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- Departments (5)
- Adverts (15)
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the subject. To Lord George's propositio...
The commission appointed to revise the Prussian
penal code, has approved a proposal that...
THE RALLY. In anticipation -of the prese...
* JUSTICE IN IRELAND. Among other preten...
PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW. The real work of t...
Co &t m r* &Corres8ontieii te*
MIBCELIANEOBS. vs g- Now that Parliament...
PUBLIC MONIES. We request all Sub-secret...
n„lr ! 8t i 1 and EeveraI othe * Pkces, ...
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The Subject. To Lord George's Propositio...
a _ February 5 , 1848 . v I , THE NOETHEEM STAR . : —— = * - ^ - — " ' " i
Great -Success.—True Reciprocity
' ALL TOS IACH , AHB EAOH ?« B IU , ' TO THE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL LAK ® COMPANY . _ _ The propriety « f establishes a Natiohal Benefit Society has beea frequently urged npon our attenjfsiEKD , ^ i ra rested that we should eriglnate ons , In order to a-fiord an opportunity to those of our X ^ ' ^ uA ave a desire ofjoi » ing an institution under the aufpicesef the movement party , and established for friends w- ^ ^ \ aioz the otward march « f Democracy . With the desire of our friends we cordially sympathise , the pnrpos ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ . fi fu ) j ^ j com pj ete ) y oceupied in attending to our present engagements , we ibonld and wer . laeBmpij ing Rita their wishes . We hare long been of opinion that the cause of the people olid to much s « ved by " the establishment of snch an Association ; At present there are thousands who join ' tn r societies who weald prefer becoming members of o » e composed of persons whose eptniens harmonise with their own , and wbssa funds instead of being place * at the disposal of their enemies , would be applied to bentfit themselves , and thecauta whieh they hare at hesrt . We mast , however , decline catering upon the organisation « f snch a body , but , at the ssme time , would recommend all who fetl Interested in tbe matter , to join the NATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE BENEFIT SOCIETY , ¦ ? TlrtC » l has beea seme time ia existence , and which mil e » tablUbed for tho pnrpoies above enumerated . The fictual nunaeenicn ? of It derolres upon its ledefatigabhs founder , Mr Stallwood , a man in whose houoar and profit ? we have tbe greatest TtlUnce— so ranch confi < Unce do we repom in him , that we have contented to become the directors of the societr—Mr Stallwood undertaking to io the work of secretary , our part ofthe business being to make -i periodical examination of the accounts , and other monetary transactions , which all parties may rel y npon htiair done bv us The chief recommendations of this society are—that the subferiptions are liberal ; its gorernment democratic ' and i ts funds will be deposited ia the National Land and Labodi Bank . We sincerely recommend this society to the consideration of our friends . All communications on the snbjtot to he addrwaed to the secr-Karv Mr Edmund Stallwood , 2 , Little Vale-place , Hammersmith . London . * ci . r : ^ v , Christopher Doyle , Thohas Clark , Psiu p M'Grath .
THS LATE NATIONAL LASD CONFERENCE , H » ld at Lo wbaads Aogost , 18 * 7 , adopted the follewingjresolution unanimously : — « That this Conference reoommt-n " dst > . e country to deposit their fnndsin the'National Land and Labour Bank ; ' all who wish to fyjlow the iEstnictions '' of their friends and representatives will join that auxiliary to the National Lnnd Company . THE NATIONAL CO-OPERATIVE BENEFIT SOCIETY . Patron . —T . Waxlet , M . P . Directors —Messrs . F . M Gbatb , T . Claee , and C . Dome , ^ , j ^_ Xee Na tional Larp and Labodr Bans .. Secretary —Ma E . Stallwoob . Centra ; OjjUe . —2 , Little Vale-place , Hammersmith . This society presents greater advantages to the industrious millions than any similar institution eter established . 7 he . benefits resulting from jniaing it are— J In Sickntss . per week ... from 7 s to 18 s Member ' s Decease > £ <» » ^ O Wife ' s Ditto ; i £ 3 „ £ 10 Wife ' s Accouchement „ 15 „ £ 2 Superannuation , per wees ... ... ... .- • - » * ,, *™ A G : 't Fund and Youth Burial Pund , and the Inrestare of it * Surplus Funds in Lind , for the mutual advantage Of Us ffieinuers . ,. » . *„ Entrance Fee , according to Age , as follows : — Tears . Yearn . Years . Years . Fir « t SccrfoD , usder 25 ... Ss Od — 35 ... is Od — 45 ... 5 s Od — 50 ... 7 s Cd Second Section ... ... 2 s 6 d _ 35 ... Ss Od - 4 a ... 4 s 6 . 1-58 ... 6 s 6 d Third Section ... 25 ... 2 s Od — 35 ... 2 s 6 d — 45 ... 5 s 6 d — 59 ... 4 s Od Fourth Section ... 25 ... Is 6 d - S 5 ... 2 < Oi - 45 ... 3 s 01 — 59 ... 4 s 6 d If more convenient to members the entrance fee can be paid by instalments , so that the whole is paid within three months .
