April , 1841 . That document might have been obtained from Paris within a week after the statement ofthe right hon . baronet was mado in this house ; aud it was the duty of those persons who suggested the charge to have fuTnishod the right hon . gentleman with this document , That judgment totally acquits Mr . Mazzini of all participation in the conspiracy . The murderer of Emiliani at Rodez was sentenced to perpetual imprisonment for homicide ; for , as I stated when this subject was formerly under discussion , the Court decided the offence to be homicide sans premeditation . During the
imprisonment of Gavioli he murdered his gaoler , and for that crime he was executed ; and this was the man who was supposed to have been the instrument of Mr . Mazzini . I am glad the right hon . baronet has made the full and satisfactory statement we have heard from him to-night . I am sure the apology he has made will be satisfactory , not only to Mr . Mazzini , but to the other unfortunate exiles in this country . If I had not been satisfied that Mr . Mazzini was innocent ofthe charge , I would not have introduced the subject to the notice of this house ; for he would have been unworthy of that friendship and hospitality which be enjoys among many distinguished persons in this country had he been justly open to such an imputation .
Sir J . Gbahak . —The hon . member for Finsbury says this explanation is given at a late period . I am most anxious that the house should do me justice upon this point . Tlie explanation was made at the earliest moment possible . I have here a letter from Lord Cowley , dated the 2 nd of May ; the answer of the judge who tried Gavioli and the . papers from the Procureur du Roi , are dated the 1 st of May ; and I hold in my hand a letter from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs ( the Earl of Aberdeen ) , in which he says , " The enclosed papers , received yesterday from Lord Cowley , are of a different tendency from those formerly communicated by the Prefect of Police and the Minister ofthe Interior . " I did not receive them , as I before stated , until two o ' clock yesterday .
Mr , T . Buncombe . —I did not intend to attribute to the right hon . baronet any unnecessary delay . On the contrary , I said that , unless he was satisfied in his own mind , lie was quite right in withholding this statement , He certainly could not have made it sooner , On the motion for going into committee on the Field Gardens Bill . Mr . Boebcok moved that it be committed that day six months , it being , in his opinion , a poor law bill in disguise . Sir J . Graham hoped the hon . member for Bath would not persevere in his amendment . The bill certainly required very considerable amendments , but as its principle appeared to be generally approved of , he hoped it would be suffered to pass through committee pro forma , in order to have those amendments introduced , Mr . Roebuck withdrew his amendment ; the bill went into committee ; several amendments were introduced into it ; and the house resumed .
Sir J . Graham proposed the re-committal of the Physic and Surgery Billpi-o / orma , with the view of introducing alterations which he conceived to be necessary to the success of the measure . He complained of the difficulties attending legislation on this subject—difficulties which , if he could have foreseen them at starting , might have prevented him from taking up the subject at all -, but having devoted so much attention as he had done to the subject , he was unwilling to abandon it without effecting some improvement beneficial as well'to the profession as to the public . The vigbt hon . baronet then stated at considerable length the nature of the alterations which he was prepared to carry out , and said he should not propose to proceed further with the bill until the middle of June , in the interim taking care to have printed tlie proposed charter which it was intended to give under the bill . If he should not succeed in this effort at a satisfactory arrangement he confessed he should despair of accomplishing the task by any future exertion .
After some further discussion the bill went through committee . The remaining business was then disposed of , and the house adjourned ,
Thursday , Mat 8 . Mr . Pabkeb brought up the report of the committee upon the Scottish Central Railway Committee , to the effect that it was the opinion of the committee that the house ought not to consent to the establishment of a railway station upon the piece of ground called South Inch , in the neighbourhood of Perth . The report was received with considerable cheering . Sir C . N afier entered into an explanation of some strong expressionswhichhehadusedotiaformer occasion respecting the conduct of Lord Seaton towards the Bandieras . He had since received further information , and was better able to judge of the facts , and this information led him to view the conduct of that noble lord in a more favourable light than he did on that occasion ; and exonerated him ( Lord Seaton ) from much of the blame which from partial information he had attached to him .
