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WEST-RIDING COUNCIL MEETING . ThJj body met on Sunday last , for the purpose of tons&cting the business of the Biding , and the memfeen of the Cotmdl present vere from the fallowing laoei : — *~ Hr . Joseph Hnt&eld , fo ? the Dewsbury districtcom prising Dewsbnry , Heekmondirike , Cbickenley , Dsvgreen , Splnkwell , Ossett-com-Gawthorpe , and SQi&id . Mr . WiBaua J . Smith and Mr . R . Steele , for the Badfrad dufaict—comprising Bradford , Wapping , Bradford Na 1 , Idle , Qneenshead , Great Horton , Little Horton , Manningbam , White Abbey , Ke-w Leeds , BowHng Back Lane , Lidfet Green , Padsey , Bradford Moor , Swains Green , and Laister Dyke .
Mr . Veyers , forthe Hndderafield district—comprieing Htdderafieid , Paddock , Marsh , and Honley . Mr . Shaekleton , for Wakefield . Mr . BaJrstow , "by deputy , for Sheffield . Mr . Joseph Jones , for I » eeds . Mr . Shackleton -was called to the chair . After the minutes of the last meeting were read OTer , file Secretary brought forward the returns for the candi date to serve in the ExecutiTe Council , when Mi . John Arran , of Bradford , was declared elected . After this business the exchange of missionaries was taken into consideration , -when the folio wing resolutions Trere passed : — Moved by Mr . Jones , and seconded by Mr . Hatfield — " That Mi . Bairstotr be again engaged as oar missionary . "
MoTed by Mr . Jones , and seconded by Mr . Steele" That we do agree to an exchange of missionaries -with the South Lancashire people , and that Mr . Bairstow proceed into Lancashire on Sunday or Monday next , and that Mr . Leech be requested to be in Yorkshire at the same time . " Moved by Mr . Smith , and seconded by Mr . Yevers" That the next Council Meeting be held on . Sunday , December 27 th , at ten o ' clock in the forenoon , in the National Charier Association Room , over the Co-operative Stores , Dewsbury . " It is particularly requested that councillors be sent to the next meeting from as many places as possible , m business of the greataU importance 'will be brought Suj wjipd *
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MEETING OF DELEGATES AT DERBY . On Monday , Dec 14 th , a delegate meeting -was held at the Ship Inn , Ford-street , Derby . Present , Mr . Sweet , Nottingham ; Mr . Turner , Loughborough ; Mr . Meakin , Belprr ; Messrs . Alcock and Kiri , DuSLfcld-, and Messrs . Famsvrortb and T . Alexander , Derby ; two others would hsve attended , but missed their passage by the railway . Letters "were received from the following places : —Mansfield , Satton-in-Ashfield , Mountsorrel , and Kettering , all giving pleasing reports . Mr . Sweet "was appointed chairman , and Mr . T . Alexacdtr secretary . Mr . TrfiKEK reported the state of Loaghhorough as being satisfactory , and approved of Mr . ~ Masun as their missionary .
Mr . Meakik gave a similar account of Belper , and paid a well-merited compliment to the ability of Messrs . Mason and Bairstow . Mr . Sweet represented Nottingham as being determined to do their duty , and that nothing should be wanting on their part Mr . Far > swobth gave similar testimony on behalf of Derby , and -wished that 3 Ir . Mason -would continue his services for another month . Mr . TTRSEU stated that Sntton Bonnington -was dein ? -well , and that they were anxious for the conianuance of Mr . Mason . The following resolutions were unanimously agreed
1 . This meeting are of opinion that Mr . Mason has done much good by his lectures in this district ; we , therefore , appoint him for another month . 2 . That Messrs . Sweet and Bostock be re-appointed , together with the Xottinghim Executive . 3 . That the next delegate meeting be held at Lei--cester this day month . 4 That the thanks of this meeting be given to Messrs . Sweet , Bostock , and the Nottingham Executive . A vete of thinks were then given w the Chairman , and the meeting separated .
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ADDRESS TO THE CHARTISTS OF NEWTON HEATH . Fellow-coo-tstxex , —Yon are called on at this important jaacuire to unite along wrth U 3 for the ftfr . vnTTi .-nt of political power , at a time when misery , destitution , and increasing poverty exhibits itself among the people . That man ought to forego the name of Ecgiifhrnan , if he ean stand aloof amid the widespread desolation produced by an oppressive Government . The duties you owe as patnois and parents , demand your instant attrition . Yuur obligations as Christian , citiz « is , to God , and your country , all ur ^ e npon you the imperative necessity of combining to improve your circumstances , ami secure those rights to ¦ which , as members of the eommontrealth , you are fairly entitled .
Oar claims are defined in the Charter . The ob ; - -ct ¦ we seek to accomplish are worthy the loftiest vaiis of humanity , and such as God iimself can approve . We eek the power of electing our representatives , and -choosing the men who are to frame our code of lawg . The means we use to obtain our rights are legal acd peaceful , by spreading political information , and meeting to instruct each other in our duties as citizens . Enlist with us under the banner of Chartism ; sUy yourselves to the cause of equal justice , ar . d by proceeding peacefully and steadily on in our glorious course , our struggle win be crowned with victory and success ; and we shall secure all the benefits arising from free and equal laws , and good government J 0 H 5 SOCTHWOKTH , Secretary to the Association . ¦ Weekly meetings every Saturday evening .
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DR . M'DOUALL'S VISIT TO FORFAR . This eloquent sptater and i = aious Charfot honoured Porfar-with a visit on Saturday wetk . According to previous arranzements he lectured in the evenins . in Osnaburgfa-strvet Ha ! l , which was crowded to £ iifib ; atioj . Juhn Adam was called to the ciair , who , in a brief ad rress , introduced the Doctor to the meeting . The lecturer corcmeBceii by taking a rapid g ' . aace at the history of tht movement , its present appe ^ ruscrs , and future prospects . Be tuen took a comprehensive view of the riae and fall of wages since the year 1050 , to the present time , and clearly showed the manner in Trhich the working men hid betn robbed of almost everything that renders life endurable . He gave a mast feeling desc . ipuon of his own treatment while a prisoner in Chester Castle ; and concluded a most el qnent lecture by humorously pointing out fit situations for the pre-» ant Ministers , as governors , turnkeys , cooks , it in tit new jails notr in the course of erection , and sat down amidst the cheers of the meeting .
lne Chairman tnen intr&cuced a deputation from the females , who presented the Doctor and his lady with a handsome pair of gloves each , fur -which the Doctor returned tianks in a most feeling manner . The Doctor having consented to preach on Sunday evening , the Hall was coropleuly fLled half an hour before the tim * of meeting , and some hundreds had to go away who could not get admission . He preached from Dtnte-Tonomy , xxiv . vrs . 14 15 , and in a most admirt-Ke manner showed how our rulers set at nought tke preempts contained in the Sacred "Volume . So well pleased was every one wita this talented advocate of the People ' s rights , that it was unanimously resolved to invite him back to Forfar on his sn , j tenth from Aberdeen , and as the iEliawtants of Ktrriemuir and Lctham sent deputations for the sarrte purpose , the Doctor kindiy consented to comply with ite request ; he will , thtreiore , be in Forfar en the 19 th and 20 th , and in Kerrieinuir on the 21 st inst .