NO f ? PUBLISHING . THE POLITICAL WORKS OF THOMAS PAINE . Complete in one thick volume , price 5 s ., in which vrfl ba found several pieces never before published in England ; and an ajpendis , containing lbs Trial cf Thomas Paine , with a portrait of the author . VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCE ASD TALES , in one vol ., price 3 s . 6 d . THE DEVIL'S PULPIT , By . the Rev . RosiiT TaTI 0 B , two vols , price 5 s ., published at 9 s . THE DIAGESIS . By the same anther , price 5 s ., published at One Guinea . THE MANUAL OF FREEMASONRY . By Carlile , published at las . and now reduced to 6 s . This is the Cttlj eavtion that contains tbe celebrated Introductions , feeing a complete Kry to the science and mystery of Hasonry . Three parts in one volume , handsomely bound . THE MIRROR OF ROMANCE , one thick vol ., 409 pages 4 to , double columns , price 5 s ., containing tbe following : —Leone Leoni , by George Sand—Pnysiology of Hatrimony , fifty cats , by Paul de Kock—White Heuse , a Romance , and the History ef Jenny , by tbe sanae author—Simon , the Radical , a Tale of the French 2 Co volution—Memoirs of aa Old Man ot Twenty-five , an amusing tale , he , W . Dagdale , 16 , Holywcll-street , Strand ^
Oa Saturday , the 12 th day of February , ffill be published , the First Number of a DUBLIN WEEKLY JOURNAL , ENTITLED 'THE UNITED IRISHMAN , ' XOITED BT JOHN MITCHEL , Aided by Tbohas Devin Keh . lt , John Mastin , of Loughorn , and other competent Contributors , * Onr independence must be bad at all hazard ? . If the men of property will not support us , they must fall : we can suj port ourselves by the aid of tha ' t numerous and respectable class of the community , the Men of no Property . '—Theobald Woue Tone . The Projectors of ' The United Irishman' believe that the world is weary of OLD IRELAND , aad also of YOUNG IRELAND—that the day for both these noisy factions is ptst and gone—that Old and Young alike have grown superannuated and obsolete together . They believe that the Public ear is thirsting to hear some Voice , bolder , more intelligible , more independent of parties , policies , and cliques , than any it has heard for a long while . They believe that Ireland really and trul y icants to be freed from English dominion . Tbey know not how many or how few will listen to their voice . They have no party prepared to halloo at their backs ; and have no trust , save in the power ef Truth , and the immortal beauty of Freedom . He that Lath ears to hear , let him hear . The Principles on which ' The United Irishman' will Jje conducted are shortly these : — 1 st . That t' e In ' ph People have a just and indefeasible right to this Island , and to all the moral and material Tvealth and resources thereof , to possess and govern the same for their own use , maintenance , comfort , and honour , as a distinct Sovereign State . 2 nd . That it is in their power , and it is also their manifest duty to make good and exercise that right . 3 rd . That the Life of one Peasant is as precious as the Life of one Nobleman or Gentleman . 4 th . That the Property of the Farmers and Labourers of Ireland is as sacred as the Property of all the Noblemen and Gentlemen in Ireland , and is also immeasurably more valuable .
m Imn ?? , ™ 6118 O'CONNOR , Esq ., M . P ., X . len ^ ii ^ i " ^ fiends and the Ch artistbodv SBfe ^^ ffi & ES . 'as fo ^ JS ^ V" ^ M ± sWMriSSSjaawat United Kingdom . ' - ^^ t f , and all booksellers jn the ,
THE O'CONJfOR TARTAN . Ms JOHN GREGORY , Draper , Eccles , near Man Chester , begs respectfully to inform his Democratic friends in Manchester , Stockport , Ashton , Hyde , Oldham , Bury , Heywood , Button , and Leigh , that he has become Agent for the sale of THE O'CONNOR TARTAN , and intends to wait upon his friends , in the above-named places , in the course of a few days , with a select stock of Ladies' Shawls , Scarfs , Handkerchiefs , Silk aud Woollen Dresses , Gentlemen ' s Yesthigs , ifcc . & c , when he trusts he shall receive the patronage and support of his numerous friends .
THE LAND . TO any allottee who DOES NOT WANT TO GO ON HIS LASD AT PRESENT , a gardener will give five per cent , above the Company's rent , for a term of seven jears . Apply , J . B ., 31 , Drumraondcrescent , Euston-square , London .
THE LAND . WANTED , a Two Acre Allotment , at Mathon , Snig ' s End , Mo = it , orFilkin * s Hall ; for which £ + 0 will be paid . Apply , by letter , post paid , to Mr Love , News Agent , 5 , Nelson-street , Glasgow . LAND . TO BE DISPOSED OF , A FOUR ACRE ALLOTMENT ( obtained in the November Ballot ) ; the successful allottee having engagements preventing- him taking possession . Ebr particulars , apply ( post paid ) , to Henry Whitworth , 35 , Scott ' s-row , Winding-road , Nortbgate , Uaiiiax , Yorkshire .