Australian corn , Mr . Hutt moved for a committee of the whole house to consider the expediency of permitting grain and flour , the produce of Australia , to be imported into the United Kingdom on payment of the same amount of duty as is now levied on grain and flour , the produce of Canada . The hon . gentleman went into a series of arguments to show that Australia ought to be placed in the same position as Canada in respect to the importation of corn . A lengthy debate ensued , in which Sir Walter James , Mr . Milner Gibson , Mr . Baring , Mr . Bright , Mr . Ward , and Lord Howick supported ; and Sir George Clerk , Mr . Darby , Mr . Stewart Wortley , and Mr . Plumptre opposed the motion .
Sir R . Peel resisted the motion on the ground that the relative positionof Canada and Australia were exceedingly different , and that it would be inexpedient to place them in the same position with regard to the importation of corn .
House Of Commons, Fbidk, Mat 2. On The M...
Lord Howick replied at some length , when the house divided—For the motion 93 Against it W Majority against it - —M POST-OFFICE ABUSES . Mr . Duncombe postponed his motion on this subject for a fortnight , and the house adjourned .
Polite Htttlliwm.
polite htttlliWM .
Mansion House. Satvjrdav. — Domestic Jab...
MANSION HOUSE . Satvjrdav . — Domestic Jabs — The Gbeen-eved Monsteb . —Henry Willis , a corn-examiner , was brought up at the instance of the overseers of Saint Botolph Aldgatc , charged with refusing to maintain his wife . — Mary Ann Willis deposed that she was married to defendant on the 22 nd day of February last . That from the promptings of a nasty jealous disposition he left her about three weeks since , and had not contributed to her maintenance ; she had given him no justcause forsuch conduct . — A solicitor , who appeared for the husband , cross-examined Mrs . Willis , relative to an alleged , / tejws with a Mr , Sharplin , but without eliciting anything to bear out such a charge James Sharplin deposed that he was a dock labourer , and had known complainant since last boxingday . He remembered the 29 th day of April last ; on that
day Mrs . Willis had sent for him to unfasten her door for her . Something was the matter with the lock . It would not unfasten , and be forced it open . He afterwards went into the room , and put his arms around Mrs . Willis ' s neck . He had also done that which he now much regretted , and was much ashamed of . —Mrs . Willis emphatically denied the truth of Sharplin ' s allegation , and said he made those assertions out of malice , she having lately obtained a conviction against him at Worship-street Police Court , where ho was fined 40 s . for using abusive and obscene language towards her . Sharplin , on being interrogated , admitted that he had been fined as stated by Mrs . Willis . Chalotte Donclly , a smart little girl , deposed that Sharplin was keeping her company . She knew the complainant ;
and knew that on the 29 th of April last , Sharplin was called out by Mrs . Willis to open her door . She thought he was much longer about it than he had any occasion to bs , and went after him to call him to tea . Sharplin was in Mrs . Willis ' s room , and Mrs . Willis was standing at Die glass curling her hair . She did not see anything improper . —The Lord Mayor could not believe Sharplin ' s evidence , and should therefore call upon Willis to maintain his wife . He should order her to have 4 s . a-week , and if tho husband did not regularly give that sum he would leave the parochial authorities to deal with him . The husband consented to this arrangement . The Lord Mayor then severely reprimanded Sharplin , who left the court amid the scorn of a crowded auditory ,
GUILDHALL . Satubdat . — Ctmiops Charge or Ybwnt . — John Wilcox was ] charged before Mr . Alderman Humphries , with felony , under the following curious circumstances : —The charge was that he had stolen a coat , value 15 s ., from his brother-in-law , while drinking in a public-house in Rcdcross-strect , Barbican . They were sitting together in the house enjoying themselves , wlien the complainant being very hot took his coat oil ; and placed it in a chair . The prisoner shortly after took it up , and went out and pawned it . He ( the complainant ) now brought him up on the charge of stealing the coat . The reply of the
complainant to the charge was , that he had taken the coat , and pawned it , under tho impression that it' it had been left where it was , considering the state the complainant was in , it would have been stolen . He panned it for 3 s ., intending as soon as the complainant was sober to take it out for him . The complainant was a person of very irregular habits , and had caused his relatives much annoyance , having dissipated within the last few years a considerable sum of money , which had been left him . The worthy alderman thought the explanation satisfactory , and ordered Hie discharge ofthe prisoner on the condition that he would take the coat out of pawn , and return it to its owuer .