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DURHAM MISSIONARY TOOL I Sr > 'D £ B . LA > 'D . —The Sunday evening lectures con ! tinue to be attended fey large and respectable audiencss . ! On the eveniag of tiie 6 tk inst ., the room was com- ( pleteiy crowded , and about twenty nt-w membrrs were | enrolled . Let the Chartists of Sunderiand enly per- ' severe , and they will have one of the best organised I Associations in toe country . The female Chartists ' are beginning to do their shsre of the great work of national regeneration , a considerable number of tbezn ! having jjined the classes , Inis is as it should be .
They are as deeply interested as the men in the ' removal of our political grievances . The happinees of i themselves and their families mainly depends upon j good government . Mr . Deegan read the admirable j address of Mr . Vincent , -which appeared in the Star— j the people evidently taking the greatest interest in . its reioaimsndation , and by their applause , acknow- ! ledging their concurrence in the views and sentiments \ of the writer . The people here are ready and willing to abandon the inebriating cup , to promote the cause of Universal Suffrage , and to secure the -well-being or the labouring riajqieft
Classes . —Mr . Deegan has been busily engaged on ] Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , and Saturday evenings in attending the classes , and assisting the leaders to properly organise them . They are now in excellent •' "working oonditkn ., and a considerable accession of '¦ ¦ members i « expected . ! SiocKTOs . —The Chartirt friends of Mr . J . B . Owen held a ball , in the Association Room , High-street , on Monday evening , the 7 th inst , the proceeds of -which ¦ were to be gmsn to that gentleman , as a slight recompence for the losses he sustained during hia imprisonment
in Durham GaoL The evening ' s amusements passed off admirably , the spirit of kindness and ' of harmony jip _ pjeaiinfi to pervade all present Mr . Maw , of ~ Mrddle 8 borough , - was chosen president for the evening , and delivered an excellent and appropriate lodress previous to the commencement of dancing . After the first dance , the Chairman proposed the health of Mr . Owen . The latter gentleman returned thanks in » rest speech , in which he expressed his determination to adTocate the Charter , no matter what th « consequence might be . Thonch he might be sent * ° prison again , he would not be deterred from asserting
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his right to the franchise , and declaring his hostility te the men who had basely robbed himself and his fellow-countrymen of their rights , the want of whieh had been the main cause of their poverty and degradation . Several songs were sung , and spirited racitations were delivered . Mr . Deegan made a few remarks upon the necessity of all present becoming members of the National Charter Association , The Chairman then presented Messrs . Owen and D&eg&u with a pair of gloves each , the gift of an amiable female Chartist , as a token of her respect for the gentlemen , and the cause of which they were the advocates . The Chartista intend to present Mr . Maw with a plaid , in testimony of their esteem for his unwearied exertions in the cause of freedom . At the end of the proceedings , three lond and hearty cheers were given for Feargus O'Connor , Williams and Biiins , and ail other imprisoned and exiled Chartists .
Gateshead . —Mr . Deegan visited this place on Friday evpning , the 11 th inst . and found the classes progressing rapidly . Great praise is due to Mr . Kirker , for granting his room to meet in , and to Messrs . Henderson and Cross , for their activity in procuring members . Mr . Deegaw will visit the following places next week : —Srmderland , Sunday , 20 th ; South Church , Tuesday , 22 nd ; West Auckland , Wednesday , 23 rd ; Suztderland , Friday , 25 th ; South Hfttton , Saturday ' the 26 th . •'
NATIONAL EXECUTIVE ^ COUNCIL . The foDowing li&t of the names of gentlemen put in nomination as candidates for the suffrages oi the people in the ensuing election for members oi the Executive of the National Charter Association of Great Briwia . The respective candidates have been apprised by letter ; but , in case of miscarriage or interception , they are requested to notify to the secretary of tue National Cnarter Association , Air . ^ m" ^ liial : ul > ^ ° - 2 , Coliins-strect , Stretford Road , Manchester , as early as possible , whethar or not they wilih'jld themselves prepared to act , if elected , aad also to send their particular addresses . The names are as follows : — Mr . Richardson , Manchester . — Lhach , ditto . — Greaves , Oldham . — Ssiethuest , ditto . — Philp , Trovrbridge . — Tillmax , Manchester . — Cho . m . ^ , Newport . — il'DouALL , Scotland . — VijrcExi , Rutlandshire . — "Williams , Sunderiand . — Baikstow , Yorkshire . — Skevi . nctox , Loughborougb .. — Rai . xsby , Surrey . — Chapua ^ , London . — Lovt-rr , dif . o . — Collins , Birmingham . — Saskey , ditto , supposed to reside in London . — Maesdrn , Bolton . — M . 0 EGAS Williams , resides either in London or Waics . — Moil s Scotland . , — Pitkethlt , Huddersneld . : — Abra * , Bradiord . j — Caktledge , Manchester . i — Buttebworih , ilanchester . 1 — Doyle , ditto . \ — Whixe , of Leeds . j The places for which they hare been nominated i wiil appear in the printed form , which will be sent i to each sub-secretary through the country . In consequence ot the returns not beiDg sent in according to desire , the elections are unavoidably < postponed for a week . The Execntive Council for | the next year wiil meet on the 14 th of Jauuary , I instead of the 1 st . Tae gentlemen who are put in ; nomiuation are requested to send in their intentions a > s early as possible . ; Wm . Tillslls , Secretary . , - James Leech , President .
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ItONPON . —At the usual Council meeting of the National Charter Association of Sreat Britain , meeting at the Dispatch Coffee House , Bride-lane , Fleet-street , on Sunday evening , Mr . David Cater , ?? one of the Demonstration Committee for Frost , Wdiiams , and Jones , on Monday , the 4 ih of January -next , gave in his report of the saint , which was most favourably received . Ten new members were enrolled ; and , at the usual weekly meeting of the members , at the same pla ^ e , on Monday evening , the 14 th inst ., some new members were enrolled . It was then unanimously voted that the sum of ten shillings be forwarded by the Treasurer to Mr . Shorrock ? , on account of the Victim Fund . Notice was also given that Mr . Brown , a working man , has consented to deliver a lecture on the present prosp ^ ct 3 of ihe people , on Monday evening next , the 21 st of December , at eight o ' ciock in the evening .