INSTRUCTION , COMMUNICATION , AND DEFENCE FOR THE MILLION . Union is ' . Strength ; . Knowledge is Power . —Bacon . The Mixers , Trades , and the Industrious Classes generally will find it tj be their interest and advantage to read and support TUB MINERS' ADVOCATE , MANX INT 5 LLIGENCER , and TRADES' FREE PRESS- , which is Edited and Published by Mr YVm . Danielle , in anew and improved form , in Douglas , Isle of Alan , and is an organ of instruction , communication and defence for the Miners and Trades of Great Britain ; at the s . ime time it will also advocate the rights , and exposet the wrongs of Lahour ; and will likewise insert tho different grievances ander which the Miners , and Trades suffer , if sent and properly authenticated . One of the principal objects ofthe Misers' Advocate anb TeaDES' Fjiee Press will be to endeavour to break down and expose the injurious tendency of the prejudices and ill feeling which , unhappily , too much prevail among working men , and which pri-judice and ill-feeling the selfish and unprincipled among the master-class have invariably used as means to still further depress and enslave the Wealth Producers . Seeing that it most certainly is ths interest of the Industrious Classes to hold a good understanding with each other , and to cultivate a spirit of unity audfriendship with each other , lor mutual assistance and defence , we shall labour incessantly to overthrow the pernicious ' Aristocracy of Trades ; ' and we shall also endeavour to instruct as well asamuse , being convinced that the' one thing needful' among the working classes is information and a knowledge of their rights , and worth , and usefulness ; that knowled ge once obtained , a rapid improvement in the moral and physical condition ofthe ill . used and oppressed toiling millions would speedily follow . The Advocatb will belong to no particular political party or religious sect , hut will give a fair and impartial epitome of the proceedings in the Political and Keli gious World ; and besides giving Papers on the Ventilation of and Bip ' . osions aud Accidents iu Mines , and on Mines and Mining operations , it will likewise give a condensed yet faithful report ofthe News of the Day ; in fine , it is the intention ofthe Proprietor , should he meet with due encouragement and support , to make the Advocate , not only an organ of communication for the Miners and Trades , and an exponent and defender of the Rights of Labour , bnt a USEFUL FAMILY NEWSPAPER . Beingpublishedinthe Isle of Man , it is allowed the privilege to go 1 ' ostace Fbee , and can be posted in any part of the United Kingdom ,-thus giving it all the advantages of a regular Stamped Newspaper . ADVERTISERS Who wish to give extensive publicity to their business , will find it advantageous to advertise in the pages ef the Mirers' Advocate and Trades' Fkee Pjesb , the aver age circulation of which , during the last twelve months , has been upwards of 5 , onO , in England , Scotland , and Wales ; besides , there being no stamp duty in the Isle of Man , we are enabled to insert Advertisements much cheaper than the newspapers which are published in England , Scotland , and Wales , and which , pay a duty of Is Cd , for each advertisement to Government . The Advocate is now printed in the Quarto form ; it contains tweuty-four columns of closely printed matter , price Two Pence , and as the Third Volume has just commenced , it forms a favourable opportunity fur the com « meneementof New Readers . OFFICE .-No . 4 , Post Office Place , Douglas , Isle of Man . Where Orders , Advertisements , and Communications should be sent addressed to the Editor ; Orders and Advertisments will bo also received by all respectable Booksellers and News-agents in Town and Country . Douglas , Isle of . Man , January , 1818 .
TRACTS FOR FUSTIAN JACKETS , AND SMOCK FROCKS . By the Rev . B . Parsons . Price One Penny each . No . 1 , 'Masters and Men . ' New edition in the press . No . 2 and 3 , ' The Bible and Tbe Charter . ' No 4 , ' Goody , Goody . ' No . 5 , ' Radicalism , an essential Doctrine of Christianity . ' No . 6 , * Tha Chief of the Slaughter-men and Our National Defences . Snow London .
The Commission Appointed To Revise The Prussian
The commission appointed to revise the Prussian
Penal Code, Has Approved A Proposal That...
penal code , has approved a proposal that capital executions shall henceforth be performed by guillotine instead of the axe . Tho Norwich MEBcr / RT ' mentions that WombweU ' s elephant , which was supposed to he more than uho hundred jears old , died of extreme ago on Thurg . day week .
Just Published.
( ffnifocm with tho " Labourer" Magaeino , ) Price 6 d . A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON SPADE A HUSBANDRY , being the results of four years' experience . Br J . Sillett . M'flowan and Co ., 16 , Great WindmUl-street , London and may be had of all booksellers .
Just Pabllshed , price One Penny , A LETTER by Fearoos O'CoknoS , Esq ., M . P ., « T 0 THE RICH AND THE POOR ; To those « ho Live in Idleness Without Labour , and to those who are Willing to Labour but Compelled to Starve . ' Price 2 s . per 100 , or 18 * . per 1000 . ( "I 17 ' HAT MAT BB D 0 NB WITH THREE ACRES V T OP LAND , " Explained in a Letter , b y PsABOct , O'Cohnoe , Esq ., M . P . To be had at the Office of tho National Land Campany Hi , High Holborn .
sow Ready , a New Edition of MR . O'CONNOR'S WORK ON SMALL FARMS To be had at the Kirthern Star Office , 16 , Great Wind inill Street ; and of Abel Hcywaod Manchester ,
JUST PUBLISHED PRICE SIXPENCE , NO . XIV . OF " THE LABOURER , " CONTAIHINQ A TREATISE ON THE SMALL FARM SYSTEM AMD THE BANKING SYSTEM BT WHICH IT 13 INTENDED TO BE DBVKLGrED ,-,.. . BI . .. ,,. . FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ , M . P . '¦; Letters ( pre-paid ) to bo addressed to the Editors , 10 Great Windmill Street , Haymarket , London . Orders received by all agents for the "Northern Star " and all booksellers in town and country .
THE PORTRAIT OF MR E . JONES . If our agents , in the following places , will state how we shall forward their parcels , they shall be sent during the ensuing week ;—Gainsborough , Truro , Chesterfield , Dewsbury , Lynn , Norwich , Retford , Market Rasen , Kidderminster , Newport ( Isle of Wight ) , Coventry , Belfast , Stafford , Horncastle , Cheltenham , Swindon , New To * ti . Trowbridge , Plymouth . Ledbury , Newark , Blandford , Winchcomb , Brighton , Sudbury , Tiverton , Heading , Newport ( Monmouthshire ) , and Northampton . Parcels to all other parts are on the way .