Monday , —The person charged with stealing a large quantity of paper from Messrs . Magnay , wholesale stationers , College-hill , and the parties charged with receiving portions of it , were brought up for re-examination before Sir Peter Laurie . There was : iu array of legal gentlemen for thft several prisoners ; and Mr . Clarkson and Mr . Hobler appeared for the prosecution . —Mr . Clarkson stated , that it was necessary that the eases against some ofthe prisoners should be taken separately , and he should restrict the evidence to-day to the charge of stealing against John Ell , tlie foreman to Messrs . Magnay , and Henry Corduroy , their carman , in respect to two bundles of paper , value between six and seven guineas ; and a charge of receiving against John Dodge , a bookbinder , residing at No . 25 , Ashley-terrace , City-road . —The examination was then adjourned till to-morrow .
QUEEN SQUARE . SATURDAY . —FORTUNE TELLING FRAUD . —EXTENSIVE Credulity . —An old Irishwoman , who gave her name Bridget Callaghan , was placed before Mr . Bun-el , the sitting magistrate , on the charge of obtaining money fraudulently , by representing herself to be a fortuneteller , and able to rule " the planets , " The charge was made by a servant girl in Sloanc-strcct , who stated that about a week ago the prisoner came to the house where she was engaged and wanted to tell her her fortune . She said she was able to tell everything respecting the future history of the complainant , if the latter would pay 5 s . The complainant consented , and brought the money ; subsequently , on the representation of the defendant that she could tell her her fortune much more particularly , and more especially all about who her future husband
should be , w she was allowed to dream upon it at home , which she represented to be in the neighbourhood , the complainant allowed her to go , giving her 5 s . extra for the suporiorprediction which this arrangement was to produce , the defendant promising to call with the results of her dream next morning . Next morning arrived , but there was no Mrs . Callaghan with it . The complainant called at the place where the defendant had represented as her abode , but no such person was known there . The complainant found out that she had been regularly hoaxed . Yesterday , being out on an errand , she met with the defendant and gave her in charge . The defendant , on being interrogated respecting the charge , declared that she had never seen the complainant before . She was committed for a month , and the magistrate advised the complainant not to be so credulous in future .
Monday . —Attack upon a Police-Constable . —Yesterday , William ltayncr , a tall powerful fellow , described as a greengrocer and coalshed-keeper , at 53 , York-street , Westminster , was charged with violently assaulting and wounding Thomas Hickcy , police-constable 120 B , with a poker , and also with attempting to stab him with a knife . Complainant ' s head was bandaged , his face was much swollen and bruised , and he appeared to have received severe bodily injuries . He stated , that hearing cries of " murder , " he went to defendant ' s shop , and there saw defendant holding a female by the hair of the head , whilst he firmly grasped a soldier , who appeared to be endeavouring to separate them . Complainant immediately parted them , and defendant went into a parlour adjoining the shop , and after lifting up the female , defendant
suddenly rushed into the shop , with a poker in his hand , and struck complainant a violent blow on the head , which felled him to the ground ; and , on endeavouring to get up , defendant swore that he would murder him for coming into his house ; and getting him down- again on the ground , kicked him repeatedly , and caught hold of a knife and struck at his legs . Several constables arrived , and defendant , who was drunk at the time , was conveyed to the station . Complainant ' s statement was confirmed by three or four witnesses , amongst whom was the soldier spoken of , who said he saw defendant dragging a female ( his wife ) about by the hair of the head , and hitting her : He interfered to separate them , when defendant dealt him a desperate blow on the forehead which rendered him almost insensible . Mr . Bond expressed his intention of committing him for trial , and remanded him .