Petitions fob Frost , Williams , asd Jones . — At a meeting uf the Frost Committee , held last evening , at Lime ' s Coffee House , Clerkenwell Green , the following resolution , among others , was unanimously aaopied -. — " That our brethren in the countr ? may have every facility of having their petitions carefully attended to , it is agreed mat the London Froit Committee will receive such petiiions of their fellow-countrymen as may be forwarded to their care ; and vro hereby pledge ourselves to sec snob petitions placed in the hands of prop * r individuals to prescut them . But no petition or memorial wili be received unless pre-paid . "
Finsbury National Chaeter Association . —The weekly meeting of this Association was held on Monday evening , at Luni ' s CofiVe House , Clerkenweil Green . Stirring and spirited addresses were delivered by Mr . bpurr on the connection of Church and State , and by Mr . Culverhouse on the apostolic succession . St . Paxcras Middlesex . —Tie Victim Committee of this pariah held its weekly meeting on Munday last , Mr . Hall in the chair . The treasurer reported balance in hand , £ 2 Us 9 d . The secretary reported , that the Social Hail , John Street , Tottenham Court Road , had been engaged for the approaching itstival and ball , to be held on Monday , January lhh , 1841 , for augmenting the funds in behalf of the ' vicums , and that tickets wtre being distributed in various parts of the metropolis for the festival . The other business of the committee having oeen disposed of , the meeting adjourned .
Lecture . —On Monday , pursuant to notice , P . A . Tayior , Jun ., Esq ., delivered a lecture at a public meeting called for that purpose , at the Southwark Academy , Union-street , Souihwark . Tne lecturer commented on the various principles coutained in the People ' s Charter in a manner which showed the comprehensiveness of his judgment , and , after an eloquent discourse of two hours' duration , sa ; down amiost the loud appiause of the spectators . As the lecture was delivered at the especial request of the Lambeth Charter Association , the secretary , Mr . R-Ainsley , in the name of the Association , returned thanks , not as a matter of form , for they were justly due , but for the trouble and ability displayed by Mi . Taylor on the occasion .
BouorGH op Lambeth National Charter Association . —At tLe weekly meeting of the Astociatioii , neiu at Westbrock ' s Temperance Coifee House , near the Gate , Waterloo-road , on Tuesday evening . -Mr . George presided . It was decided that subscriptions be forthwith entered into to enable the Association to procure banners , &c , for the Frost demonstration . The Association then nominated a new Council for the ensuing quarter , the secretary and treasurer being re-nominated . Anditora were appointed to audit the accounts previous to the old Council geing out , A number of new members joined and took up their cards .
GATESHEAD . —The National Charter Association of vbis place held their weekly meeting on Sunday , the 13 ih inst ., at Mr . T . Young's , Oak wellgate , when a note waa read from Mr . Edward Summerside , of Winlaton , staling their willingness to join the men of Gateshead , and requesting thai Mr . Deegan would visit them . A council and committee were then chosen . It was determined to hold a meeting in the Joiners' Hall , Newcastlethat the classes should meet on Monday , and the class leaders on Tuesday evenings ; various extracts were read from the Northern Star and Liberator , and the meeting adjourned till the next week at the same place . It has been determined to raise a subscription for Williams and Burns .
SALPOBD—On Sunday evening , Mr . Tbomasson , of Newcastle , lectured to a crowded room , and gave infinite satisfaction , after which , & resolution was passed approving the proceedings of the Birmingham Committee on behalf of Frost , Williams , and Jones , I &nd determining to co-operate with them . Another I lecture will be delivered on Sunday evening next ; ! and a discussion will take place on Monday even-I ing . The Chartist movement is progressing in this i district , through the instrumentality of Mr . Tho-, masson , who is an honest and talented advocate of j the Caarter .
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BIRMINGHAM . —At an extraordinary meeting of the Committee for John Collins during his incarceration , held at the Committe-rooia , Croas-gans , Lancaster-street , December 3 rd , 1840 , the following resolutions were unanimously passed : — "That this Committee is satisfied with the political conduct of Mr . John Collins , and the Committee pledge themselves , individually and collectively , to assist him in all honest means to secure the principles of the People ' s Charter . " " Tnat the best thanks of this meeting are due , and hereby given , to Mr . W . Barlow , as Secretary to this Committee , for his unceasing labours , during the past fifteen months , in the cause of the Chartists of Birmingham , and freedom generally throughout the country . " The Committee at its rising adjourned its meeting till Thursday evening , the 17 : h instaut .
The Welsh Victims . —At the general weekly Committee meeting of the Birmingham Restoration Committee , held at the School Room of the New Jerusalem Chapel , Newhall-street , on Tuesday evening last , Mr . H . Green in the chair , the minutes of tiie last meeting having been read and confirmed , litters were read from Newcastle , Monmouth , Stockport , Manchester , R ^ dciituh , Broms ^ rove , Loughborough , Merthyr Tydvil , Glasgow , and Oakhain Gaol , all of which were of the most cheering description . It was then moved that Mr . Thos . Tyler , of Monmouth , Messra . James Fackington , Joseph Carter
, Joseph Hibbert , John Wright , and Thomas Clark be elected honorary members of the Committee . It was then moved by lit . Wilson , and seconded by Mr . Penn , " That this Committee- do recommend that no flags or banners be used at ihe forthcoming demonstrations on New Year ' s Day . " Messrs . Shaw and Clements were duly elected members of the Committee . The friends of Frost , &c . meet every Sunday night , at Bill ' s Coffee Hout-a , Mo 4 » r-street . _ The meeting then adjourned till Tuesday evening next , when all friends of liberty aud humanity are earnestly invited to attend ; the chair to be taken at seven o ' clock precisely . By order of the Committee , W . H . Cotton , T . P . Crken , Dec . 16 th , 1840 . Secretaries . All communications must bo addressed to Mr . James Guest , Treasurer , Steelhouse-lane .