The Northern Star, Saturday, February 5. 1848
The Rally. In Anticipation -Of The Prese...
THE RALLY . In anticipation -of the present Session of Parliament , in which the banded parties of the privileged will endeavour to divert the public mind from the real questions at issue , by the bugbear of French invasion ; the Chartist body have been gathering under that banner , which has , indeed , survived the battle of factions , and braved the hurricanes of persecution , which have assailed the cause of the Charter . The fact is , Parliament seeing that tbe questions of the Charter and the Land will be brought before them with accumulated force and
terrible urgency , see tbe necessity of having some stalking-horse whereon to ride through the session—some excuse for putting off the consideration of their necessity for " matters of g reater urgency . '' They think , no doubt , that the " National Defence ' s" will be a good shield interposed between them and national misery , —between them and the national demand for justice . We are much mistaken , if they be not met on their own pet question in a matter they little anticipate ; and if by such means "National Defence" be not brought under their cognisance , as they little expect , and as they are wholly unprepared to own : the People
themselves , the bpartan rampart , the best means of defence , with the CHARTER for their sword , and the LAND for their shield . They may try to burke , the consideration of these great requirements of the age as much as they please , but they will still obtrude themselves , —they will still force themselves on the attention of the House . The poor . excuse for arming monopol y against popular ri ght , can avail them no longer , and foreseeing this , they are trying to administer the dose in such gradual quantities as ] shall not alarm ( as they think , ) the common sense of the people , we are not to have tbe 150 , 000 militia men raised at once , but by doses of ten thousand per
annum . We tell them that the subterfuge will not avail them—that the people will not fight for the rights , of others—for the wealth of others —for the waste , rapine , and idleness of others —but that the people are determined to obtain their own . No more willing slaves led to the slaughter-house of monopoly—no more taxpayers dragged at the chariot-wheels of Molech—but the great nat has gone forth : " Taxpayers shall be Lawmakers . " A second blessing is to be extended to Ireland , they have had the English Poor-law , and now it is intended
that this class-cursed country shall have a property-tax as well , and ( for the first year , ) of five per cent . Unfortunately this tax will not be paid by the property-class , but as all such taxes hitherto have been , by the povert } -class —by the workers who have created the " property" of the rich , Meanwhile , middle-class despotism is playing its game in England : while the dungeon of the industrious—the prison in which those willing to toil , but denied even the privilege of labour , while the bastile is being multiplied here , the palaces of royalty and aristocracy are rising as well . The
new palace in Pimlico is still growing in splendour ; the new marine palace in the Isle of Wight is about having its foundation-stone laid by the German prince ; the aristocracy are aping the example of their Royal mistress , and a mansion destined to be the most magnificent in London , is now being raised by that very nobleman who is trying to multiply the taxes of the poor , by echoing , like a jackall , the war-cry of an " iron" duke . But every palace brings a bastile in its wake—and thus , in the same metropolis , in which the palace of the noble rises , the bastile for the poor is being erected simultaneousl y .
Decreased revenue and increased taxation eight millions added to the national debt in one year , point the moral of the tale—while Enclosure Bills show the spirit of the Government and by locking-up the resources ofthe country more and more , close the onl y channel of extrication from our difficulties . In the face of this Chartism has seen the necessity of rallying-and it has rallied . Our columns of this week bear evidence of this , as witness the glorious meetings we have the
era tification ot recording . Town and country seem stirred by the same glorious impulse . Ihe spirit is rising oppression has raised , but that tyranny can never quell . The metropolis has pre-eminently exerted itself—even those places long dormant are having their resurrection , and these meetings bear a multi plied importance , when we connect them with the maturity of the public mind . It is no longer the mere shout and cheer , but the deep conviction and the concentrated energy , The
feelinoraised dies no longer with the close ofthe meeting , but is carried beyond the doorsit spreads—it multi plies , and the great tide is rising throughout the country that must ultimately whelm class-legislation in its exultant waves . The Chartists are preparing for the Convention , tbe Petition , and , more than all for the enforcement of that Petition bv all leyal means . Andwellmaythe people help themselves , since the first night of Session proves their rulers will not help them . Notwithstanding the misery of the country , what occupies our Legislators on the first ni ght of their Session ? l ^ ouo feed the famishing—not to propound
The Rally. In Anticipation -Of The Prese...
remedial measures—not even the bare consideration of the people ' s demands—but the interests of the West India proprietors ! And why ? . Because these gentlemen are represented in the House—and the people are not The people must , therefore , represent themselves they must speak unmistakable language , and show unmistakable power . It has long been the boast of English Democracy to be in the van of European civilisation—and we believe that in this new advance of Chartism , such true elements of reform are
incorporated , as will ensure the permanency of those advantages which popular power shall have been enabled to gain . While , however , we are sounding the tocsin of liberty at home , from abroad , too , harmonious notes are swelling the choral strain . The agrarians of America and the patriots of Cracow , the victims of the Old World , and the oppressed of the New , are alike making the Land the chief goal to which their assumption of the popular sover . eignty , long withheld , is tending ; and this goal they are reaching through the channels of political ascendancy . One universal demand
for restitution of stolen rights , is pervading the world—o . iie more of those great revolutionary epochs , which , like the several footfalls of the giant , Freedom , mark the march of time with the triumphs of humanity . Pre-eminent in the list stands Sicily . Sicily , that has scorned compromise , spurned concession , repelled force , defeated fraud , and relied on its own strength . Sicily proves to us what the people can do . We trust the same policy , the same success , will mark the course ofthe Sicilian throughout , and that the bright example will encourage the Democracy of Europe .