Wednesday . —William Rayner , a greengrocer and coal-shed keeper in York-street , Westminster , who was charged on Tuesday with a murderous attack upon a police constable in the execution of his duty , was brought up for final examination . Mr . Bond committed him for trial at the Central Criminal Court for feloniously assaulting and wounding . Mb . Dunn again . —Extbaobdinaby Affair . —Just before the closing ofthe court , Mr . Dunn , the barrister , accompanied by Inspector Forbes , ofthe I ! division , and James Escot , a police-constable in plain clothes , came before Mr . Bond . Mr . Dunn , addressing the magistrate , complained that he had for some time past been subjected to an annoyance of a most illegal and unwarrantable character . A close watch had been set upon his house , and wherever he went he was followed by Escot . In order to make sure that this was designedly done , he had within the last week two or three times gone out for the purpose and taken a number of short turnings , and made various stoppages , but wherever lie went this person , who
was a complete stranger to him , was close a t his heels . Ho left his house that day , and had no sooner set his foot in the street , than the man jumped out ofthe public-house facing , and again followed him to various places , and on Iiis coining out of a shop where he had occasion to call , there he was opposite the door . —Mr . Bond : I have nothing to do , sir , with the arrangements ofthe police . —Mr . Dunn : A man , it is true , may walk through the public streets where he likes , but if he follows another continually in this open and glaring way , the person so followed would be justified in taking out a loaded pistol and shooting him , —Mr . Bond ' : I would not recommend you , sir , to carry your view ofthe law into effect . —Mr . Dunn : Have you any objection , Mr . Bond , to take my information in a case of felony ? You have jurisdiction . I charge him with following me with intent to commit a felony . —Mr . Bond repeated that the complaint must bo addressed to the commissioners of police , and not to him . Mr . Dunn , therefore , left the office , but apparently much dissatisfied .
Thursday . — Charge of Maotlaughteb . — Charles Donnelly , a gentleman ' s servant , was placed at the bar , charged with having caused the death of George Morris , a farrier . —Richard Reid , a cabman , living in Exeter-street , Chelsea , stated that he was at the Crown and Sceptre , in the Brompton-road , on the previous night , a little before twelve , and saw the deceased and the prisoner there . Deceased , who was intoxicated , grossly insulted the prisoner , and challenged him to fight , declavrngthathe would give him a good hiding , and then having given a dog ' he held in his arms , and about the qualities of which there appeared to have been some dispute , into the care of some other person , advanced to the prisoner in a fighting attitude . Prisoner struck him a blow on the side of the nose , and deceased fell on his back on the floor He was lifted up apparently more intoxicated than before ' and taken out into the street , where he was set on the stones , and after about twenty minutes a surgeon who had been sent for came , and said he was a dead man . —Serjeant Mulcahy proved apprehending the prisoner at hia residence , who appeared much affected on hearing the
Mansion House. Satvjrdav. — Domestic Jab...