Mrs . Roberts . —Cash received for Mrs . Roberts , by Mr . James Guest , Steelhouse-lane , Birmingham , to Dec . ldth , 1840 :- £ s . d . Amount acknowledged , Dec . 5 .... 3 17 2 Dundee , per J . Fulton 0 5 0 Holloway , Birmingham 0 0 6
i 4 2 8 ARNOLD . —The cause gets on well here , notwithstanding the petty efforts of the factions for its extinction . The Coartists had a chapel on reut , of which they have been deprived ; but they now meet iu a large room , where Mr . Mason lectured to a crowaed audience with great effect ou Wednesday last . GATESHEAD . —We are happy to learn , by a letter from Mr . James Taylor , that Chartism is here progressing wonderfully well . MANSFIELD—On Thurday last , in the Chartist Meeting House , at the top of Rock Valley , which was crowded to excess , Mr . John Mason , of Newcasi ! e-on-Tyue , delivered an animated and soulstirring lecture on the principles of the People's
Charter , showing most clearly that knowledge is the kty-.-tone to powtr ; that n is the unbounded duty of political leaders to spread sound political knowledge amongst the people , and that nothing short of Universal Suffrage will better the condition of the working classes . Immediately after the lecture Mr . Thomas Jemeson , chairman , laiornied the meeting that he had business of an important nature to bring before the meeting , respecting the present order ot her Majesty ' s Ministers prohibiting the presentation of petitions to her Majesty on levee days , thereby adding another to the black catalogue of their crimes against the people . The following resolutions were then submitted to the meeting , and unanimously agreed to : —1 . " That this meeting
contemplates with indignation the conduct of her Majesty's Ministers , in the violation of one of the most ancient and sacred privileges of the British constitution , namely , —the right of presenting petitions on levee days to her Majesty ; their whoie conduct proving them enemies to the liberty and well-buing of the working classes ; and we determine never to rest satisfied until we have a ju ^ t aud « quitubie share ol the . representative power in the Commons' House uf Parliament . " 2 . " That we , the men of Mansfield , hereby declare that we will never desist from using every constitutional and legal means in our
power until Messrs . Frost , Williams , and Jones are restored to their homes and families . " 3 . " That the hqpt thanks of this meeting be given to the Rev . A . S . Wade , D . D ., for his truly chriBtian and philanthropic exertions on behalf of our suffering fellow-countrymen . " A vote of thanks was passed to the lecturer and chairman . A strong desire was manifested amongst the people to have Mr . Mason re-appointed as lecturer for tne midland counties . 'A hen the meeting was over , the Council retired with Mr . Mason to Mi * s Simp . ons , Temperance Hotel , Church-street , when Mr . M . kkvc the Council a cheering account of his tour through the midland
counnes . Lecture . —On Monday evening , Dec . 14 , Mr . Beggs , of Nottingham , delivered a lecture on the moral and intellectual advantages arising from total abstinence from the use of intoxicating drink , in the Methodist New Connexion Chapel . MOTTRAIKS . —At a meeting of the Chartists , on the 3 rd instant , it was unanimously agreed never to relax in their efforts until the Charter becomes the law of the lano , and that they hold themselves in readiness to comply with all reasonable conclusions the meeting of delegates may come to as regards a lecturer , and all other things connected with the Chartist cause . The Association has laboured under many difficulties for some time , but is now rapidly progressing .
DBWSBI 7 UT . —National Charter Association . —The cause of Chartism is progressing rapidly in this town . We have formed a teetotal class , and a great many of the Uetotallers have joined us : meetings are held every Sunday evening for reading and discussion , and on Tuesday evenings for the purpose of transacting the business of the Association , and discussions on Chartiam and teetotalism . We are going to begin a night school for adults in the Association Room as soon as possible . On Sunday evening last , Mr . George White , of Leeds , and Mr . Bairstow addressed a numerous and attentive audience . On Sunday next to
( -morrow ) , two strmona -will be preached over the Co-operative Stores ; in the afternoon , at two o ' clock , by Mr . Isaac Clistett , of Heokmondwike , and in the evening , at six o ' clock , by Mr . John Arran , of Bradford . The Association Room will open during the Christinas holidays , when convivial meetings will be held every evening . Mr . Leech is expected here on Christmas Day . and on New Year ' s Day a puMic meeting will be held for Froat , Williams , and Jones , and all imprisoned Chartists , and in the evening a public tea-party . The room is well fitted up with seats , &a , for the accommodation of visitors .
STROUD .-Tbe Chartists of Stroudhave had their Lecture Room quite crowaed of late . Sunday evening last Mr . Sidaway , of Gloucester , preached to a crowded audience from the l' 2 th chapter of Exodus " Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour . " . At a meeting on Monday , it was decided that a Tea Meeting should take place on Saturday , the 26 th , at four o'clock in the afternoon . Tickets to be had at the Association Rooms : at Mr . Pntchard ' s , news agent ; Mr . S . Chissolm , Ivy House , and at the houses of the Committee
KILMARNOCK . —A public meeting was held sometime ago to change the name of our Association from the Ayrshire Universal Suffrage Association , to the Kilmarnock Universal Suifrage Association , and enrol new members , when a good number joined the body . Mr . Walker , oi St . Ann ' s Church , Glasgow , preached three sermons on Sunday , the 29 th ^ November , to a crowded audience . Mr O'Neil delivered three lectures oa the 2 nd , 3 d , and 4 th inst . First lecture on Circulation of the Blood ; second , on the Senses ; third , on the Mind . Ho likewise gave a lecture on the 5 th , on the advantages of the " Charter . " Mr . O'Neil preached three sermons on Sunday , the 6 th inst ., when the hall was crowded . 8 TAPCEPORX ) . —A few friends in this place have formed themselves into an Association . The room which they have engaged for their accommodation has latterly been in the occupation of the Wesleyan Methodists . J
Midland Counties Chabtist Mission . —Mr . John Kason , C . M ., of Neweastle-upon-Tyne , will lecture at the following places , viz : —Nottingham , on Monday evening ; Lambley , on Tuesday evening ; Carrtngton , Wednesday ; Stapleford , Friday . Peteb Foden . —We understand that this person was arrested last night , ( Monday evening ) at the house of P . Ashley , Waterloo Tavern , whilst in the act of selling a few pies for the support of himself aDd family . We understand that hiB family arc in great distress : we trnst they will be looked to by the Chartists in his neighbourhood . <
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SUTTON-IN-ABHFIELD .-Mr Mason delivered an eloquent lecture on Saturday evening last , on the " social and political rights of the , working classes . " After which h « was invited to an entertainment provided by the " Harmonic Society , " at the Chartist reading room , where he again addressed the people assembled ; at the close of which three cheers were given to the lecturer , three for Mr . O'Connor , &c . &o . The greatest harmony prevailed . Mr . Mason also delivered a sermon on Sunday to a crowded audience .