* Justice In Ireland. Among Other Preten...
* JUSTICE IN IRELAND . Among other pretences for passing the 1 ast Whig Coercion'Act , it was stated , the sympathy . with , crime and outrage was so . great and universal , that juries could not be found who would convict those guilty of them . Mr O'Connor proved , from Sir G . Grey ' s own speech , the falsehood of this statement , by showing that convictions and sentences had always been procured wherever the authorities had enforced the ordinary law . The proceedingsoftlie Special Commission at tamenck , Ennis , and Clonmel , are' certainly a startling
contradiction to the hacknied and unblushing lie , about the unwillingness or fear of Irish Juries to convict . The tendency appears to be all the other way . Both Juries and Judges seem to have gone about their work con amore , the one determined to convict every prisoner brought before them , and the other to hang as many as possible , and transport the rest . How far this dipositionj on the part of Juries , tojconvict , may be owing to the prejudices of the class from which they have been selected , we are not in a position to say . But this is certain , that they have been composed of persons whose names were on the lists as Grand
Jurors , and who , under any other circumstances , would—some of them at all eventshave called out any Sheriff whatever who presumed to place them on a Petit Jury . The law requires that prisoners shall be tried by their peers , but the landlord-class have , by this monstrous composition of the Juries under this Special Commission , become Prosecutors and Jurors at the same time . In fact , since the memorable "Campaign " of" bloody " Judge Jeffries in tbe West of England , after the Rebellion headed by tbe Duke of Monmouth , we know of no historical parallel to the jnonstrous and disgusting
infractions of the great principles of law and justice which have characterised tbe proceed ings of the Special Commission of 184 S . It is positively sickening to read of Juries , almost without a moment ' s hesitation , returning verdicts of guilty , upon evidence so palpably false- —so plainly concocted—either from feelings of revenge , or the more gross , base , and despicable desire of getting the blood-money paid / for their victim . It is equally sickening to hear of Judges , "learned in the law , "
accustomed to sift evidence with analytical acumen—to distinguish between that which is coherent and truthful , and that which is inconsistent , inconclusive , or fabricated—who are also used to the judicial impartiality of the ordinary Courts of Law—we say it is sickening to hear of such men putting on their " black caps , " and proceeding to harangue prisoners in the name of religion and' morality , whom they are about to sentence to an ignominous death , upon evidence that even in our own " Old Bailey '' would not suffice to " hang
a dog . " It is quite possible that many of those who are thus condemned to death , may be the characters they are alleged to be , but we confess , in many cases , they appear to us to have been returned guilty on the principle once openly avowed by an Irish juror , who , when a man was tried before him for murder , of which he was clearly proved innocent , gave his verdict against the prisoner , because " though he'did not kill the man , he stole my grey mare . ' '
One of the most disgraceful cases in the whole number , is that of John Crowe , a respectable man of tbe middle class , who was tried at Ennis on the charge of inciting or conspiring to murder Mr Watson , the agent of his landlord , Mr Arthur . Two men had previously been convicted ofthe murder , and the charge against Crowe , of being accessory to it , rested , principally on the evidence of his -own nephews , one about fourteen , and the other about twelve years of age . The reporter for the Times , who sees in every prisoner the
marks of ferocious and confirmed villany , describes , almost in extacies , the precocious sagacity of thsee two witnesses . Whereas , taking their evidence in itself , and , as contradicted by all the servants of their uncle , it seems to us that a couple of more precocious young ruffians never appeared in a court of justice , and that such a tissue of deliberate and palpable falsehood was never before told , to a jury .. The first boy deposed ^ to various parties having slept in his uncle ' s house , and his uncle having incited them to murder Mr Watson . On
cross-examination , he admitted that he was a habitual , ; gambler , that he had frequently robbed bis grandfather of money to play at cards ; and that , in fact , be himself was , if ' not present at the murder , near the scene on the day it took place , armed with a p istol , which lie had stolen the ni g ht before . The second boy , though criminating his uncle , varied considerably in his story , and , in some particulars , flatl y contradicted the first . In both instances , their evidence differed from their first depositions . By way of backing up such a pair of exquisite witnesses , the Crown put into the
witness-box a felon named Shaughnessy , who was confined in the same jail with the prisoner previous to his trial . This wretch , no doubt induced by the hope of sharing in the large reward , set himself to work as a spy upon the prisoner—cooked up a story of his having confessed to him , and was then deliberately set by the governor of the prison to watch the accused man , to lay hold of any stray expression that might fall from him . * He ' was put into the same cell , and clung to him day by day and ht bniht
nig y g , and then , having thus prepared himself for the office , came into court to swear te * story , which the Solicitor-General did not even attempt to support b y the production of other parties who were referred to in it , and who ought to have been cilled upon to give corroborative evidence . Another witness deposed to having lent Is . 6 d . to one ? of the parties accused of the murder , aud that shortly after that event the same person , having been in company with Crowe previousl y . showed him five pound note ? .