fate of the man , and cried . He said he had received * provocation , and had struck the blow in his i , Wn , j P ' —Prisoner said that , on his expressing hi ,.... ; ,.: '"* . the dog was not very handsome , the deceased becai " ""^ raged , and made use of such language as he should nntV "' to repeat . He challenged him to fight , and said he * trample him upon the ground ; upon which he ( h rj ° ' ' told him he had no wish to quarrel , and that | . S < , lM : t l sidered it would be very improper of him , as a gentle ° ' servant , to fight . Deceased put himself in attitude lT ' him , when he ( prisoner ) struck him a back-handed t , with his open hand , and , being drunk , the man ) against the partition , and then fell on the floor \ yiih . head against a person ' s boot . A gentleman named 1 ! said that the accused had been in his service for " ^ siderabie time , and was an exceedingl y quiet ivcju ? C 011 ' man . Mr . Embling , of Brompton-row , surgeon , saidT he was called to attend the man , and found him V the pavement , near the public-house , quite dead . nV examined tho body externally , and found no marks f / lence upon it , excepting a scratch on the lip . Juih > j n ! f tne external ot tne
appearances oouy , lie should en -j death arose from some affection of the head , sued i " cussion ofthe brain , or probably apoplexy . ' t |„ . J C 011-was very hard , and being loaded with food or Uuu ^ blow or fall might have produced apoplexy , u . T \ not heard of any blow having been given in this ca ^ k should at once , from that general appearances of the bod have considered that the man had died from aponl Mr . Bond considered that the accused had received nJ ' provocation , and admitted him to bail to appear a » ii , the 15 th inst . 6 m , ! i
BOW STREET . Satubday . —Picking Pockets . —Henry Thomas w placed before Mr . Twyford , on the charge of alteram ^ to pick pockets on Hungerford Suspension Brid ge 0 Thursday , the day of its opening . The prisoner ^ 2 served by a gentleman to make the attempt several ( iat He afterwards followed the prisoner , who was joined ' (' three others , to Exeter Hall , where an attempt was , i » ai made on a gentleman who had been present at an Any Maynooth meeting . The gentleman gave an alarm to j police-officer , but the parties , apprehending danger , d ? . camped . Next day , the gentleman being in tlie ntH , bourhoofl " , saw the same party at work again , ami \ " ' naged to get him taken up by a police-constable . Th « prisoner was fully committed for trial . Dbunken UnivebAty Students . — Three rathe , swellish youths , belonging to University CoUcge , iv ^ charged with being in a drunk and disorderly stale , jj University-street , and was fined 30 s . each , or iu defo ^ one mouth ' s imprisonment .
MARYLEBOXE . Saturday . —Till Stealing . —Henry Bennett and John Wallace , two U « ls , were charged with robbing the tffl 0 f a shop belonging to Mr . Culien , in Edgeware-road . Tin evidence not going to inculpate Wallace , ln > was nil charged ; the Other was remanded for a week , in , ) i , | . . . that further inquiries might he made . Wednesday . — Morality of a G £ . nti , e . « j . v jj r George Wood , a gentleman residing at X » . 'i . » , Sussex ! square , Hyde-park , attended at this i-umt w jwi-fvr ¦ , charge against a young woman named Mary ( . ' urt . >!; Complainant stated that on the previous day tlie pii-mitr came to his house and rang the bell : she also cri-ati-il .-, disturbance , and upon former occasions she had cumlmVi herself in a similar manner . He was at leugili c-. jnij . i-If t-: to give her into custody . — . Mr . ltawlinsuu : Whv tlui-s , 1 ..
do this ? What is it all about t—Complainant : Sheir . ak .-a demand upon me tor money . —XU \ Kawlwisvn : liwiiknow more about this : in what situation doesishe staid as regards you or your house : —Complainant : S ! ie h ; , _; nothing whatever to do with my house , and lias no lea ! demand upon inc . —Mr . Rawlinson : What reason do « she give for calling upon you ?—Complainant .- I mrald much rather not enter into particular details if I can In-In it . —Mr . Rawlinson : I must know a little more of die case , however unpleasant it may be to you . —Complain , ant ( after some hesitation ) : She was formerly jjj njt service , sir , and had a child by mc ; in fact , she had iivo but the second I don't acknowledge , it ' s not mine . Slw is paid through my solicitor ten shillings per week . —Mr .