HUCKNAIX AND TORKARD .-Mr . Mason visited this place on Monday morning , and addressed & meeting , and attended a meeting at Basford in the evening , where he lectured to a crowded audience , and was loudly cheered throughout . CA&TON . —A girl , the daughter of a tradesman in the Calton of Glasgow , was severly reprimanded and placed at the bottom of her class by her schoolmaster , for the monstrous crime of attending a Chartist meeting . Oh ! Domini , Domini . —Correspondent .
HAWICK . —At a meeting of the Hawick Chartist Association , on Monday last , the hustings case was taken into consideration , and it was the opinion of the meeting that the case waa one of great and vital importance to the Chartists , not only iu Scotland , but throughout the United Kingdom , and one pound was voted , to bo takeu from the funds , and sint to the committee for defending th © case , and dne pound was voted to the wives and families of the imprisoned Chartists , in addition to the two pounds sent by them on the 24 th ult .
i « at « c hester . —The Committee for managing the procession ou Christmas Day , to welcome into Manchester , Richardson , Doyle , Butterworth Smith , Scott , Johnson , Aitkin , and Wilde , have everything in a state of forwardness . A great number of the trades have sent in tnoir determination to walk in the procession to welcome those who have suffered for nobly advocating the right 3 of labour . The trades and country districts should immediately communicate to the committee their intentions , that be done decentl
everything may y and in order , so that next Christmas Day may display the moralpo wer of a united people doing honour to the great principles of the People ' s Charter . IV committee have resolved to give a public dinner on New Year's Eve , iu the HaU of Science , in honour of the uncompro - mising patriots , who have shewn themselves worthy of all the honours that can be conferred upon them . A great number of the tickets are already sold , and the greatest spirit of enthusiasm pervade the minds of the people .
The Chartist Missionaries . —Mr . Leech , of Manchester , according to the arrangements of the South Lancashire and West Riding Council Meetings , who have mutually agreed to an exchange of lecturers for one month , will commence his tour in the West Riding , oa Monday , at Bradford ; at Queenshead , on Tuesday ; at Ossef-cum-Gawthorp on Wednesday : at Wakeneld , on Thursday ; and at Dewsbury , on Friday , at eight o ' clock eaoh evening . We understand that a number of young men from Ashton intend performing the trial of Emmett this ( Saturday ) evening , the proceeds , after paying expences , to be devoted to the Victim Fund . This is certainly a very grand treat ; and we wish them every succoss in their benevolent and patriotic exertions . We also think it may be regarded as a cheering prospect of mental improvement taking the p ' ace of drunkenness and debasement . The nerformance will take place at seven o ' olock , in the Hall of Science , Manchester .
Frost , Williams , and Jonks . —The Committee forthe getting up of the demonstration for the liberation of Fro 3 t , Williams , and Jones met on Friday evening , in the Executivo Council Room , Mr . Wm . Shearer in the chair . Resolved , 1 . " Tnat we , the Chartists of Manchester , sing the Chartist National Anthem at the opening of the public meetings , onNew Year ' s Day , and that we recommend all other towns to adopt the same plan . 2 . " That a pub'ic meeting bo held in the Carpenter's Hall , on New Year ' s Day , to address her most gracious Majesty to extend the mercy of the Crown , for the return of Frost , Williams , and Jones . "
Lecture . —On Tuesday evening , Mr . Leech delivered a lecture in the Charter Association-room , subjert , " The inefficiency of trades' unions to sustain wages , " wherein he showed that trades' unions , strikes , Ac , although they may act a 3 a check for a while , yet they are not capable of protecting the labourer from the power of capital and increased machinery . Several questions were asked , and satisfactory answers given . The able lecturer pointed out the attainment of the Charter as the only hope of the working classes . At the conclusion of the
lecture , the following resolution was moved by Mr . C . Connor , and seconded by Mr . Thomasson : " This meeting is of opinion , that trades' unions cannot effectually protect the working man ' s rights , and that there is no hope for them until the " People ' s Charter" be established as the law of the land . " It is th « intention of the Chartists to enable Mr . Leech to deliver the same lecture to a large audience as soon as possible , as it is calculated to effect much good . Mr . Leech handles his subject in an able and clear manner .
BRADFORD .-- National Charter Association Council Meeting . —The members of the Council held their weekly meeting as usual , on Saturday evening last , at the Chapel , in Longcroft Place , Mr . Oddy in the chair . The business commenced by the auditors , which had been appointed at a previous meeting , examining the books and accounts of the various associations , and reading over the result . After each bad paid in the contributions of the members , the following resolutions were moved , seconded , and unanimously carried : —" That each councilman and class-leader do
recommend to every merabsr to pay one penny each ^ to raise a fund for the purpose of assisting to defray the funeral expences at the death of any of our members . " 2 . " That our Secretary write to Mr . Tillman for one hundred more cards of membership , and request him to forward them as speedily as possible . " The cause is progressing in Bradford most extraordinary , although we have had five hundred cards of membership , and have disposed of them all ; fresh applications are being made every week , from nearly every quarter of the town . This is as it should be . Men of Bradford , contribute your pennies cheerfully for the above benevolent
purpose . Frost , Williams , and Jones ' s Restoration Committee met on Sunday last , at the temperance house of Mr . George Ellis , opposite Dead-lanetop . Goodmansend ; the minutes of the previous meeting being read and confirmed , a letter was read from Mr . Watkins , of Aislaby Hall , in answer to one which bad been gent him , inviting him to attend at the Bradford Demonstration on New Year ' s Day . Mr . Watkins states he cannot accept the invitation of the good Ch . rtiuts of Bradford , but he trusts they will have no difficulty in finding one more fitter and worthier than t ; e . After it had been determined on what music to engage for th © procession and tea party , the following
resolution was moved , seconded , and curried : — "That the following be the persons to whom tickets shall be delivered for sale for the tea party and ball : Mr . Goldsborongh , Goodmansend ; Mr . Tliorntun , socialist cooperative shop ; Mrs . Smith , Thompson ' s-hoases ; Mr . Wilkinson , Southgate ; Mr . Hodgson , Queen-street ; Mr . H . Burnett , Reform-street ; Mr . G . Eilis , newsagent , Goodraansend ; Mr . AUlerson , Manningham Mr . Kiley , White-ubbey ; Mr . Mitchell , Swaine-greea ' Mr . Turner , Lidget-green ; Mr . Eteworth , Park-lane-Mr . Burrows , Great Herton ; Mr . Heaton , Little Horton-green ; Mr . Hird , Bowling Back-lane ; and Mr . Carrodus , North-street We understand the tickets wiil be ready for sale at any of the above places this day .