"It was darkish in the evening when he showed me tbe notes , " eaid the witness , " and I read the word "one" on them . " To the Court . — "Iccm ' t read . " Such a clumsily concocted accusation in an ordinary court , would have needed no
refuta-- — tion , because an impartial jury would have stopped the trial by discharging the prisoner long before the degrading and disgraceful scene was half gone through , and have requested that the whole of the witnesses might be committed for perjury . But Mr O'Hea did produce witnesses , against whose character the prosecution did not whisper a single charge , and who proved in every p articular the utter falsehood of the evidence which had been given ag ainst the prisoner . What was the conclusion ? " The Jury retired to the room for about a minute . AND FOUND THE PRISONER GUILTY .
After this specimen of the difficulty of getting an Irish Jury to convict , we hope we shall hear no more on that head , nor will our readers be surprised at the fact , that In every ease convictions have taken place . All have been fish that came in the net . It was sufficient for the Juries that the Prisoners were arraigned . It was enough for the Judges that the Juries convicted—the gallows or the penal colony followed as a matter of course . What effect is such an exhibition likely to produce on thegreat body ofthe Irish people ? Is it at all likely to reconcile them to the Government of this country ? Will it not
more probably increase the hatred and the revengeful feelings which a course of tyrannous injustice for centuries has already produced ? So far from creating that sentiment of respect for the law and the authorities , which is the professed object of the Government and the propertied classes , such proceedings must inevitably add to the hostility they noiv feel towards our laws , as the instrument by which we carry out our oppression of their country . The prisoners thus treated , hear their sentences unmoved , and meet their fate with a
species of bravado mingled with fervent protestations of their innocence . By their own class they are looked upon as martyrs , not as felons ; their elevation to the gallows has a heroic , not an ignominious aspect , to those who look upon them almost as champions of the popular feeling ; their bodies will , wherever possible , be followed to the grave with funeral honours , and the Government will find that instead ef
producing order in the country , and respect for the law , they have , b y sanctioning , procuring , or conniving at such atrocious proceedings , only sown the seeds of yet more crimes , and laid the foundation of a violent revolution , that may lend to ii struggle in which one party will fight with all the energy of revenge , and the recklessness of despair ; ,, and the other , with the determination which ever characterises the
efforts of a dominant and powerful party to maintain their supremacy . The long waged Irish war may at last become a war of extermination—not by means of clearances , but the more speedy and summary methods of open warfare . Will the Parliament , which has commenced its sittings for the session , do anything to avert this dreadful consummation to a long ^ Career of injustice , oppression , and misery ?
Parliamentary Review. The Real Work Of T...
PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW . The real work of the Session has at length commenced in earsest . The November sitting was , in all respects , an extra appendage , and but for its Coercion Bill , and its stop-gapCommittee on the Currency , would be speedily consigned to limbo . There will , it is evident , bo no lack of work in that which has begun this ' week . Numerous matters of general and pres ' sing interest demand attention , and the aspect of the House on Thursday night , as well as the way in which business was set about , seems to promise that Members intend to set about " talking'' of these matters : t settle them is another question—their capao bility to do that must be tested by time .
The expiry of the Income lax on the 5 th of April next , has applied the whip and spur to the Exchequer , and Lord John gave notice on the first night ofthe Session , that it is his intention , on Monday the 14 th , or Friday the 18 th Inst ., to make his Financial Statement , and will also at the same time state what has been [ done by former , and by the present Government , with respect to our National Defences . Two questions of paramount importance will thus be raised at an unusually early period—Taxation , and our capability of repelling Foreign Aggression .
With reference to the former it is quite evident that , with a falling Revenue , and a gloomy prospect before us , the Ministry will not spontaneously propose any reduction of Taxes , and will also stoutly resist any remission of duties which may emanate from other quarters . Important and influential movements are on foot , with the object of procuring the reduction of the duties on Tea , and the repeal ofthe Window Tax . It is scarcely possible to imagine any two taxes less defensible than those singled out for attack . Theone has become an article of universal
consumption , and the redaction of its price would not only add to the domestic enjoyment of the masses , but we verily" believe materiall y promote sober and rational habits among the peat body of the people . The Window Tax is so monstrous in itself , and is levied so unjustly and unequally , that it is astonishing it has been so Ion ? tolerated . In connexion with the fashionable movement for Sanatorv Reform , of which the Government profess to be such ardent friends , it is difficult to imagine npon what ground they can maintain an impost which notoriously excludes light and air
from the dwellings of the working classes , and is , to a great extent , the source-of that disease which perennially haunts those portions of our towns in which they reside . Necessity , however , they say , has no law , and , in all probability , Lord John will offer to all arguments on the subject a conclusive and pithy " can't afford it . " It is understood that the Income Tax is to be made permanent , and to be levied at the rate of five per cent , for a limited period , in order to make up for the deficiency in the Revenue . If so we trust that its
present unequal and most unjust operation will be remedied , and that Income dependent upon the health and professional nbility of individuals , will not be taxed at tbe same rate as that arising from real property , which is neither affected by the sickness nor the death of the proprietor . With respect to our National Defences—which now keep many people talking and writing , who know very little of the matter—it will be time enough to express an opinion when we have the facts before us in an official shape .