Rawlinson ( to the prisoner ) : Why do you go to thehouse and cause this annoyance ?—Prisoner : I have two cliil , drenby him , and the money I get won't enable me to keep them , and pay my rent too , —Mr . ltawlinsuu : It is <| tii « as much as you would have got , if not more , under ordcti of affiliation . —( To complainant ) -. Surely , sir , you'd tot . tor sec if you can't come to some arrangement with this young woman , rather than expose yourself to the chance of her continuing to annoy you : recollect that youlme made her what she is . —Complainant : I shall not tliint of doing more for her . —Prisoner : If you'll allow me i little more money , I'll not call on you again . —Mr . liaiifc son : I shall now let you go , but if you arc brought hen any more , for annoying this gentleman , you will not jjo ; off quite so easily .
MARLBOROl'dl-STREET . Monday , —Charge of Infanticide . —Ann Poultcr iris brought before Mr . Maltby , charged with having , cwiwi the death of a female infant , of which she had recently been delivered , by violence . —Diana Hugo , a charwoman , said she went to Mr . Eyland ' s , boot and shoemaker , 19 , Hanway-street , where the prisoner lived as servant , about six o ' clock on Friday morning , to do sonic work . When she was let in she went into the kitchen , and there disco . vera ] certain marks on the floors of the front and back kitchens , which induced her to suspect that someone ia the house had recently been delivered of a chiW . Ste went up stairs and informed her mistress of tlie civarai . stance , and on going down stairs again , and scurclfe about , she heard the cry of an infant . Ou looking into the coal cellar she found a female child newly bora ,
wrapped in a bed-gown belonging to the prisoner . ' After warming the infant at the fire she went up stairs and gatit to the prisoner , who was lying in bed , apparently tooil to get up . —Mr . Francis ( Idling , surgeon , of . 20 , Cvtiirtstreet , said he was called in to see the prisoner on Friday morning , about seven o ' clock . lie found her iu lied uitfc an infant , of which she had evidently very recently te delivered . About half-past nine o ' clock he called ' a second time , and he found the infant bleeding from the mouth and nose , and with marks of violence over the eye and on the neck . When witness first saw the chili W > Vti not notice any marks of violence on its body . The i-WH died the same day , and had been sent from the lwuse .-Mr . Maltby asked this witness if , in his opinion , the infan : had died from violence ?—Mr . Odlinc said he was decitMl ;
of opinion that the appearances of violence had led to die death of the child , but how the marks came there he waunable to say . —Henry Powler , E 111 , said »> i l ' i * J morning he received information that the prisoner M given birth to a child in her master ' s house , and that vwlence had been used towards the child , lie went to 13-Hanway-street , and saw the child . It was bleeding at tin mouth and nose , and there was u bruise on the temple-Asked the prisoner to account for the marks , and she ; ai'i she had fallen down stairs a few days before , and had lira ' her side . The child died the same night , awl was lakefl to Marylebone workhouse , to await the verdict of a ( . 'owner's jury . The inquest bad not yet been hoUleu .-ift Maltby directed tlie prisoner to be remanded for a neck , and to be removed to the infirmary , as she was evidently not in a fit state to be abroad .