SAXS 7 Hint . —The Chartists of this spirited place had a meeting on Sunday last , Mr . Thomaa Mercer in the chair . The resolution passed at the Bradford council meeting was read over aud taken into consideration , and every member highly approves of the plan . Resolutions were passed condemnatory of the conduot of the Whigs , and pledging themselves neither to be tnrned to the right or to the left , but to persevere until the people ' s Charter become the law of the laud . LEEDS . —Total Abstinence Chartist Association . —This Association is now becoming well organised , and is already a great eye-sore to the discomfited Whigs , who have some reason to feel uneasy from ihe blow given by the Association to their usurped authority . We roioice to hear that
the proceedings of the Association are conducted with so much decorum , and in such a business-like manner . There is nothing like banishing the pint , and keeping aloof from the pot-house . We wish all the Chartists would " go and do likewise . " At the weekl y meeting held on Monday evening last , the following resolutions were unanimously agreed to ; Mr . Oldroyd in the chair . Proposed by Mr . W . Rider , and seconded by Mr . W . Hick , 1 . " That the members of this Association , having heard that the ludicrous and puerile controversy , lately entered into between the Editors of the Leeds Mercury , and Mr . Hatner Stansiicld , is on the point of termination , now tender their thanks to the disputants tor the benefit conferred by them on the Charms cauee , by sliowiug that the "finality" system has ho other prop but sophistry of the most threadbare
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and flimsy description , and that the " expediency " men , or Household Suffrageites , hare no means of supporting their preposterons notions , but bj the < : violation' of every principle of ratiocination , justice , and equity . " Proposed by Mr . James Parker , seconded by Mr . Henry Thompson , That this Association views with feelings of deep regret the mauy abuses that have crept into the religious institutions of this country , pauiculariy the gross neglect of duty evinced by the socalled " Ministers of the Gospel , " who , while professing to promote " peace on earth and good-will towards men , " pander to the vices of the rich and assist io the work of misrule and the prolongation of the sufferings of the people . It is therefore resolved that , as soon as possible , a suitable place be rented for divine service , aud the utmost ftxartions
be made to- remove the declension complained of , and to propagate the doctrines of Christianity in their purity . " Proposed by Mr . John M'Arty , seconded by Mr . Wiffiam Gallaugher , " That the thanks of this Association be given to Mr . Dover and his spirited coadjutors for their opposition to , and expose * of , the hypocrisy of those sanctimonious humaniiymongers , who- carry thoir sympathy to th * remote corners of the earth , and impugu the conduct oi ' foreign taskmakers , wliilo they not only wink at the more iniquitous acts of the tyrants at home , but , both direotly and indirectly , Tabouv to increase the misery and perpetuate the bondage of their own countrymen . " Proposed by Mr * W . Hick , seconded by Mr . Parker , " That tne Rev . Wm . Hill , Mr . doshua Hobson , aud Mr . T .-B . Smith , be invited to attend the tea party and meeting on New Year ' s Day . "
South Ward Nawonal Charter Association . — A meeting of the above Association was held at the Grove Inn , Victoria-road , on Tuesday evening , for the purpose of hearing au address from Mr . George White . Shortly after eight o ' clock , the chair was taken by Mr . Kitaon , who opened the proceedings in a brief and judicious address , and concluded by introducing Mr . White , who emered at length into the cause of the present distressed condition of the working classes , and shewed the manner in which the labour of the working classes is swallowed up by the present ruinous and unjust system . He then exposed the fallacy and deception of the pretended advocates of Household Suffrage—warned the working men to be on their guard on the day of the " Fox and Gaosa" demonstration at Marshall's
mill , and shew to the world that the time for gulling the working classes had gone by . After describing the political dishonesty and baseness of O'Connell , wko it is understood is one of tho guests invited by the Leeds foxes , and requesting them to use their best exertions to give him a warm reception , he concluded , and was succeeded by Mr . Andrew Gardiner , Secretary to the Leeds National Charter Association , who briefly addressed them on the necessity of increased exc-rtion and perseverance . Thanks were then voted to Messrs . White and Gardiner for their attendance ; several new members enrolled their names , and the meeting separated . The men of Leeds are arousing from their slumbers , and are beginning to take up the question of the " Charter ** with aeal and energy .
WOHTLEY . —The principles of Chartism are spreading rapidly through the amall towns in the neighbourhood of Leeds , and in none more than Wortley . In consequence of an announcement by the bellman that Mr . George White , of Leeds , would deliver a lecture on Monday evening , on the subject oi' Obartlsm , at eight o ' clock , the large room of the New Inn , Upper Wortley , was filled , immediately after which time Mr . Whit * arrived . Mr . Fletcher was unanimously called to thp chair , and commenced the business by a neat and appro priate speech , at the conclusion of which he introduced Mr . George White , of Leeds , who addressed the meeting for au hour or more . In the courso of his remarks , he entered into a full explanation of the various points in tho Peoples Charter , exposed the
villany and deception of the Whigs , entered into a comparison of the relativo merits of Household and Universal Suffrage , shewed up the Household Suffrage and anti-Cum Law agitators , as a body of men having no sympathy with the people , aud whose only object was to distract and divide them . He concluded by observing that it was currently reported that Daniel O'Connell was expected to attend tlie Fox and Goos « demonstration , and hoped that every real Chartis . would be at his poat to declare that he would not hold communion with that traitor to liberty and betrayer of the poor factory child , and sat down amidst loud aud repeated cheers . A man describing himself as an operative Conservative , here stood up and asked Mr . White tbe following question : — " If the BaPot was granted along with tiie other points in the Charter ,
would you allow the Members of Parliament to vote by Ballot also ? " To thia Mr . White replied , that as the members would be paid for their work it was only reasonable that we should know whether they do it properly or not ; and also that if the members were allowed to vote by Ballot , we couli ) not tell the good from the bad . This explanation was cot deemed satisfactory to the discerning mind of the operative Conservative . The Chairman then inquired whether any others had a question to aak , and none appearing , he called upon all who felt the truth of Chartist principles and the necessity of union , to come forward and enrol their names as members of the National Charter Association . A lurgo number of perrons wore then em-oiled . A vote « f thaulcs wus given by acclamation to Mr . White for his services , and also to the Chairman for his praiseworthy conduct , and the meeting seDarated .