The A ttorney General obtained leave to bring in four bills , which are afterwards to be submitted to a Committee , which , as affectin" - the administration of the law in minor cases ? and those more immediately in connexion with the working classes , are of considerable importance They are intended to consolidate the present laws with respect to Justices of the Peace ; to enlarge their powers of Summary Conviction ; and
regulate in a better mariner the holding of Special Sessions and Petty Sessions . The professed object ill introducing these measures is , to promote the object of Prison and Criminal Reform , but it will be necessary for the press , and the friends of the labouring classes , to watch them narrowl y , in order to prevent provisions from being smuggled in , which mav seriously interfere with the liberty of tho subject . The celebrated " Masters' and
Servants' BiII , " which was defeated by the people ' s champion , Mr T . S . Duncombe , was ushered with a flourish of trumpets of the same kind , and this fact should make us cautious and wary . The West Indian Planters > ok the field early . The measure of the Whigs , passed immediately after taking office in 1846 , is said by them to have inflicted wide spread ruin on tbe Sugar Interest , and Lord G . Bentinck proposed a committee upon the subject . He confessed that he was hopeless , m the present state ofthe House , of Ins carrying any measure of positive hZ ^ T'A r t ° i the House but he did hope that the facts he would adduce in the Committee would be sufficient to cause the Government andthe FreeTraders to re-umsider
Parliamentary Review. The Real Work Of T...
the subject . To Lord George ' s proposition the Government offered no objection ; but another proposition for suspendingthe descending scal e 8 of duties upon foreign sugar in the act of 1846 , met with a different and hostile reception . There is not the slig htest doubt that the West Indian interest and the Free Traders will have many a tussel upon this question in the course of the session , but we suspect with little ^ * unB , Mant To Lord George ' s proposition tha
chance of success for the Protectionist principle . The star of Free Trade is still in tbe ascendant , and we suspect that nothing short of actual and bitter experience of the utter fallacy , of their dogmas will ever bring them to their senses , or produce such a re-action in the public mind , sufficiently powerful to compel the adoption of a more rational and equitable policy .
Co &T M R* &Corres8ontieii Te*
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Mibcelianeobs. Vs G- Now That Parliament...
MIBCELIANEOBS . vs g- Now that Parliament has assembled we must ,, as a general rule , exclude lengthy communications , unless reports [ well written ) of very important meetings . Reporters , writers of letters , and Chartist and Land sub-secretaries will , theretore , oblige by making their communications as brief as pos . sible . We shall be glad it some of our correspondents will try to improve their writing ; and shali thank others , who might do so , to let us have thp . ir ranorta . & c . before Thursday .
Public Monies. We Request All Sub-Secret...
PUBLIC MONIES . We request all Sub-secretaries , and other persons who may have occasion to send public moaies to the Metropolis , to pay attention to the following direction !) :-- . ' Monica for the understated purposes must be addressed as follows : — Payments for the Northern Star . Mr William Rider , 16 , Great Windmill-atreer , Haymarket , London . National Zand and Labour Bank . ' The Manaeer of the National Land and Labour Bank , No . 493 , New Oxford Street , London ' Rational Land Company . ' The Directors of the National Land Company , No ,. Ui High Uolborn , L-mdon . ' National Charter Association : ' Mr Thomas Clark , No . Hi , High Holboro , London .
Central Registration and Election Committee , 'Mr . James Grassby , No . 8 , Noah ' s Ark-court , Stan , gate , Lambeth , London . ' National Victim , and Widows and Orphxns Fund . 2 £ r John Simpson . Elm Cottage . Waterloo-8 ts * ee ?» . Camber-well , London . ' For Mrs W . Jones . 'Mr John Simpson , Elm Cottage , Waterloo-street , Camberwell , London . Metropolitan Chartist Sail . ' Mr — Tnpp , No . 52 , Finsbury Market , London , ' Defence of Mr , O'Connor ' s Scat t ' tt Parliament , ' Mr Thomas Clark , No . IU , High Holb . rn , London / Prosecution of the Manchester Examiner . ' Mr Thomas Clark . No . 144 , High Holborn , Loudon /
TU Slfio / ovd Cast . ' Mr Thomas Clark , Np . 144 , Hig h Holborn , London . ' The fraternal Democrats . ' G . Julian Harn-y , No . 1 G Great Windmill-street IIaym ; trk « t , London . ' United Trades' Association , 'Mr Barratt , No . 11 , Tottenham Court Road , London . ' 2 ® - Monies sent contrary to the above directrena will not be acknowledged . * * Private letters intended for Mr O'Connor , and ' sent to this office , must be marked ' Private . * Correspondents are requested not to trouble Mr O'Connor with letters , reports , < fcc , intended for the Star ; nor with any letters that should be addressed as set forth above .