Wednesday . —An Abistocbatic Burn as . — A per son of military appearance , who gave the name ofw a"l'r '• Murray , No . 9 , Bolton-row , and who is reported to lw'u * * commission in her Majesty ' s service , was charged hetore i Mr . Maltby with having knocked down , with the butt-enu u of his riding-whip , in Hyde-park , a poor labouring mail a named James Magnay , living at 21 , Charles-street , th * * complainant , a man of emaciated appearance , said he «• ' ¦> » going to St . George ' s hospital to carry his wife , who wfc J a patient there , some clean apparel , when , as lie attempw » to cross the ride in Hyde-park , with his bundle ami a duw w in his arms , he was nearly ridden over by the detcnuam . i . To save himself from being knocked down , he put out ft » i > arm . and his hand touched the horse ' s flank . The defenoan . n . rode on for a short distance , then turned round , ana , ««»« coming up to him , without speaking A word , t ' clleu nniiw w the ground with the metal end of his riding-wtap . to » n > plainant was stunned for the moment ; lie , bowcvWi'"' " gained Ms legs , and as a police constable came up » " v *• instant he gave the defendant into custody . Julia »»« ' «
22 , Grosvcnor-strect , said , she was in Hyde-park about > > o ' clock the previous evening , waiting with others " > ¦ ¦ her Majesty pass . She noticed the attempt of the ciw plainant to cross the road , and that he put up his tawi «• save himself from being run over . She saw the dwi'W "' ; •" ,: after riding on for some yards , turn back tuw k , ' , lcK , ... b ... b complainant down with tho handle of his whip , / 'f .,, 2 ' 7 child fell into the road , but she ran forward , picked itW ; and found it had fortunately sustained no ituX 1 ' - ' , ' , ' ' , ' , defendant said , as he rode past the complainant , the iV : ^ r plainant kicked his horse between the hock and the _ r £ r ; lock . He turned his horse round immediately , a " ' , .. .. the man what he meant by such conduct . The » ' ? " " W ' tcred something , and he then struck him withlu »« y ^ but certainly with no intention to do him any injury . ¦ ¦ Maltby considered the assault was wanton and agfi rav , , * , ,, and inflicted the full penalty of A' 5 . The defendant f ^ m « out a ( mantity of bank-notes , and paid the line in « Wdiately .
Yorkshire MixEns .-The next genera ddeple ? meeting of Miners will be held at Mr . Charles II . iioI . in shire ' s , the New Inn , Dcwsbury , on Saturday , t y , til 17 th of May , 1815 , at eleven o clock in the forono « ciioo Lancashire Miners . —The' next general dclcgajlcga ' meeting of Lancashire Miners will be held at " at tl 1 Q , ueen Anne , Dean Church , near Bolton , on M « M «> day , May 19 , 1845 ; chair to be taken at clej ' : clej : o ' clock in the forenoon . There will also be a p \ pn !! meeting on the same day and at the same place , wl «! , wl «' will be addressed by W . P . Roberts , Esq ., ami jiid
vcval other gentlemen . The levy , including gew'feew ' ]] contribution , for the next fortnight , will be ls- taper member . . . Sheffield . —On Sunday , Mavll , amecting ol \ go l [ J Land Society will be held in the Reading Room , W , » Tree-lane ; chair to be taken at seven o ' clock . A ^ A &' tea party will be held in the above rooni on v |> n v ' Tuesday . Tickets may be obtained at the room- » m . Bradford . —The members of the council willtfiiuwi in the Council Room , Butterivorth-builduigs , i > n -, on - " day morning , at nine o ' clock .
The Ten Hours' Bill.
The Lancashire Central Short Time Conuni...
THE Lancashire Central Short Time Conunidf iiiitt ^ - quest that all petitions now in course of sign *' s igitfjJ in Lancashire and Cheshire , be sent to the Secrctai'f '' jtai'J " as little delay as possible ; filled up and made into pai'topa' " addressed , "The Secretary ofthe Short Time Gomn " omm " Red Lion Inn , London-road , Manchester , " Committee Room , May 5 th , 1845 . .
Printed By Dougal M'Gowan, Of 17, Graat Win* Avind'l'
Printed by DOUGAL M'GOWAN , of 17 , Graat Win * AVind'l'
street , Haymarket , in the City of Westminster , " ster . Office in the same Street and Parish , for ' ¦ ' r »« prietor , FEAKGUS O'CONNOR , E 8 q ., audput " " ublisi ^ Wiaux Hewitt , of No . IS , Charlee ^ treA »*\ W f * street , -Walworth , in the Parish of St . Maty . ** ** ton , in the bounty of Surrey , at the Off « , *>> * ° * Strand , in the Parish of St . MaryJe ^ trM "W . « City of YTeBtminatm Saturday , May 1 # , !« '
Northern Star (1837-1852), May 10, 1845, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_10051845/page/8/