STOCKPORT . —On Wednesday , December 9 th , Mr . Jamea Leech gave a lecture in the Associatiouroom , Bomber ' e-brow , in which he contrasted the condition of the people ono hundred years ago , with their situation at present ; he exhibited in glowing colours the inroads madeuponihe rights of industry ; after which Mr . John Wright was called upon to give a report of the delegate meeting at Maccles-Held , at which the following resolutions were carried : 1 . Resolved , " That a county lecturer be postponed till next delegate meeting , and that local
lecturers be appointed in the interim , the various towns ohanging with each other . " 2 . " That John Wright deliver a lecture at Macclesfield , on Monday evening , and another at Congleton , on Tuesday evening . " And we recommend the following for the consideration of the various counties : — "That evfiry fifth week , the agents of the Northern Star give up the profits towards the" Victim Fund , " that the lecturer , when appointed , be the sole agent , and that he forward the Stars to every society , and the profits be appropriated to the above-named purpose . "
w . OHAM .- 'lffo most excellent lectures were delivered in Greaves-street Room ,-in the afternoon and evening of Sunday last , by Mr . Gre ; . ves , of Shaw , and ' Mr . F . Lewis , of Oldham . On Sunday ( to-morrow ) in the afternoon , Mr . Swan , o : * Adhton , will preach a sermon , aiicl in the evening Mr . Connor , of Manchester , will delive . r a lecture . A Committee has been appointed to arrango for a public demonstration on New Year's Day iu aid of H : ose respected patriots , Frost , Williams , and Jones .
n ^ wcastie-UPOn-tyns—National Charter Association . —The members of tha Oiiseburn district met on Sunday movuing last , at half-past t * n o ' clock , in their reading-room , Brough's Buildings , near Byker Bar . After the balance-sheet had been read over and adopted by the meeting , a letter was read from tho Northern Liberator , and signed by the name of " Edward Alport , " making an attack on ouraddress , which appeared in the above-named paper on Nov . 14 th , and the procession that took place from the Ballast Hills , on the late visit of Mr . White to Newcastle . This brought forward a motion from one of the members , which was carried unanimously , to the effect that Mr . John Hall be empowered to answer it on behalf of this Association . A discussion then ensued on the demonstration that
is expected to take place in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on New Year ' s Day , on behalf of those muchlamented patriots , Frost , Williams , and Jones , when the members agreed to a man to attend that meeting . A conversation then took place on the good that might be derived from Benefit Societies , in connection with the Chartist Association , when it was agreed to let it stand over until the next meeting , which will take place on Sunday , Dec . 20 th , at halfpast ten o ' clock in tne morning precisely . It is particularly requested that all who are favourable to Benefit Societies being established in connection with Charter Associations will attend ; and as there will be a new Council to nominate , aud other important business brought before the meeting , : we hope every member will be present . i ; : "" ¦ -
On Monday , 7 th inst ., Mr . Byriie " visited the Chartists of awalwell . On Thursday the 10 th inst ., Mr . B . visited Cramlington , and its ' vicinity . An excellent spirit manifested itself amongst tbe pitmen . On Friday he visited Bedlington , and on Saturday visjted Biyth . Mr . B . will lecture at the following places next week , namely , Monday , 21 st inst ., at Kenton and Fawdon ; on Thursday , 24 th , at Usworth ; on Friday , 25 th , a $ Cramiington and Legbell ; and on Saturday , the 26 th , at Blyth , each evening at four o ' clock .
NAKTWICH .- —The Chartists of this place have come to the resolution of joining the National Charter Association . They have begun to meet in classes , and have signified their intention of contributing towards the support , of a delegate to attend the approaching meeting to be held in Macclesfield .
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¦ j 8 r& \ -j i * JJk * WEWTOH H £ AT& . ^ Mfc TOIILvbl SImmm ^ ^^^ fe H ^ privile « e »^^^ S classes ,-and- did ample justice to tho subject , toilw - pat eatisfaction ofhis hearers . At the conclusion ten n « w members were added . Mr . Cartledge de-« 7 e ^* ? o i ' . " ^ eating lecture on the importance otalltne leading men in the Chartist ranks taking thartism and Teeiotalian hand in hand , hoping fe 13 *!?? ™? W **>* : P
^ u ^ . ""^ *• » a » ciple , which , ho said , would help forward the cause ot liberty and morality . After which the iollowiiiir reflations were carried :-l . "That it ia the opinion of this meeting that a great deal of good would be done if every Chartist who takes the Star would aotia it to Ireland , to spread the principles of the Charter , opening the eyes of the people of that much-qpp * fis * ed and insulted country to the trickery of PaTiiel O'ConneH . " 2 . "That every town in England and Wales oneht to send a delegate to Leeds , to meet that base traitor of his country , and put a few plain questions to him . "
NEWCASTUB . UNDmfc « I . YNE —A few spirited individuals in this ancient Tory Borough have opened a public lecture room , for the diffusion of Chartism , and the defence of the lights of labour . On Tnesday evening , the 8 uii inst ., they held thour first meeting , when the room was completely filled , many persons going back without gaining admittance . It was leered the authorities of the town would have interfered , but happily it was not so . On tho appearanca of a few friends from Hanley , they wero loudly cheered , after whieb the business of the meeting was opened . Mr . € r . Mart , of Stoko , being calied to the chair , explained to them in an able and eloquent address the rights of
Englishmen to the land oi their birth , and contrasted the effects of commercial competition with the results of a good and well-regulated system of domestic policy ; be produced a lasting impression upon-the meeting . Mr . Moses Simpson being eailed upon , expounded the principles of the Charterwith great effect , and contended that as property was represented , it was but rational that labour should be represented , labour being the basis of all property . After showing the superiority of Democratic Governments , ho challenged discussion on the Charter principles . No ocjectioas being made he moved
, the following resolution : — " That this meeting pledges imelf , by all the means in its power , to carry out the principles of the Charter . ' Mr Jamea Oldham , in seconding tha resolution , compared tho wag . * of the labourers of this district with the money paid to the useless- paupers of the state . Tho resolution was carried unanimously . After which Mr . Ralph Green showed the wisdom of the middle class joining the working men for tho obtfiinnusnt of their rights . The meeting was what is generally called a respectable one , and at the close mauy members were enrolled in the National Association .
BRISTOL . — National Chabter Association Council Meetings . —On Wednesday evening , a public meeting was convened , at which it was agreed that a petition to the Queen , on behalf of Henry Vincent , should be presented to her Majesty , and forwarded to Lord Normanby for presentation , and tiiat a committee of two be appointed to draw up the same : that the Secretary do forthwith issue sheets for signature , and place a placard outside his shop , No . 1 , Temple-street ,. signifying that the petition would there lie for signature . The petition has been sent I * , the Seers ; ary to Lord Normanby , having beenfaipned by 1 , 500 persons in less than
three days . pn Friday evening , after the enrolment of several n * w members and tho dispatch of the financial business , it was resolved that ilie Association be called / together on Tuesday evening next , at eight o ' clock ? to elect their representative for the County Counlil , to be held according to advortisement , at th £ Magnet Inn , Union-street , Gloucester , on MoDday n the 21 st ult . Several other motions of minor importance were duly disposed of , and the business closed at ten o ' clock . The Council was thig evening visited by one of the Welch patriots , John Rees , on his road home to Newport , from the Milbank Penitentiary .