G . White . —The lines shall have a place some day . MrS . Ktdd . —The friends at Stourbridge will . be glad of a vjjit from Mr Kvdd . A Schoolboy . —We know nothing concerning Mr Fos ' s ' qualification . ' No HooM . —W . L ., Somera Town . A Nantwich Chartist . —We cannot publish your letter in its anonymous form . Mr J . P . O'Brien , Exeter , objects to Mr Robertson ' s absertion that a quart r of an acre of garden is suffi . cient for a teacher on the Chartist estates . Rochdale . —The report sent last week was in tjpe before the second report arrived . Inadmissible . —H . Lewis , Burslem . Mr H , Mott , begs to acknowledge the receipt of the fol . lowing sums for the defence of Mr O'Connor ' s seat in Parliament : —Mr Tivey , Old Lenton , 10 s ; Mr Stanford ,
3 d ; MrJOak'len , is ; Hyson-green , 4 * sd ; Mr Smith , Old Lenton , 3 s ; Mr Goddnrd , Gd ; Mr Douse , Carrington » Ids ; Mr Legs , Carrington , 6 s 6 d ; total , £ 1 15 s 8 d . Nottingham , Feb 1 st . The Government and the Land Plan . ~ Sir . — Mr Donaldson , of Warwick , has stated my views to he mistaken ; I put him to the proof . His letter is hut a tissue of assertions from beginning to end without one word ofdefinlfion . I can as'ure him that the resolution of the Warwick branch produced no impression here , as there are men here whose faculties are not to be seduced by vague declamation . As to the government being irresponsible , I denjr it in toto . If the government had not to grapple with the public , where would belthc concessions recently extorted ? Plymouth , Jan . 31 st . E . Robertson ,
Mr ToHMN'sotr . —Sir , —In the column of notices to correspondents in last Saturday ' s Stab , you inserted a letter of Mr Lack ' s deprecating tho use of his name in recommendation of my services as . i lecturer . I can assure Mr Lacy that I hnve been much surprised at tbe number of letters I have received from different localities this last fortnight , from persons with whom I have not had the least acquaintance , nor one single line of communication , previous to the receipt of their letters . When I was at Stockport , on the I 6 th ultimo , I was announced in the S-tar for both Halifax and Stockport , and on my return home , I found that a letter had been sent to the Macclesfield secretary unknown to ine from Halifax , stating I should also visit Macclesfield , and thus these three-meetings , at three'different places , were all rnnounced and expected mo at the same hour of the
same day . Tee two meetings , viz ., Halifax and Mac . clesneld , I knew nothing about until I saw the one announced in the Star for Halifax : and although I was at Stockport the very day I should have been at Macclesfield , I knew notliinj * of it , or I would have been with the men of Macclesfield , and they may thus account for their disappointment . Just the very same with Chorley ; I knew nothing about their letter , and had not the least knowledge ofthe first letter that wasscut to the Proston neeretuvy . and I shall feel extremely obliped to the person or . ' persons who have been communicating to men in other localities on mv behalf , without my knowledge or consent , if they will refrain from using , either my own name or the name of Mr Lacy ; I think I am capable , Mr Editor , of transacting my own business , especially matters of communication , and if I should happen to bo necessitated to have a recommendation from the West Riding secretary , I will write to that gentleman myself , and I have
not th ; least doubt but that he would readily accede to my wish . I then-fore wara the secretaries in other localities , to take no notice of any letters without my own signature attached to them . I may also state that a good many readers of the St ar have got the impression that there are two persons . of the name of Tomlinson taking a prominent part in our movement in the West Riding , whereas , I am the only jpersuii of that name tnnthas attended nieetingsjin t !; is part of tho country . Henceforth , all communications for me , must be addressed . Care , of Joshua Xicoll , for Ambrose Tomlinson , Temperance Hotel , No . 16 , Broadstrt-et , Halifax , —I am , yours , Ambrose Tomlinson . Mr Batteuuam , Eye .-The paper was posted as usual : We can post the plate if vou think proper . Qjff Tress of matter compels us to withdraw senral communications till our next . Mb J . Hiddon , Gloucester . —Sand 5 s . 6 d . quarterly to this office .
John Hawaeden Bolton . —Next week . Minstee LovEL . r-We have received the list ot B » Ilot for loca iss on the Minster Lovel estate ; press tf matter compel * lis postponement . Ma Barker , Wortley . —Received . Thanks . Ma John Pabker , Old Shildon We will send -Jh & plates b y post , The charge is 21 . each . Mb J . Nets , IViston , near Present —Wishes me to give reasons « hy I have not published a letter from the Miners , ner sent a receipt for the sum of £ 2 . 3 a , My first reason is , I never received it . My second is , I have no more to do with the publication of letter in tbe Star than has Mr Heys himself . On enquiry , I leara that Mr Harney received tbe letter , and forwarded it to the proper quirttr—to Mr B . rrett , at the Trad- ¦' office , Tnttenh !» m-courl-road . Those who reu r . money will do well to read tho directions given in t : a Stau . —Wm Rider .
Mr Smith of L ' ibminsham . — We have received Uj letters bearing the signatures of'Thomas Pilsford / ard 'Thomas S . Kettle , * asserting the falsehood ai : < i strongly condtimning the imputations east upon lit ? Smith by the writer of tho letter which was appesdei ( 8 tho report of the Birmingham meeting ia our last number . Our correspondents describe both the Messrs Smt' . h , father , and son ( et the Neiv Town ) , as iriends to the du ' . ioeratie cause and to whom tho Birmingham Chartists owe a debt of gratitude for their many acts of kindness . Our correspondents add that the members of both the late and present Executive ; and Messrs Fussell , Thome , "Wiikiesoa , Fallows , and all tho Old Guards of Birmingham , can vouch for the excellent public and private character ofthe Messrs Smith ; and tho impossibility of their offering any factious opposition to tbe Land P , an or any other plan trul y calculated to benefit the people "
LEGAL . NOrrCE .-Orcinj to the spiee occupied b y Parliamen . tary proceedings , no legal correspondence can find place in the Star during the Session . Ernest Jones .
N„Lr ! 8t I 1 And Eeverai Othe * Pkces, ...
n „ lr ! i 1 and EeveraI othe * Pkces , some of tho puolio clocks are provided with two roinute-handa , forthe purpose of distinguiahing the local from the railway er London time . t Among the articles brought bv the steamer Tlibernia , on her last voyage from the United States , are two barrels of oysters and three byxes of ' congress water .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 5, 1848, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_05021848/page/4/