DUBLIN . —At a meeting of the Charter Asao ^ ciation . of this city , held in their Room , No . 8 , Golden-Lane , on Monday , tha 14 th instant , Mr . Rafter in the cha : r , it was moved by Mr . Norton , and seconded by Mr . Dillan , "That the thanks of the CnartiHts of Dublin are duo , and hereby given , to their noble , higb-minued , and patriotic brethren in England , Scuuaud , and Wales , who havo so liberally contributed to the wants of the Association , by sendidg that ; inminary of truth and reason , the Northern Star . " Moved-by Mr . Toole , and seconded by Mr . Fuzpatriok , " That the thanks of this meeting be g » t ; n to the Editor of the Northern Star , for the lively interest he lias taken in defence of tho rights of Irishmen , and for the masterly , talented , and independent manner he has exposed the lordly tyranny and villany practised by putty demagogues over the poor fanners aud cottiers in Ireland .
CHnvrsRFnsTjD a braiwpton . —National Charter Association . —At our weekly meeting , held on Mouduy-evening Ia ; t , according to previous announcement , we preceded to the election of a Councilor for the next three months . An old veteran in the Radical cause , of nearly forty years' standing , was elected President . Our cause here is steadily progressing , fresh members entering every meeting . We have transmitted the names of our Council to toe ExjcuUvo at Manchester for confirmation . At tho clone of the meeting it was proposed and carried , that five shillings be tent to the Executive at
Manchester . Just as we were leaving our mcetin " , we wero informed the Town Council had been having a hole-and-corner meeting , to congratulate her Majesty on her safe delivery of a Princess Royal , and represented the meeting as the inhabitants of thiB torough ; and it is well known the inhabitants never knew of it until it was over . The " base , bloody , and brutal Whigs" know that our Chartist friends have defeated their humbug stuff almost everywhere where they have called publio mo ^ tinirs , and they are afraid of being m the same predicament in Chesterfield .
STOURBRVDGE . —A public meeting of the National Charter Association was held in the Social Institution , on Wednesday last , Dec . 9 th . At the hour appointed , the Large Room waa filled with working men . Mr . J . Paget , being called to the chair , opened the business in a neat speech , and called on AJr . Wm . Bowker to move the first resolution , — " It is the opinion of this meeting that good and wholesome laws can never be enacted 80 long as the great mass of the people havo no voice in choosing those who make the laws they are called upon to obey ; therefore , this meeting pledges itself to use every legal and constitutional means in its power io make the People ' s Charter the law of the
land ; " seconded by Mr . John Chance . Mr . Charlton , of Kidderminster , supported the resolution . He explained at great length the principles of the Charter , and sat down amidst the applause of the meeting . Mr . Kelly then moved the following resolution— " That this meeting do individually and collectively demand the restoration of Frost , Williams , and Jones ; also , 'that this meeting give their hearty co-operatiou to the Gsneral Committee of Birmingham for that desirable object . " He briefly urged the meeting to exert themselves for the liberation
of the-e noble-minded patriots ; Mr . J . Chance seconded the resolution . Mr . T . P . Green , of BiK mingham , spoke in support of the resolution , and showed the virtues of the noble-minded Frost . Mr . Roube , of Birmingham , briefly addressed the meeiing in support of the resolution . Both the resolutions were carried unanimously . After a vote of thanks to Messrs . Charlton , Green , Rouse , and the Chairman , the meeting quietly separated , highly satisfied with the-proceediugs of the evening , of which we have the best proof in the enrolment of a number of new members .
KIODEBMtNSTEU . —The Charter Association of this town is still increasing ; at the council meeting on Monday night last , it was proposed and seconded that our secretary do write to the secretaries of the association in the aojoining towns , to take into consideration the propriety of a County Delegate Meeting , and it was aiso proposed and carried unanimously , that the sum of £ 2 be sent to the Executivo Council at Manchester , lor the relief of the wives and families of the incarcerated Chartists , and it is hoped that after the 29 th inst ., when the tea party and , ball takes place , the Council will be able to make a further remittance . The next Council meeting will be held at the Freemasons ' Inn , on Monday , the 21 st inst .
HZBHTHY TYDVIL .-The Frost , Williams , and Jones' Restoration Committee met as usual on Thursday night , for the dispatch of business in connection with the intended Christmas Day ' s demonstration iu favour of our never-to-be-forgotten friends , Messrs . Frost , Williams , and Jones . Mr . Turpin having been called to the chair , several speakers addressed the meeting , and submitted the following resolutions : —1 . " That a public meeting of the inhabitants of Merthyr and its vicinity will take place on Christmas Day next , before the New Market House , for the purpose of addressing the Queen , for the restoration of Frost , Wit liams , and Jones . The friends of justice to meet at the Association Room at twelve o ' clock , and to
walk in procession to the place of meeting ; the chair to be taken at one o ' clock precisely . " 2 . "That the secretary should write a letter of invitation to Mr . Bartlett . of Bath , to attend our meeting on that day , and likewise to lln . John Frost , Mrs . Williams , and Mrs . Jones , to bOMur the meeting with their presence on the taste djgt * ¦ 3 . " That a requisite number of circulars " * WMR . TH i * printed and sent to every minister of the fininflj j ' . inviting them to come and take part in the deaei ? . Jw ^ I stration for justice on Christmas -D » J / 5 S ^ " mWT *' 4 . " That the secretary should write to Ud ^ S ^^ MlJ ^ Guest , to ascertain whether any Hnninri / TWhfheiib" "''[ r ** used on the occasion . " Collections were umSSmi * &@i $ ' made in the room , and instruction giTMtt £ iiMKi&& ^ class-leader to bring in his mite on tne * && $ &&&& * ' mittee night . Things promise to torn «* wflffi ^ hf ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' . v . fcjiiii
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- ' - - * ' *? ¦ " ¦; . ' ¦ "¦ AND LEEDS GENERAL ADVERTISER .
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VOL . IV . ISO . 162 . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 19 , 1840 **« : * v *™***** , ******** , 07 ¦>¦ ¦¦ > vrav T Ply qamingg gw tfoartgr .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 19, 1840, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse-os.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/king-y1kbzq92ze2715/page/1/